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  • 1 million

    million {fk} <mio.>

    English-Danish mini dictionary > million

  • 2 million

    ['miljən] 1. plurals million (1, 2), millions (2, 3)
    1) ((preceded by a, a number, or a word signifying a quantity) the number 1,000,000: a million; one million; five million.) million
    2) (the figure 1,000,000.) én million
    3) (a million pounds or dollars: Her fortune amounts to several million(s).) million
    2. adjective
    ((preceded by a, a number, or a word signifying a quantity) 1,000,000 in number: six million people.) million
    - millionaire
    - millionth
    * * *
    ['miljən] 1. plurals million (1, 2), millions (2, 3)
    1) ((preceded by a, a number, or a word signifying a quantity) the number 1,000,000: a million; one million; five million.) million
    2) (the figure 1,000,000.) én million
    3) (a million pounds or dollars: Her fortune amounts to several million(s).) million
    2. adjective
    ((preceded by a, a number, or a word signifying a quantity) 1,000,000 in number: six million people.) million
    - millionaire
    - millionth

    English-Danish dictionary > million

  • 3 million-

    (having a million (of something): a million-pound banknote.) million-
    * * *
    (having a million (of something): a million-pound banknote.) million-

    English-Danish dictionary > million-

  • 4 Million

    Million [-'lĭoːn] f million

    Deutsch-dänische Wörterbuch > Million

  • 5 million

    xxx m

    Dictionnaire français-danois > million

  • 6 მილიონერი


    Georgisk-dansk ordbog > მილიონერი

  • 7 მილიონი


    Georgisk-dansk ordbog > მილიონი

  • 8 миллион


    Русско-датский малый словарь > миллион

  • 9 millionaire

    millionær {fk}

    English-Danish mini dictionary > millionaire

  • 10 light-year

    noun (the distance light travels in a year (nearly 9.5 million million kilometres).) lysår
    * * *
    noun (the distance light travels in a year (nearly 9.5 million million kilometres).) lysår

    English-Danish dictionary > light-year

  • 11 m

    1) (metre(s): the 800 m race.) meter; m
    2) (million: a profit of $50m.) million; mill.
    * * *
    1) (metre(s): the 800 m race.) meter; m
    2) (million: a profit of $50m.) million; mill.

    English-Danish dictionary > m

  • 12 m.

    1) (metre(s): the 800 m race.) meter; m
    2) (million: a profit of $50m.) million; mill.
    * * *
    1) (metre(s): the 800 m race.) meter; m
    2) (million: a profit of $50m.) million; mill.

    English-Danish dictionary > m.

  • 13 millionaire

    - feminine millionairess - noun (a person having a million pounds, dollars etc or more.) millionær
    * * *
    - feminine millionairess - noun (a person having a million pounds, dollars etc or more.) millionær

    English-Danish dictionary > millionaire

  • 14 millionth

    1) (one of a million equal parts.) milliontedel
    2) (the last of a million (people, things etc) or (the person, thing etc) in an equivalent position: the millionth (car).) millionte
    * * *
    1) (one of a million equal parts.) milliontedel
    2) (the last of a million (people, things etc) or (the person, thing etc) in an equivalent position: the millionth (car).) millionte

    English-Danish dictionary > millionth

  • 15 fossil

    (the hardened remains of an animal or vegetable found in rock: Fossils have been found here which may be a million years old.) fossil; forstening
    - fossilise
    * * *
    (the hardened remains of an animal or vegetable found in rock: Fossils have been found here which may be a million years old.) fossil; forstening
    - fossilise

    English-Danish dictionary > fossil

  • 16 mega-

    1) (a million, as in megaton. mega-)
    2) ((also megalo- [meɡəlou]) large or great, as in megalomania.) mega-
    * * *
    1) (a million, as in megaton. mega-)
    2) ((also megalo- [meɡəlou]) large or great, as in megalomania.) mega-

    English-Danish dictionary > mega-

  • 17 megaton

    ((usually with a number) (of a bomb) giving an explosion as great as that of a million tons of TNT: a five-megaton bomb.) megaton
    * * *
    ((usually with a number) (of a bomb) giving an explosion as great as that of a million tons of TNT: a five-megaton bomb.) megaton

    English-Danish dictionary > megaton

  • 18 multimillionaire

    (a person who has wealth valued at several million pounds, dollars etc.) multimillionær
    * * *
    (a person who has wealth valued at several million pounds, dollars etc.) multimillionær

    English-Danish dictionary > multimillionaire

  • 19 population

    noun (the people living in a particular country, area etc: the population of London is 8 million; a rapid increase in population.) befolkning
    * * *
    noun (the people living in a particular country, area etc: the population of London is 8 million; a rapid increase in population.) befolkning

    English-Danish dictionary > population

  • 20 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) produktion
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produktion
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) opsætning
    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) produktion
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) produktion
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) opsætning

    English-Danish dictionary > production

См. также в других словарях:

  • Million — (de) …   Kölsch Dialekt Lexikon

  • million — [ miljɔ̃ ] n. m. • v. 1270; it. milione ♦ Mille fois mille (106). ⇒ méga . Un million, dix millions d hommes. Mille millions (⇒ milliard) , un million de millions (⇒ billion) . ♢ Absolt Million de francs, d unités monétaires. Un appartement de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Million — (Abkürzung Mio.) ist ein Zahlwort, beziehungsweise der Zahlenname für die Zahl 1.000.000. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Sprachliches 2 Vorsätze für Maßeinheiten 3 Mathematisches …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • million — mil‧lion [ˈmɪljən] number million PLURALFORM or millions PLURALFORM written abbreviation m 1,000,000 * * * …   Financial and business terms

  • million — Million. s. m. Dix fois cent mille. Il y a en France tant de millions d hommes. un million de livres. un million d or ou d escus vaut trois millions de livres. Il faut remarquer qu en matiere d argent lors qu on met absolument, Million, on entend …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Million+ — Million+, formerly known as the Campaign for Mainstream Universities (CMU) is the membership group of 27 UK universities incorporated post 1992 and university colleges. Many have long histories as colleges and subsequently polytechnics. Formed in …   Wikipedia

  • million — When preceded by a numeral or a quantifying word such as many or several, the plural is million (unchanged: twenty million people), but millions is used when it is followed by of, typically with imprecise reference (have done it millions of… …   Modern English usage

  • Million — Sf tausend mal tausend std. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus it. milione m. Großtausend, sehr große Zahl , einer Augmentativbildung zu it. mille tausend , aus l. mīlle. Zunächst gebraucht als Bezeichnung sehr großer Geldsummen; die Festlegung… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • million — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. million (late 13c.), from It. millione (now milione), lit. a great thousand, augmentative of mille thousand, from L. mille, which is of uncertain origin. Used mainly by mathematicians until 16c. India, with its love of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Million — Million: Zu it. mille »tausend«, das auf das lat. Zahlwort mille (vgl. ↑ Meile) zurückgeht, stellt sich das mit Vergrößerungssuffix gebildete it. milione »Großtausend«. In dieser Bedeutung gelangte das it. Wort seit dem 13. Jh. in die anderen… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • million — [mil′yən] n. [ME millioun < OFr million < It milione < mille, thousand < L] 1. a thousand thousands; 1,000,000 2. a million (unspecified but understood) monetary units, as dollars, pounds, francs, etc. 3. an indefinite but very large… …   English World dictionary

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