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  • 1 geçmek

    "1. to pass. 2. /dan/ to pass by, go by. 3. /dan/ to pass through, go through. 4. /dan/ to go down (a street, road, corridor). 5. /dan/ to pass over, cross, traverse. 6. /ı/ to pass through, pass over, cross. 7. /dan/ to undergo, go through. 8. /dan/ to renounce one´s claim to. 9. /dan/ to give up, abandon. 10. /da/ (for one´s life, a period of time) to be spent in. 11. (for a period of time) to pass, elapse. 12. to take place, happen, occur. 13. /dan, a/ (for a disease) to pass from (someone) to (someone else), spread from (one place) to (another). 14. /dan, a/ to pass from (someone) to (someone else) (through heredity). 15. /a/ to move to. 16. /dan/ to go through a period of, pass through a period of; to go through, pass through, come through (a profession, an institution, a field of study, a type of training, etc.); to be schooled in. 17. /a/ to penetrate, affect. 18. /a/ to come into (power, authority). 19. /a/ to pass on to, pass over to. 20. /ı/ to pass, overtake, go past; to outstrip. 21. to move on, keep moving; to go ahead, go on. 22. to pass, be over, end, come to an end, finish. 23. /ı/ to surpass, exceed, outdo, outstrip, outrun. 24. /ı/ to skip over, skip, pass over. 25. /ı/ to play; to sing; to perform; to learn (a piece of music) by practicing. 26. /ı, dan/ to learn (a piece of music) from (someone). 27. (for a stove, a fire, embers) to go out, become cold, die. 28. /a/ to pass into, be recorded as (history); to be recorded in, be written down in (a book); to be put into (writing). 29. to be current, be in use, be valid, be in effect. 30. to be in demand, sell, be popular, be in vogue. 31. to be mentioned, be written or spoken about, be referred to. 32. /ı/ to pass (one´s class). 33. /dan/ to pass (an exam). 34. /a/ to take (one´s place), go to (one´s place). 35. /dan/ (for a road or river) to pass through, pass by. 36. (for fruit) to get rotten, dry up, spoil. 37. to get oneself out of something, get oneself off the hook, be shut of an involvement. 38. slang (an auxiliary verb used after some nouns) to do, make: diskur geçmek to spiel. Geçelim. Let us not talk about it. (...) geçtim let alone: Mektubu geçtim, bir kartpostal olsun yazamıyor mu? Can´t he at least write a postcard, let alone a letter? Geçti Bor´un pazarı, sür eşeğini Niğde´ye. colloq. It is too late to do anything about that; so let´s think about doing something else. Geç!/Geç efendim! colloq. Leave it!/Don´t waste your time on it./It´s not worth talking about. Geçtim olsun. colloq. Forget about it. Geç yiğidim geç! colloq. Pass by, my brave one (said in giving way to someone who is more powerful than oneself)."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > geçmek

  • 2 geçirmek

    "1. /ı/ to have (someone, something) pass. 2. /ı, dan/ to have (someone, something) pass through, have (someone, something) go through. 3. /ı, dan/ to have (someone, something) pass over, cross, or traverse. 4. /ı, a/ to pass (something) through. 5. /ı, a/ to carry (something) over to, move (something) over to (a place); to transport (something) to, convey (something) to (a place). 6. /ı, a/ to record (something) on/in, enter (something) in/on, register (something) in, write (something) down on/in, put (something) down on/in. 7. /ı, a/ to put, fit, fix, or insert (glass) into (a frame). 8. /ı, a/ to put or slip (a cover, a case) on/over. 9. /ı, a/ to put or slip (a ring) on. 10. /ı/ to see (someone) off. 11. /ı, a/ to accompany (someone) to (a place). 12. /ı, da/ to pass, spend, or have (a period of time) at/in. 13. /ı, a/ to put (a garment) on. 14. /ı, dan/ to subject (someone) to, inflict (someone) with. 15. /ı/ to have, be involved in (an accident). 16. /ı/ to have, suffer from, be afflicted with (a disease). 17. /ı/ to have, undergo (a medical operation). 18. /ı, a/ to transmit (a disease) to (someone, an animal), spread (a disease) to (someone, an animal), infect (someone, an animal) with (a disease). 19. /ı/ to transmit (light, heat, etc.). 20. /ı, la/ to spend (a period of time) on/in/by (doing something). 21. /la, ı/ to get by with (something) for (a period of time). 22. /a/ slang to *fuck, *screw."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > geçirmek

  • 3 almak

    ",-ır 1. /ı/ to take. 2. /ı/ to get. 3. /ı/ to buy. 4. /ı/ to receive; to accept. 5. /ı/ to steal. 6. /ı/ to marry (a girl). 7. /ı/ to take, hold, be able to contain. 8. /ı/ to take along. 9. /ı/ to capture; to conquer. 10. /ı/ to take (a bath, medicine, a drink). 11. /ı/ to catch (cold); to catch (fire). 12. /ı/ to take on, hire, employ. 13. /ı/ to remove, take away, pluck out. 14. /ı/ to move. 15. /ı/ to sweep, clean, dust. 16. /ı/ to sense, smell, hear. 17. /ı, a/ to put (something) on, throw (a garment) over (oneself). 18. /ı, a/ to take (someone, something) into (one´s care or protection). 19. /ı, a/ to take (something) as being (something). 20. /ı/ to take (water). 21. /ı/ (for wind, flood) to carry away, destroy. 22. /ı/ (for smoke, fear) to overwhelm, cover, sweep through. 23. /ı/ to cover, travel (a distance). 24. /dan/ to take the attitude of. 25. /dan/ to shorten. 26. to begin all at once. Aldı.... (before a name, in folk literature)... began to recite. Aldığı aptes ürküttüğü kurbağaya değmez. colloq. The gain is less than the loss. Al aşağı, vur yukarı.... with a lot of bargaining. Al benden de o kadar. colloq. 1. I am as bad off as you. 2. I agree. Al birini vur ötekine/birine. colloq. One is no better than the other. Al cevabını otur aşağı. colloq. Now you are answered. Al gülüm, ver gülüm. colloq. 1. They are fluttering and fussing over each other. 2. You know how to take; now learn how to give. Alan razı, satan razı. colloq. Since the two have agreed nobody else should interfere. Al sana. Here! Take it! Al sana bir (bela) daha. colloq. Here is another (trouble) for you. Al takke, ver külah.... 1. struggling, tumbling with one another. 2. with a great struggle. 3. becoming very intimate with each other. alıp vereceği olmamak 1. to be all square on the accounts. 2. /la/ to have no relations (with). alıp verememek /la/ to have a disagreement (with). alıp vermek 1. to have one´s heart beat wildly. 2. to turn over a matter in one´s mind, dwell on a matter. 3. /ı/ to exchange, trade. Aldı yürüdü. colloq. 1. He has gotten rich quickly. 2. He has become famous in a short time. 3. It progressed well. It prospered and grew. alıp yürümek to make headway. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > almak

  • 4 tornistan

    1. naut. Reverse (the propeller)!/Astern! 2. naut. backward rotation (of a ship´s screw). 3. going backwards. 4. turning (a garment), making (a garment) over by reversing it and resewing it. - etmek 1. to go backwards, move backwards. 2. /ı/ to turn (a garment), make (a garment) over by reversing it and resewing it.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > tornistan

  • 5 aba

    1. strong coarse wool cloth. 2. cloak or coat made of this cloth, aba. 3. cloak (worn by dervishes). 4. made of coarse wool cloth. - altından değnek göstermek to show the iron hand beneath the velvet glove, speak softly but carry a big stick. - gibi coarse (cloth). -yı sermek /a/ to make oneself at home (in), move in on (somebody). - terlik slippers made of coarse cloth. -yı yakmak /a/ colloq. to fall desperately in love, be infatuated (with). -sı yanık 1. man who is head over heels in love. 2. besotted (lover).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > aba

  • 6 ev

    "1. house, home, dwelling. 2. institution, house, home. 3. club, center, social hall. 4. house, commercial establishment. 5. family, household. - açmak 1. to set up a house, move in. 2. to get married and set up housekeeping. - adamı family man. - alma, komşu al. proverb Neighbors are of first importance. - altı ground floor of a house used as a granary and stable. -de arama law house search. - bakmak to look for a house. -e bakmak 1. to take care of the family, care for a household. 2. to look after a house, watch over a house. 3. to keep house. - bark 1. home, everything that makes up a home; household, family. 2. house, place where one lives. - bark sahibi married man. - basmak to raid a house. - bekçiliği etmek to be always at home. - bozmak to break up a home. -in direği pillar of a home, mainstay of a family. - ekmeği homemade bread. - eşyası furniture, effects. - ev from house to house. - gailesi worries of a house and family. -e gitmek to go home. - halkı household, family. - hayvanı domestic animal. -e hırsız girdikten sonra kapıya kilit takmak to lock the barn door after the horse is stolen. -lerden ırak/uzak.... colloq. May it not happen to anybody!/May it not befall you! - idaresi 1. the management of a household. 2. home economics. - işi housework. - işletmek to run a brothel. - kadını 1. housewife. 2. a good housekeeper, a good housewife. -de kalmak 1. to stay home. 2. to be an old maid. - kirası rent, house rent. - kumaşı homemade material. -deki pazar/hesap çarşıya uymaz. proverb Not everything works out exactly the way you expect it will. - sahibesi 1. hostess. 2. landlady. - sahibi 1. host. 2. landlord. - sanatları domestic arts and crafts. -i sırtında homeless; vagabond. -lere şenlik colloq. 1. What a disaster!/What a bungle! 2. May it not happen to anybody!/May it not befall you! - tutmak to rent a house. - yemeği homemade food. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ev

  • 7 görmek

    ",-ür 1. /ı/ to see. 2. /ı/ to see, watch. 3. /ı/ to see, perceive, discern (mentally). 4. /ı/ to see, meet and talk to/with. 5. /ı/ to see (something) as, view (something) as, find, consider (something) to be, judge (something) to be. 6. /ı/ to experience, live through. 7. /ı/ to perform, do, attend to (a duty, task, etc.); to pay (an expense). 8. /dan, ı/ to receive, experience (a certain kind of treatment) from/at the hands of. 9. /ı/ to take (a course, lessons, etc.); to receive, get (an education); to have (an upbringing). 10. /ı/ to get, acquire: cebi para görmek to come into money. 11. /ı/ to receive (help). 12. /ı/ to be preoccupied with, think (only) of: Gözü paradan başka bir şey görmüyor. He thinks of nothing but money. 13. /ı/ to undergo: tedavi görmek to undergo treatment. 14. /ı/ to face (in the direction of): Bu oda güneş görüyor. This room faces the sun. 15. /ı/ to go and see, visit. 16. /ı/ to perceive (by the sense of touch). 17. /ı/ to be the stage for, be the scene of, be the setting for, see. 18. /ı/ to regard as, consider, deem. 19. /ı/ colloq. to share (good fortune) with, think of: Piyango sana vurursa beni de gör. If you win the lottery, think of me. 20. /ı/ sports to anticipate (the move of an opponent). 21. /ı/ slang to bribe. 22. used in combination to express a threat: Hele bir öğretmene söyle, o zaman görürsün! Just try telling the teacher, you´ll get what´s coming to you then! Şimdi bunu paramparça edeyim de gör! You´ll believe me if I smash this to bits right now! Bizi gammazla da gör bak! See what happens if you squeal on us! 23. used in combination to give emphasis to a prediction: Göreceksin, Beşir sınıfta kalacak. Beşir´s going to fail; just you wait and see. Gör bak, neler olacak neler! All sorts of things are going to happen now; just you wait and see! 24. used after an -e gerund to show continuous action: Raşit mektubu yazagörürken kapı çalındı. While Raşit was busy writing the letter there was a knock at the door. 25. used after a negative -e gerund for emphasis: O dağlarda ölmeyegör! Cesedin akbabalara yem olur. Mind you don´t die in those mountains! If you do, your corpse´ll be food for the vultures. Sizi yakalamaya görsün, polise haber verir. Make sure you don´t let him catch you, for he´ll turn you over to the police. Onlara nerede oturduğunu söylemeyegörmeli. You should be careful not to tell them where you live. Tek bir hata etmeyegörelim, kapı dışarı edildiğimizin resmidir! Let´s not make one single mistake, or we´ll get the boot for sure! görerek atış mil. direct fire. görmeyerek/görmeden atış mil. indirect fire. göreceği/göresi gelmek /ı/ to long to see: Seni göreceğimiz geldi. We´ve been longing to see you. Göreyim seni/sizi! 1. Show your stuff!/Show me what you can do! (used singly or in combination as a word of encouragement). 2. used in combination to express a threat: O sayfayı yırt da göreyim seni! Just try ripping that page! görmediğe/görmemişe dönmek to be completely recovered (from an illness, tragedy, etc.). Görüp göreceği rahmet bu. colloq. This is all he will ever get. -meye görsün/gör as soon as (one) (does something, becomes something, etc.), once (something) (is done, happens, etc.). görüp gözetmek /ı/ to protect, guard, keep an eye on. görerek nişan alma mil. direct laying. görmeyerek/görmeden nişan alma mil. indirect laying."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > görmek

  • 8 sen

    "you, obs. thou. - bilirsin. colloq. As you like./As you will./OK, if that´s what you think is right./I leave it up to you. -inki (tatlı) can da benimki/elinki patlıcan mı? colloq. Just what do you mean by asking me to do something which you regard as being too tiring/dangerous for you to do? - giderken ben geliyordum. colloq. You can´t fool me; I can foresee your every move. - işten korkma, iş senden korksun. proverb Don´t waste time thinking how hard a job is; just set to and try to get it done. - kim oluyorsun? What are you interfering for? (said angrily). - sağ, ben selamet. colloq. The job´s over and done with. - sen ol never: Sen sen ol, bir daha bunu yapma! Don´t you ever do this again!"

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > sen

  • 9 çıkartmak

    "1. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (one person) remove (another person, something) (from); to have or let (one person) extricate (another person, something) (from); to have or let (someone) extract or pull (something) (from); to have or let (one person) bring (another person, something) out (from); /a, ı/ to have or let (one person) expel, fire, or evict (another person). 2. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) take off (an article of clothing); to have or let (a man) doff (his hat). 3. /a, ı/ to get or allow (one person) to make (another person, an animal) climb up or move up. 4. /a, ı/ to have or let (one person) present (another). 5. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) remove (a stain). 6. /a, ı, la/ to enable or allow (someone) to make it through (a given period of time) with (a specified amount of something). 7. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (someone) extend or stick (something) out of (a place). 8. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) publish (a book, newspaper, etc.). 9. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (one person) take out (his/her anger, frustration, negative emotion) on (another). 10. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (someone) make (one thing) from (another). 11. /a, ı/ to have or let (one person) show (another) to be (something unfavorable). 12. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) expose (another´s wrongdoing, mistake). 13. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (someone) subtract (one amount) from (another). 14. /a, ı, dan/ to have or let (someone) unload (something) from (a vehicle). 15. /a, ı/ to cause (someone) to get the maximum of (pleasure) from. 16. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) produce (something new) or develop (a new habit). 17. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) make (a new law). 18. /a, ı, dan/ to cause or allow (someone) to make (his/her living) from (a specified kind of work). 19. /a, ı/ to cause (someone) to vomit. 20. /a, ı/ to have or let (someone) find (an address). 21. /a, ı/ slang to make or let (someone) hand over, cough up, or spit up (something). 22. /ı, dan/ to remove (someone, something) (from); to take or get (someone, something) out (of), extricate (someone, something) (from); to extract or pull (something) (from); to bring (something, someone) out (from) (a place); to expel (a student) (from) (a school); to fire (a worker); to evict (a tenant). 23. /ı/ to take off (an article of clothing); to doff (one´s hat). 24. /ı, a/ to make (someone, an animal) climb up on or get up on (something); to make (someone, an animal) go up to (a place); to put (someone, something) in/on (a higher place). 25. /ı, a/ to bring (one person) before (another), bring (one person) to (another), present (one person) to (another). 26. /ı, la/ to make it through or get through (a given period of time) with (a specified amount of something). 27. /ı/ to remove, take out, get rid of (a stain). 28. /ı/ to publish (a book, newspaper, etc.). 29. /ı, a/ to take (someone, an animal) out to/into (a place outdoors). 30. /ı, dan/ to unload (something) from (a vehicle). 31. /ı, a/ mil. to land (a force) on (a shore). 32. /ı/ to make (a law)."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çıkartmak

См. также в других словарях:

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  • move over — move a little, move to the next chair, make room    I asked him if he would move over so I could sit beside him …   English idioms

  • move over — verb move in order to make room for someone for something (Freq. 2) The park gave way to a supermarket Move over, he told the crowd • Syn: ↑give way, ↑give, ↑ease up, ↑yield • Hypernyms …   Useful english dictionary

  • move over — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you move over to a new system or way of doing something, you change to it. [V P to n] The government is having to introduce some difficult changes, particularly in moving over to a market economy. [Also V P] Syn: change to 2)… …   English dictionary

  • move over — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms move over : present tense I/you/we/they move over he/she/it moves over present participle moving over past tense moved over past participle moved over 1) to change your position in order to make space for… …   English dictionary

  • move over — to stop having a job, rank, or condition. Kurt said that it was time to move over and let younger players have a chance to play professionally. Move over “Star Wars” – “Titanic” is now the movie with the biggest earnings in North America …   New idioms dictionary

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  • Move over law — A move over law is a law which requires motorists to move over and change lanes to give safe clearance to law enforcement officers. In the past, Canada and United States have used this term to apply to two different concepts; however, this is… …   Wikipedia

  • Move Over (song) — Song infobox Name = Move Over Caption = Type = Artist = Spice Girls alt Artist = Album = Spiceworld Published = Released = November 4, 1997 track no = 6 Recorded = 1997 Genre = Pop Length = 2:46 Writer = Clifford Lane, Spice Girls, Mary Wood… …   Wikipedia

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  • ˌmove ˈover — phrasal verb to change your position in order to make space for someone or something else She moved over to let me pass.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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