1 multistory frame
- multistory frame
- nмногоярусная стержневая конструкция, многоярусный каркас
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > multistory frame
2 multistory frame
Строительство: многоярусная стержневая конструкция, многоярусный каркас -
3 multistory frame
многоярусная стержневая конструкция, многоярусный каркас -
4 frame
- frame
- n1. стержневая конструкция, каркас; рама
2. дверная или оконная коробка
- A frame
- arched frame
- balloon frame
- braced frame
- bracing frame
- building frame
- chassis frame of crane mounting
- complex frame
- continuous rigid frame
- continuous frame
- conveyor belt frame
- door frame
- filter frame
- fir frame
- fixed frame
- grouted frame
- high-rise building frames
- hingeless frame
- hopper frame
- imperfect frame
- knocked-down frame
- lifting frame
- measuring frame
- moment-resisting space frame
- multiple frame
- multispan frame
- multistory frame
- no-hinged frame
- one-span frame
- orthogonal space frame
- pile frame
- plane frame
- portal frame
- precast concrete frame
- reinforced concrete tower frames
- rigid frame
- rigid portal frame
- rolling shutter frame
- semirigid frame
- several stories high frame
- single swing frame
- site-cast concrete frame
- skewed space frame
- space frame
- steel rigid frame
- steel frame
- steel tube space frame
- structural frame
- structural steelwork frame
- three-dimensional frame
- three-hinged frame
- three-pinned frame
- tie frames
- timber frame
- window frame
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
5 frame
1) конструкция, сооружение, строение; скелет сооружения; каркас; рама, рамка; станина; корпус2) ферма, стропила3) козлы; дуга; скоба4) стойка; колонка; траверса5) границы, пределы, рамки6) система отсчёта, система координат7) создавать, вырабатывать8) собирать ( конструкцию)9) оправлять•- A-frame - adjustable frame - all concrete frame - all-welded frame - angle iron frame - balloon frame - bearing frame - bent frame - body frame - boring frame - box-section frame - box- frame - braced frame - bracing frame - building frame - built-up frame - cab frame - carriage frame - catch frame - channel frame - chassis frame - closed rigid frame - composite truss frame - concrete frame - curved frame - door frame - engine frame - filter frame - finder frame - foundation frame - gate frame - grouted frame - guide frame - half-lattice frame - hanger frame - high-pressure gate frame - hinged frame - hingeless frame - horizontal frame - imperfect frame - jigging frame - knee frame - lattice frame - leader frame - main frame - measuring frame - metal frame - moment-resisting space frame - multiple-bay frame - portal frame - redundant frame - reinforced concrete frame - reinforced concrete skeleton frame - rigid frame - rotary frame - saw frame - self-stressed frame - skeleton frame - skeleton frame construction - slider frame - space frame - steel frame - stiff frame - stiffening frame - supporting frame - travelling frame - window frame* * *1. стержневая конструкция, каркас; рама2. дверная или оконная коробка- A frame
- arched frame
- balloon frame
- braced frame
- bracing frame
- building frame
- chassis frame of crane mounting
- complex frame
- continuous rigid frame
- continuous frame
- conveyor belt frame
- door frame
- filter frame
- fir frame
- fixed frame
- grouted frame
- high-rise building frames
- hingeless frame
- hopper frame
- imperfect frame
- knocked-down frame
- lifting frame
- measuring frame
- moment-resisting space frame
- multiple frame
- multispan frame
- multistory frame
- no-hinged frame
- one-span frame
- orthogonal space frame
- pile frame
- plane frame
- portal frame
- precast concrete frame
- reinforced concrete tower frames
- rigid frame
- rigid portal frame
- rolling shutter frame
- semirigid frame
- several stories high frame
- single swing frame
- site-cast concrete frame
- skewed space frame
- space frame
- steel rigid frame
- steel frame
- steel tube space frame
- structural frame
- structural steelwork frame
- three-dimensional frame
- three-hinged frame
- three-pinned frame
- tie frames
- timber frame
- window frame -
6 building
1) постройка; строение; здание; сооружение; комплекс зданий3) строительный•- abutting buildings - accessory building - additional building - administrative building - air-conditioned building - ancillary building - arch building - basic building - bay-type building - bay-type industrial building - bridge building - business building - civic building - cold-weather building - community building - concrete-steel building - control building - convertible building - deckhead building - detached building - detention building - dilapidated building - domestic building - ecclesiastical building - engine building - engineering building - exhibition building - fabricated building - flat building - framed building - frame-panel building - functional building - hall building - hall-type industrial building - heapstead building - high-density apartment building - high-rise apartment building - high-rise building - intelligent building - integrated building - jerry building - line building - low-rise apartment building - market building - medium-rise apartment building - memorial building - mill building - model building - modular building - monastic building - multispan industrial building - multispan complex industrial building - multistorey apartment building - multistoreyed building - multistoreyed garage building - municipal building - office building - one-storey building - pavilion-like building - prefabricated building - prefabricated reusable building - process building - production building - pseudodipteral building - public building - railroad building - residence building - residential building - residential and community building - ribbon building - ruinous building - sectional building - set-back building - single-aisle building - single-storey building - smallholding building - speculative building - speculative building of flats - sporadic building - sport building - sports building - standardized building - station building - steel frame mill building - stone building - storage building - store building - stressed-skin building - system building - temporal building - temporary building - tenement building - theatre building - tier building - timber building - tower building - towerlike building - two-aisle building - tyre building - universal building - walk-up building - water-conditioning building* * *1. здание; сооружение; постройка; строение; корпус2. строительство; возведение зданийbuilding constructed to 12 m grid — здание с сеткой колонн 12*12 м
building ready for moving-in — здание «под ключ»
- above-grade buildingbuilding up of surface layer — нанесение поверхностного слоя (напр. бетона при торкретировании)
- above-ground building
- abutting buildings
- accessory building
- administration building
- agricultural building
- agricultural production building
- airport building
- all-brick building
- all-metal building
- ancillary building
- arch building
- bank building
- bearing-wall building
- beautifully detailed building
- bedroom building
- bridge building
- central-corridor residential building
- centralized building
- centrally-planned building
- cherished building
- civic building
- cold-weather building
- communal building
- complicated building
- concrete building
- concrete-frame building
- curved building
- demountable building
- domestic building
- earthquake resistance building
- earth-sheltered building
- ecclesiastic building
- educational building
- energy-efficient building
- expo building
- factory building
- factory-built building
- farm building
- fireproof building
- framed building
- frame building
- functional building
- government building
- great public building
- heavy industrial building
- heightened building
- high-rise building
- historic building
- home building
- hostel building
- industrial building
- industrialized building
- industrial production building
- inflatable building
- integrated building
- large-panel building
- light industrial building
- line building
- link building
- loft building
- low-energy building
- low rise building
- main building
- manufacturing building
- memorial building
- mill building
- minor industrial building
- module-built building
- multicompartment building
- multifamily residential building
- multipurpose building
- multistory building
- multiuse building
- municipal buildings
- neighboring buildings
- nondomestic building
- nonresidential building
- office building
- permanent buildings
- portal framed building
- porticoed building
- post-frame building
- post-tensioned building
- precast concrete building
- precast concrete demountable building
- precast concrete framed building
- pre-engineered metal building
- prefabricated building
- pressurized building
- production building
- public building
- public service buildings
- quickly erected building
- racetrack building
- railway buildings
- raised building
- ramshackle building
- rectilinear building
- relocatable building
- repellent looking building
- residence building
- ribbon building
- riverside building
- school building
- science building
- set-back building
- single story building
- site-cast concrete building
- skeleton building
- solar building
- split-level building
- sports building
- steel building
- steel-framed building
- steel-frame building
- steel framed multistory buildings
- storage building
- stuccoed building
- subtle building
- systems building
- tall block building
- tapering building
- temporary buildings
- terminal building
- terraced buildings
- three-dimensional module house building
- three-dimensional house building
- three-floored building
- tier building
- tower building
- tropical building
- turn-key type building
- typical apartment building
- unassertive building
- unit-built building
- university building
- unserviceable building
- ventilation building
- walk-up building
- waterside building
- wing-shaped building
- winter building -
7 building
- building
- n1. здание; сооружение; постройка; строение; корпус
2. строительство; возведение зданий
building constructed to 12 m grid — здание с сеткой колонн 12*12 м
building ready for moving-in — здание «под ключ»
building up of surface layer — нанесение поверхностного слоя (напр. бетона при торкретировании)
- above-grade building
- above-ground building
- abutting buildings
- accessory building
- administration building
- agricultural building
- agricultural production building
- airport building
- all-brick building
- all-metal building
- ancillary building
- arch building
- bank building
- bearing-wall building
- beautifully detailed building
- bedroom building
- bridge building
- central-corridor residential building
- centralized building
- centrally-planned building
- cherished building
- civic building
- cold-weather building
- communal building
- complicated building
- concrete building
- concrete-frame building
- curved building
- demountable building
- domestic building
- earthquake resistance building
- earth-sheltered building
- ecclesiastic building
- educational building
- energy-efficient building
- expo building
- factory building
- factory-built building
- farm building
- fireproof building
- framed building
- frame building
- functional building
- government building
- great public building
- heavy industrial building
- heightened building
- high-rise building
- historic building
- home building
- hostel building
- industrial building
- industrialized building
- industrial production building
- inflatable building
- integrated building
- large-panel building
- light industrial building
- line building
- link building
- loft building
- low-energy building
- low rise building
- main building
- manufacturing building
- memorial building
- mill building
- minor industrial building
- module-built building
- multicompartment building
- multifamily residential building
- multipurpose building
- multistory building
- multiuse building
- municipal buildings
- neighboring buildings
- nondomestic building
- nonresidential building
- office building
- permanent buildings
- portal framed building
- porticoed building
- post-frame building
- post-tensioned building
- precast concrete building
- precast concrete demountable building
- precast concrete framed building
- pre-engineered metal building
- prefabricated building
- pressurized building
- production building
- public building
- public service buildings
- quickly erected building
- racetrack building
- railway buildings
- raised building
- ramshackle building
- rectilinear building
- relocatable building
- repellent looking building
- residence building
- ribbon building
- riverside building
- school building
- science building
- set-back building
- single story building
- site-cast concrete building
- skeleton building
- solar building
- split-level building
- sports building
- steel building
- steel-framed building
- steel-frame building
- steel framed multistory buildings
- storage building
- stuccoed building
- subtle building
- systems building
- tall block building
- tapering building
- temporary buildings
- terminal building
- terraced buildings
- three-dimensional module house building
- three-dimensional house building
- three-floored building
- tier building
- tower building
- tropical building
- turn-key type building
- typical apartment building
- unassertive building
- unit-built building
- university building
- unserviceable building
- ventilation building
- walk-up building
- waterside building
- wing-shaped building
- winter building
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
8 tower
- tower
- n1. башня; здание башенного типа
2. пилон (напр. висячего моста); опора ( ЛЭП)
3. вышка
4. колонный аппарат
- aeration tower
- A-frame tower
- airport traffic control tower
- air-spripping tower
- atmospheric cooling tower
- atmospheric water tower
- bell tower
- biological tower
- boring tower
- clock tower
- control tower
- cooling tower
- counterflow cooling tower
- crane tower
- crossflow cooling tower
- diagonally braced frames tower
- double pylon tower
- drip-type cooling tower
- drop cooling tower
- elevator tower
- erection tower
- fan cooling tower
- film cooling tower
- fire tower
- fixed tower
- forced draft cooling tower
- gabled tower
- hinged tower
- hoisting tower
- hoist tower
- hyperbolic cooling tower
- induced draft cooling tower
- inner and outer tower
- intake tower
- king tower
- lantern tower
- lattice tower
- lift tower
- mechanical draft cooling tower
- mobile scaffold tower
- multistory tower
- natural draft cooling tower
- observation tower
- observing tower
- outdoor hoist tower
- overflow tower
- packed tower
- pier tower
- portal tower
- pouring tower
- radiating tower
- radio tower
- satellite tower
- service tower
- signal tower
- single column tower
- single pylon tower
- slewing tower
- spray-filled cooling tower
- spray cooling tower
- stationary tower
- surge tower
- telecommunication tower
- telescopic tower
- television tower
- tiltable tower
- tourist tower
- transmission tower
- tray tower
- ventilation cooling tower
- viewing tower
- water tower
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
9 tower
1) башня; колокольня; вышка; мачта; опора ( ЛЭП)2) небоскрёб; высотное здание ( здание выше 10 этажей)3) ж-д. пост централизации4) пилон, опора ( линии электропередачи)•- aeration tower - air traffic control tower - anchor tower - bell tower - boom tower - boring tower - concrete cooling tower - concreting tower - control tower - counterweight tower - crane tower - derrick tower - double pylon tower - drill tower - dump tower - elevator tower - erection tower - fire tower - floodlight tower - free-standing bell tower - intake tower - king tower - lantern tower - lattice tower - lead tower - lifting tower - metal tower - mobile tower - non-rotary tower - pier tower - pile driver tower - portal tower - pouring tower - purifying tower - rotary tower - scaffold tower - scissor tower - self-lifting tower - service tower - silo tower - solid web tower - staircase tower - strain tower - tail tower - tank tower - telescopic tower - television tower - transmission tower - trellis tower - tube tower - unsheltered water tower - water tower* * *1. башня; здание башенного типа2. пилон (напр. висячего моста); опора ( ЛЭП)3. вышка4. колонный аппарат- aeration tower
- A-frame tower
- airport traffic control tower
- air-spripping tower
- atmospheric cooling tower
- atmospheric water tower
- bell tower
- biological tower
- boring tower
- clock tower
- control tower
- cooling tower
- counterflow cooling tower
- crane tower
- crossflow cooling tower
- diagonally braced frames tower
- double pylon tower
- drip-type cooling tower
- drop cooling tower
- elevator tower
- erection tower
- fan cooling tower
- film cooling tower
- fire tower
- fixed tower
- forced draft cooling tower
- gabled tower
- hinged tower
- hoisting tower
- hoist tower
- hyperbolic cooling tower
- induced draft cooling tower
- inner and outer tower
- intake tower
- king tower
- lantern tower
- lattice tower
- lift tower
- mechanical draft cooling tower
- mobile scaffold tower
- multistory tower
- natural draft cooling tower
- observation tower
- observing tower
- outdoor hoist tower
- overflow tower
- packed tower
- pier tower
- portal tower
- pouring tower
- radiating tower
- radio tower
- satellite tower
- service tower
- signal tower
- single column tower
- single pylon tower
- slewing tower
- spray-filled cooling tower
- spray cooling tower
- stationary tower
- surge tower
- telecommunication tower
- telescopic tower
- television tower
- tiltable tower
- tourist tower
- transmission tower
- tray tower
- ventilation cooling tower
- viewing tower
- water tower -
10 bent
откос; склон; изгиб; пролёт с одной опорой; рамная опора; плоская рама; гнутый деревянный элемент; с.х. луг; нива; поле; II кривой; изогнутый; коленчатый; гнутый; согнутый- bent axis - bent axis-piston pump - bent branch - bent clamp - bent dipole - bent end - bent ends - bent fracture - bent frame - bent gripper - bent holder - bent-in - bent lever - bent link - bent pin - bent pipe - bent plate - bent rim - bent screw driver - bent section - bent shaft - bent shunk nut tap - bent-shank tap - bent spanner - bent spoke - bent sub - bent switch blade - bent tail dog - bent tile - bent tool - bent washer - bent wrench - arched bent - cold bent - continuous bent - extension bent - framed bent - gable bent - hot bent - inward bent - longitudinal bent - multibay bent - multistory bent - pile bent - rectangular bent - rocker bent - sloping-legs bent - transverse bent - trestle bent - wind bent -
11 tower
1. башня; здание башенного типа2. пилон; опора3. вышка4. колонный аппаратair-spripping tower — башенный аэратор, аэрационная колонна
atmospheric cooling tower — градирня с естественной циркуляцией воздуха, атмосферная градирня
control tower — контрольная башня, башня управления полётами самолётов
5. монтажные леса башенного типа6. монтажная вышка, расчаленная монтажная мачтаhinged tower — качающийся пилон; шарнирно-опёртый пилон
hoist tower — башенный подъёмник; подъёмная башня
7. башенный подьёмник8. шахта лифтаsatellite tower — прислонная техническая башня для инженерного оборудования, санузлов, пожарных лестниц и вертикальных коммуникаций
spray cooling tower — градирня с орошаемой насадкой, брызгальная градирня
telecommunication tower — телекоммуникационная башня, башня-антенна телекоммуникационной сети
transmission tower — башенная опора линий связи; башенная опора ЛЭП
См. также в других словарях:
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high-rise building — Multistory building taller than the maximum height people are willing to walk up, thus requiring vertical mechanical transportation. The introduction of safe passenger elevators made practical the erection of buildings more than four or five… … Universalium
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
architecture — /ahr ki tek cheuhr/, n. 1. the profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments, usually with some regard to aesthetic effect. Architecture often includes design or selection of… … Universalium
Louis Sullivan — Infobox Person name = Louis Henri Sullivan image size = 203px caption = birth date = September 3, 1856 birth place = Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. death date = Dda|1924|4|14|1856|9|3 death place = Chicago, Illinois, U.S. occupation = Architect… … Wikipedia
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Land Rover — Infobox Company company name = Land Rover company company type = Subsidiary foundation = 1948 as a marque of the Rover Company. 1978 Land Rover Limited company established … Wikipedia
Main Street Historic District (Medina, New York) — Main Street Historic District U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic district … Wikipedia
Zdeněk Bažant — Zdeněk Pavel Bažant (b. December 10, 1937) is McCormick School Professor and Walter P. Murphy Professor of Civil Engineering and Materials Science in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University s Robert R.… … Wikipedia
Migrant Housing Act of North Carolina — The Migrant Housing Act (MHA) of North Carolina (S.B. 631; North Carolina General Statutes 95 222:229) was made into law in the U.S. state of North Carolina in 1989. It governs migrant workers housing through regulations of housing inspections,… … Wikipedia