1 multiply-accumulate instruction
instruction code — код команды; система команд; набор команд
do-nothing instruction — холостая команда; фиктивная команда
skeleton instruction — команда-заготовка; скелетная команда
English-Russian base dictionary > multiply-accumulate instruction
2 multiply-accumulate instruction
команда умножения с покоплением (промежуточных сумм)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > multiply-accumulate instruction
3 multiply-accumulate instruction
Вычислительная техника: команда умножения с накоплением (промежуточных сумм)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > multiply-accumulate instruction
4 multiply-accumulate instruction
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > multiply-accumulate instruction
5 instruction
2) инструкция; программа действий3) обучение•- accumulator shift instruction
- actual instruction
- address modification instruction
- addressless instruction
- alphanumeric instruction
- alphameric instruction
- arithmetical instruction
- arithmetic instruction
- assignment instruction
- autocode instruction
- autoindexed instruction
- basic instruction
- bit-manipulation instruction
- blank instruction
- block-move instruction
- branching instruction
- branch instruction
- branching-programmed instruction
- branch-on-zero instruction
- breakpoint instruction
- broadcast instruction
- byte instruction
- call instruction
- card read instruction
- character-oriented instruction
- clear and add instruction
- clear store instruction
- clearing instruction
- compare instruction
- comparison instruction
- complete instruction
- compound instruction
- computer instruction
- computer-aided instruction
- computer-assisted instruction
- conditional assembly instruction
- conditional branch instruction
- conditional breakpoint instruction
- conditional instruction
- conditional jump instruction
- conditional stop instruction
- conditional transfer instruction
- conflicting instructions
- constant instruction
- consumer instruction
- control instruction
- control transfer instruction
- convert instruction
- current instruction
- data movement instruction
- data transfer instruction
- decimal instruction
- decision instruction
- declarative instruction
- decoded instruction
- diagnose instruction
- direct access instruction
- direct instruction
- discarded instruction
- discrimination instruction
- display instruction
- do-nothing instruction
- double-precision instruction
- dual-issued instructions
- dummy instruction
- edit instruction
- effective instruction
- engineering instruction
- entry instruction
- exchange instruction
- executive instruction
- external devices instruction
- extracode instruction
- extract instruction
- floating-point instruction
- follow the instructions carefully
- format instruction
- four-address instruction
- full-word instruction
- general instruction
- half-word instruction
- halt instruction
- housekeeping instruction
- idle instruction
- ignore instruction
- illegal instruction
- immediate address instruction
- immediate instruction
- imperative instruction
- indirect instruction
- input/output instruction
- inquiry input/output instruction
- integer instruction
- internal manipulation instruction
- interpretive instruction
- interrupt instruction
- interruptable instruction
- invitation instruction
- invite instruction
- iterative instruction
- jump instruction
- jump to subroutine instruction
- keyboard instruction
- linear programmed instruction
- link instruction
- linkage macro instruction
- load index register instruction
- load repeat counter instruction
- logical instruction
- logic instruction
- look-up instruction
- machine code instruction
- machine instruction
- machine language instruction
- macro instruction
- macroexpansion instruction
- macroprocessing instruction
- maintenance instruction
- math instruction
- memory load instruction
- memory protect privileged instruction
- memory-reference instruction
- micro instruction
- microprogrammable instruction
- mnemonic instruction
- modified instruction
- monadic instruction
- monitor call instruction
- motion video instruction
- move instruction
- MQ register sign jump instruction
- MQ sign jump instruction
- multiaddress instruction
- multilplying instruction
- multiple-address instruction
- multiple instruction
- multiple-cycle instruction
- multiple-length instruction
- multiplier-quotient register sign jump instruction
- multiplier-quotient sign jump instruction
- multiply-accumulate instruction
- N-address instruction
- native instruction
- noaddress instruction
- nonmemory-reference instruction
- nonprint instruction
- nonprivileged instruction
- non-speculative instruction
- no-op instruction
- no-operation instruction
- normalized instruction
- normalize instruction
- N-plus-one address instruction
- null instruction
- object instruction
- on-chip instruction
- one-address instruction
- one-and-a-half-address instruction
- one-over-one address instruction
- one-plus-one address instruction
- on-screen instruction
- operational-address instruction
- operation-address instruction
- optional halt instruction
- optional pause instruction
- optional stop instruction
- organizational instruction
- overflow jump instruction
- overriding instruction
- pause instruction
- picture-description instruction
- preempted instruction
- presumptive instruction
- prewired instruction
- privileged instruction
- producer instruction
- programmed instruction
- propagation instruction
- pseudo instruction
- quadruple address instruction
- quasi instruction
- reading instruction
- read instruction
- red-tape instruction
- reference instruction
- register-to-register instruction
- relative instruction
- repeat instruction
- repetition instruction
- restart instruction
- return instruction
- right shift instruction
- rotate instruction
- roundoff instruction
- scalar instruction
- search instruction
- seek instruction
- shift instruction
- shift-jump instruction
- short instruction
- single-address instruction
- single-cycle instruction
- single-operand instruction
- skeleton instruction
- skip instruction
- source-designation instruction
- source-destination instruction
- stack instruction
- steering instruction
- stop instruction
- string instruction
- summarize instruction
- supervisor call instruction
- symbolic instruction
- table look-up instruction
- tape instruction
- text-entry instruction
- three-address instruction
- three-plus-one-address instruction
- transfer instruction
- transfer of control instruction
- trap instruction
- try instruction
- two-address instruction
- two-plus-one-address instruction
- unconditional branch instruction
- unconditional control transfer instruction
- unconditional jump instruction
- unconditional transfer instruction
- unmodified instruction
- unretired instruction
- variable instruction
- variable length instruction
- variable-cycle instruction
- vector-processing instruction
- vector instruction
- verbal instruction
- waste instruction
- write instruction
- zero-address instruction
- zeroing instruction
- zero-suppress instructionEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > instruction
6 unit
1) единица, число 1 ( наименьшее положительное целое число)2) единица (физической) величины; единица измерения ( величины)3) элемент; компонент4) нейрон5) блок; узел; модуль; секция; звено6) прибор; устройство7) аппарат; установка•- unit under test
- abrasive-cleaning unit
- absolute units
- acknowledgement signal unit
- acoustic units
- allocation unit
- angle-tracking unit
- Ångström unit
- answer-back unit
- answering unit
- antenna coupler unit
- anticoincidence unit
- arbitrary unit
- arithmetic unit
- arithmetic and logic unit
- assembly unit
- associative unit
- attached unit
- audio processing unit
- audio-response unit
- automatic calling unit
- automatic lock-on unit
- automatic range tracking unit
- auxiliary power unit
- balanced-armature unit
- balancing unit
- base station unit
- base station control unit
- basic display unit
- basic measurement unit
- basic processing unit
- beam steering unit
- best matching unit
- bistable unit
- break-contact unit
- bubble unit
- bubble storage unit
- buffer unit
- bus interface unit
- camera control unit
- capacitor-resistor unit
- card punch unit
- card punching unit
- card-reader unit
- cassette unit
- central processing unit
- certificate signing unit
- CGS units
- changeover-contact unit
- channel unit
- channel service unit
- channel service unit/digital service unit
- chrominance unit
- clock unit
- cluster unit
- coefficient unit
- coil-spring reverberation unit
- coincidence unit
- communications control unit
- competitive unit
- computer interface unit
- connectionist unit
- control unit
- control-display unit
- converter unit
- conveyorized drying unit
- crosstalk unit
- curve scanning unit
- data unit
- data-acquisition unit
- data-adapter unit
- data-collection unit
- data encryption unit
- data-handling unit
- data transfer unit
- delay unit
- derived units
- developer unit
- dialing unit
- differentiating unit
- digital reverberation-echo unit
- digital service unit
- digital storage unit
- discrete unit
- disk unit
- display unit
- driver unit
- dual processing unit
- electron unit
- ENIGMA duration unit
- ENIGMA virtual page unit
- execution unit
- expansion unit
- experimental unit
- failed unit
- failure unit
- fixed-head disk unit
- floating-point processing unit
- forming unit
- frequency identification unit
- fuel-cell unit
- function unit
- fundamental units
- GeForce graphics processing unit
- geometrical unit
- graphics processing unit
- hidden unit
- hidden-layer unit
- Horner unit
- imaginary unit
- inductive energy storage unit
- inertial measurement unit
- information unit
- in-order retirement unit
- input unit
- input/output unit
- inquiry unit
- instruction unit
- instruction fetch unit
- integrating unit
- interface unit
- internetwork unit
- interrogating unit
- I/O control unit
- LAN access unit
- language unit
- line terminal unit
- logical unit
- magnetic-core storage unit
- magnetic tape unit
- mains unit
- make-contact unit
- matching unit
- matrix unit
- maximum transmission unit
- measurement unit
- medium attachment unit
- memory unit
- memory management unit
- microcontrol unit
- microprocessing unit
- microprocessor unit
- microprocessor control unit
- microprocessor-controlled unit
- microprogrammed unit
- MKS units
- mobile TV unit
- modular unit
- motor unit
- movable-head disk unit
- multiple unit
- multiplier unit
- multiply/accumulate unit
- multipoint control unit
- multistation access unit
- near-eye unit
- nerve unit
- network interface unit
- neural-like unit
- neuromotor unit
- numeric processing unit
- observation unit
- off-line unit
- on-line unit
- orderwire unit
- output unit
- paged memory management unit
- parallel arithmetic unit
- perceptual unit
- peripheral unit
- peripheral interface unit
- peripheral processing unit
- permanent storage unit
- piezoelectric-crystal unit
- pluggable unit
- plug-in unit
- processing unit
- processor unit
- producer's desk unit
- program-control unit
- protected data unit
- protocol data unit
- prototype unit
- quartz-crystal unit
- radio channel unit
- random-access storage unit
- reader unit
- read-write unit
- receptor unit
- recording unit
- register, arithmetic and logic unit
- reproducing unit
- reserve unit
- resistor-capacitor unit
- response unit
- reverberation unit
- sample unit
- sampling unit
- satellite delay compensation unit
- secure access unit
- secure telephone unit
- self-contained unit
- semantic unit
- sensory unit
- serial arithmetic unit
- service unit
- service protocol unit
- shaker unit
- SI units
- six-head tape-loop echo-reverberation unit
- slide unit
- spare unit
- standby unit
- start unit
- stop unit
- storage unit
- summing unit
- system processing unit
- tape unit
- telecine unit
- terminal unit
- terminal-control unit
- terminal-interchange unit
- time-base unit
- time processor unit
- timing unit
- traffic unit
- translation unit
- transmission control unit
- trichromatic unit
- tuning unit
- turntable unit
- ultimate sampling unit
- visual display unit
- voice-response unit
- volume unit
- winning unit
- wire-stripping unit
- word-processing unit
- writing unit -
1) Media Access Control - управление доступом к среде передачи [данных], УДСа) общий термин для описания метода доступа сетевых устройств к среде передачи. Чаще всего употребляется применительно к ЛВСб) нижний подуровень канального уровня в семиуровневой модели ISO/OSI. Специфицирует методы доступа к среде, формат кадров, адресацию. Поддерживает множественный доступ к каналу связи, осуществляет приём и передачу информационных и управляющих кадров, обнаруживает ошибки передачи. Определён в стандарте IEEE 802.32) multiplier/accumulator - умножитель/сумматор3) multiply and accumulate - умножение с накоплениемкоманда, операция процессора.The MAC instruction is a multiplication of 2 sets of numbers followed by an accumulation. — Команда МАС выполняет перемножение двух наборов чисел с последующим накоплением результата. Широко применяется в цифровой обработке сигналов см. тж. DSP
4) Message Authentication Code - код аутентификации сообщениякриптографическая функция, которая для входного значения переменной длины при помощи ключа формирует выходное значение фиксированной длины
(расширение файла) (Macro)1) файл с макрокомандами (напр., в пакете ACCEL EDA)3) файл с растровым изображением в формате ПК Macintosh (в MacPaint)4) файл с проектом Visual BasicАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > MAC
8 Mac
1) Media Access Control - управление доступом к среде передачи [данных], УДСа) общий термин для описания метода доступа сетевых устройств к среде передачи. Чаще всего употребляется применительно к ЛВСб) нижний подуровень канального уровня в семиуровневой модели ISO/OSI. Специфицирует методы доступа к среде, формат кадров, адресацию. Поддерживает множественный доступ к каналу связи, осуществляет приём и передачу информационных и управляющих кадров, обнаруживает ошибки передачи. Определён в стандарте IEEE 802.32) multiplier/accumulator - умножитель/сумматор3) multiply and accumulate - умножение с накоплениемкоманда, операция процессора.The MAC instruction is a multiplication of 2 sets of numbers followed by an accumulation. — Команда МАС выполняет перемножение двух наборов чисел с последующим накоплением результата. Широко применяется в цифровой обработке сигналов см. тж. DSP
4) Message Authentication Code - код аутентификации сообщениякриптографическая функция, которая для входного значения переменной длины при помощи ключа формирует выходное значение фиксированной длины
(расширение файла) (Macro)1) файл с макрокомандами (напр., в пакете ACCEL EDA)3) файл с растровым изображением в формате ПК Macintosh (в MacPaint)4) файл с проектом Visual BasicАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > Mac
См. также в других словарях:
Multiply-accumulate — (« multiplie puis accumule », en anglais) est une opération arithmétique très souvent employée en traitement du signal, et correspondant à une instruction machine dans la plupart des DSP. Elle peut s écrire : Portail de… … Wikipédia en Français
Multiply–accumulate operation — In computing, especially digital signal processing, the multiply–accumulate operation is a common step that computes the product of two numbers and adds that product to an accumulator. The hardware unit that performs the operation is known as a… … Wikipedia
Multiply-accumulate — In computing, especially digital signal processing, multiply accumulate is a common operation that computes the product of two numbers and adds that product to an accumulator.: a leftarrow a + b imes cWhen done with floating point numbers it… … Wikipedia
Instruction set — An instruction set, or instruction set architecture (ISA), is the part of the computer architecture related to programming, including the native data types, instructions, registers, addressing modes, memory architecture, interrupt and exception… … Wikipedia
Estrin's scheme — In numerical analysis Estrin s scheme (also known as Estrin s method) is an algorithm for numerical evaluation of polynomials. The Horner scheme for evaluation of polynomials is one of the most commonly used algorithms for this purpose and unlike … Wikipedia
Digital signal processor — A Digital Signal Processor chip found in a guitar effects unit. A digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized microprocessor with an architecture optimized for the fast operational needs of digital signal processing.[1] … Wikipedia
Itanium — 2 processor Produced From mid 2001 to present Common manufacturer(s) Intel Max. CPU c … Wikipedia
MSP430 — MSP430. El MSP430 es una familia de microcontroladores producidos por Texas Instruments. Construido con una CPU de 16 bits, el MSP430 está diseñado para aplicaciones empotradas de bajo costo y bajo consumo de energía. La arquitectura tiene… … Wikipedia Español
PA-8000 — HP PA 8000. The PA 8000 (PCX U), code named Onyx, is a microprocessor developed and fabricated by Hewlett Packard (HP) that implemented the PA RISC 2.0 instruction set architecture (ISA).[1] It was a completely new design with no circuitr … Wikipedia
Умножение-сложение — В вычислительной технике, особенно в цифровой обработке сигналов совмещённое умножение сложение (multiply accumulate) распространённая операция, при которой умножаются два числа и складываются с аккумулятором. Когда операция выполняется над … Википедия
TI MSP430 — The MSP430 is a microcontroller family from Texas Instruments. Built around a 16 bit CPU, the MSP430 is designed for low cost, low power consumption embedded applications. The architecture is reminiscent of the DEC PDP 11.The MSP430 is… … Wikipedia