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См. также в других словарях:

  • Mercury-arc valve — Mercury rectifier on display in Beromünster, Switzerland before being decommissioned A mercury arc valve (mercury vapor rectifier) is a type of electrical rectifier used for converting high voltage or high current alternating current (AC) into… …   Wikipedia

  • mercury arc — n. an electric discharge passed through ionized mercury vapor, esp. in a mercury vapor lamp or an electron tube …   English World dictionary

  • Mercury arc valve — A mercury arc valve (mercury vapor rectifier) is a type of electrical rectifier which converts alternating current into direct current. Rectifiers of this type were used in electric motor power supplies for industry, in electric… …   Wikipedia

  • mercury arc — noun : an electric discharge through mercury vapor in a glass or quartz tube emitting a blue green light rich in actinic and ultraviolet rays and used for various purposes (as for water sterilization, in photography, and in a rectifier) * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mercury arc — an electric discharge between electrodes in mercury vapor in a vacuum tube; it gives off light rich in ultraviolet rays …   Medical dictionary

  • Mercury-vapor lamp — Mercury Lamp redirects here. For the character in the Rozen Maiden anime and manga, see Characters of Rozen Maiden. A 175 watt mercury vapor yard light approximately 15 seconds after starting …   Wikipedia

  • Mercury (element) — gold ← mercury → thallium Cd ↑ Hg ↓ Cn …   Wikipedia

  • Tube luminescent — Tube fluorescent Tubes fluorescents: vert, rouge (néon), violet. Un tube fluorescent est un type particulier de lampe électrique, qui produit de la lumière, grâce à une décharge électrique dans un tube. Leur lumière peut être blanche (pour l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tube fluorescent — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lampe (homonymie). Tubes fluorescents : vert, rouge (néon), violet …   Wikipédia en Français

  • arc — 1. A curved line or segment of a circle. 2. Continuous luminous passage of an electric current in a gas or vacuum between two or more separated carbon or other electrodes. [L. arcus, a bow] auricular a., binauricular a. a line carried over the …   Medical dictionary

  • arc-back — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : failure of a gas filled or mercury vapor rectifier to suppress the current during the inverse voltage half of a cycle due to overheating of the anode or to other causes * * * /ahrk bak /, n. Electronics. an undesirable… …   Useful english dictionary

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