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metaphase chromosome

См. также в других словарях:

  • Metaphase chromosome — A chromosome in the stage of the cell cycle (the sequence of events in the life of a cell) when a chromosome is most condensed and easiest to distinguish and so to study. Metaphase chromosomes are often chosen for karyotyping and for chromosome… …   Medical dictionary

  • Chromosome — For a non technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. Diagram of a replicated and condensed metaphase eukaryotic chromosome. (1) Chromatid – one of the two identical parts of the chromosome after S phase. (2)… …   Wikipedia

  • Chromosome acrocentrique — Chromosome Description de la structure d’un chromosome. Le chromosome est l élement porteur de l information génétique. Les chromosomes contiennent les gènes et permettent leur distribution égale dans les deux cellules filles lors de la division… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Chromosome — Description de la structure d’un chromosome. Un chromosome est un élément microscopique constitué de molécules d ADN. Dans les cellules eucaryotes, les chromosomes se trouvent dans le noyau où ils prennent la forme soit d un bâtonnet, soit d un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Chromosome, metaphase — A chromosome in the stage of the cell cycle (the sequence of events in the life of a cell) when a chromosome is most condensed and easiest to distinguish and so to study. Metaphase chromosomes are often chosen for karyotyping and for chromosome… …   Medical dictionary

  • Chromosome — A visible carrier of the genetic information. The 3 billion bp (base pairs) in the human genome are organized into 24 distinct, physically separate microscopic units called chromosomes. All genes are arranged linearly along the chromosomes. The… …   Medical dictionary

  • Chromosome microdissection — Left panels show metaphase chromosomes before microdissection (top) and after a chromosomal band is removed (bottom). Right panels show an illustration of the same information for clarity. Chromosome microdissection is a technique that physically …   Wikipedia

  • Metaphase (cell cycle) — The stage in the cell cycle (the sequence of events in the life of a cell) when a chromosome is most highly condensed (and stains most darkly in the laboratory) and so is easiest to distinguish and to study. Metaphase chromosomes are therefore… …   Medical dictionary

  • Chromosome regions — Diagram of a duplicated and condensed (metaphase) eukaryotic chromosome. (1) Chromatid one of the two identical parts of the chromosome after S phase. (2) Centromere the point where the two chromatids touch, and where the microtubules attach. (3) …   Wikipedia

  • metaphase — The stage of mitosis or meiosis in which the chromosomes become aligned on the equatorial plate of the cell separating the centromeres. In mitosis and in the second meiotic division, the centromeres of each chromosome divide and the two daughter… …   Medical dictionary

  • metaphase — Stage of mitosis or meiosis (following prophase and preceding anaphase) during which the chromosomes, or at least the kinetochores, lie in the central plane of the spindle. The stage of maximum chromosome condensation, at which karyotypes are… …   Glossary of Biotechnology

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