1 metal arc cutting
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > metal arc cutting
2 metal-arc cutting
дуговая резка металлическим (плавящимся) электродомБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > metal-arc cutting
3 metal-arc cutting
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > metal-arc cutting
4 metal arc cutting
Дуговая резка.Любой из процессов дуговой резки, при которых металлы разрезаются путем расплавления их под воздействием высокотемпературной дуги между металлическим электродом и основным металлом.
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5 metal arc cutting
1) Железнодорожный термин: резка металлов2) Металлургия: дуговая резка металлическим электродом -
6 metal-arc cutting
7 metal arc cutting
дуговая резка металлическим электродом, резка металлической дугойАнгло-русский словарь по сварочному производству > metal arc cutting
8 metal arc cutting
9 metal-arc cutting
свар. дуговая резка металлическим (плавящимся) электродом -
10 gas-shielded metal-arc cutting
oxy-L.-P. gas cutting — кислородная резка на жидком горючем
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > gas-shielded metal-arc cutting
11 gas metal arc cutting
Газовая дуговая резка металлов.Процесс дуговой резки используемый, чтобы разъединить металлы, расплавляя их высокой температурой дуги между непрерывным металлическим (потребляемым) электродом и заготовкой. Защитная атмосфера может быть обеспечена за счет газа или газовой смеси.Англо-русский металлургический словарь > gas metal arc cutting
12 gas-shielded metal-arc cutting
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > gas-shielded metal-arc cutting
13 gas-shielded metal-arc cutting
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gas-shielded metal-arc cutting
14 shielded metal arc cutting
1) Автоматика: дуговая резка (плавящимся) электродом с покрытием2) Макаров: дуговая резка плавящимся электродом с покрытиемУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > shielded metal arc cutting
15 shielded metal arc cutting
дуговая резка электродом с покрытием, дуговая резка плавящимся электродом с покрытиемEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > shielded metal arc cutting
16 shielded metal arc cutting
свар. дуговая резка электродом с покрытием; дуговая резка плавящимся электродом с покрытиемАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > shielded metal arc cutting
17 metal powder cutting
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > metal powder cutting
18 arc cutting
Дуговая резка.Группа процессов резки, при которых расплавляют и разрезают металл за счет высокой температуры дуги между электродом и поверхностью металла.См. carbon arc cutting - Углеродистую дуговую резку, metal arc cutting - Дуговую резку металла, gas metal arc cutting - Газодуговую резку металла, gas tungsten arc cutting - Газо-волъфрамовую дуговую резку, plasma arc cutting - Плазменную дуговую резку и air carbon arc cutting - Воздушно-углеродистую дуговую резку. Сравните с oxygen arc cutting - Кислородно-дуговой резкой. -
19 cutting
стружка; опилки; лоскутки; обрезки; обрезь; обрезок (пиломатериал); нарезание; насечка; резание; резка (напр. газовая); разрезка; разрезание; срезание; перерезание; строжка; обработка резанием; фрезерование; гранение; выемка (бульдозером); разъединение; разрыв; отсоединение; отключение; выключение; отсечка (тока); запирание (цепи); отсечение; вырезание; отбрасывание стр. выемка грунта; лес. подрубка; врубка; рубка; тесание; распиливание; с.х. косьба; кошение; покос; отросток; отводок; черенок- cutting accuracy - cutting amperage - cutting and bending - cutting-and-mixing machine - cutting-and-molding machine - cutting and shearing plant - cutting angle - cutting apparatus - cutting area - cutting area work - cutting assemblage - cutting axis - cutting-back - cutting band - cutting-bit head - cutting burrs - cutting by blowtorch - cutting by waterjet - cutting cam - cutting capability - cutting ceramics - cutting chain - cutting chute - cutting conditions - cutting coolant - cutting-cooling medium - cutting cycle - cutting depth - cutting device - cutting diamond - cutting die - cutting divider - cutting down - cutting-down - cutting drag - cutting drum - cutting-edge - cutting edge - cutting edge angle - cutting edge configuration - cutting edge form - cutting edge inclination - cutting edge length - cutting edge normal plane - cutting edge of a knife - cutting edge of machining technology - cutting edge package - cutting-edge seal - cutting edge sharpness - cutting edge technology - cutting-edge technology - cutting edge tip - cutting effect - cutting efficiency - cutting effort - cutting electrode - cutting emulsion - cutting end - cutting end shape - cutting energy - cutting engagement - cutting equipment - cutting face - cutting feed rate - cutting feed speed - cutting flame - cutting fluid - cutting-fluid recycling - cutting flute - cutting force - cutting force component - cutting force deflection - cutting force dynamometer - cutting force-induced error - cutting force per unit area of cut - cutting force per unit width of cut - cutting forceps - cutting frame - cutting from the solid - cutting gage - cutting gas - cutting geometry - cutting giant - cutting grade - cutting head - cutting head assembly - cutting-head-height-and-collision sensor - cutting heat - cutting height - cutting-in - cutting in a smooth pattern - cutting in a spiral pattern - cutting-in speed - cutting-in speed of over drive - cutting-in time - cutting inaccuracies - cutting insert - cutting installation - cutting instrument - cutting interval - cutting iron - cutting jet - cutting jib - cutting job - cutting knife - cutting laser tool - cutting length - cutting life - cutting line - cutting liquid - cutting load - cutting load signal - cutting-loading machine - cutting lubricant - cutting machine - cutting machine scratch - cutting machine tool technology - cutting machine with coordinate drive - cutting material - cutting mechanics - cutting mechanism - cutting medium - cutting member - cutting metal - cutting mode - cutting motion - cutting movement - cutting nippers - cutting noise - cutting nozzle - cutting of fuel oils - cutting-off-abrasive wheel - cutting-off - cutting-off bit tool - cutting-off EDM - cutting-off grinding - cutting-off lathe - cutting-off machine - cutting-off saw - cutting-off tool - cutting oil - cutting-oil deflector - cutting oil freshener - cutting oil separator - cutting operation - cutting orientation - cutting out - cutting-out - cutting-out of rivets - cutting out of square - cutting-out press - cutting oxygen - cutting oxygen tube - cutting parameters - cutting part - cutting pass - cutting path - cutting path supporting points - cutting pattern - cutting performance - cutting period - cutting perpendicular force - cutting pick - cutting plan - cutting plane - cutting plane line - cutting plate - cutting platform - cutting pliers - cutting point - cutting-point angle - cutting position - cutting power - cutting-practice rules - cutting press - cutting profile - cutting program - cutting prong - cutting propagation - cutting pulse - cutting punch - cutting quality - cutting radius - digging radius - cutting rate - cutting region - cutting relief angle - cutting resistance - cutting resistance per tooth - cutting rib - cutting right to size - cutting rim - cutting ring - cutting ring coupling - cutting roll - cutting room - cutting rotor - cutting rule - cutting run - cutting scallops - cutting sequence - cutting-shearing drilling bit - cutting shoe - cutting simulation - cutting size - cutting size of core diamond bit - cutting speed - cutting speed chart plate - cutting speed control mechanism - cutting speed for milling - cutting speed indicator - cutting spindle - cutting stretch - cutting stroke - cutting stroke drive - cutting surface - cutting table - cutting tap - cutting technology - cutting technology routine - cutting teeth - cutting temperature - cutting test - cutting the loop - cutting-through of a tunnel - cutting thrust - cutting thrust force - cutting time - cutting-time monitor - cutting tip - cutting to a shoulder - cutting to length - cutting to size - cutting tool - cutting tool assembly - cutting tool body - cutting tool cartridge - cutting tool collet - cutting tool contact indicator - cutting tool control macro - cutting tool data - utting tool edge - cutting tool engineering - cutting tool force - cutting tool holder - cutting tool industry - cutting tool insert - cutting tool lubricant - cutting tool materials - cutting tool measurement system - cutting tool outlet - cutting tool technology - cutting tool with inserted blades - cutting tooth - cutting torch - cutting torque - cutting-type core drilling bit - cutting-type drilling bit - cutting unit - cutting up - cutting-up line - cutting value - cutting waste - cutting wear - cutting wedge - cutting wheel - cutting wheel carrier - cutting width - cutting-winning machine - cutting with preheating - cutting work - cutting zone - abrasive cutting - abrasive cutting-off - abrasive waterjet cutting - accretion cutting - across cutting - adaptive control cutting - air-arc cutting - air plasma cutting - angle cutting - approach cutting - arc cutting - arc-oxygene cutting - back-off cutting - bottom cutting - burrless cutting - cable cutting - cam cutting - carbide cutting - carbon-arc cutting - cleaning cutting - climb cutting - composite cutting - consecutive tool cutting - creep cutting - cross-cutting - cryogenic cutting - curved cutting - 2D profile cutting - 3D profile cutting - deep cutting - deskill cutting - diagonal cutting - diamond cutting - double cutting - double-roll cutting - double-roll tooth cutting - drill cuttings - dry cutting - ED cutting-off - ED wire cutting - edge cutting - electric arc-gas jet cutting - electrochemical hole cutting - electrochemical wire cutting - electroerosion cutting - end cutting - fabric cutting - finishing cutting - flame cutting - flux injetion cutting - form cutting - form tooth cutting - friction cutting - fusion cutting - gas cutting - gas metal cutting - gas-shielded arc cutting - gas-shielded tungsten-arc cutting - gas tungsten cutting - gear cutting - grass cutting - groove cutting - guided hand cutting - hand cutting - heavy cutting - high-pressure water-assisted cutting - hoisting and drilling load cuttings - hydraulic cutting - hydrogene cutting - in-line cutting - inserted carbide cutting - internal cutting - internally fed wet cutting - interrupted cutting - irregular depth cutting - keyway cutting - lance cutting - laser cutting - lateral cutting - length cutting - light cutting - little-and-often cutting - low-rpm cutting - machine cutting - manual air-plasma jet cutting - measure cutting - metal cutting - metal-arc cutting - metal powder cutting - miter cutting - multipass cutting - multiple milling cutting - multiple thread cutting - multitool cutting - oblique cutting - orthogonal cutting - oxy-arc cutting - oxygene-arc cutting - oxy-fuel cutting - oxy-fuel gas cutting - oxyacetylene cutting - oxyacetylene flame cutting - oxygen arc cutting - oxygen assisted laser cutting - oxygene lance cutting - oxyhydrogen cutting - oxy-propane cutting - part cutting - percussion cutting - peritheral cutting - pipe cuttings - plasma arc cutting - plasma flame cutting - plasma-jet cutting - playback laser cutting - plunge cutting - press cutting - polygon cutting - polygonal cutting - profile cutting - punch cutting - railway cutting - right-angle cutting - rotary cutting - rough cutting - round cutting - sample cutting - screw cutting - scroll cutting - see-saw cutting - setable minimum cutting - shape cutting - shear cuttings - shear-speed cutting - shielded metal arc cutting - side cutting - sideways cutting - single-pass cutting - single-point cutting - single-point thread cutting - skip cutting - slice cutting - solid cutting - spark cutting - spiral cuttings - spiral-bevel-gear cutting - spur-gear cutting - stack cutting - steel cuttings - straight line cutting - taper cutting - thermal cutting - thread cutting - tooth cutting - torch cutting - transverse cutting - tungsten-arc cutting - two-way cutting - ultrasonic cutting - up cutting - waterjet cutting - waterjet-assisted mechanical cutting - wet cutting - wire cutting -
20 cutting
1) горн. выемка грунта; производство вруба, зарубка, подрубка2) мн. ч. горн. зарубной штыб; кусочки породы3) мн. ч. буровой шлам4) резание; резка; распиливание; перерезание; разрезание6) рубка; тесание8) обрезок ( пиломатериал)9) гравирование10) сил. гранение11) эл. выключение, отключение, вырубание; запирание, отсечка; срезание12) резка ( газовая или дуговая)13) полигр. высечка14) изготовление клише гравированием16) пищ. разрубка; разделка; куттерование17) прямой переход ( к следующему кадру); резкий (быстрый) монтажный переход; прямое соединение ( кадров)19) механическая запись звука (напр. на грампластинку)21) швейн. раскрой22) швейн. деталь кроя23) мн. ч. швейн. межлекальные потери25) с.-х. укос•cutting with postheating — резка с последующим или сопутствующим подогревом;cutting of fuel oils — разбавление мазутов-
accretion cutting
air-arc cutting
approach cutting
arc cutting
arc-oxygene cutting
automatic oxygen cutting
bench cutting
bevel cutting
block cutting
bottom cutting
brilliant cutting
cable cutting
carbon-arc cutting
cleaning cutting
curved cutting
deep cutting
deskill cutting
die cutting
drilling cuttings
drill cuttings
dry cutting
edge cutting
electric arc-gas jet cutting
electrochemical hole cutting
electrochemical wire cutting
electroerosion cutting
electron-beam cutting
fabric cutting
flame cutting
flux injection cutting
gas cutting
gas-shielded arc cutting
gas-shielded tungsten-arc cutting
gear cutting
grass cutting
guided hand cutting
hand cutting
heavy cutting
high-pressure water-assisted cutting
hydraulic cutting
hydrogene cutting
internally fed wet cutting
lance cutting
laser cutting
length cutting
light cutting
machine cutting
measure cutting
metal powder cutting
metal-arc cutting
miter cutting
mud gas cutting
negative cutting
open cutting
oxygene-arc cutting
oxy-arc cutting
oxyacetylene cutting
oxygene lance cutting
part cutting
plasma arc cutting
plasma flame cutting
plunge cutting
press cutting
punch cutting
railway cutting
rotary cutting
screw cutting
shear cuttings
single-point cutting
skip cutting
sound cutting
spark cutting
steel cuttings
thread cutting
tooth cutting
top cutting
torch cutting
tungsten-arc cutting
ultrasonic cutting
waterjet-assisted mechanical cutting
wet cutting
См. также в других словарях:
Metal-arc cutting — Metal arc cutting. См. Дуговая резка. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
Gas metal arc cutting — Gas metal arc cutting. См. Газовая дуговая резка металлов. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
Air-arc cutting — is also known as air carbon cutting and employs a consumable carbon or graphite electrode to melt the material, which is then blown away by an air jet. This process is useful for cutting a variety of materials, but it is most often used for… … Wikipedia
Carbon arc cutting — Air carbon arc cutting is an arc cutting process where metal is cut and melted by the heat of a carbon arc. Molten metal is then removed by a blast of air.External links* [http://www.weldguru.com/CAC.html Carbon Arc Cutting at WeldGuru.com] … Wikipedia
arc cutting — A welding term referring to making a kerf in a metal using the energy of an electric arc … Dictionary of automotive terms
Gas metal arc welding — RMD redirects here. RMD may also refer to IRA Required Minimum Distributions. Gas metal arc welding … Wikipedia
Arc welding — uses a welding power supply to create an electric arc between an electrode and the base material to melt the metals at the welding point. They can use either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) current, and consumable or non consumable electrodes.… … Wikipedia
Cutting fluid — Thin wall milling of aluminum using a water based cutting fluid on the milling cutter. Cutting fluid is a type of coolant and lubricant designed specifically for metalworking and machining processes. There are various kinds of cutting fluids,… … Wikipedia
Oxy-fuel welding and cutting — Oxyacetylene redirects here. For the song, see Cubanate. Side of metal, cut by oxygen propane cutting torch … Wikipedia
Plasma arc welding — (PAW) is an arc welding process similar to gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). The electric arc is formed between an electrode (which is usually but not always made of sintered tungsten) and the workpiece. The key difference from GTAW is that in PAW … Wikipedia
Plasma cutting — This article is about the common manufacturing process. For various fictional weapons, see plasma rifle and directed energy weapon. Plasma cutting is a process that is used to cut steel and other metals (or sometimes other materials) using a… … Wikipedia