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  • 1 mood

    1. मनोदशा
    The colour combinations in an office is very important in setting the mood of the employees and customers.

    English-Hindi dictionary > mood

  • 2 mood

    स्वभाव, मन का वेग, चित्त वृत्ति, भाव; क्रिया का भेद

    English-Hindi new dictionary > mood

  • 3 depressive

    1. दबावपूर्ण
    The drug is quite depressive.
    2. हतोत्साहक
    She was again in a depressive mood.

    English-Hindi dictionary > depressive

  • 4 dreariness

    1. उदासी
    The dreariness of the weather drearily affected my mood

    English-Hindi dictionary > dreariness

  • 5 festive

    1. उत्सव\festiveसंबंधी/परसत्र
    He was in a festive mood in view of the forthcoming holidays.

    English-Hindi dictionary > festive

  • 6 inadvertent

    1. असावधान
    He is walking on the road in an in advertent mood.

    English-Hindi dictionary > inadvertent

  • 7 jocular

    1. परिहासशील
    Please don't take his remarks seriously as they were said in a jocular mood.

    English-Hindi dictionary > jocular

  • 8 jovial

    1. आनन्दित
    The boss seems to be in a jovial mood.

    English-Hindi dictionary > jovial

  • 9 lighten

    1. प्रकाश बढाना
    The new lights have lightened the room considerably.
    2. चमक उठना
    His face lightened at the news of a raise in his salary.
    1. हल्का करना
    There is a need to lighten the weight of books/courses on young children.
    2. गम्भीरता हटना
    As the speaker imploded his plans the mood of the audience gradually lightened.
    3. चिन्तामुक्त होना
    My heart was lightened when I got the news that he had reached his destination quite safely.

    English-Hindi dictionary > lighten

  • 10 meditative

    1. सोचने में मग्न
    I was in a meditative mood when she surprised me.

    English-Hindi dictionary > meditative

  • 11 playful

    1. विनोदशील
    Always be in a playful mood.

    English-Hindi dictionary > playful

  • 12 preponderant

    1. प्रभावी
    Melancholy is the preponderant mood for writing a poem.

    English-Hindi dictionary > preponderant

  • 13 sombre

    1. फीका
    We should wear somber clothes in winter.
    2. उदास/शोकमग्न
    Somber mood is not good for health.

    English-Hindi dictionary > sombre

  • 14 subjunctive

    1. संभावनार्थक
    'I wish I could fly' is an the subjunctive mood.

    English-Hindi dictionary > subjunctive

  • 15 tense

    1. कसा\tenseहुआ
    The ship is anchored with a tense rope.
    2. तनावपूर्ण
    He was in a tense mood.
    1. \{क्रिया\tenseका\}काल
    The verb in the following sentence is in the past tense `He laughed loudly'.

    English-Hindi dictionary > tense

  • 16 upbeat

    1. उत्साह
    The mood is upbeat for the dance party.

    English-Hindi dictionary > upbeat

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mood — Mood …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • mood — W3S3 [mu:d] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(way you feel)¦ 2 be in a mood 3 be/feel in the mood for something 4 be in no mood for something/to do something 5¦(way a place or event feels)¦ 6¦(grammar)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Sense: 1 5; Origin: Old English mod mind, courage ] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mood — [ mud ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the way someone is feeling, for example whether they are happy, sad, or angry: He listens to rock or country music, depending on his mood. medicines that affect your mood and mental function in a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mood — mood, humor, temper, vein mean a temporary state or frame of mind in which one emotion or desire or one set of emotions gains the ascendancy. Mood is the comprehensive term for any such frame of mind, regardless of its particular cause, its… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Mood 92.0 FM — Mood 92 (Formally Mood FM) City of license Amman …   Wikipedia

  • mood — mood1 [mo͞od] n. [ME < OE mod, mind, soul, courage, akin to Ger mut, mental disposition, spirit, courage < IE base * me , to strive strongly, be energetic > L mos, custom, customary behavior] 1. a particular state of mind or feeling;… …   English World dictionary

  • Mood — Mood, n. [OE. mood, mod, AS. m[=o]dmind, feeling, heart, courage; akin to OS. & OFries. m[=o]d, D. moed, OHG. muot, G. muth, mut, courage, Dan. & Sw. mod, Icel. m[=o][eth]r wrath, Goth. m[=o]ds.] Temper of mind; temporary state of the mind in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mood — (m[=oo]d), n. [The same word as mode, perh. influenced by mood temper. See {Mode}.] 1. Manner; style; mode; logical form; musical style; manner of action or being. See {Mode} which is the preferable form). [1913 Webster] 2. (Gram.) Manner of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mood — may refer to: Mood (psychology), a relatively long lasting emotional state Grammatical mood, one of a set of morphologically distinctive forms that are used to signal modality Mood (city), a city in Iran Mood District, a district in Iran Mood… …   Wikipedia

  • mood|y — «MOO dee», adjective, mood|i|er, mood|i|est. 1. likely to have changes of mood: »It is difficult to predict his reaction because he is so moody. 2. often having gloomy moods: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • mood — mood·i·ly; mood·i·ness; mood; …   English syllables

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