1 mengumpulkan
gather, annunciate, amass, aggregate, agglomerate* * *gather, assemble, concentrate (forces); collect (stamps, coins, etc); amass, accumulate (a fortune, an art collection, etc) -
2 mengumpulkan
gather, assemble, concentrate k.r(forces) 2 collect k.r( stamp, coins, etc) 3 amass, accumulate k.r( a for tune, an art collection, eetc). -
3 pergi untuk mengumpulkan
go out to gather, went out to gather, gone out to gather, going out to gather -
4 kumpul
gather; collect; assembleberkumpul: to gather; to assemblekumpulan: group; collectionmengumpulkan: to collectpengumpul: collectorperkumpulan: association; union; assemblysekumpulan: a group
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