Перевод: с испанского на английский

с английского на испанский


  • 1 infracción

    infraction, breach, offense, transgression.
    * * *
    1 infraction, infringement
    infracción de tráfico driving offence
    * * *
    noun f.
    infraction, offence
    * * *
    SF [de ley] infringement (de of)
    [de acuerdo] breach (de of) [de norma] offence (de against) violation (EEUU) (de of)

    infracción de tráfico — traffic offence, driving offence, traffic violation (EEUU)

    * * *
    femenino offense*, infraction (frml)

    una infracción de la leyan infringement o infraction of the law

    infracción de tráficotraffic violation (AmE), driving offence (BrE)

    * * *
    = infringement, violation, breach, contravention.
    Ex. Strictly speaking, the word piracy or infringement can be applied only to the flowing back of unauthorised reproductions to countries of origen = En su estricto sentido, la palabra piratería o infracción puede aplicarse solamente a la entrada de vuelta a los países de origen de reproducciones que se hayan hecho sin la debida autorización.
    Ex. Although the application of policies requires an exercise of judgment, violation of the policy under the guise of 'flexibility' should be avoided.
    Ex. The key is through controls, which must be built in so that breaches are detected.
    Ex. Some local authorities are currently under investigation for their alleged contravention of the Rome Treaty by their imposition of a 'buy British' requirement.
    * infracción de las normas = breach of regulations, infringement of the rules, breach of the rules.
    * infracción del derecho de autor = copyright infringement.
    * infracción de normas = rule breaking.
    * infracción de tráfico = traffic violation.
    * infracción de tránsito = traffic violation.
    * infracción grave = serious offence.
    * * *
    femenino offense*, infraction (frml)

    una infracción de la leyan infringement o infraction of the law

    infracción de tráficotraffic violation (AmE), driving offence (BrE)

    * * *
    = infringement, violation, breach, contravention.

    Ex: Strictly speaking, the word piracy or infringement can be applied only to the flowing back of unauthorised reproductions to countries of origen = En su estricto sentido, la palabra piratería o infracción puede aplicarse solamente a la entrada de vuelta a los países de origen de reproducciones que se hayan hecho sin la debida autorización.

    Ex: Although the application of policies requires an exercise of judgment, violation of the policy under the guise of 'flexibility' should be avoided.
    Ex: The key is through controls, which must be built in so that breaches are detected.
    Ex: Some local authorities are currently under investigation for their alleged contravention of the Rome Treaty by their imposition of a 'buy British' requirement.
    * infracción de las normas = breach of regulations, infringement of the rules, breach of the rules.
    * infracción del derecho de autor = copyright infringement.
    * infracción de normas = rule breaking.
    * infracción de tráfico = traffic violation.
    * infracción de tránsito = traffic violation.
    * infracción grave = serious offence.

    * * *
    offense*, infraction ( frml)
    ha cometido una infracción contra el Fisco she has committed a tax offense
    estos actos constituyen una infracción de la ley these actions constitute an infringement o infraction of the law
    infracción de tráfico traffic violation ( AmE), driving offence ( BrE)
    estaba estacionado en infracción he was parked illegally
    * * *

    infracción sustantivo femenino
    offense( conjugate offense), infraction (frml);

    infracción sustantivo femenino infringement
    infracción de tráfico, traffic offence

    ' infracción' also found in these entries:
    - leve
    - tránsito
    - infringement
    - offence
    - transgression
    - breach
    - endorsement
    - offense
    * * *
    [de reglamento] infringement, violation;
    una infracción del reglamento an infringement o a violation of the rules;
    infracción leve/grave minor/serious offence;
    infracción de circulación o [m5] tráfico driving offence, traffic violation
    * * *
    f offense, Br
    * * *
    infracción nf, pl - ciones : violation, offense, infraction

    Spanish-English dictionary > infracción

  • 2 segundo

    secondly, in second place, second.
    1 second, short period of time.
    2 second, sixtieth part of one minute.
    3 second best, second.
    4 Segundo.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: segundar.
    * * *
    1 second
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 second
    1 (tiempo) second
    decir algo con segundas (intenciones) figurado to have an ulterior motive for saying something
    en segundo lugar (en texto, explicación) secondly 2 (en competición) in second place
    segundas nupcias second marriage sing Table 1 NOTA See also sexto,-a/Table 1
    1 (tiempo) second
    * * *
    1. (f. - segunda)
    noun adj.
    2. noun m.
    * * *
    segundo, -a
    ADJ [gen] second; [enseñanza] secondary; [intención] double

    en segundo lugar[en clasificación] in second place; [en discurso] secondly

    sexto 1.
    2. SM / F
    1) [en orden] [gen] second; (Admin, Mil) second in command

    segundo/a de a bordo — (Náut) first mate; (fig) second in command

    2) (Mús) alto
    3. SM
    1) (=medida de tiempo) second
    2) (=piso) second floor, third floor (EEUU)
    3) (Astron)
    * * *
    - da adjetivo/pronombre
    a) ( ordinal) second

    segundo plano: en un segundo plano está... in the background is...; quedar relegado a un segundo plano — to be pushed into the background; para ejemplos ver tb quinto

    b) <categoría/clase> second
    - da masculino, femenino deputy, second-in-command
    a) ( de tiempo) second

    un segundo, ahora te atiendo — just a second, I'll be right with you

    b) ( medida de ángulo) second
    * * *
    - da adjetivo/pronombre
    a) ( ordinal) second

    segundo plano: en un segundo plano está... in the background is...; quedar relegado a un segundo plano — to be pushed into the background; para ejemplos ver tb quinto

    b) <categoría/clase> second
    - da masculino, femenino deputy, second-in-command
    a) ( de tiempo) second

    un segundo, ahora te atiendo — just a second, I'll be right with you

    b) ( medida de ángulo) second
    * * *
    1 = second (2nd), second-best [2nd-best], runner up.

    Ex: The second part of this volume combines the proceedings of the two 1977 institutes held in New York and Los Angeles.

    Ex: In three weeks one could become the second best authority on any subject, given access to a decent library with a good librarian.
    Ex: This paper gives some information about the winners, highlights of their acceptance speeches at the awards ceremony, and lists the 4 runners up.
    * alumno de segundo = second grader.
    * alumno de segundo año = second grader.
    * alumno de segundo curso = second grader.
    * coche de segunda mano = used car, second-hand car.
    * como segunda alternativa = as a backup.
    * con segundas = double-edged, loaded.
    * con segundas intenciones = loaded.
    * dar una segunda oportunidad = give + a second chance.
    * dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.
    * dejar en segundo plano = overshadow.
    * de segunda = second-quality.
    * de segunda calidad = second-quality, second-best [2nd-best].
    * de segunda categoría = second-rate.
    * de segunda clase = second-rate.
    * de segunda importancia = marginal, back burner, on the back burner, second in importance.
    * de segunda importancia en relación con = secondary to.
    * de segunda mano = second-hand [secondhand].
    * de segundo grado = second-degree, in the second degree.
    * de segundo nivel = second-level.
    * de segundo orden = minor, second-order [2nd-order].
    * el segundo mencionado = latter.
    * en circuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en segundo lugar = secondly, second-best [2nd-best], in the second place.
    * en un segundo plano = in the background.
    * inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una persona = middle initial.
    * la segunda mitad de + Fecha = the latter part of + Fecha.
    * la segunda opción = the next best choice.
    * la segunda vez = the second time around.
    * mercadillo de prendas de segunda mano = rummage sale.
    * ocupar un segundo plano = stand in + the background.
    * oír por segundas personas = hear + second-hand.
    * parte segunda = revisited.
    * por segunda vez = a second time, the second time around, a second time around.
    * primer y segundo plato = main dish.
    * primo segundo = second cousin.
    * quedar en segundo plano = come in + a poor second.
    * quedar segundo = come off + second-best.
    * relegado a un segundo plano = on the back burner, back burner.
    * relegarse a un segundo plano = take + a back seat.
    * ropa de segunda mano = second-hand clothes.
    * segunda casa = second home.
    * segunda edición = 2nd edition, second edition.
    * Segunda Edición de las Reglas de Catalogación Anglo-Americanas (RCAA2) = AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2nd Edition).
    * Segunda Guerra Mundial = 2nd World War, World War II [Second World War], Second World War [World War II].
    * segunda manga = second leg.
    * segunda parte = sequel, follow-up.
    * segunda vivienda en la ciudad = pied-à-terre.
    * segunda votación = runoff.
    * segundo análisis = re-examination [reexamination].
    * segundo contramaestre = boatswain's mate.
    * segundo curso = second grade.
    * segundo de abordo = second in command.
    * segundo de candidatura = running mate.
    * segundo en la candidatura de Alguien = running mate.
    * segundo finalista = first runner up.
    * segundo molar = 12-year molar.
    * segundo plato = a little something on the side, entrée, main entrée.
    * segundo trimestre = second quarter.
    * ser el segundo de a bordo = play + second fiddle.
    * tener una segunda oportunidad = get + a second chance, have + a second chance.
    * tener un segundo empleo = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * tener un segundo trabajo = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * TOEFL (Examen de Inglés como Segunda Lengua) = TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).
    * una segunda opinión = a second opinion.
    * una segunda vez = a second time around, a second time.
    * vendedor de coches de segunda mano = used-car dealer, second-hand car dealer.

    2 = second, sec.

    Ex: If necessary, it could be made extremely fast by substituting thermionic-tube switching for mechanical switching, so that the full selection could be made in one one-hundredth of a second.

    Ex: 'Hang on a sec, okay?' the senior assistant librarian in charge of serials said as she put the phone down.
    * actuar en segundo plano = lurk in + the wings.
    * décima de segundo = split second.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en uno o dos segundos = in an instant or two.
    * en unos segundos = in seconds.
    * en un par de segundos = in an instant or two.
    * en un segundo = in the blink of an eye, in the twinkling of an eye, in a snap, with the tip of a hat, in a jiffy, in a heartbeat, in a second.
    * fracción de segundo = split second.
    * segundos = moments.
    * unos segundos de reflexión = a moment's thought, a moment's reflection.

    * * *
    segundo1 -da
    adjective / pronoun
    segundo plano: en un segundo plano está … in the background is …
    quedar relegado a un segundo plano to be pushed into the background
    para ejemplos ver tb quinto1 adj/pron (↑ quinto (1)), quinto2 (↑ quinto (2))
    2 ‹categoría/clase› second
    second row
    second childhood
    segundo2 -da
    masculine, feminine
    deputy, second-in-command
    segundo de a bordo, segunda de a bordo
    masculine, feminine ( Náut) first mate, first officer; (en una empresa) ( fam) second-in-command
    1 (de tiempo) second
    no tardo ni un segundo I won't be a second
    un segundo, ahora te atiendo just a second and I'll be with you
    * * *


    segundo 1
    ◊ -da adjetivo/pronombre

    para ejemplos ver quinto
    b)categoría/clase second

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    deputy, second-in-command
    segundo 2 sustantivo masculino
    un segundo, ahora te atiendo just a second, I'll be right with you

    I adjetivo second
    la planta segunda, the second floor
    II pron second (one): es siempre la segunda en levantarse, she is always the second to get up
    viajaremos en segunda, we'll travel second class
    III sustantivo masculino
    1 (unidad de tiempo) second
    fam fig dame un segundo, wait a second
    2 (persona) es el segundo (de a bordo) de la empresa, he is second-in-command of the firm

    ' segundo' also found in these entries:
    - ecuación
    - empatar
    - fondo
    - plana
    - plano
    - posponer
    - segunda
    - segundón
    - segundona
    - semestre
    - centésima
    - cursar
    - décima
    - relegar
    - seg.
    - copilot
    - deputy
    - divorce
    - ESL
    - former
    - go under
    - half
    - jiffy
    - latter
    - moonlight
    - next
    - other
    - raise
    - second
    - second floor
    - second half
    - secondly
    - split
    - stationary
    - TEFL
    - cousin
    - degree
    - floor
    - intermediate
    - middle
    - mother
    - place
    - post
    - re-count
    - runner
    - sophomore
    * * *
    segundo, -a
    de segunda mano second-hand;
    Dep la segunda base [posición] second base; Dep el/la segunda base [jugador] second base;
    segundo equipo [en deporte] second team;
    la Segunda Guerra Mundial the Second World War, World War Two;
    segunda lengua second language;
    segunda línea [en rugby] lock (forward), second row (forward);
    segunda oportunidad second chance;
    segunda parte second half;
    segundo violín second violin;
    segunda vivienda second home
    1. [mencionado antes]
    vinieron Pedro y Juan, el segundo con… Pedro and Juan arrived, the latter with…
    2. [ayudante] number two
    segundo de a bordo Náut first mate; Fig second-in-command; ver también octavo
    1. [piso] Br second floor, US third floor
    2. [cantidad de tiempo] second;
    tres segundos [en baloncesto] three-seconds violation
    3. [curso universitario] second year
    4. [curso escolar] = second year of primary school, US ≈ second grade
    * * *
    I adj second;
    prima segunda second cousin
    II m
    1 second;
    el segundo mejor the second best
    2 de tiempo second
    3 de una comida second course
    vivir en el segundo live on the third o Br second floor
    * * *
    segundo, -da adj
    : second
    el segundo lugar: second place
    segundo, -da n
    1) : second (in a series)
    2) : second (person), second-in-command
    : second
    sesenta segundos: sixty seconds
    * * *
    segundo2 n (tiempo) second

    Spanish-English dictionary > segundo

См. также в других словарях:

  • violation — n. 1) to commit a violation 2) a brazen, flagrant; minor violation 3) a moving violation (by a motorist) 4) in violation of (he acted in violation of the law) * * * [ˌvaɪə leɪʃ(ə)n] flagrant minor violation a brazen to commit a violation a moving …   Combinatory dictionary

  • violation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ blatant, clear, flagrant, obvious ▪ The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement. ▪ egregious (formal, esp. AmE), grave …   Collocations dictionary

  • Minor v. Happersett — ▪ United States Supreme Court case       U.S. Supreme Court case in which the court ruled unanimously in 1874 that the right of suffrage (woman suffrage) was not protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.       The case was… …   Universalium

  • minor — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun Minor is used after these nouns: ↑undergraduate {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adj. VERBS ▪ be, seem ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly …   Collocations dictionary

  • Minor In Possession — In the United States, a minor in possession, or an MIP, (also referred to as a PAULA, Possession of Alcohol Under the Legal Age) is a misdemeanor. Anyone who is under the age of 21 and drinks alcohol in America, with the exception of special… …   Wikipedia

  • Minor in Possession — In the United States, a Minor in Possession, or a MIP, (also referred to as a PAULA, Possession of Alcohol Under the Legal Age) is a criminal offense, typically a misdemeanor. Anyone who is under the age of 21 and possesses alcohol in the United… …   Wikipedia

  • minor deviation rule — Under minor deviation rule for determining when the deviation from purpose and use for which permission to drive insured vehicle is granted will preclude coverage under omnibus clause of policy, if bailee s use is not gross, substantial, or major …   Black's law dictionary

  • minor deviation rule — Under minor deviation rule for determining when the deviation from purpose and use for which permission to drive insured vehicle is granted will preclude coverage under omnibus clause of policy, if bailee s use is not gross, substantial, or major …   Black's law dictionary

  • Lithuania Minor — ( lt. Mažoji Lietuva; de. Kleinlitauen; pl. Litwa Mniejsza; ru. Máлая Литвá) or Prussian Lithuania ( lt. Prūsų Lietuva; de. Preußisch Litauen, pl. Litwa Pruska) is a historical ethnographic region of Prussia, later East Prussia in Germany, where… …   Wikipedia

  • Robert Minor — (1884 1952) was cartoonist and a leading member of the American Communist Party.Career as a CartoonistBorn in San Antonio, Texas, Minor had to leave school at the age of fourteen because his father was unemployed. In 1904, at the age of twenty,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of minor Angel characters — This article features minor fictional characters who appear as guest stars on the cult television program Angel, ordered alphabetically. For the show s main characters, please see the article list of Angel characters. Contents: A B C D E F G H I… …   Wikipedia

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