1 multi-barreled
Оружейное производство: многоствольный -
2 multi-barreled
3 drilling
бурение; сверление; высверливаниеbottom supported marine drilling — бурение скважин с опорой на дно (со стационарной свайной платформы)
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1. бурение2. pl. буровой шлам, буровая мелочь
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1) бурение; сверление; высверливание || буровой; бурильный2) pl выбуренная порода3) pl буровой шлам, буровая мука; буровая мелочь4) pl скважины5) pl алмазы величиной от 4 до 23 штук на карат•drilling afloat — бурение наплаву;
drilling ahead — 1) бурение ниже башмака обсадной колонны ( на значительную глубину) 2) бурение, опережающее проходку горной выработки;
drilling by flame — 1) термическое бурение 2) прожигание скважин;
drilling by jetting method — 1) бурение гидравлическим способом 2) гидромониторное бурение;
drilling deeper — углубка скважины;
drilling for gas — бурение на газ;
drilling for oil — бурение на нефть;
drilling for structure — картировочное бурение;
drilling for water — бурение на воду;
drilling from floating vessel — бурение с плавучего основания;
drilling in cramped quarter — бурение глубоких скважин из выработки малого сечения;
drilling into abnormal pressure zone — бурение в зоне высокого давления;
not drilling — простаивающий ();
drilling off the whipstock — бурение со стационарного отклонителя;
drilling on the bottom — чистое бурение;
drilling out of cement plug — разбуривание цементной пробки;
drilling suspended indefinitely — бурение прекращено на неопределённое время;
drilling the pay — разбуривание продуктивного пласта;
drilling to completion — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling to predetermined depth — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling to projected depth — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling with aerated fluid — бурение с промывкой аэрированной жидкостью;
drilling with aerated formation water — бурение с промывкой аэрированными пластовыми водами;
drilling with air — бурение с очисткой забоя воздухом;
drilling with counterflow — бурение с обратной промывкой;
drilling with explosives — взрывное бурение;
drilling with localized mud circulation — бурение с местной промывкой;
drilling with mud — бурение с промывкой буровым раствором;
drilling with oil — бурение с промывкой раствором на углеводородной основе;
drilling with salt water — бурение с промывкой солёной водой;
drilling with sound vibration — вибробурение со звуковыми частотами;
- drilling of submarine wellsdrilling without drill pipe — беструбное бурение;
- abrasive jet drilling
- aerated-fluid drilling
- aerated-mud drilling
- aeration drilling
- air drilling
- air-and-gas drilling
- air-and-stable-foam drilling
- air-flush drilling
- air-hammer drilling
- air-hammer rotary drilling
- air-motor drilling
- air-percussion drilling
- air-reverse-circulation drilling
- angled drilling
- angular drilling
- anomaly drilling
- appraisal drilling
- arc drilling
- auger drilling
- balanced drilling
- barge drilling
- bench drilling
- blasthole drilling
- blind drilling
- borehole drilling
- bottom supported marine drilling
- bottomhole circulation drilling
- bottom-supported offshore drilling
- branched-hole drilling
- cable drilling
- cable-churn drilling
- cable-Pennsylvanian drilling
- cable-rotary drilling
- cable-tool drilling
- calibration drilling
- Calyx drilling
- Canadian drilling
- carbide percussion drilling
- chain bit drilling
- checkerboard drilling
- chemical drilling
- chilled-shot drilling
- churn drilling
- churn flame drilling
- city-lot drilling
- clean drilling
- close drilling
- close-spaced surface drilling
- close-spaced underground drilling
- cluster drilling
- cluster directional drilling of slant
- combination drilling
- compressed air drilling
- continuous penetration drilling
- contract drilling
- control angle drilling
- controlled drilling
- controlled-angle drilling
- core drilling
- counterflush drilling
- counterflush core drilling
- cover drilling
- Craelius method drilling
- deep drilling
- deep-hole drilling
- deep-water drilling
- deep-well drilling
- definition drilling
- dense drilling
- development drilling
- diamond drilling
- diamond core drilling
- direct-air-circulation drilling
- direct-circulation drilling
- directed drilling
- directional drilling
- directional drilling of slant holes
- double-barreled drilling
- double-directional drilling
- double-hand drilling
- double-inclinated drilling
- double-simultaneous drilling
- double-tube drilling
- downhole drilling
- downhole electrical motor drilling
- downhole hammer drilling
- downhole percussion drilling
- downhole turbine motor drilling
- down-the-hole drilling
- drainhole drilling
- drive-pipe drilling
- dry drilling
- dry-hole drilling
- dry percussive drilling
- dual-bore cluster drilling
- dual-hole simultaneous drilling
- dust-free drilling
- dustless drilling
- easy drilling
- electrical drilling
- electrical arc drilling
- electrical bottomhole drilling
- electrohydraulic drilling
- electrojet drilling
- electron beam drilling
- erosion drilling
- erosion jet drilling
- exhaust gas drilling
- exploration drilling
- exploratory drilling
- explosion drilling
- extended reach drilling
- failure-free drilling
- fan drilling
- flame drilling
- flame-jet drilling
- floating drilling
- fluid circulating drilling
- fluid core drilling
- flush drilling
- foam drilling
- formation drilling
- full-diameter drilling
- full-hole drilling
- gas drilling
- gas-well drilling
- geological drilling
- group drilling
- grout-hole drilling
- guided drilling
- hand drilling
- hand churn drilling
- hand hammer drilling
- hard-rock drilling
- heavy weight drilling
- high-frequency drilling
- high-frequency percussion drilling
- high-velocity jet drilling
- hooded dry drilling
- horizontal drilling
- horizontal branched-hole drilling
- horizontal-drainhole drilling
- horizontal-radial diamond drilling
- horizontal-ring drilling
- hydraulical drilling
- hydraulical percussion drilling
- hydraulical rotary drilling
- hydrodynamical drilling
- hydropercussion drilling
- hydropercussion rotary drilling
- hydroturbine downhole motor drilling
- implosion drilling
- inclination drilling
- induction drilling
- infill drilling
- injection drilling
- instrumental drilling
- intermediate hole drilling
- inverted oil emulsion drilling
- jet drilling
- jet-bit drilling
- jet-erosion drilling
- jet-piercer drilling
- jet-piercing drilling
- jetted-particle drilling
- jetting drilling
- jump drilling
- key well drilling
- large-hole drilling
- laser drilling
- lateral drilling
- line drilling
- line-hole drilling
- line-well drilling
- long-hole drilling
- machine drilling
- magnetostriction drilling
- magnetostriction rotary drilling
- marine drilling
- mechanical drilling
- mechanized drilling
- Mesabi structural drilling
- microbit drilling
- mist drilling
- moderate drilling
- mud-circulating drilling
- mud-powered hammer drilling
- multidirectional drilling
- multihole drilling
- multiple drilling
- multiple-plan drilling
- noncore drilling
- nonpressure drilling
- offset drilling
- offshore drilling
- oil-emulsion drilling
- oil-mud drilling
- oil-well drilling
- old-well deeper drilling
- one-man drilling
- on-land drilling
- optimized drilling
- oriented drilling
- original drilling
- outstep drilling
- overbalanced drilling
- overburden drilling
- overhead drilling
- parallel hole drilling
- pay drilling
- pellet impact drilling
- Pennsylvanian drilling
- percussion drilling
- percussion-air drilling
- percussion-rod drilling
- percussion-rotation drilling
- percussive drilling
- percussive-machine drilling
- percussive-rotary drilling
- performance drilling
- permafrost drilling
- petroleum drilling
- pier drilling
- pillar extraction drilling
- pilot drilling
- pipe-driving drilling
- pipeless drilling
- pipeless downhole electrical motor drilling
- placer drilling
- plasma drilling
- plug drilling
- pneumatical drilling
- preliminary drilling
- pressure drilling
- probe drilling
- production drilling
- prospect drilling
- pulsed jet drilling
- push-button drilling
- push-feed drilling
- quick-blow drilling
- radial drilling
- random drilling
- rapid-blow drilling
- reduced-pressure drilling
- remote automated drilling
- reverse-circulation core drilling
- ring drilling
- rock drilling
- rocket drilling
- rod drilling
- rod-tool drilling
- roller-bit drilling
- rope drilling
- rotary drilling
- rotary-percussion drilling
- rotary-turbine drilling
- rotation drilling
- rotation-vibropercussion drilling
- rough drilling
- run-to-waste drilling
- safe drilling
- salt-dome drilling
- sample drilling
- scattered drilling
- seam drilling
- secondary drilling
- sectional steel drilling
- self-cleaning drilling
- shaft drilling
- shallow drilling
- shaped charge drilling
- shelf drilling
- ship-side drilling
- shock-wave drilling
- shot drilling
- shot core drilling
- shothole drilling
- simultaneous drilling
- single-hand drilling
- single-pass drilling
- single-row drilling
- slant-hole drilling
- slim-hole drilling
- sonic combination drilling
- spark drilling
- spindle feed drilling
- spring-pole drilling
- steel-shot drilling
- straight-ahead drilling
- straight-hole drilling
- straight-hole directional drilling
- stratigraphic test drilling
- structure drilling
- subgrade drilling
- submarine drilling
- subsurface drilling
- superdeep drilling
- surface drilling
- surface blasthole drilling
- surface hole drilling
- tension drilling
- test drilling
- test-hole drilling
- test-well drilling
- thermal drilling
- top hammer drilling
- top hole drilling
- tough drilling
- town-lot drilling
- triple-hole simultaneous drilling
- trouble-free drilling
- tungsten-carbide drilling
- turbine motor drilling
- ultradeep drilling
- ultrasonic drilling
- underbalanced drilling
- underground drilling
- underwater drilling
- up-hole drilling
- upper-hole drilling
- vacuum drilling
- vertical drilling
- vertical ring drilling
- vibration drilling
- vibratory drilling
- vibratory-percussion drilling
- vibratory-rotary drilling
- vibropercussion drilling
- vibropercussion rotary drilling
- wash drilling
- water drilling
- water-assisted drilling
- water-flush drilling
- water-jet drilling
- water-well drilling
- well drilling
- wet drilling
- wild-cat drilling
- wireline drilling* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > drilling
4 engine
двигатель; мотор; машинаbuzz up an engine — жарг. запускать двигатель
clean the engine — прогазовывать [прочищать] двигатель (кратковременной даней газа)
engine of bypass ratio 10: 1 — двигатель с коэффициентом [степенью] двухконтурности 10:1
flight discarded jet engine — реактивный двигатель, отработавший лётный ресурс
kick the engine over — разг. запускать двигатель
lunar module ascent engine — подъёмный двигатель лунного модуля [отсека]
monofuel rocket engine — ЖРД на однокомпонентном [унитарном] топливе
open the engine up — давать газ, увеличивать тягу или мощность двигателя
prepackaged liquid propellant engine — ЖРД на топливе длительного хранения; заранее снаряжаемый ЖРД
production(-standard, -type) engine — серийный двигатель, двигатель серийного образца [типа]
return and landing engine — ксм. двигатель для возвращения и посадки
reversed rocket engine — тормозной ракетный двигатель; ксм. тормозная двигательная установка
run up the engine — опробовать [«гонять»] двигатель
secure the engine — выключать [останавливать, глушить] двигатель
shut down the engine — выключать [останавливать, глушить] двигатель
shut off the engine — выключать [останавливать, глушить] двигатель
solid(-fuel, -grain) rocket engine — ракетный двигатель твёрдого топлива
turn the engine over — проворачивать [прокручивать] двигатель [вал двигателя]
См. также в других словарях:
Double-barreled cannon — A frontal view of the double barreled cannon. The double barreled cannon is an American Civil War era experimental weapon and is now a modern landmark located in Athens, Georgia. While originally built for warfare, the cannon never saw battle.… … Wikipedia
Double-barreled shotgun — Double barrel redirects here. For the song by Dave and Ansell Collins, see Double Barrel. A view of the break action of a typical side by side double barrelled shotgun, with the Anson Deeley boxlock action open and the extractor visible. The… … Wikipedia
List of multiple barrel firearms — This page is a list of multiple barrel firearms of all forms from around the world.[1] Contents 1 Pistols 2 Revolvers 3 Shotguns 4 … Wikipedia
Volley gun — The mitrailleuse, a 19th century volley gun A volley gun is a gun with several barrels for firing a number of shots, either simultaneously or in sequence. They differ from modern machine guns in that they lack automatic loading and automatic fire … Wikipedia
Machine gun — [ thumb|200px|An illustration of later model 19th century Gatling gun. It was a multi barreled rotary machine gun fired via a manual crank, which mechanically loaded and primed cartridges from the hopper above the gun] : For other uses of the… … Wikipedia
Hunting weapon — Hunting weapons are weapons designed or used primarily for hunting game animals for food or sport, as distinct from defensive weapons or weapons used primarily in warfare. CharacteristicsSince human beings are lacking in the natural weapons… … Wikipedia
Lego Exo-Force — is a LEGO toy line based on the popular mecha genre from Japanese manga and anime. Mecha fans have long used LEGO bricks to build both imaginative new designs and their interpretations of classic mecha, but Exo Force is the first time LEGO has… … Wikipedia
Handgun — A handgun is a firearm designed to be held in the hand when used. This characteristic differentiates handguns as a general class of firearms from their larger counterparts: long guns such as rifles and shotguns, mounted weapons such as machine… … Wikipedia
Electromagnetic projectile devices (fiction) — Electromagnetic projectile devices which use electromagnetic means to accelerate solid materials, such as Kinetic energy weaponry, Gauss guns, Mass drivers or Railguns are often used in fiction, especially science fiction.Realism of… … Wikipedia
Naval weaponry of the People's Liberation Army Navy — The People s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is the naval branch of the People s Liberation Army (PLA), the armed forces of the People s Republic of China. The PLAN force consists of approx. 250,000 men and over a hundred major combat vessels,… … Wikipedia
Vietnam War — Part of the Cold War and the Indochina Wars … Wikipedia