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См. также в других словарях:

  • mensuration — [ mɑ̃syrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1520, repris 1795; bas lat. mensuratio, de mensurare → mesurer ♦ Détermination et mesure, par divers moyens scientifiques, des dimensions caractéristiques ou importantes du corps humain; les mesures ainsi obtenues.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Mensuration — Men su*ra tion, n. [L. mensuratio : cf. F. mensuration.] 1. The act, process, or art, of measuring. [1913 Webster] 2. That branch of applied geometry which gives rules for finding the length of lines, the areas of surfaces, or the volumes of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mensuration — (n.) act of measuring, 1570s, from M.Fr. mensuration and directly from L.L. mensurationem (nom. mensuratio) a measuring, noun of action from pp. stem of mensurare to measure (see MEASURE (Cf. measure) (v.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • mensuration — index assessment (estimation), estimation (calculation), measurement Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • mensuration — ► NOUN 1) measurement. 2) the part of geometry concerned with ascertaining lengths, areas, and volumes. ORIGIN Latin, from mensurare to measure …   English terms dictionary

  • mensuration — [men΄shə rā′shən] n. [LL mensuratio < mensuratus, pp. of mensurare, to measure < L mensura,MEASURE] 1. the act, process, or art of measuring 2. the branch of mathematics dealing with the determination of length, area, or volume mensurative… …   English World dictionary

  • mensuration — (man su ra sion) s. f. Terme didactique. Action de mesurer. La mensuration est employée pour constater la taille des animaux.    Terme de médecine. Mode d exploration des viscères thoraciques, qui consiste à mesurer comparativement le pourtour de …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • MENSURATION — n. f. Moyen par lequel, en médecine, en anthropologie, etc., on se rend compte des dimensions d’un être vivant ou de quelque partie de son corps. La mensuration des conscrits au conseil de révision. Mensuration du thorax …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • mensuration — mensurational, adj. /men sheuh ray sheuhn, seuh /, n. 1. the branch of geometry that deals with the measurement of length, area, or volume. 2. the act or process of measuring. [1565 75; < LL mensuration (s. of mensuratio) a measuring. See MEASURE …   Universalium

  • mensuration — noun The branch of mathematics that deals with measurement, especially the derivation and use of algebraic formulae to measure the areas and volumes of geometric figures. With the passage of time I have realized that the illustrations can also… …   Wiktionary

  • mensuration — noun Date: 1571 1. the act of measuring ; measurement 2. geometry applied to the computation of lengths, areas, or volumes from given dimensions or angles …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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