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  • 1 missing

    adjective (not in the usual place or not able to be found: The child has been missing since Tuesday; I've found those missing papers.) dispărut

    English-Romanian dictionary > missing

  • 2 missing

    (gen) omis; care lipseşte

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > missing

  • 3 missing word

    (poligr) omis

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > missing word

  • 4 go missing

    (to be lost: A group of climbers has gone missing in the Himalayas.) a se pierde

    English-Romanian dictionary > go missing

  • 5 miss

    [mis] 1. verb
    1) (to fail to hit, catch etc: The arrow missed the target.) a nu nimeri
    2) (to fail to arrive in time for: He missed the 8 o'clock train.) a pierde
    3) (to fail to take advantage of: You've missed your opportunity.) a irosi
    4) (to feel sad because of the absence of: You'll miss your friends when you go to live abroad.) a-i fi dor de
    5) (to notice the absence of: I didn't miss my purse till several hours after I'd dropped it.) a remarca absenţa/dispariţia
    6) (to fail to hear or see: He missed what you said because he wasn't listening.) a nu auzi; a nu vedea
    7) (to fail to go to: I'll have to miss my lesson next week, as I'm going to the dentist.) a lipsi de la
    8) (to fail to meet: We missed you in the crowd.) a nu vedea; a nu întâlni
    9) (to avoid: The thief only just missed being caught by the police.) a evita
    10) ((of an engine) to misfire.) a da rateuri
    2. noun
    (a failure to hit, catch etc: two hits and two misses.) rateu
    - go missing
    - miss out
    - miss the boat

    English-Romanian dictionary > miss

  • 6 astray

    adjective, adverb
    (away from the right direction; missing, lost: The letter has gone astray; We were led astray by the inaccurate map.) rătăcit, pierdut

    English-Romanian dictionary > astray

  • 7 blizzard

    (a blinding storm of wind and snow: Two climbers are missing after yesterday's blizzard.) viscol, furtună de ză­padă

    English-Romanian dictionary > blizzard

  • 8 complete

    [kəm'pli:t] 1. adjective
    1) (whole; with nothing missing: a complete set of Shakespeare's plays.) complet
    2) (thorough: My car needs a complete overhaul; a complete surprise.) complet
    3) (finished: My picture will soon be complete.) terminat
    2. verb
    (to finish; to make complete: When will he complete the job?; This stamp completes my collection.) a termina; a completa
    - completeness
    - completion

    English-Romanian dictionary > complete

  • 9 exhibit

    [iɡ'zibit] 1. verb
    1) (to show; to display to the public: My picture is to be exhibited in the art gallery.) a expune
    2) (to show (a quality etc): He exhibited a complete lack of concern for others.) a arăta
    2. noun
    1) (an object displayed publicly (eg in a museum): One of the exhibits is missing.) ex­ponat
    2) (an object or document produced in court as part of the evidence: The blood-stained scarf was exhibit number one in the murder trial.) probă materială
    - exhibitor

    English-Romanian dictionary > exhibit

  • 10 explain away

    (to get rid of (difficulties etc) by clever explaining: She could not explain away the missing money.) a justifica

    English-Romanian dictionary > explain away

  • 11 homesick

    adjective (missing one's home: When the boy first went to boarding-school he was very homesick.) care suferă de dor de casă

    English-Romanian dictionary > homesick

  • 12 incomplete

    (not complete or finished; with some part missing: His novel was incomplete when he died; an incomplete pack of cards.) incomplet

    English-Romanian dictionary > incomplete

  • 13 lost

    1) (missing; no longer to be found: a lost ticket.) pierdut
    2) (not won: The game is lost.) pierdut
    3) (wasted; not used properly: a lost opportunity.) pierdut
    4) (no longer knowing where one is, or in which direction to go: I don't know whether to turn left or right - I'm lost.) rătăcit

    English-Romanian dictionary > lost

  • 14 naturally

    1) (of course; as one would expect: Naturally I didn't want to risk missing the train.) bineînţeles
    2) (by nature; as a natural characteristic: She is naturally kind.) din fire
    3) (normally; in a relaxed way: Although he was nervous, he behaved quite naturally.) cu na­tu­raleţe

    English-Romanian dictionary > naturally

  • 15 regret

    [rə'ɡret] 1. past tense, past participle - regretted; verb
    (to be sorry about: I regret my foolish behaviour; I regret that I missed the concert; I regret missing the concert; I regret to inform you that your application for the job was unsuccessful.) a regreta, a-i părea rău
    2. noun
    (a feeling of sorrow, or of having done something wrong: I have no regrets / I feel no regret about what I did; It was with deep regret that I heard the news of his death.) regret
    - regretfully
    - regrettable
    - regrettably

    English-Romanian dictionary > regret

  • 16 roll-call

    noun (an act of calling names from a list, to find out if anyone is missing eg in a prison or school class.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > roll-call

  • 17 rung

    I noun
    (a step on a ladder: a missing rung.) treaptă
    II see ring

    English-Romanian dictionary > rung

  • 18 safe

    I 1. [seif] adjective
    1) ((negative unsafe) protected, or free (from danger etc): The children are safe from danger in the garden.) protejat, la adă­post (de)
    2) (providing good protection: You should keep your money in a safe place.) sigur
    3) (unharmed: The missing child has been found safe and well.) nevătămat
    4) (not likely to cause harm: These pills are safe for children.) fără riscuri
    5) ((of a person) reliable: a safe driver; He's a very fast driver but he's safe enough.) sigur
    - safely
    - safety
    - safeguard
    2. verb
    (to protect: Put a good lock on your door to safeguard your property.) a proteja
    - safety lamp
    - safety measures
    - safety-pin
    - safety valve
    - be on the safe side
    - safe and sound
    II [seif] noun
    (a heavy metal chest or box in which money etc can be locked away safely: There is a small safe hidden behind that picture on the wall.) seif

    English-Romanian dictionary > safe

  • 19 search party

    (a group of people looking for a missing person: When the climbers failed to return, a search party was sent out.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > search party

  • 20 short circuit

    the missing out by an electric current of a part of an electrical circuit (verb short-circuit) a scurt­cir­cuita)

    English-Romanian dictionary > short circuit

См. также в других словарях:

  • Missing EP — EP by City and Colour Released January 2005 …   Wikipedia

  • Missing — «Missing» Сингл Evanescence из альбома …   Википедия

  • Missing — Miss ing, a. [From {Miss}, v. i.] Absent from the place where it was expected to be found; lost; lacking; wanting; not present when called or looked for. [1913 Webster] Neither was there aught missing unto them. 1 Sam. xxv. 7. [1913 Webster] For… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • missing — (adj.) not present, absent, 1520s, from prp. of MISS (Cf. miss) (v.). Military sense of not present after a battle but not known to have been killed or captured is from 1845. Missing link first attested 1851 in Lyell. Missing person is from 1876 …   Etymology dictionary

  • missing — index deficient, delinquent (overdue), devoid, insufficient, lost (taken away), truant, vacuous Burt …   Law dictionary

  • Missing —    Drame de Costa Gavras, avec Jack Lemmon, Sissy Spacek, Melanie Mayron.   Pays: États Unis   Date de sortie: 1982   Technique: couleurs   Durée: 2 h 02   Prix: Palme d or, Cannes (1982)    Résumé    Un Américain est bloqué au Chili par le coup… …   Dictionnaire mondial des Films

  • missing — /ˈmissin(g), ingl. ˈmɪsɪŋ/ agg.; anche s. m. inv. scomparso, desaparecido (sp.) …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • missing — [adj] gone, absent astray, away, AWOL*, disappeared, lacking, left behind, left out, lost, mislaid, misplaced, not present, nowhere to be found*, omitted, removed, short, unaccounted for, wanting; concepts 539,576 Ant. found, here, present …   New thesaurus

  • missing — ► ADJECTIVE 1) absent and of unknown whereabouts. 2) not present when expected or supposed to be …   English terms dictionary

  • missing — [mis′iŋ] adj. absent; lost; lacking; specif., absent after combat, but not definitely known to be dead or taken prisoner …   English World dictionary

  • Missing — For WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles, see WP:MISSING. For editors no longer working on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Missing Wikipedians Missing or The Missing may refer to: Contents 1 Film 2 Literatur …   Wikipedia

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