1 metacarpus
metacarpus [ˏmetəˊkɑ:pəs] n (pl - pi)анат. пясть -
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3 metacarpus
metacarpus[¸metə´ka:pəs] n анат. костите между китката и пръстите, метакарпус, предкитка. -
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > metacarpus
10 metacarpus
11 metacarpus
[ˌmetəˈkɑ:pəs]metacarpus анат. пясть -
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14 metacarpus
[ˏmetə`kɑːpəs]пястьАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > metacarpus
15 metacarpus
мед.сущ. пясть* * * -
16 metacarpus
[,met·a'car·pus || ‚metə'kɑrpəs /'kɑːp-]◙ n. עצמות כף היד (אנטומיה)* * *◙ (הימוטנא) דיה ףכ תומצע◄ -
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met.a.car.pus[metək'a:pəs] n Anat metacarpo. -
19 metacarpus
n (pl metacarpi) анат.п'ясток -
20 metacarpus
n. eltarağı [anat.]* * *metakarp
См. также в других словарях:
Metacarpus — Met a*car pus, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?; ? beyond, between + ? the wrist.] (Anat.) That part of the skeleton of the hand or forefoot between the carpus and phalanges. In man it consists of five bones. See Illust. of {Artiodactyla}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Metacarpus — Metacarpus, die Mittelhand … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Metacarpus — (lat.), die Mittelhand, s. Hand … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Metacarpus — Metacarpus, Metacarpĭum (grch.), die Mittelhand, s. Hand … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
metacarpus — 1650s, Modern Latin, from Gk. metakarpion, from meta (see META (Cf. meta )) + karpos wrist (see CARPUS (Cf. carpus)). Related: Metacarpal … Etymology dictionary
metacarpus — ► NOUN (pl. metacarpi) ▪ the group of five bones of the hand between the wrist and the fingers. DERIVATIVES metacarpal adjective & noun. ORIGIN Greek metakarpion … English terms dictionary
metacarpus — [mə΄tab′əkär′pəs] n. pl. metacarpi [mə΄tab′ə kär′pī΄] [ModL, altered < metacarpium < Gr metakarpion < meta,META + karpion, dim. of karpos: see CARPUS] 1. the part of the hand consisting of the five bones between the wrist and the fingers … English World dictionary
Metacarpus — Bone: Metacarpals The five metacarpal bones, numbered. (Left hand shown with thumb on right.) … Wikipedia
Metacarpus — Hand des Menschen, Mittelhandknochen braun Die Mittelhand (lat.: Metacarpus) bezeichnet den mittleren Abschnitt der Hand zwischen Handwurzel und Fingern. Bei Tieren wird auch die Bezeichnung Vordermittelfuß verwendet. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
metacarpus — The five bones of the hand between the carpus and the phalanges. [meta + G. karpos, wrist] * * * meta·car·pus .met ə kär pəs n the part of the human hand or the front foot in quadrupeds between the carpus and the phalanges that contains five more … Medical dictionary
metacarpus — n. hand between wrist and base of fingers. ♦ metacarpal, a.; n. bone of the metacarpus … Dictionary of difficult words