1 multipass algorithm
2 multipass algorithm
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > multipass algorithm
3 multipass algorithm
Вычислительная техника: многопроходной алгоритм, многопроходный алгоритм -
4 multipass algorithm
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > multipass algorithm
5 multipass algorithm
English-Russian information technology > multipass algorithm
6 algorithm
- ad hoc algorithm
- adaptive algorithm
- aim algorithm
- algorithm for path connections
- automatic assessment algorithm
- back-propagation algorithm
- banker's algorithm
- best-route algorithm
- bicomponent algorithm
- bipartitioning algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch-bound algorithm
- branching algorithm
- cascading algorithm
- chain algorithm
- channel router algorithm
- coarse-to-fine algorithm
- column sweep algorithm
- combinatorial algorithm
- computational algorithm
- computing algorithm
- conservative algorithm
- control algorithm
- convergent algorithm
- curve-fitting algorithm
- cutting-plane algorithm
- D-algorithm
- decision algorithm
- decoding algorithm
- demand-paging algorithm
- deterministic algorithm
- digit-by-digit algorithm
- divide-and-conquer algorithm
- double-sweep algorithm
- draphics algorithm
- drawing algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dual algorithm
- durable algorithm
- earliest-deadline-first algorithm
- edge-based algorithm
- event-scheduling algorithm
- exchange algorithm
- fault-handling algorithm
- fine-to-coarse algorithm
- fixed-stealing algorithm
- fixed-step-size algorithm
- flow-synthesis algorithm
- forward-looking algorithm
- generalized algorithm
- genetic algorithm
- Goto algorithm
- graph algorithm
- graph traversal algorithm
- greedy algorithm
- grid expansion algorithm
- hardware algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- Hightower algorithm
- incorrect algorithm
- inference-based algorithm
- inferencing algorithm
- instruction issue algorithm
- integer algorithm
- integrated query optimization algorithm
- iteration algorithm
- iterative algorithm
- layout algorithm
- layout copmaction algorithm
- leaky bucket algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-expansion algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- levelization algorithm
- linear expansion algorithm
- line-placing algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- logical algorithm
- mathematically based algorithm
- mathematically intensive algorithm
- maximum matching algorithm
- mesh algorithm - minimum path-length algorithm
- modeling algorithm
- multikey algorithm
- multipass algorithm
- nested algorithm
- network algorithm
- normal algorithm
- no-wait algorithm
- operative algorithm
- optimal assignment algorithm
- optimal cutting algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- page-replacement algorithm
- paging algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- partitioning algorithm
- path-tracing algorithm
- pipeline algorithm
- pitch algorithm
- placement algorithm
- prediction algorithm
- primal-dual algorithm
- primary algorithm
- problem algorithm
- procrastination algorithm
- public-key algorithm
- quorum-based algorithm
- random search algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- relaxation algorithm
- replicate algorithm
- robust algorithm
- round-robin algorithm
- routing algorithm
- scanline algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- sequential algorithm
- shortest path algorithm
- shrinking algorithm
- simplex algorithm
- simulated annealing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- speech generation algorithm
- speed-enhancing algorithm
- square rooting algorithm
- steepest ascent algorithm
- systolic algorithm
- testing algorithm
- text-to-speech algorithm
- threshold decoding algorithm
- timetable scheduling algorithm
- trace back algorithm
- translation algorithm
- transportation algorithm
- tree-search algorithm
- two-dimensional placement algorithm
- two-list algorithm
- type-inferencing algorithm
- unconstrained minimization algorithm
- universal algorithm
- variable-stealing algorithm
- Vintr algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- write-back algorithmEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > algorithm
7 algorithm
n спец. алгоритм -
8 algorithm
9 best-route algorithm
10 double-sweep algorithm
11 relaxation algorithm
12 steepest ascent algorithm
13 testing algorithm
алгоритм тестирования; алгоритм проверки -
14 check algorithm
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > check algorithm
15 clustering large application algorithm
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > clustering large application algorithm
16 condensing algorithm
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > condensing algorithm
17 decision algorithm
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > decision algorithm
18 decomposition algorithm
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > decomposition algorithm
19 heuristic algorithm
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > heuristic algorithm
20 hyphenation by algorithm
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > hyphenation by algorithm
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Sorted Neighborhood — Sortierte Nachbarschaft (engl. sorted neighborhood) ist ein Verfahren zur Duplikaterkennung. Kernidee ist eine Sortierung der Datensätze, in denen Duplikate gefunden werden sollen, so dass potentielle Duplikate möglichst nahe beieinander liegen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sortierte Nachbarschaft — (engl. sorted neighborhood) ist ein Verfahren zur Duplikaterkennung. Kernidee ist eine Sortierung der Datensätze, in denen Duplikate gefunden werden sollen, so dass potentielle Duplikate möglichst nahe beieinander liegen und deshalb nur nahe… … Deutsch Wikipedia