1 mileage
['maɪlɪdʒ]1) distanza f. in miglia2) (done by car) chilometraggio m., miglia f.pl.3) (miles per gallon) consumo m.4) fig. (use)5) (anche mileage allowance) indennità f. di percorso* * *mileage /ˈmaɪlɪdʒ/n.1 [cu] distanza (percorsa) in miglia (cfr. ital. «kilometraggio»)3 [cu] (autom.) consumo (di benzina); miglia percorse con un gallone di benzina● (autom.) mileage chart, carta delle distanze in miglia □ (autom.) mileage counter, «contamiglia».* * *['maɪlɪdʒ]1) distanza f. in miglia2) (done by car) chilometraggio m., miglia f.pl.3) (miles per gallon) consumo m.4) fig. (use)5) (anche mileage allowance) indennità f. di percorso -
2 ♦ trip
♦ trip /trɪp/n.1 escursione; gita; viaggio; viaggetto; salto (fam.): a day trip, una gita (di un giorno); a round trip, un viaggio di andata e ritorno; a trip to France, un viaggetto in Francia; a trip by air, un viaggio in aereo; a trip to the doctor, un salto dal medico; to go on a trip, andare a fare una gita; Have a nice trip!, buon viaggio!; DIALOGO → - Business trip 1- How did the trip to India go?, com'è andato il viaggio in India? NOTA D'USO: - travel, journey o trip?-5 (mecc.) scatto; autoscatto; disinnesto a scatto; dente d'arresto● (mecc.) trip hammer, maglio a caduta libera a leva □ (mus.) trip hop, trip hop ( fonde suoni psichedelici e hip hop) □ (autom.) trip mileage counter, contamiglia parziale □ ( slang USA) to lay a ( heavy) trip on sb., far sentire q. colpevole; colpevolizzare q.(to) trip /trɪp/A v. i.1 saltellare; incedere (o danzare) con passo veloce: The little girl came tripping down the staircase, la bambina scese le scale saltellando2 ( spesso to trip up) incespicare; inciampare; mettere un piede in fallo; impappinarsi, intoppare ( nel parlare, ecc.): I tripped on a stone, sono inciampato in un sasso3 (fig.) sbagliare; errare; fare un passo falso (fig.)B v. t.1 far cadere; far inciampare; sgambettare, fare lo sgambetto a; rovesciare a terra: The boy put his foot out and tripped (up) his sister, il ragazzo allungò il piede e fece cadere la sorella2 (fig.) ► trip up, B3 (mecc.) liberare; far scattare: to trip the wire of an alarm system, far scattare un sistema d'allarme toccando un filo elettrico● (lett.) to trip a measure, ballare agilmente una danza □ (elettr.) to trip a switch, staccare la corrente.
См. также в других словарях:
mileage counter — See trip mileage counter … Dictionary of automotive terms
counter — See rev counter revolution counter trip mileage counter … Dictionary of automotive terms
trip mileage counter — An instrument which measures the distance a vehicle travels from the last time it was reset and runs in conjunction with the odometer … Dictionary of automotive terms
Mileage run — A mileage run is a paid/revenue airline trip designed solely for gaining maximum frequent flyer miles, points or status for no other reason than to gain the miles, points or status.cite web | url = http://www.usatoday.com/travel/columnist/grossman… … Wikipedia
counter cruising — n. When a dog or cat sniffs or jumps onto a counter looking for food. Example Citation: Available at most bookstores, this how to tome covers problems from clawing and counter cruising to whiskers and wild birds. Patricia Dibsie, Holiday gifts… … New words
Scan (Prison Break episode) — Infobox Television episode Title = Scan Series = Prison Break Caption = Season = 2 Episode = 3 Airdate = September 4, 2006 Production = 2AKJ03 Guests = Matt DeCaro John Heard Holly Valance Writer = Zack Estrin Director = Bryan Spicer Season list … Wikipedia
trip recorder — Incorporated in the speedometer, the trip recorder indicates the mileage (in miles or km) covered during a particular journey (trip), either mechanically or electronically; trip figures can be reset to zero by turning or pushing a reset button.… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Japan Airlines — Not to be confused with Air Japan, the charter carrier. Japan Airlines 日本航空 (Nihon Kōkū) IATA JL ICAO … Wikipedia
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
China Southern Airlines — 中国南方航空公司 Zhōngguó Nánfāng Hángkōng Gōngsī IATA CZ ICAO CSN Callsign … Wikipedia
Alaska Airlines — IATA AS ICAO ASA Callsign ALASKA … Wikipedia