1 mileage allowance
2 ♦ allowance
♦ allowance /əˈlaʊəns/n.1 assegno; indennità: a monthly allowance for clothes, un assegno mensile per il vestiario; disablement allowance, assegno d'invalidità; travelling allowance, indennità di viaggio; mileage allowance, indennità di viaggio ( in base alle miglia)3 (comm.) abbuono; deduzione; ribasso; sconto: allowance for leakage, abbuono per colaggio; a 3 per cent allowance, uno sconto del 3%4 (fisc.) detrazione: children allowance, detrazione per figli a carico; personal allowance, detrazione personale; tax allowance, detrazione fiscale7 (mecc.) tolleranza; gioco● to make allowance for st., tener conto di qc. □ to make allowances for sb., mostrarsi comprensivi verso q.; essere indulgenti con q.; concedere attenuanti a q.(to) allowance /əˈlaʊəns/v. t.1 razionare; mettere a razione2 assegnare una somma di denaro a (q.). -
3 mileage
['maɪlɪdʒ]1) distanza f. in miglia2) (done by car) chilometraggio m., miglia f.pl.3) (miles per gallon) consumo m.4) fig. (use)5) (anche mileage allowance) indennità f. di percorso* * *mileage /ˈmaɪlɪdʒ/n.1 [cu] distanza (percorsa) in miglia (cfr. ital. «kilometraggio»)3 [cu] (autom.) consumo (di benzina); miglia percorse con un gallone di benzina● (autom.) mileage chart, carta delle distanze in miglia □ (autom.) mileage counter, «contamiglia».* * *['maɪlɪdʒ]1) distanza f. in miglia2) (done by car) chilometraggio m., miglia f.pl.3) (miles per gallon) consumo m.4) fig. (use)5) (anche mileage allowance) indennità f. di percorso -
4 allowance
[ə'laʊəns]1) (grant) sussidio m.; (from employer) indennità f.2) econ. (reduction) detrazione f., abbattimento m.3) (spending money) (for child, teenager) paghetta f.; (for student) = denaro per mantenersi agli studi; (from trust) rendita f.6) (concession)to make allowance(s) for — tener conto di [inflation, variations]
to make allowance(s) for sb. — concedere attenuanti a qcn
* * *1) (a fixed sum or quantity given regularly: His father made him an allowance of $20 a month.) paghetta, (somma di denaro concessa)2) (something (usually a quantity) allowed: This dress pattern has a seam allowance of 1 cm.) margine* * *[ə'laʊəns]1) (grant) sussidio m.; (from employer) indennità f.2) econ. (reduction) detrazione f., abbattimento m.3) (spending money) (for child, teenager) paghetta f.; (for student) = denaro per mantenersi agli studi; (from trust) rendita f.6) (concession)to make allowance(s) for — tener conto di [inflation, variations]
to make allowance(s) for sb. — concedere attenuanti a qcn
См. также в других словарях:
mileage allowance — Lease agreements usually establish the average miles per year that the car may be driven during the lease. This is often between 12,000 and 15,000 miles. The lease contract also establishes the amount you ll have to pay for every mile driven over … Dictionary of automotive terms
Mileage Allowance — A deduction of automobile expenses for people using their vehicles for business, charity, moving, medical or any other purpose that qualifies for a deduction. There are different categories of purposes for deductible automobile expenses, each of… … Investment dictionary
mileage — mile‧age [ˈmaɪlɪdʒ] noun [uncountable] 1. an amount of money paid for each mile that is travelled by someone using a car for work: • The mileage allowance for use of a personal car for business is up to 44 cents a mile. 2. the amount of use or… … Financial and business terms
allowance — al‧low‧ance [əˈlaʊəns] noun 1. [countable] an amount of money that someone is given regularly or for a special reason: • She earns a package worth $1 million, including a $15,000 clothing allowance. ˌcost of ˈliving alˌlowance [countable] HUMAN… … Financial and business terms
mileage — (also milage) noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, weekly ▪ good, high, low ▪ cars that get better mileage ▪ Car for sal … Collocations dictionary
mileage — mile|age [ˈmaılıdʒ] n 1.) [C usually singular, U] the number of miles a vehicle has travelled since it was made ▪ Always check the mileage before you buy a secondhand car. 2.) [C usually singular, U] the number of miles someone travels in a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
mileage — mile|age [ maılıdʒ ] noun 1. ) singular the number of miles that a vehicle has traveled since it was made, or in a particular period of time: What kind of mileage does the car have on it? high/low mileage: a car with high mileage a ) uncount… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
mileage — UK [ˈmaɪlɪdʒ] / US noun 1) a) [singular/uncountable] the number of miles that a vehicle has travelled since it was made, or in a particular period of time My annual mileage is about 10,000 miles. high/low mileage: a car with high mileage b)… … English dictionary
allowance — al|low|ance W3S2 [əˈlauəns] n 1.) [C usually singular] an amount of money that you are given regularly or for a special purpose a monthly/annual etc allowance ▪ His father gives him a monthly allowance of £200. allowance for ▪ Do you get an… … Dictionary of contemporary English
mileage — noun 1 (countable usually singular, uncountable) the number of miles a vehicle has travelled since it was made: For sale Red Ford Escort. Low Mileage. 2 (countable usually singular, uncountable) the number of miles a vehicle can travel using one… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
allowance — See mileage allowance … Dictionary of automotive terms