1 meteorological broadcast
1) Авиация: передача метеорологических данныхУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > meteorological broadcast
2 meteorological broadcast
3 meteorological broadcast
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > meteorological broadcast
4 meteorological broadcast
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > meteorological broadcast
5 meteorological broadcast centre
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > meteorological broadcast centre
6 automatical meteorological broadcast
Телекоммуникации: автоматическое метеовещаниеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > automatical meteorological broadcast
7 automatical meteorological broadcast
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > automatical meteorological broadcast
8 broadcast
1) радиопередача; радиовещание2) телевизионная передача; ТВ-вещание•- airdrome broadcast
- amplitude-modulation broadcast
- automatical meteorological broadcast
- cell broadcast
- chain broadcast
- circular broadcast
- color television broadcast
- commercial broadcast
- connecting broadcast
- controlled broadcast
- digital video broadcast
- direct TV-broadcast
- domestic broadcast
- fleet broadcast
- FM broadcast
- fox broadcast
- general broadcast
- international broadcast
- live broadcast
- M-broadcast
- merchant ship broadcast
- multimedia broadcast
- music program broadcast
- news broadcast
- noncontrolled broadcast
- outdoor broadcast
- outside broadcast
- radio program broadcast
- studio broadcast
- submarine broadcast
- synchronous broadcast
- television broadcast
- traffic information broadcast
- train broadcast
- transient node broadcast
- TV-broadcast
- wire broadcastEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > broadcast
9 TV broadcast
television broadcast — телевидение, телевизионное вещание
live broadcast — прямой репортаж; прямая передача
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > TV broadcast
10 update broadcast
11 update broadcast
12 teletype broadcast meteorological
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > teletype broadcast meteorological
13 MET
1) Компьютерная техника: master earth terminal, multibutton electronic telephone2) Медицина: метаболический эквивалент нагрузки (metabolic equivalent of task), meta-analysis (мета-анализ), метаболический эквивалент, medical emergency team3) Военный термин: MILSTAR Engineering Development Model Terminal, Materials Energy Toxicity, Mobile Exploitation Team, maintenance equipment training, management engineering team, mechanical transport, medium equipment transporter, meteorological station, minimum exposure time, missile electrical technician, missile escort team, mobile equipment transporter, multienvironmental trainer, Medium Earth Terminal (w/in CARS)4) Техника: metallurgist, metallurgy, meteorological broadcast, multienvironment trainer5) Общая лексика: НДПИ (Mineral Extraction Tax)6) Метеорология: Mobile Environmental Teams7) Железнодорожный термин: Modesto and Empire Traction Company8) Автомобильный термин: Mechanical, Electrical and Trim9) Сокращение: Marksmanship Expert Trainer, Mean European Time, Mission Event Timer, Mobile Electronic warfare Test, metallurgical, meteorological broadcasts, meteorology, Middle European Time (GMT + 0100), Mesh-Emitter Transistor, Methionine aminoacid10) Физиология: Metabolic Equivalent11) Вычислительная техника: Memory Enhancement Technology (Hewlett-Packard), Middle European Time-1:00, расширение файлов в формате IBM Presentation, Middle European Time (+0100, TZ, CET, METDST, MEZ), Memory Enhancement Technology (HP)12) Нефть: mineral extraction tax13) Иммунология: Microbial Exploration Technology14) Фирменный знак: Meridian Energy Therapies15) Деловая лексика: Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team16) Образование: Metropolitan Educational Theatre, Mobile Education Team, Motivation Education And Training17) Расширение файла: Middle European Time (+1:00), Memory Enhancement Technology (Hewlett-Packard), Graphics metafile (OS/2), Metafile (OS/2), Document (Omnipage Pro), OS/2 graphics metafile (PICVIEW.EXE), Macro Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)18) Электротехника: maximum electrical torque19) Аэропорты: Moreton, Queensland, Australia20) НАСА: Mission Elapsed Time -
14 Met
1) Компьютерная техника: master earth terminal, multibutton electronic telephone2) Медицина: метаболический эквивалент нагрузки (metabolic equivalent of task), meta-analysis (мета-анализ), метаболический эквивалент, medical emergency team3) Военный термин: MILSTAR Engineering Development Model Terminal, Materials Energy Toxicity, Mobile Exploitation Team, maintenance equipment training, management engineering team, mechanical transport, medium equipment transporter, meteorological station, minimum exposure time, missile electrical technician, missile escort team, mobile equipment transporter, multienvironmental trainer, Medium Earth Terminal (w/in CARS)4) Техника: metallurgist, metallurgy, meteorological broadcast, multienvironment trainer5) Общая лексика: НДПИ (Mineral Extraction Tax)6) Метеорология: Mobile Environmental Teams7) Железнодорожный термин: Modesto and Empire Traction Company8) Автомобильный термин: Mechanical, Electrical and Trim9) Сокращение: Marksmanship Expert Trainer, Mean European Time, Mission Event Timer, Mobile Electronic warfare Test, metallurgical, meteorological broadcasts, meteorology, Middle European Time (GMT + 0100), Mesh-Emitter Transistor, Methionine aminoacid10) Физиология: Metabolic Equivalent11) Вычислительная техника: Memory Enhancement Technology (Hewlett-Packard), Middle European Time-1:00, расширение файлов в формате IBM Presentation, Middle European Time (+0100, TZ, CET, METDST, MEZ), Memory Enhancement Technology (HP)12) Нефть: mineral extraction tax13) Иммунология: Microbial Exploration Technology14) Фирменный знак: Meridian Energy Therapies15) Деловая лексика: Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team16) Образование: Metropolitan Educational Theatre, Mobile Education Team, Motivation Education And Training17) Расширение файла: Middle European Time (+1:00), Memory Enhancement Technology (Hewlett-Packard), Graphics metafile (OS/2), Metafile (OS/2), Document (Omnipage Pro), OS/2 graphics metafile (PICVIEW.EXE), Macro Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)18) Электротехника: maximum electrical torque19) Аэропорты: Moreton, Queensland, Australia20) НАСА: Mission Elapsed Time -
15 met
1) Компьютерная техника: master earth terminal, multibutton electronic telephone2) Медицина: метаболический эквивалент нагрузки (metabolic equivalent of task), meta-analysis (мета-анализ), метаболический эквивалент, medical emergency team3) Военный термин: MILSTAR Engineering Development Model Terminal, Materials Energy Toxicity, Mobile Exploitation Team, maintenance equipment training, management engineering team, mechanical transport, medium equipment transporter, meteorological station, minimum exposure time, missile electrical technician, missile escort team, mobile equipment transporter, multienvironmental trainer, Medium Earth Terminal (w/in CARS)4) Техника: metallurgist, metallurgy, meteorological broadcast, multienvironment trainer5) Общая лексика: НДПИ (Mineral Extraction Tax)6) Метеорология: Mobile Environmental Teams7) Железнодорожный термин: Modesto and Empire Traction Company8) Автомобильный термин: Mechanical, Electrical and Trim9) Сокращение: Marksmanship Expert Trainer, Mean European Time, Mission Event Timer, Mobile Electronic warfare Test, metallurgical, meteorological broadcasts, meteorology, Middle European Time (GMT + 0100), Mesh-Emitter Transistor, Methionine aminoacid10) Физиология: Metabolic Equivalent11) Вычислительная техника: Memory Enhancement Technology (Hewlett-Packard), Middle European Time-1:00, расширение файлов в формате IBM Presentation, Middle European Time (+0100, TZ, CET, METDST, MEZ), Memory Enhancement Technology (HP)12) Нефть: mineral extraction tax13) Иммунология: Microbial Exploration Technology14) Фирменный знак: Meridian Energy Therapies15) Деловая лексика: Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team16) Образование: Metropolitan Educational Theatre, Mobile Education Team, Motivation Education And Training17) Расширение файла: Middle European Time (+1:00), Memory Enhancement Technology (Hewlett-Packard), Graphics metafile (OS/2), Metafile (OS/2), Document (Omnipage Pro), OS/2 graphics metafile (PICVIEW.EXE), Macro Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)18) Электротехника: maximum electrical torque19) Аэропорты: Moreton, Queensland, Australia20) НАСА: Mission Elapsed Time -
16 MET
1. mean European time - среднеевропейское время;2. mesh-emitter transistor - транзистор с эмиттером ячеистого типа; транзистор с ячеистым эмиттером;3. metal - металл; металлический;4. metallurgical - металлургический;5. metallurgist - металлург;6. metallurgy - металлургия;7. meteorological broadcast - передача метеосводок по радиовещательным каналам связи;8. methionine - метионин;9. multienvironment trainer - многофункциональный тренажёр -
[broadcast by meteorological satellite]передача по метеорологическому спутнику -
18 station
1) станция3) вчт рабочая станцияб) автоматизированное рабочее место, АРМ4) устройство; блок5) место; позиция, положение || помещать; устанавливать в определённую позицию; располагать6) пост; наблюдательный пункт7) полоса частот, отведенная станции•- advertiser-supported radio station
- aeronautical station
- aeronautical fixed station
- aeronautical marker-beacon station
- aeronautical utility land station
- aeronautical utility mobile station
- air station
- aircraft station
- air-defense early warning station
- airdrome control station
- airport control station
- Alpha station
- altimeter station
- amateur station
- attended station
- B-station
- base station
- base transceiver station
- beacon station
- booster station
- British Forces broadcasting station
- broadcast station
- broadcasting station
- brush station
- cable television relay station
- called station
- caller's telephone station
- central reference station
- central wireless station
- class-A station
- class-B station
- class-C station
- class-D station
- coast station
- coastal station
- coast-earth station
- coastal-earth station
- coast telegraph station
- coastal telegraph station
- commercial station
- communications station
- communications relay station
- control station
- crossing station
- data station
- direction-finding station
- display station
- docking station
- dual attachment station
- duplication station
- duty station
- early warning station
- earth station
- end station
- exchange service station
- facsimile broadcast station
- fixed station
- fixed ground station
- fixed wireless station
- gateway station
- glide-path station
- ground station
- guidance station
- high-frequency broadcast station
- homing station
- hydrological and meteorological fixed station
- IC station
- inquiry station
- intercept station
- international air traffic communication station
- ionospheric station
- jamming station
- junction station
- key station
- land station
- listening station
- local station
- localizer station
- long-distance station
- loran station
- magnetotelluric station
- marine broadcast station
- marine radio-beacon station
- master station
- meteorological station
- microwave relay station
- mobile station
- mobile broadcast station
- mobile earth station
- multiple-access station
- national radio station
- naval air station
- naval communications station
- naval radio station
- network management station
- node station
- omnidirectional radio-range station
- pay station
- personal earth station
- power station
- private-aircraft station
- punching station
- radar station
- radio station
- radio-beacon station
- radio-direction-finding station
- radiolocation station
- radionavigation station
- radio-positioning station
- radio-range station
- radio reading station
- radio-relay station
- radiosonde station
- radio-tracking station
- reading station
- receiving station
- relay station
- remote station
- remote-control station
- repeater station
- reservation station
- satellite-communications earth station
- satellite solar power station
- satellite-tracking station
- service station
- ship station
- shore radio station
- single attachment station
- slave station
- slope station
- space station
- standard-frequency station
- subscriber station
- surveillance radar station
- switching station
- tape-relay station
- telemetering station
- telemetering land station
- telemetry station
- telephony station
- telephony earth station
- television station
- television broadcast station
- television pickup station
- terminal station
- terrestrial station
- toll station
- tracker station
- tracking station
- transmitting station
- transport station
- transportable station
- tropo relay station
- unattended station
- unattended repeater station
- upload station
- user station
- way station
- wireless station
- wireless telegraphy station
- work station -
19 station
1) станция3) вчт. рабочая станцияб) автоматизированное рабочее место, АРМ4) устройство; блок5) место; позиция, положение || помещать; устанавливать в определённую позицию; располагать6) пост; наблюдательный пункт7) полоса частот, отведенная станции•- advertiser-supported radio station
- aeronautical fixed station
- aeronautical marker-beacon station
- aeronautical station
- aeronautical utility land station
- aeronautical utility mobile station
- air station
- aircraft station
- air-defense early warning station
- airdrome control station
- airport control station
- Alpha station
- altimeter station
- amateur station
- attended station
- B station
- base station
- base transceiver station
- beacon station
- booster station
- British Forces broadcasting station
- broadcast station
- broadcasting station
- brush station
- cable television relay station
- called station
- caller's telephone station
- central reference station
- central wireless station
- class-A station
- class-B station
- class-C station
- class-D station
- coast station
- coastal station
- coastal telegraph station
- coastalal telegraph station
- coastal-earth station
- coast-earth station
- commercial station
- communications relay station
- communications station
- control station
- crossing station
- data station
- direction-finding station
- display station
- docking station
- dual attachment station
- duplication station
- duty station
- early warning station
- earth station
- end station
- exchange service station
- facsimile broadcast station
- fixed ground station
- fixed station
- fixed wireless station
- gateway station
- glide-path station
- ground station
- guidance station
- high-frequency broadcast station
- homing station
- hydrological and meteorological fixed station
- IC station
- inquiry station
- intercept station
- international air traffic communication station
- ionospheric station
- jamming station
- junction station
- key station
- land station
- listening station
- local station
- localizer station
- long-distance station
- loran station
- magnetotelluric station
- marine broadcast station
- marine radio-beacon station
- master station
- meteorological station
- microwave relay station
- mobile broadcast station
- mobile earth station
- mobile station
- multiple-access station
- national radio station
- naval air station
- naval communications station
- naval radio station
- network management station
- node station
- omnidirectional radio-range station
- pay station
- personal earth station
- power station
- private-aircraft station
- punching station
- radar station
- radio reading station
- radio station
- radio-beacon station
- radio-direction-finding station
- radiolocation station
- radionavigation station
- radio-positioning station
- radio-range station
- radio-relay station
- radiosonde station
- radio-tracking station
- reading station
- receiving station
- relay station
- remote station
- remote-control station
- repeater station
- reservation station
- satellite solar power station
- satellite-communications earth station
- satellite-tracking station
- service station
- ship station
- shore radio station
- single attachment station
- slave station
- slope station
- space station
- standard-frequency station
- subscriber station
- surveillance radar station
- switching station
- tape-relay station
- telemetering land station
- telemetering station
- telemetry station
- telephony earth station
- telephony station
- television broadcast station
- television pickup station
- television station
- terminal station
- terrestrial station
- toll station
- tracker station
- tracking station
- transmitting station
- transport station
- transportable station
- tropo relay station
- unattended repeater station
- unattended station
- upload station
- user station
- way station
- wireless station
- wireless telegraphy station
- work stationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > station
20 station
to identify the station — опознавать (радио)станцию;
См. также в других словарях:
Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service — Meteorological and Hydrological Service Državni hidrometeorološki zavod Agency overview Formed 27 August 1947 … Wikipedia
American Meteorological Society — The American Meteorological Society (AMS) promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in… … Wikipedia
Certified Broadcast Meteorologist — (CBM) is a rating for meteorologists given by the American Meteorological Society. The Certified Broadcast Meteorologist (CBM) program was established to raise the professional standard in broadcast meteorology and encourage a broader range of… … Wikipedia
Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast — (ADS B) is a cooperative surveillance technique for air traffic control and related applications. An ADS B out equipped aircraft determines its own position using a global navigation satellite system and periodically broadcasts this position and… … Wikipedia
in-flight meteorological information — Also called VOLMET. A specific meteorological information broadcast provided to international air traffic. It is a continuous recorded broadcast of weather conditions at selected airfields. VOLMET is updated every 30 min and, hence, the received… … Aviation dictionary
transcribed weather broadcast — A continuous transmission of recorded meteorological and aeronautical information that is broadcast on L/MF (low/medium frequency) and VOR (very high frequency omnidirectional radio range) facilities for pilots … Aviation dictionary
National Weather Service — NWS Agency overview Formed February 9, 1870 Jurisdiction … Wikipedia
2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami — 2011 Miyagi earthquake redirects here. For the aftershock that occurred on 7 April, see April 2011 Miyagi earthquake. 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami 東日本大震災 An aerial view of damage in the Tōhoku region with black smoke coming from the Nippon… … Wikipedia
Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt/B–D — Dies ist der zweite Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B (BA, BB, BC, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BI, BJ, BK, BL … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saspo — Dies ist der fünfte Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B; C; D Teil 3 E–K … Deutsch Wikipedia
Claire Martin (meteorologist) — For other women named Claire Martin, see Claire Martin (disambiguation) Claire Martin BSc is a national television weather presenter with CBC Television in Canada. She is a niece of Barbara Edwards, who in 1974 became the BBC s first female… … Wikipedia