Перевод: с русского на французский

с французского на русский


См. также в других словарях:

  • Udic moisture regime — The udic moisture regime is common to soils of humid climates which have well distributed rainfall, or which have enough rain in summer so that the amount of stored moisture plus rainfall is approximately equal to, or exceeds, the amount of… …   Wikipedia

  • Mollisols — Mollisol a Mollisol profile Used in: USDA soil taxonomy Parent material: loess M …   Wikipedia

  • Climate — For other uses, see Climate (disambiguation). Worldwide Climate Classifications Climate encompasses the statistics of temperature …   Wikipedia

  • Malout —   city   Coordinates Country India State Punjab …   Wikipedia

  • Alfisols — are a soil order in USDA soil taxonomy. Alfisols form in semiarid to humid areas, typically under a hardwood forest cover. They have a clay and nutrient enriched subsoil. Alf refers to aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe). Because of their productivity… …   Wikipedia

  • Pachypodium — Taxobox name = Pachypodium image width = 250px image caption = The pachycaule trunk of Pachypodium lamerei regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Gentianales familia = Apocynaceae genus = Pachypodium genus… …   Wikipedia

  • Psamment — In USDA soil taxonomy, a Psamment is defined as an Entisol which consists basically of unconsolidated sand deposits, [ [http://www.pals.iastate.edu/agron154/Agron 154/Unit 10/terms.htm Unit 10: Terms (Psamment)] at pals.iastate.edu] often found… …   Wikipedia

  • Sri Muktsar Sahib —   city   …   Wikipedia

  • режим влажности почвы — — [http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en] EN soil moisture regime The water regime of the soil is determined by the physical properties and arrangement of the soil particles. The pores in a soil determine its water… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Erosion — is the carrying away or displacement of solids (sediment, soil, rock and other particles) usually by the agents of currents such as, wind, water, or ice by downward or down slope movement in response to gravity or by living organisms (in the case …   Wikipedia

  • Aulacomnium palustre — Taxobox image caption = regnum = Plantae divisio = Bryophyta classis = Bryopsida subclassis = Bryidae ordo = Bryales familia = Aulacomniaceae genus = Aulacomnium species = A. palustre binomial = Aulacomnium palustre binomial authority = (Hedw.)… …   Wikipedia

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