Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 handicraft

    (skilled work done by hand, eg knitting, pottery, model-making etc.) artesanato
    * * *
    [h'ændikra:ft] n 1 habilidade manual. 2 artesanato. • adj relativo a arte manual.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > handicraft

  • 2 handicraft

    (skilled work done by hand, eg knitting, pottery, model-making etc.) artesanato

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > handicraft

  • 3 pattern

    1) (a model or guide for making something: a dress-pattern.) molde
    2) (a repeated decoration or design on material etc: The dress is nice but I don't like the pattern.) padrão
    3) (an example suitable to be copied: the pattern of good behaviour.) modelo
    * * *
    [p'ætən] n 1 exemplo, modelo, padrão. 2 molde. 3 amostra, espécime. 4 forma, feitio, contorno. 5 configuração, arranjo, disposição. it is a machine of a new pattern / é uma máquina de novo tipo. 6 Amer corte de fazenda. 7 modelo de fundição. 8 desenho, motivo decorativo. • vt 1 moldar, modelar. 2 decorar com um modelo ou desenho. 3 imitar, copiar. • adj modelar, exemplar, típico. according to pattern conforme modelo. a pattern patience um modelo de paciência. made to pattern feito sob modelo. to take pattern by tomar como exemplo, guiar-se por.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pattern

  • 4 plaster

    1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) a substance put on walls, ceilings etc which dries to form a hard smooth surface: He mixed up some plaster to repair the wall; a plaster ceiling.) reboco
    2) (( also adjective) (also plaster of Paris) (of) a similar quick-drying substance used for supporting broken limbs, making models etc: She's got her arm in plaster; a plaster model.) gesso
    3) ((also sticking-plaster; American Band-Aid) (a piece of) sticky tape (sometimes with a dressing) used to cover a wound etc: You should put a plaster on that cut.) adesivo
    2. verb
    1) (to put plaster on: They plastered the walls.) estucar
    2) (to spread or apply rather too thickly: She'd look nicer if she didn't plaster so much make-up on her face.) besuntar
    - plastic 3. adjective
    (easily made into different shapes.) plástico
    * * *
    [pl'a:stə; pl'æstə] n 1 emplastro. 2 emboço. 3 gesso calcinado, sulfato de cálcio. 4 reboco. • vt+vi 1 emboçar. 2 lambuzar. 3 cumular. 4 remendar. 5 emplastrar. 6 rebocar. 7 afixar, pregar. plaster of Paris gesso calcinado, sulfato de cálcio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > plaster

  • 5 wax

    I 1. [wæks] noun
    1) (the sticky, fatty substance of which bees make their cells; beeswax.) cera
    2) (the sticky, yellowish substance formed in the ears.) cera
    3) (a manufactured, fatty substance used in polishing, to give a good shine: furniture wax.) cera
    4) (( also adjective) (also candle-wax) (of) a substance made from paraffin, used in making candles, models etc, that melts when heated: a wax model.) cera
    5) (sealing-wax.) lacre
    2. verb
    (to smear, polish or rub with wax.) encerar
    - waxen
    - waxy
    - waxwork
    - waxworks
    II [wæks] verb
    1) ((of the moon) to appear to grow in size as more of it becomes visible.) crescer
    2) (an old word for to grow or increase.) crescer
    * * *
    [wæks] n 1 cera. 2 ceral. 3 cerume. 4 sl disco, gravação fonográfica. • vt 1 encerar, untar de cera. 2 gravar em disco. • adj de ou como cera. as tight as wax fig mudo como um peixe. a wax in one’s hands uma pessoa subserviente. bee’s wax cera de abelha. ear-wax cerume. she sticks to him like wax ela se prende a ele como um carrapato. shoemaker’s/cobbler’s wax cerol. to put on wax gravar em disco. vegetable wax cera vegetal.
    [wæks] vi Poet 1 crescer, desenvolver-se, aumentar ( into para), ficar cheia (lua). 2 tornar(-se). the party waxed merry a reunião ou festa tornou-se alegre. to wax and wane aumentar e diminuir. to wax old envelhecer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wax

  • 6 pattern

    1) (a model or guide for making something: a dress-pattern.) modelo
    2) (a repeated decoration or design on material etc: The dress is nice but I don't like the pattern.) padrão
    3) (an example suitable to be copied: the pattern of good behaviour.) padrão, modelo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pattern

  • 7 plaster

    1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) a substance put on walls, ceilings etc which dries to form a hard smooth surface: He mixed up some plaster to repair the wall; a plaster ceiling.) reboco
    2) (( also adjective) (also plaster of Paris) (of) a similar quick-drying substance used for supporting broken limbs, making models etc: She's got her arm in plaster; a plaster model.) gesso
    3) ((also sticking-plaster; American Band-Aid) (a piece of) sticky tape (sometimes with a dressing) used to cover a wound etc: You should put a plaster on that cut.) emplastro
    2. verb
    1) (to put plaster on: They plastered the walls.) rebocar
    2) (to spread or apply rather too thickly: She'd look nicer if she didn't plaster so much make-up on her face.) rebocar, emplastrar
    - plastic 3. adjective
    (easily made into different shapes.) plástico, maleável

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > plaster

  • 8 wax

    I 1. [wæks] noun
    1) (the sticky, fatty substance of which bees make their cells; beeswax.) cera
    2) (the sticky, yellowish substance formed in the ears.) cera
    3) (a manufactured, fatty substance used in polishing, to give a good shine: furniture wax.) cera
    4) (( also adjective) (also candle-wax) (of) a substance made from paraffin, used in making candles, models etc, that melts when heated: a wax model.) cera
    5) (sealing-wax.) lacre
    2. verb
    (to smear, polish or rub with wax.) encerar
    - waxen - waxy - waxwork - waxworks II [wæks] verb
    1) ((of the moon) to appear to grow in size as more of it becomes visible.) crescer
    2) (an old word for to grow or increase.) crescer

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > wax

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