1 metasomatism
metasomatism [ˏmetəˊsəυmətɪzǝm] nгеол. метасомати́зм -
2 metasomatism
метасоматизм, метасоматическое изменение, метасоматоз
boron metasomatism борный метасоматизм
contact metasomatism контактовый метасоматизм
hydrothermal metasomatism гидротермальный метаморфизм
* * * -
3 metasomatism
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > metasomatism
4 metasomatism
5 metasomatism
[ˌmetəˈsəumətɪzm]metasomatism геол. метасоматизм -
6 metasomatism
метаморфизм метасоматический
Процесс замещения и растворения одних минералов другими при сохранении породой твёрдого агрегатного состояния.
[ Словарь геологических терминов и понятий. Томский Государственный Университет]Тематики
- геология, геофизика
Обобщающие термины
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > metasomatism
7 metasomatism
8 metasomatism
1) метасоматизм
2) метасоматоз -
9 metasomatism
метасоматизм, метасоматоз (геол.)Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > metasomatism
10 metasomatism
Геология: метасоматизм, метасоматическое изменение, метасоматоз -
11 metasomatism
1. геол. метасоматическое изменение2. геол. метасоматозАнгло-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > metasomatism
12 metasomatism
[ˏmetə`səʊmətɪzm]метасоматизмАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > metasomatism
13 metasomatism
14 metasomatism
met.a.so.ma.tism[metəs'oumətizəm] n Geol metassomatismo: metamorfismo que envolve mudança química na textura da rocha. -
15 metasomatism
16 metasomatism
metasomatoza -
17 metasomatism
nGEOL metasomatismo m -
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[ˌmetə'səumətɪz(ə)m]сущ.; геол. -
19 metasomatism
метасоматизм, метасоматоз -
20 metasomatism
n геол. метасоматизм
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Metasomatism — is the chemical alteration of a rock by hydrothermal and other fluids. Metasomatism can occur via the action of hydrothermal fluids from an igneous or metamorphic source. Metasomatic albite + hornblende + tourmaline alteration of metamorphosed… … Wikipedia
Metasomatism — Met a*so ma*tism, n. [Pref. meta + Gr. ?, ?, body.] (Geol.) An alteration in a mineral or rock mass when involving a chemical change of the substance, as of chrysolite to serpentine; opposed to ordinary metamorphism, as implying simply a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
metasomatism — [met΄əsō′mə tiz΄əm] n. [ META + SOMAT(O) + ISM] the metamorphic process by which minerals of a rock or ore body are replaced by minerals of a different chemical composition as a result of the action of a fluid, esp. of moving water metasomatic… … English World dictionary
metasomatism — noun Etymology: metasomatic from German metasomatisch, from Greek meta + sōmat , sōma body Date: 1886 metamorphism that involves changes in the chemical composition as well as in the texture of rock • metasomatic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
metasomatism — metasomatic /met euh soh mat ik/, adj. /met euh soh meuh tiz euhm/, n. Geol. 1. the series of metamorphic processes whereby chemical changes occur in minerals or rocks as a result of the introduction of material, often in hot aqueous solutions,… … Universalium
metasomatism — noun the process by which the bulk chemical composition of a rock is changed by the introduction of components from an external source, especially by a hydrothermal fluid … Wiktionary
metasomatism — GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A type of metamorphism characterized by the exchange of chemical species between rocks and their associated altering fluids and/or vapors … Glossary of volcanic terms
metasomatism — [ˌmɛtə səʊmətɪz(ə)m] noun Geology change in the chemical composition of a rock. Derivatives metasomatic adjective metasomatize or metasomatise verb Origin C19: from meta + Gk sōma, somat body + ism … English new terms dictionary
metasomatism — meta·so·ma·tism … English syllables
metasomatism — met•a•so•ma•tism [[t]ˌmɛt əˈsoʊ məˌtɪz əm[/t]] also met•a•so•ma•to•sis [[t] ˌsoʊ məˈtoʊ sɪs[/t]] n. gel the series of metamorphic processes whereby chemical changes occur in minerals or rocks as a result of the introduction of material, often in… … From formal English to slang
metasomatism — /mɛtəˈsoʊmətɪzəm/ (say metuh sohmuhtizuhm) noun Geology 1. the processes whereby minerals or rocks are replaced by others of different chemical composition as a result of the introduction of material, usually in very hot aqueous solutions, from… …