1 mitigation of punishment
= mitigation of sentence смягчение наказанияАнгло-русский юридический словарь > mitigation of punishment
2 mitigation of punishment
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > mitigation of punishment
3 mitigation of punishment
1) Юридический термин: смягчение наказания2) юр.Н.П. смягчение приговораУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > mitigation of punishment
4 mitigation of punishment
<09> смягчение наказания -
5 mitigation
6 punishment
7 mitigation of sentence
8 Article 50
1. No one may be convicted twice for one and the same crime.2. In administering justice it shall not be allowed to use evidence received by violating the federal law. 3. Everyone convicted for a crime shall have the right to appeal against the judgement of a superior court according to the rules envisaged by the federal law, as well as to ask for pardon or a mitigation of punishment. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 50[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 50[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 50[/ref]>The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 50
9 penalty
сущ.1) юр. наказание, взысканиеcustodial [non-custodial\] penalty — наказание связанное [не связанное\] c лишением свободы
commuted [lenient, light, mild\] penalty — смягченное [мягкое\] наказание
hard [severe\] penalty — строгое наказание
on penalty for, under penalty of — под страхом чего-л.
to impose [to rescind\] a penalty on — назначить [отменить\] наказание
imposed [inflicted\] penalty — назначенное наказание
Syn:2) эк., юр. штраф; пеняliable to penalty, subject to a penalty — подлежащий штрафным санкциям
Syn:See:activity test penalty, contractual penalty, late penalty, money penalty, prepayment penalty, penalty clause, penalty tax, penology3) общ. отрицательная сторона, отрицательное последствие (чего-л.)jealousy is the penalty of fame — зависть — это неблагоприятное последствие славы
* * *
1) штраф, штрафная санкция; 2) = contango.* * *неустойка; пеня; штраф. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *один из видов санкций, применяемых при неисполнении договорных обязательств-----произвольная, заранее оговоренная сумма, которую надлежит выплатить в случае нарушения одной из сторон контракта или обязательства-----Финансы/Кредит/Валюташтраф, штрафная санкцияпроизвольная, заранее оговоренная сумма, которую надлежит выплатить в случае нарушения одной из сторон обязательства
См. также в других словарях:
mitigation of punishment — lessening of the severity of a punishment … English contemporary dictionary
mitigation of punishment — Lessening the punishment to be inflicted upon a convicted criminal out of consideration of circumstances such as former good behavior, the background of the defendant, the payment of damages by the defendant to the injured person, etc. 21 Am J2d… … Ballentine's law dictionary
mitigation of punishment — A judge may reduce or order a lesser sentence in consideration of such factors as the defendant s past good behavior, his family situation, his cooperation with the police and kindred factors … Black's law dictionary
mitigation of punishment — A judge may reduce or order a lesser sentence in consideration of such factors as the defendant s past good behavior, his family situation, his cooperation with the police and kindred factors … Black's law dictionary
mitigation — I noun abatement, abridgment, adjustment, alleviation, assuagement, attenuation, comforting, decrease, diminishment, diminution, easing, lessening, levamentum, levatio, lightening, mitigatio, moderation, palliation, reduction, relaxation, relief … Law dictionary
Mitigation — Mit i*ga tion, n. [OE. mitigacioun, F. mitigation, fr. L. mitigatio.] The act of mitigating, or the state of being mitigated; abatement or diminution of anything painful, harsh, severe, afflictive, or calamitous; as, the mitigation of pain, grief … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mitigation of sentence — lessening on a punishment, making a penalty less severe … English contemporary dictionary
mitigation — /mɪtəˈgeɪʃən/ (say mituh gayshuhn) noun 1. the act or fact of mitigating. 2. Law a reduction or attempt to secure a reduction in damages or punishment, as in a speech made to a judge after a verdict or plea of guilty. {Middle English… …
mitigation — To make less severe. Alleviation, reduction, abatement or diminution of a penalty or punishment imposed by law … Black's law dictionary
mitigation — To make less severe. Alleviation, reduction, abatement or diminution of a penalty or punishment imposed by law … Black's law dictionary
sentence — The judgment formally pronounced by the court or judge upon the defendant after his conviction in a criminal prosecution, imposing the punishment to be inflicted, usually in the form of a fine, incarceration, or probation. See e.g. 18 U.S.C.A. No … Black's law dictionary