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См. также в других словарях:

  • Фавен, Антти — Антти Фавен Antti Favén Имя при ро …   Википедия

  • Pentti Holappa — est né le 11 août 1927 à Ylikiiminki dans le nord de la Finlande. Autodidacte, il a publié une quinzaine de recueils de poèmes, six romans et quelques essais. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Prix littéraires 3 Bibliographie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Eero Järnefelt — Autoportrait de Eero Järnefelt Erik (Eero) Nikolai Järnefelt (né le 8 novembre 1863 à Viipuri, décédé le 15 novembre 1937 à Helsinki) est un peintre et professeur finlandais. Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ниеминен, Фолке Эйнович — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Ниеминен. Фолке Эйнович Ниеминен Художник Фолке Ниеминен …   Википедия

  • Lasse Lehtinen — 2008 bei der Buchmesse in Turku Lasse Antero Lehtinen (* 23. Januar 1947 in Kotka) ist ein finnischer Politiker der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Finnlands und zurzeit Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments. Er ist auch als Journalist, Schriftsteller …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Finlandia Prize — The Finlandia Prize (Finlandia palkinto) is the most prestigious literary award in Finland by the Finnish Book Foundation. It is awarded annually to the author of the best novel written by a Finnish citizen (Finlandia Award), children s book… …   Wikipedia

  • History of women in the military — The history of women in the military is one that extends over 4000 years into the past, throughout a vast number of cultures and nations. Women have played many roles in the military, from ancient warrior women, to the women currently serving in… …   Wikipedia

  • Leena Krohn — (born February 28, 1947) is a Finnish author. Her large and varied body of works includes novels, short stories, children s books as well as essays. In her books she repeatedly deals with topics like man s relationship with himself and the world …   Wikipedia

  • Matti Haapoja — Background information Birth name Matti Haapoja Born September 16, 1845(1845 09 16) Turku, Finland Died January 8, 1895( …   Wikipedia

  • Pentti Holappa — (born August 11, 1927) is a Finnish poet and writer. Born in Ylikiiminki to a family of modest means, he held numerous jobs before becoming Minister of Culture. Self educated, he has published close to fifteen volumes of poetry, six novels, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Finlandia-Preis — Der Finlandia Preis (finnisch Finlandia palkinto, schwedisch Finlandiapriset) ist einer der renommiertesten Literaturpreise Finnlands. Auswahl Der Finlandia Preis wird jährlich seit 1984 von der Finnischen Buchstiftung (finnisch Suomen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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