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  • 1 code

    [kəud] 1. noun
    1) (a collection of laws or rules: a code of behaviour.) pravilnik
    2) (a (secret) system of words, letters, or symbols: the Morse Code; The message was in code; We have deciphered the enemy's code.) kodiran sistem znakov
    3) (a system of symbols etc for translating one type of language into another: There are a number of codes for putting English into a form usable by a computer.) sistem kod
    2. verb
    (to put into (secret, computer etc) code: Have you coded the material for the computer?) kodirati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > code

  • 2 signal

    ['siɡnəl] 1. noun
    1) (a sign (eg a movement of the hand, a light, a sound), especially one arranged beforehand, giving a command, warning or other message: He gave the signal to advance.) znamenje
    2) (a machine etc used for this purpose: a railway signal.) znak
    3) (the wave, sound received or sent out by a radio set etc.) signal
    2. verb
    1) (to make signals (to): The policeman signalled the driver to stop.) dati znak
    2) (to send (a message etc) by means of signals.) signalizirati
    * * *
    I [sígnəl]
    znak, znamenje, signal ( for za); figuratively znak; military (dogovorjen) znak, geslo; povod, spodbuda; radiotelegram
    signal of distress — znak na pomoč v nevarnosti, SOS
    code of signals — ključ (seznam, popis) signalov (zlasti v vojski in mornarici)
    fog-signal — zvočni signal, ki v megli opozarja voznike pri prehodu čez železniško progo
    storm-signal — cilindričen znak, ki se dvigne na meteoroloških postajah v znak, da se bliža nevihta
    to make a signal — dati znak (signal);
    signalizacijski, signalen; pomemben, važen, izreden, nenavaden, znamenit, odličen; oster
    signal box railway signalnica; kretnica
    II [sígnəl]
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    signalizirati, da(ja)ti znak (signal); sporočiti (javiti) s pomočjo znakov (signalov)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > signal

  • 3 cipher

    (secret writing; a code: The message was written in cipher.) šifra
    * * *
    I [sáifə]
    številka; šifra, tajna pisava; monogram; figuratively ničla
    to be a mere cipher, to stand for a cipher — biti ničla, nič ne pomeniti
    colloquially what's the cipher?koliko stane?
    II [sáifə]
    intransitive verb & transitive verb
    šteti računati, izračunavati; šifrirati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > cipher

См. также в других словарях:

  • Message Authentication Code — Code d authentification de message Un code d authentification de message (MAC, Message Authentication Code) est un code accompagnant des données dans le but d assurer l intégrité de ces dernières, en permettant de vérifier qu elles n ont subi… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Message authentication code — Code d authentification de message Un code d authentification de message (MAC, Message Authentication Code) est un code accompagnant des données dans le but d assurer l intégrité de ces dernières, en permettant de vérifier qu elles n ont subi… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Message authentication code — MAC (имитовставка, англ. message authentication code  код аутентичности сообщения)  средство обеспечения имитозащиты в протоколах аутентификации сообщений с доверяющими друг другу участниками  специальный набор символов, который… …   Википедия

  • Message Authentication Code —   [Abk. MAC; dt. »Mitteilungsbeglaubigungscode«], digitale Signatur …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Message authentication code — In cryptography, a message authentication code (often MAC) is a short piece of information used to authenticate a message. A MAC algorithm, sometimes called a keyed (cryptographic) hash function, accepts as input a secret key and an arbitrary… …   Wikipedia

  • Message Authentication Code — Ein Message Authentication Code (MAC) dient dazu, Gewissheit über den Ursprung von Daten oder Nachrichten zu erhalten und ihre Integrität zu überprüfen.[1] MAC Algorithmen erfordern zwei Eingabeparameter, erstens die zu schützenden Daten und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Message Authentication Code — (MAC)   An ISO term. A code in a message between the sender and the receiver used to validate the source and part or all of the text of the message. The code is the result of an agreed calculation.   ISO Funds Transfer Messages term. 16x.   ISO… …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • Message authentication code — MAC o Message authentication code es un código alfanumérico que se genera para un determinado mensaje, y que sirve para asegurar la autenticación de origen y destino de la comunicación. Utiliza una clave simétrica que, concatenada con el texto… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Message authentication code field — (MAC)   An ISO term. See preferred term Message Authentication Code (MAC) …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • Message type code —   An ISO term. A code that designates the function of and/or the action requested by the message.   ISO Key Management term. 3a.   ISO Identification Cards term. ISO Bank Card Originated Messages term. 4n.   ISO Funds Transfer Messages term. 3an …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • Message security code —   An ISO term. A verification between a card acceptor and a card issuer to indicate that a message is authorised to update or modify a special file. 64b …   International financial encyclopaedia

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