1 пенис
1) General subject: (половой) cock, penis2) Biology: phallus3) Colloquial: wand, gentleman's sausage4) Australian slang: old teller5) Euphemism: Uncle Sam6) Jargon: peen (short for penis), choad, braun7) Invective: bicho, jang, middle leg, piccolo (при оральном половом акте), pinga, tool, wag (обычно маленького мальчика), wang, ying-yang, Johnson, arm, cock, jing-jang, joy knob, joy-stick, pecker, pencil, peter, pole, prick, pud, pudding (особенно используемый при мастурбации), rod, whang, yang8) Taboo: Anglican length, Athenaeum, Cyclops, Fagan, Irish root, Jezebel, John, John Thomas, Little Willie, Long Dong Silver, Mister Tom, Mr Jones, Mr. Happy, Mr. Sausage, Oscar, Perce, Percy, Randy Rupert, Rumple Foreskin, Rupert, Spam javelin, Spurt Reynolds (игра слов на spurt и имени актера Burt Reynolds), Wolver, Zab (из арабского), ace poker, almond, arbor vitae, baby-maker, bacon bazooka, bald-headed hermit, banana, bat, baton, bazooka, bean, bean-tosser, beard-jammer, beaver cleaver, bed flute (см. pink oboe; особ. как объект орального секса), bell-rope, best leg of three, big bamboo, big daddy, bingey, bit of hard (см. hard-on), bit of snug, blade, blow stick, blowtorch, blue veined steak, bog bamboo, bolt, bone phone, bowel trowel, boy, boymeat, bozak, brush, business, button worker (см. button), cannon, captain, chanticleer, cheesepipe (см. cheese), cheesy wheelbarrow, chopper, chum, clam ram, cock-opener, cocklet, copper stick, corey, corker, corn beef cudgel, cory, crab ladder, crack-haunter, cracksman, crank, cranny-hunter, cream-stick, crimson crowbar, cuckoo, cucumber, custard cannon (см. lamb cannon, mutton musket), dagger, dang, dangle, dangler, dearest member, derrick, dick, diddle, dildo, ding dong, dingle-dangle, dinosaur, dipstick, dirk, dolly, dong, donger, doob, doodle (обыч. у ребенка), doover, dork, driving post, drumstick, dummy, (от еврейского 80+90, означающего буквы pay и tzadik, являющиеся эвфемизмом слова putz q.v.) eighty-ninety, eleventh finger, enob, eye opener, fallos, fanny battering ram, fanny rat, ferret (см. exercise the ferret), fiddle-bow (см. fiddle), fishing-rod, flapjack, flapper, fleshy fugelhorn, flip-flap, flute, fool-maker, fornicating engine, fornicator, four-eleven-forty-four (4-11-44), (4-9-3-11, по номерам букв в алфавите) four-nine-three-eleven, fuck stick, fuckstick, gap-stopper, gardener, generating tool, gibbon gristle, giggle-stick, girl-catcher, girlometer, goo gun, goober, goose's neck, gooser, gravy-giver, grinding tool, gristle, guided muscle (см. meat seeking pissile), gully raker, gun, gut-stick, hair-divider, ham howitzer, hambone, hammer, hampton (см. Hampton Wick), handstaff, hang down, hanging johnny (особ. у импотента или мужчины, зараженного венерическим заболеванием), happy lamp, hermit, hickey, hicky, high pressure vein cane, hissing Sid, holy iron, holy poker, honker, hood, hoop stretcher, hootchee, horn, horse, hot dog, hot rod, ice cream machine, inch, incher, instrument, jack, jack in the box, jammy, jerking iron, jigger, jiggling bore, jimmy, jing-jang (см. jang), jock, joint, jojo, jones, junior (обычно мужчина называет так свой собственный), key, kidney-scraper, kirp (перевертыш от prick q.v.), knob, knock, knocker, labia lard, ladies' delight, ladies' lollipop, lamb cannon, lamp of life, lance, langer, langolee, large lad, leather-stretcher, leg, lemon, length (см. yardage), lingam (из санскрита), lipstick (по аналогии с тем, как помада появляется из тюбика), little Davy, little brother (см. little sister), little finger, little friend, live rabbit, live sausage (см. sausage), liver tickler (см. lung disturber), living flute, lizard, lollipop, long John (об. большого размера), love muscle, love sausage, love torpedo, lucky Pierre, lullaby, luncheon truncheon, lung-disturber (см. kidney-wiper), mac, mack, mad mick, maggot, magic wand (особ. эрегированный), main cable, man Thomas, man-root, manhood, marrowbone, matrimonial peacemaker, meat, meat flute, meat seeking pissile, meat whistle, member, mickey, middle finger, milkman, mole, mouse, mouth-muscle, mulligan, mutton dagger (см. meat), mutton musket (см. lamb cannon), needle, nightstick, nimrod, nippy, nob, noodle, old Adam, old blind Bob, old fella, old horney, old man, old root, one eyed zipper fish, one-eyed milkman, one-eyed trouser-snake, one-holed flute, organ, pax-wax, peacemaker, pecnoster, pee-pee, peeny, peewee, peg, pen, pendulum (см. dingle dangle), perch, pestle (см. mortar), pickle, piece, pike staff, pile-driver, pillock, pin, pink Darth Vader (по имени одного из героев "Звездных войн" в каске специфической формы), pink cigar (особ. как объект фелляции), pink oboe (см. blue veined trumpet), pintle, pipe, pirate of men's pants, piss-maker, pisser, pisslit, pistol, piston, pizzle, plonker, plunger, pocket rocket, pointer, poker, poo pipe pirate, pood, poontanger, pork prescription, pork sword, porridge gun, power, pricklet, pride and joy, private property, prong, pulse, pump, pump action mottgun, pump-handle, pup, purple pearler, putter, putz, quim-stake, quim-wedge, rammer, ranger, rat, raw meat, reamer, rector of the females, red cap, red-hot poker, rhythm stick, rising main, roger, rolling pin, roly-poly, rooster, root, rotoplooker (произносится ro-to-ploo-ka), salami, sausage, schlong, schmuck, screwdriver (см. screw), sexing piece, shaft, she, shit-disturber, shlong, shotgun, silent flute, skin boat, skin flute, skinflute (особ. как объект орального секса), sky-scraper, slug, snack (особ. как объект фелляции), snake, snorker, sperm worm, spindle, spout, staff, stalk, stem, stern-post, stick, sting, stormy dick, strap, strap-on, string, sucker, sugar-stick, swack, sweet meat, swipe, tadger, tail, tail-end, tail-pike, tallywag, tallywhacker, that thing, thing, thingumbob, third leg, tickler, timothy, tinkler, todger, tommy, tonge, tonk, toot meat, tosh, tossle, touch-trap, trouser snake, trouser trout, trumpet (см. blue veined trumpet, pink oboe), truncheon, tube, tummy banana, turkey neck, umbrella, unemployed, veiny bang stick, wab, weapon, wedge, wee-poh, whacker, whammer, whistle, wick, wiener, wigga-wagga, willie, willy, winkie, winkle, wire, wong, wriggling pole, yard, yosh, yutz, zipperfish, zubrick, zucchini, Baby spanner -
2 зрелый возраст
1) General subject: age of discretion, ephebic stage, manhood, middle age, middle years, the middle of life, years of discretion, midlife2) Sports: adulthood3) Advertising: mature age4) leg.N.P. age of maturity5) Makarov: acme -
3 зрелость
1) General subject: adulthood, manhood, matureness, mellowness, nubility, ripeness, middle age2) Medicine: maturity (организма), puberty3) Engineering: finished state5) Mathematics: completeness, readiness9) Sakhalin energy glossary: lost innocence10) leg.N.P. age of maturity11) Makarov: maturation12) oil&gas: maturity( of organic matter) (органического вещества) -
4 компромисс
1) General subject: a half-way house, accommodation, balancing act (the process of trying to achieve something that different groups will all be satisfied with; from Macmillan Dictionary), composition, compromise, cop out, cop-out, give and take, give-and-take, half-way house, halfway house, middle ground2) Obsolete: temper4) Economy: compromise solution, consent settle5) Diplomatic term: arbitration agreement, trade-off (взаимный)6) Information technology: trade-off7) Oil: tradeoff8) Astronautics: compromize9) leg.N.P. compromis (international arbitration), compromise (general) -
5 круг
1) General subject: a round 0, bout, cart-wheel (сыра), circle, circle of Zinn, circus, compass, cycle, cyclo, disc, disk, gyre, lap (в состязании), leg (в беге), orb, orbit, period, range, rim, ring, round, slice, spectrum (напр., a wide spectrum of consumers - широкий круг потребителей), sphere, tour (обязанностей), wapentake (административное подразделение некоторых графств), wheel2) Geology: halo3) Naval: angle to the left, angle to the right4) Obsolete: cirque5) Sports: fall6) Poetical language: rondure7) Latin: circulus8) Engineering: scope9) Bookish: ken10) Rare: zodiac11) Construction: circumference12) Mathematics: circular disk14) Economy: circle (людей), pool (например, круг рекламодателей - pool of advertisers, круг клиентов - pool of customers)15) Architecture: extent16) Polygraphy: balloon (в который вписываются слова персонажа, изображённого на рисунке)17) Telecommunications: circuit circle18) Oil: pie20) Business: circuit22) Makarov: Circus (в названиях), circle (о путях небесных светил), circle (область), circuit (деятельности), head (сыра), middle gut, reach (знаний и т.п.), set, sphere (деятельности), sphere (социальный), sweep23) SAP.tech. circle area24) oil&gas: round bar( for example, hot-rolled bar - круг горячекатаный) -
6 половой член
1) General subject: cock3) Dialect: pizzle (животного)4) Australian slang: old teller5) Rude: prick, donga (новозеландский сленг)6) Jargon: meat puppet, restless dragon (Дословно - неустающий дракон. Примечание - кто-то сильно льстит сам себе.), (ср. "пуденциал" в романе "Кысь" Т.Толстой) endowment, private, peen, braun, bulge, hilt7) Taboo: Anglican length (особ. большого размера), Athenaeum, Cyclops, Irish root, Jezebel, John, John Thomas, Johnson, Little Willie (особ. маленького мальчика), Perce, Percy, Randy Rupert, Rupert, Wolver, almond, arbor vitae (от лат. "древо жизни"), arm, baby-maker, bacon bazooka, bald-headed hermit, banana, bat, bean, bean-tosser, beard-jammer, beaver cleaver, beaver leaver, beef, beef bayonet, bell-rope, best leg of three, bicho (из испанского), big bamboo, big daddy, bingey, bit of hard (см. hard-on; эрегированный), bit of snug, blow stick, blowtorch, bog bamboo, business, button worker (см. button), captain, chanticleer, cheesy wheelbarrow, chopper, cock (особ. эрегированный), cock-opener, copper stick, corey, corn beef cudgel, crack-haunter, cracksman, crank, cranny-hunter, cream-stick, cuckoo, cucumber, dang, dearest member, derrick, dick, diddle, dik, dildo, dingle-dangle, dink, dipstick, dirk, dolly, dong, doob, dork, drumstick, dummy, eighty-ninety, enob (перевертыш от bone q.v), eye opener, fallos, fiddle-bow (см. fiddle), fishing-rod, flip-flap, flute, fool-maker, fornicating engine, fornicator, four-nine-three-eleven, fuckmeat, fuckpole, fuckstick, gap-stopper, gardener, generating tool, giggle-stick, girl-catcher, girlometer, goose's neck, gooser, gravy-giver, grinding tool, gristle, gully raker, gun, gut-stick, hair-divider, hambone, hammer, handstaff, hang down, hermit, holy iron (игра слов на hole q.v.), holy poker (игра слов на hole, poker и poke somebody), honker, hootchee, horn (особ. эрегированный), hot dog, instrument, jack, jack in the box, jak, jang, jerking iron, jigger, jiggling bore, jing-jang (см. jang), joint, jones, joy knob, joy-stick, key, kidney-scraper, knock, knocker, ladies' delight, ladies' lollipop, lamp of life, lance, langolee, leather-stretcher, little Davy, little brother (см. little sister), little finger, live rabbit, live sausage (см. sausage), living flute, lollipop, lullaby, lung-disturber (см. kidney-wiper), man Thomas, man-root, marrowbone, matrimonial peacemaker, meat, meaty flesh, member, (лат.) membrum virile, mickey, middle finger, mole, mouse, mutton dagger (см. meat), needle, nimrod, nippy, old Adam, old blind Bob, old horney, old man, old root, one-eyed milkman, one-holed flute, organ, pax-wax, pecker (в Великобритании обозначает нос), pecnoster (игра слов на pecker и pater noster), pee-pee, peg, pen, pencil, pendulum (см. dingle dangle), pestle (см. mortar), peter, pickle, piece, pike staff, pile-driver, pin, pinga (из испанского), pintle, piss-maker, pisser, pistol, piston, pizzle (обыч. животного), plonker, pointer, poker, pole, poontanger, pork sword, power, private property, pudding (особ. в связи с мастурбацией), pulse, pump, pump-handle, putz, quim-stake, quim-wedge, rammer, ranger, raw meat, reamer, rector, rector of the females, red cap, red-hot poker, rod, roger, rolling pin, roly-poly, rooster, root, sausage, schlong (из идиш), schmuck, sexing piece, shaft, she, shit-disturber, shotgun, silent flute, sky-scraper, snorker, spindle, spout, staff, stem, stern-post, stick, sting, sucker, sugar-stick, sweet meat, tadger, tail, tail-end, tail-pike, tallywag, tallywhacker, thing, thingumbob, tickler, timothy (особ. у ребенка), todger, tommy, tonge, tool, tosh, tossle, touch-trap, trouser trout, truncheon, tube, turkey neck, wag (особ. ребенка), wang, wanger, weapon, wee-poh, weiner, whammer, whang, whanger, whistle (особ. у ребенка), wiener (особ. в расслабленном состоянии), wigga-wagga, willie (особ. детский), winkie, winkle, wire, wriggling pole, yang (от китайского ying-yang инь и ян), yutz, zubrick (из арабского), zucchini, lunch box, ramrod8) Scuba diving: crotch -
7 центральный
1) General subject: central, centre, centric, core, focal, head on, head-on, meso, middlemost, midmost, nodal, pivotal, midland (о террисориальном положении), mainstream3) American: middle4) Anatomy: centralis (находящийся в центре, относящийся к центру)5) Mathematics: basic, basis, central (statistics), chief, dominant, essential, fundamental, key, main, major, primary, principal6) Railway term: national7) Phonetics: central (о гласном)8) Cartography: centrical9) Geophysics: split10) Household appliances: center11) Automation: kernel12) leg.N.P. general, metropolitan13) Psychoanalysis: central14) Makarov: host -
8 фаза
( колебаний) electric(al) angle, phase angle, angle, ( многофазной цепи) branch эл., leg, phase, stage* * *фа́за ж.1. (в теории колебаний и волн, термодинамике, электротехнике) phaseв фа́зе — in phaseне в фа́зе — out of phaseобеспе́чивать опереже́ние по фа́зе — advance a phaseосажда́ть какую-л. фа́зу — precipitate a phase, cause a phase to precipitateотлича́ться [различа́ться] по фа́зе — differ [be different] in phaseотстаю́щий по фа́зе — lagging [retarding] in phaseпротивополо́жный по фа́зе — opposite in phase, out of phase by p, in anti-phaseсдви́нутый по фа́зе — out of phase; displaced in phaseсовпада́ющий по фа́зе — in phase2. (стадия, этап) phase, stageустана́вливать фа́зу вчт. — set a phase, set the (so-and-so) phase conditionбеспоря́дочная фа́за — random phaseво́дная фа́за — aqueous phaseвременна́я фа́за — time phaseга́зовая фа́за — gas(eous) phaseгазообра́зная фа́за — gas(eous) phaseграни́чная фа́за — boundary phaseдиспе́рсная фа́за — disperse(d) [discontinuous] phaseдифференциа́льная фа́за тлв. — differential phaseжи́дкая фа́за — liquid phaseфа́за за́паха, втора́я — middle noteфа́за за́паха, пе́рвая — first note, topnoteфа́за за́паха, тре́тья — basic [lingering, residual] noteисполни́тельная фа́за ( программы или команды) вчт. — execute phaseиспра́вная фа́за эл. — sound [healthy] phaseконденси́рованная фа́за — condensed phaseфа́за кристаллиза́ции — crystallization phaseкристалли́ческая фа́за — crystal (line) phaseфа́за Луны́ — phase of the Moon, lunar phaseмё́ртвая фа́за хим. — dead [weak] phaseметастаби́льная фа́за — metastable phaseнача́льная фа́за ( периодического колебания) — epoch (angle), initial phaseнеиспра́вная фа́за эл. — faulty [faulted] phaseнейтра́льная фа́за — neutral phaseнепреры́вная фа́за ( в дисперсионных средах) — continuous phaseнорма́льная фа́за ( несверхпроводящая) — normal phaseобра́тная фа́за — reversed phaseодноро́дная фа́за — continuous phaseосновна́я фа́за — master phaseотрица́тельная фа́за — minus phaseпарова́я фа́за — vapour phaseпарообра́зная фа́за — vapour phaseперехо́дная фа́за — transition phaseфа́за поко́я — dwell phaseположи́тельная фа́за — plus phaseпроизво́льная фа́за — arbitrary phaseпромежу́точная фа́за — intermediate phaseпротивополо́жная фа́за — opposite [reversed] phase, antiphaseрабо́чая фа́за ( стартстопного телеграфного аппарата) — rangeфа́за рассе́яния — scattering phaseфа́за раствори́теля — solvent phaseрасще́пленная фа́за — split phaseсверхпроводя́щая фа́за — superconducting phaseси́гма-фа́за метал. — sigma phaseсопряжё́нная фа́за — conjugate phaseстациона́рная фа́за — stationary phaseстеклови́дная фа́за — vitreous phaseтвё́рдая фа́за — solid phase
См. также в других словарях:
middle leg — n the penis. Third leg is an alternative form of the euphemism … Contemporary slang
middle leg — Noun. The penis … English slang and colloquialisms
Leg shaving — is the practice of removing leg hair using a razor. It is a very common practice among women in Western countries, and is also done by some men, especially cyclists and swimmers. In addition to shaving the hair off, some individuals may use… … Wikipedia
Leg hair — is hair that grows on the legs of humans, generally appearing at the onset of adulthood. Male legs are most often hairier than female ones. For a variety of reasons, people may shave their leg hair. Women generally shave their leg hair more than… … Wikipedia
Middle cerebral artery syndrome — Classification and external resources Outer surface of cerebral hemisphere, showing areas supplied by cerebral arteries. (Pink is region supplied by middle cerebral artery.) ICD 10 G … Wikipedia
leg|end — «LEHJ uhnd», noun. 1. a story coming down from the past, which many people have believed: »The stories about King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table are legends, not history. Listen to this Indian Legend, To this Song of Hiawatha… … Useful english dictionary
leg|er|de|main — «LEHJ uhr duh MAYN», noun. 1. sleight of hand; conjuring tricks; jugglery: »A common trick of legerdemain is to take rabbits from an apparently empty hat. SYNONYM(S): prestidigitation. 2. Figurative. trickery; deception; … Useful english dictionary
Middle-order batsman — Lexique du cricket Le cricket est un sport qui dispose d un lexique complexe : les termes techniques et expressions qu on y emploie de manière spécifique sont nombreux[1]. Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Wikipédia en Français
Leg before wicket — Lexique du cricket Le cricket est un sport qui dispose d un lexique complexe : les termes techniques et expressions qu on y emploie de manière spécifique sont nombreux[1]. Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Wikipédia en Français
Leg break — Lexique du cricket Le cricket est un sport qui dispose d un lexique complexe : les termes techniques et expressions qu on y emploie de manière spécifique sont nombreux[1]. Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Wikipédia en Français
Leg spin — Lexique du cricket Le cricket est un sport qui dispose d un lexique complexe : les termes techniques et expressions qu on y emploie de manière spécifique sont nombreux[1]. Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Wikipédia en Français