1 meteor burst communication system
Техника: система связи на метеорных вспышкахУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > meteor burst communication system
2 meteor-burst (communication) system
Военный термин: система метеорной радиосвязиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > meteor-burst (communication) system
3 meteor-burst communication system
Электроника: система метеорной радиосвязиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > meteor-burst communication system
4 meteor-burst communication system
связь система связи метеорнаяEnglish-Russian scientific dictionary > meteor-burst communication system
5 meteor-burst communication system
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > meteor-burst communication system
6 meteor-burst system
Военный термин: (communication) система метеорной радиосвязи -
7 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
8 communication
1) связь
2) шлемофонный
3) <commun.> связевый
4) коммуникация
5) сообщение
6) коммуникационный
– aeronautical communication
– air-to-ground communication
– center-to-point communication
– communication band
– communication cable
– communication channel
– communication circuit
– communication division
– communication engineering
– communication facilities
– communication facility
– communication helmet
– communication installation
– communication laser
– communication line
– communication network
– communication range
– communication receiver
– communication satellite
– communication session
– communication technician
– communication theory
– data communication
– digital communication
– emergency communication
– emergency-service communication
– establish communication
– establishment of communication
– fiber-optics communication
– global communication
– high-frequency communication
– integrated communication
– intersystem communication
– laser communication
– long-distance communication
– microwave communication
– multichannel communication
– noisy communication
– one-way communication
– packet communication
– point-to-center communication
– point-to-point communication
– private communication
– radio communication
– radio-relay communication
– space communication
– telephone communication
– two-way communication
– vehicular communication
– VHF UHF communication
– voice communication
fiber-optic communication link — волоконнооптическая линия связи
fiber-optics communication line — <commun.> линия связи волоконно-оптическая
fiber-optics communication system — <commun.> система связи волоконно-оптическая
meteor-burst communication system — <commun.> система связи метеорная
multichannel radio communication — многоканальная радиосвязь
multiprotocol communication controler — многопротокольный связной контроллер
remote communication multiplexor — удаленный мультиплексор передачи данных
repeater communication satellite — ретрансляционный связной спутник
ship-to-ship radio communication — радиосвязь между кораблями
9 system
1) система; комплекс2) совокупность•- absolutely consistent system - absolutely direct indecomposable system - absolutely free system - absolutely irreducible system - absolutely isolated system - allowable coordinate system - almost linear system - ample linear system - artificial feel system - automatic block system - automatic deicing system - binary relational system - binary-coded decimal system - block tooling system - Cartesian coordinate system - completely controllable system - completely ergodic system - completely hyperbolic system - completely identifiable system - completely integrable system - completely irreducible system - completely regular system - completely stable system - completely stratified system - complex number system - conical coordinate system - derivational formal system - differential equation system - differential selsyn system - digital counting system - digital transmission system - elliptic coordinate system - elliptic cylindrical coordinate system - externally inconsistent system - finite state system - finitely axiomatizable system - finitely presented system - fully characteristic quotient system - fundamental system of solutions - hydraulic lift system - integrated switching system - isomorphically embedded system - kernel normal system - linearly dependent system - linearly independent system - live hydraulic system - locking protection system - meteor-burst communication system - modular programming system - parabolic cylindrical coordinate system - permanent four-wheel drive system - pure independent system - radio telephone system - reactor protection system - real number system - receiver-amplifier crioelectric system - remote-cylinder hydraulic system - semantically consistent system - simply consistent system - simply incomplete system - simply ordered system - spherical coordinate system - strongly multiplicative system - structurally stable system - sufficiently general coordinate system - system of frequency curves - system of rational numbers - time multiplex system - time-division multiplex system - uniformly complete system - univalent system of notation - universal system of notation - weakly closed system - weighted number system -
10 system
1) система
2) комплекс
3) совокупность
4) множество
5) область
6) схемный
7) устройство
8) системный
– adaptive system
– addressing system
– airdrop system
– antenna system
– arithmetic system
– blok system
– bus system
– c.m. system
– center-of-mass system
– classification system
– commutation system
– controlled system
– cooling system
– crossbar system
– cryoelectronic system
– deferlant system
– deflection system
– dial system
– distributed system
– double-current system
– doudecimal system
– draft system
– drainage system
– earth system
– ecological system
– encoder system
– energy system
– error-controlled system
– evaporator system
– exhaust system
– file system
– finder system
– floating-carrier system
– floating-point system
– focusing system
– fuel system
– gas-cleaning system
– gas-pressurized system
– ground system
– guidance system
– history of a system
– hot-water system
– hydraulic system
– identifiable system
– inertial system
– inteblock system
– Korsch system
– laboratory system
– Lesniewski system
– life-support system
– lightguiding system
– linear system
– monitoring system
– multimicroprocessor system
– multiple-data-set system
– non-autonomous system
– nondirector system
– number system
– parallel-feed system
– piece-rate system
– planetary system
– pneumatic system
– propulsion system
– prototype system
– public-address system
– quadrophonic system
– queuing system
– response of system
– right-handed system
– robot system
– safety-trip system
– sampled-data system
– scanning system
– sewage system
– shift system
– spraying system
– sprinkling system
– staff system
– stand-by system
– start-stop system
– start-up system
– storage system
– system behavior
– system check
– system debugging
– system design
– system failure
– system of equations
– system of imprimitivity
– system of wheels
– system reliability
– system topology
– tally system
– telephone system
– television system
– ten-step system
– timing system
– transmission system
– triangulation system
– triclinic system
– twelve-channel system
– two-particle system
– unattended system
– unstable system
– ventilation system
– video system
– warning system
– water-sludge system
– wellpoint system
aircraft electrical system — <aeron.> сеть бортовая электрическая
ample linear system — <math.> система линейная обильная
approach and docking system — <cosm.> система сближения и стыковки
automated/automatic landing system — <aeron.> система захода на посадку автоматизированная
automatic block system — < railways> автоблокировка
automatic deicing system — <aeron.> автомат противообледенительной системы
bang-bang control system — <comput.> система управления релейная
carrier frequency system — система передачи с частотным разделением каналов
Cartesian coordinate system — прямоугольная система координат
closed-circuit television system — <commun.> система телевидения невещательная
cycle matching system — <aeron.> навигация воздушная импульсная, система навигационная импульсная
differential selsyn system — дифсельсин, сельсин дифференциальный
digital counting system — <comput.> система отслеживающая цифровая
digital transmission system — <commun.> система передачи цифровая
disk operating system — <comput.> система операционная дисковая
dispatch telephone system — диспетчерская телефонная система
fiber-optics communication system — <commun.> система связи волоконно-оптическая
hereditarily generating system — наследственная система образующих
hexadecimal number system — шестнадцатиричная система счисления
information retrieval system — <comput.> система информационно-поисковая
integrated switching system — интегральная коммутационная система
itnegrated manufacturing system — комплексная автоматическая линия
jet engine starter system — <engin.> турбостартер
meteor-burst communication system — <commun.> система связи метеорная
microprocessor control system — микропроцессорная система управления
modular pneumatic-device system — система унифицированная агрегатная
modular programming system — <comput.> система модульного программирования
multipoint distribution system — многоадресная система распределения ТВ-программ
packet transmission system — система передачи с коммутацией пакетов сообщений
Pitot static system — <engin.> система ПВД
pulsed navigation system — <aeron.> навигация воздушная импульсная, система навигационная импульсная
quantum-mechanical readout system — <tech.> система считывающая квантовая
quasi-electronic switching system — квазиэлектронная система коммутации
reactor control system — <engin.> система управления и защиты
reactor protection system — <phys.> защита аварийная
receiver-amplifier crioelectric system — приемно-усилительная криоэлектронная система
remote-cylinder hydraulic system — раздельно—агрегатная гидросистема
resultant of system of forces — равнодействующая системы сил
satellite navigation system — <naut.> система навигационная космическая, система навигационная спутниковая
State System of Instruments — <engin.> система приборов Государственная
supervisory control system — <comput.> автодиспетчер
system of residual classes — <math.> система остаточных классов
telegraph block system — < railways> движение поездов по телеграфному соглашению
time interval system — < railways> разграничение поездов временем
time-division multiplex system — система передачи с временным разделением
unified radiotelemetry system — унифицированный радиотелеметрический комплекс
11 communication
1) связь, система связи; средства связи2) передача•- administrative-economic communication
- advanced shipboard communication
- aerial communication
- aeronautical communications
- air steward-to-air steward telephone communication
- airborne SHF-communication
- airborne-to-Earth communication
- aircraft communication
- air-to-air communication
- air-to-air voice communication
- air-to-ground electric communication
- Airways and Air communications
- all-mine telephone communication
- analog tropospheric communication
- analog-to-digital communication
- annunciating communication
- antenna communication
- asynchronous communication
- audio-conference communication
- audio-visual communication
- auroral long-distance communication
- automatic trunk communication
- auxiliary communication
- babyphone communication
- basic communication
- bathysphere-to-carrier-ship communication
- bidirectional communication
- binary-synchronous communication
- boat emergency communications
- both-way simultaneous communication
- branch telephone communication
- broadcast communication
- carrier-current communication
- car-to-car communication
- coastal center-to-coastal center communication
- code-independent data communication
- coherent-light communication
- combine wall communication
- command-telephone communication
- common-service communication
- common-using telegraph communication
- common-using telephone communication
- component triaxial communication
- computerized communication
- computer-to-computer communication
- conductor-to-departure responsible communication
- conference communication
- confidential special radio communication
- contact network communication
- contactless HF-communication
- contingency communication
- continuous communication
- control communication
- data communication
- data-transmission communication
- departmental engineering communication
- departmental telegraph communication
- digital communication
- digital-speech communication
- direct communication
- direct-pair communication
- direct-telephone communication
- disaster communication
- dispatch communication
- display communication
- distress communication
- district-by-district communication
- diversity communication
- diver-to-diver communication
- diving-service communication
- document electric communication
- documental conference communication
- duplex communication
- duplex radiotelephone communication
- Earth-to-airborne communication
- Earth-to-satellite communication
- Earth-to-space-to-Earth communication
- either-way communication
- electrical communication
- electromagnetic communication
- electronic communication
- emergency communication
- emergency ship radio communication
- enciphered-facsimile communication
- engineering station communication
- engineering-telephone communication
- everyone-to-everyone communication
- face communication
- fast-acting telephone communication
- fire-place communication
- fixed aeronautical communication
- fixed-electric communication
- fleet communication
- frequency-hop communication
- gateway-to-gateway communication
- ground-line communication
- group engineering communication
- half-duplex communication
- harmonic communication
- H-carrier communication
- HF-communication
- high-speed mobile communication
- house-car communication
- hydroacoustic communication
- incoming communication
- inductive mines communication
- industrial communication
- industrial-automatic communication
- industrial-engineering communication
- in-plant communication
- interaction communication
- interpaging communication
- interstation communication
- interstellar communication
- intersystem communication
- intraairplane telephone communication
- intrabasin selector communication
- intrabasin telegraph communication
- intrabasin telephone communication
- intrairport communication
- intraship communication
- intratrain telephone communication
- irregular communication
- isochronous communication
- land mobile communication
- land-to-space communication
- letter-printing communication
- lighting wire communication
- line communication
- line-path communication
- line-track telephone communication
- littoral radiotelephone communication
- local common service communication
- local engineering communication
- local telephone communication
- long-haul communication
- long-haul fiber-optical communication
- long-haul telephone communication
- loud-speaking communication
- main conference communication
- main engineering communication
- main radio communication
- manoeuvre radio communication
- man-to-machine communication
- marine communication
- marine facsimile communication
- meteor-burst communication
- meteoric-ionospheric communication
- microwave communication
- militarized guard communication
- mobile aeronautical communication
- mobile communication
- moon-bounce communication
- moorage-by-moorage communication
- movable communication
- MT administration-to-road communication
- multicast communication
- multichannel communication
- multimedia communication
- multiple channel class A communication
- multiple channel class B communication
- multiple channel class C communication
- multiple channel system radio communication
- multipoint communication
- navigating-service communication
- n-way communication
- office communication
- operative communication
- operative-dispatch communication
- operative-managing communication
- operative-repairing communication
- operator-to-train mobile communication
- oral communication
- outgoing communication
- packet communication
- passband data communication
- passenger-to-locomotive driver communication
- passenger-to-policemen communication
- phase-locked communication
- phototelegraph communication
- pilot-to-steward telephone communication
- plane-to-plane communication
- platform announcing communication
- platform radio communication
- platform-to-train mobile communication
- point-to-point communication
- power dispatch communication
- power line communication
- private bypass communication
- private-branch communication
- private-branch industrial communication
- pulse communication
- radial communication
- radial-aerial USB-communication
- radio link communication
- radio relay communication
- radio searching communication
- radiotelephone communication
- railway telephone communication
- real-time communication
- recording communication
- regional communication
- regular communication
- remote reference communication
- road communication
- road engineering communication
- road managing communication
- road power dispatch communication
- road service dispatch communication
- road servicing communication
- road telegraph communication
- rural communication
- safety communication
- satellite marine communication
- satellite-to-Earth communication
- satellite-to-satellite communication
- SB communication
- secure communication
- selector communication
- service communication
- service dispatch communication
- service section communication
- SHF-wave communication
- ship coastal facsimile communication
- ship-driver-to-ship-driver communication
- ship-radio communication
- ship-telephone communication
- ship-to-ship communication
- ship-to-spacecraft communication
- ship-to-submarine communication
- shore-to-ship communication
- short-band communication
- simplex communication
- simplex single-frequency communication
- simplex stripping communication
- simplex two-frequency communication
- single-channel communication
- single-frequency radio communication
- single-hop communication
- single-side loudspeaking communication
- sky-wave communication
- slope telephone communication
- sonic communication
- space communication
- space laser communication
- spacecraft-to-subscriber communication
- space-to-space communication
- special communication
- speech communication
- static-wire communication
- station communication
- station inductive communication
- station mobile communication
- station-by-station telephone communication
- station-radio communication
- steering cab-to-captain's cab communication
- steering cab-to-power dispatchboard communication
- steering cab-to-tiller compartment communication
- submarine laser communication
- submarine sound communication
- submarine TV-communication
- submarine-to-satellite communication
- submarine-to-submarine communication
- subscriber-to-workgroup communication
- switch point communication
- synchronous communication
- telegraphic communication
- telegraphic-telephone radio communication
- telephonist-to-diver communication
- telex communication
- ticket-dispatch communication
- time-bill communication
- train dispatch communication
- train inductive communication
- train radio communication
- train radiotelephone communication
- train radiowire telephone communication
- train-interstation communication
- train-master-to-station-master assistant communication
- train-master-to-train team communication
- train-to-movable object communication
- train-to-train radio communication
- transport police communication
- tropospheric communication
- tropospheric-scutter communication
- trunk communication
- tunnel train radio communication
- twilight scutter communication
- two-frequency radio communication
- two-side loudspeaking communication
- two-way alternative communication
- two-way simultaneous communication
- ultrasonic communication
- ultraviolet communication
- underground communication
- undersea optical communication
- underwater communication
- unwired earth current communication
- USB-communication
- variable frequency sync communication
- vehicle-to-vehicle communication
- videoconference communication
- videotelephone communication
- voice communication
- wagon-to-wagon mobile communication
- wall communication
- waterside communications
- waterside USB-communication
- wave conducting communication
- wire port communication
- wire radio communication
- wire telephone communication
- workgroup-to-workgroup communication
- world-wide telephone communicationEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > communication
См. также в других словарях:
Meteor burst communications — Meteor scatter propagation as used by SNOTEL Meteor burst communications (MBC), also referred to as meteor scatter communications[1], is a radio propagation mode that exploits the ionized trails of meteors during atmospheric entry to establish… … Wikipedia
AMBCS — Associate Member of the British Computer Society (Computing » General) **** Alaska Meteor Burst Communication System (Governmental » US Government) ** Alaska Meteor Burst Communications System (Academic & Science » Amateur Radio) * Alaska Meteor… … Abbreviations dictionary
SNOTEL — is an automated system of snowpack and related climate sensors operated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the United States Department of Agriculture in the Western United States.There are over 600 SNOTEL (or snow telemetry) … Wikipedia
National Program Office — Agency overview Formed 1982 Dissolved 1994 Headquarters Crystal City, Virginia The National Program Office (NPO) was an office of the United States Government, established to ensure continuity of government in the event of a national disaster.[1] … Wikipedia
TV and FM DX — TV DX and FM DX is the active search for distant radio or television stations received during unusual atmospheric conditions. The term DX is an old telegraphic term meaning long distance. VHF/UHF television and radio signals are normally limited… … Wikipedia
List of radio propagation topics — This is a list of radio propagation terms. NOTOC A a index A index aa index active prominence active prominence region (APR) active region active surge region (ASR) active dark filament (ADF) AE index Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (AFGL) arch… … Wikipedia
Meteoroid — A few shooting stars can be seen in this video from the ISS. A Perseid meteor (light streak somewhat to right of center of photo) and Milky Way. A meteoroid is a sand to … Wikipedia
Radio propagation — is a term used to explain how radio waves behave when they are transmitted, or are propagated from one point on the Earth to another. [ H. P. Westman et al, (ed), Reference Data for Radio Engineers, Fifth Edition , 1968, Howard W. Sams and Co.,… … Wikipedia
Royal Observer Corps — Ensign Active 1925–1996 Country … Wikipedia
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium