Перевод: с английского на квенья

с квенья на английский


  • 1 MEN


    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MEN

  • 2 SPOT

    men (place – Tolkien may have rejected this word, see PLACE), SMALL SPOT pica (dot) –MEN, PIK

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SPOT

  • 3 PLACE

    \#nómë (isolated from nómesseron, compound "of place-names", VT42:17). In Etym the word for "place" is men, though this word would clash with the dative pronoun *men "to/for us"; \#nómë may be preferred not only for clarity but also because it is apparently present in the LotR itself in the word sinomë "in this place" (Elendil's Oath); –nomë would be the compound form of nómë. It also occurs in tanomë “in the place (referred to)”. STONY PLACE sarnë (gloss misread as "strong place" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, see VT46:12). AT BACK OF PLACE, see BEHIND. Verb WISH TO GO TO A PLACE mína- (desire to go in some direction, make for it, have some end in view) –VT42:17, MEN, LotR:1003, SD:56, VT49:11, SAR, VT39:11

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > PLACE

  • 4 EARTH

    cemen (soil). (Note: at the time Tolkien wrote Etym, he thought of cemen as the genitive of cén, but later cemen evidently became the nominative form, as it had been in earlier writings [LT1:257]. In Silm:433, it is said that cemen [kemen] refers to "the Earth as a flat floor beneath menel, the heavens". LT1:257, reproducing early material, also has cemi "earth, soil, land" and Kémi "Mother Earth".) Locative cemendë "on earth" in VT43:17. HEAVEN AND EARTH Menel Cemenyë (VT47:11). EARTH-QUEEN Kementári (Yavanna's title); EARTHEN, OF EARTH cemna. (LR:363 gves "kemina", but according to VT45:19, this is a misreading for "kemna" in Tolkien's manuscript.) EARTH (= world) Ambar (world) (Tolkien equated Ambar with Oikoumene, a Greek word denoting "world" considered as "the inhabited world of Men". But ambar also seems to mean "doom", q.v. MR:337 (cf. WJ:419) has Imbar instead of Ambar; the literal meaning of both words is said to be "habitation") EARTH-DWELLERS –LT2:343 gives indi, rendered "earthdwellers" and said to be another word for "men", but this is hardly a valid word in LotR-style Quenya. –KEM/Silm:433/LT1:257/VT44:34, MBAR cf. Letters:283 or SD:409

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > EARTH


    THE FATHERS OF MEN Atanatárion (lit. simply "of the Fathers of Men") –MR:373

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LEGENDARIUM OF

  • 6 SECOND

    (2nd) attëa, in older (MET) Quenya tatya (cf. Tatyar, "the Second Ones", the Second Clan of the Elves), neuna; THE SECOND Atani (sg Atan – an Elvish name of Men, later only used of Men of the Three Houses of the Edain.) –WJ:420, VT42:25, NDEW, WJ:403

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SECOND

  • 7 THE

    i. – In Quenya, the definite article is generally used as in English. However, notice that it is not used before plural words denoting an entire people or race, such as Valar, Quendi, Noldor, Sindar, Eldar, Ainur, Fírimar etc. This is evident from examples like lambë Eldaron "the language of the Eldar [lit. simply "Eldar"]", Valar valuvar "the will of the Valar [lit. simply "Valar"] will be done". Cf. Tolkien's use of "Men" with no article, meaning the entire human race or humans in general, while "the Men" would be a group of individuals. Anar "the Sun" and Isil "the Moon" are probably treated like proper names in Quenya; they do not take the article. When a noun is determined by a following genitive, it is evidently optional whether it takes the article or not: mannar Valion "into the hands [lit. simply "hands"] of the Lords", Indis i Ciryamo "The Mariner's Wife, *The Wife [lit. simply "Wife"] of the Mariner" – but contrast I Equessi Rúmilo "the Sayings of Rúmil", i arani Eldaron "the Kings of the Eldar". If the genitive precedes the noun it connects with, the article must probably be left out in all cases, as in English (*Eldaron arani, ?Eldaron i arani). Note: i is also the relative pronoun "who, that" and the conjunction “that”; see THAT \#3 and \#4. –I, WJ:404, 368, FS, UT:8, WJ:398, 369

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THE

  • 8 US

    The exclusive pronoun (us = “I and some others, not you”) is me (suffixed to ála “do not” in álamë tulya, "do not lead us”, VT43:12, 22). This pronoun evidently connects with the ending -lmë, see WE. Inclusive "us" (i.e. "you and me") should apparently be *ve (for older we), connecting with the subject ending -lvë (older -lwë). If the pronouns me, *ve are stressed, the vowel may be lengthened (mé, vé, VT49:51). In another conceptual phase, Tolkien’s word for inclusive "we, us" may have been *ngwë (Third Age Quenya *nwë), VT48:11. The dual forms receive the ending -t, hence met, wet > *vet as the words for “us” referring to only two persons (exclusive met = “me and one other [not you]”; inclusive wet/*vet = “thee and me”). – Evidently me, *ve would be the same as subject and object, so that these forms could also be translated "we" as a short independent pronoun, and they can also receive case endings, e.g. attested forms like locative messë "on us", allative mello "from us", dative men "for us", allative véna “to us”. The forms atarmë, metermë "for us" also seem to include me, but these forms were evidently ephemeral ("for us", exclusive, is better rendered as men, itself an attested form). –Nam/RGEO:67, VT43:15, 19, VT44:18, VT49:14

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > US

  • 9 AFTER

    apa (also attested in compounds like Apanónar, see below), \#ep- (used in compounds when the second part of the compound begins with a vowel, only attested in epessë "after-name" – see NICKNAME.) This ep- is a shorter form of epë, which means “before” of spatial relationships but “after” of time (since the Eldar imagined time coming after their present as being before them, VT49:12); apa and epë may be seen as variants of the same word. Other variant forms of apa "after" include opo and pó/po (VT44:36, VT49:12). According to VT44:26, the preposition apa may also appear as pa, pá (cf. yéni pa yéni "years after years" in VT44:35), but pa/pá is in other manuscripts defined as "touching, as regards, concerning". THE AFTER-BORN Apanónar (sg \#Apanóna) (i.e., an Elvish name of Men, according to WJ:387 "a word of lore, not used in daily speech") –Silm:122/WJ:387, UT:266

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > AFTER

  • 10 AND

    ar. In the phrase eldain a fírimoin “to Elves and Men” (FS), ar is seemingly reduced to a before f, but contrast ar formenna *“and northwards” in VT49:26. (In Sauron Defeated p. ii, the word o is translated "and", but LotR, Silm and Etym all agree that the Quenya word for "and" is ar. A longer variant arë is mentioned in VT43:31.) A suffix meaning "and", -yë, occurs in the phrase Menel Cemenyë "heaven and earth" (VT47:11); this suffix is "normally used of pairs usually associated as Sun, Moon [*Anar Isilyë]; Heaven, Earth [Menel Cemenyë], Land, Sea [*Nór Eäryë], fire, water [*úr nenyë]" (VT47:31). AND YET a-nanta/ananta (but yet) –AR/Nam/FS, VT43:31, NDAN; the etymology of ar is discussed in VT47:31

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > AND

  • 11 ARRIVE

    The verb ten- is used for this meaning in one source (present tense téna “is on point of arrival, is just coming to the end”). Other attested forms are tenë (aorist; 1st person tenin), pa.t. tennë “arrived, reached” (“usually used with locative not allative”: tennen sís “I arrive[d] here”), perfect eténië, future tenuva “will arrive”. Tolkien subsequently changed ten- to men-, but the latter is elsewhere ascribed the meaning “go”. –VT49:23-24

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ARRIVE

  • 12 BEHALF

    – on behalf of: rá, followed by dative, as in the example rá men "on behalf of us, for us". Dative pronouns may be directly suffixed to rá: "for us" or "on behalf of us" is also attested in the one-word form rámen. (Note: rá is also a noun "lion".) –VT43:27, 28, 33

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BEHALF

  • 13 CONTROL

    (verb) \#tur- (cited in source as turin, "I...control", 1st pers. aorist) (pa.t. turnë) (wield, govern); IN CONTROL OF (possessing) arwa (followed by gen, e.g. *i heru arwa i nerion "the lord in control of the men") –TUR, 3AR

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > CONTROL

  • 14 FOLLOW

    hilya- FOLLOWER neuro; FOLLOWERS (an Elvish name of Men) Hildor, Hildi (unattested sg \#Hildo; dative pl hildin is attested; cf also Hildinyar "my heirs" in Elendil's Oath). FOLLOWING THAT epeta, epta (thereupon, thence, whereupon) –KHIL/Silm:116/122/403, FS/WJ:387, LotR:1003, 1004, VT49:12

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FOLLOW

  • 15 GO

    lelya- or lenna- (pa.t. lendë in both cases; the printed Etymologies gives "linna" instad of lenna-, but according to VT45:27 this is a misreading) (proceed, travel); \#men- (attested in the aorist: menë "goes"), vanya- (pa.t. vannë) (depart, disappear – it may be that Tolkien abandoned the verb vanya-, if it is regarded as the conceptual predecessor of auta-, see GO AWAY below), GO ROUND pel- (revolve, return; the Silmarillion Appendix also mentions “encircle” as a meaning of the root PEL, cf. also “Qenya” pele- “surround, fence in, pen in”; pa.t. pellë given, QL:73). GO OVER, see CROSS. GO ATHWART tara- (cross); GO AWAY auta- (leave, pass); pa.t. oantë, perf. oantië (in the physical sense "went away [to another place]", vánë ("the most frequently used past [tense]" – less "physical" than oantë, rather meaning to be lost or to disappear), also anwë (this pa.t. was "only found in archaic language"), perf. avánië (pl. avánier is attested); perf. vánië with no augment may occur in verse. GO FORTH TOWARDS (with the thing approached as direct object) tenta-, pa.t. tentanë (the verb can also mean “direct toward” or “be directed toward”, in the intransitive tense apparently with the pa.t. tenantë). CAUSE TO GO (in a desired direction) menta- (send), GONE vanwa (departed, vanished, dead, lost, past and over, no longer to be had) BE GONE! heca! – also with pronominal affixes: sg hecat, pl hecal "you be gone!" (stand aside!) LET GO lerya- (release, set free), sen- (let loose, free) –WJ:363, LED/VT45:27, VT47:11, 30, PEL, LT2:347, WAN, Nam, WJ:364, VT41:5, VT49:23, WJ:366, VT41:5, VT43:18

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GO

  • 16 MALE

    (noun) hanu (man, male of Men/Elves or animals); MALE (adj) hanwa –3AN, VT45:16, INI

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MALE

  • 17 MAN

    nér (ner-; pl. neri given) (\#ner as the final element in compounds, as in vëaner and úner, see below), †vëo (-wë as final element in compounds); hanu (male); (ADULT) MAN vëaner; MANLY vëa (adult, vigorous); LARGE/STRONG MAN nerdo, SMALL MAN nercë (perhaps with stem nerci-) MANHOOD vië (vigour); MAN-SPEARHEAD (a wedge-formation of soldiers) nernehta, NOMAN úner (All these words can apparently be used of adult males of any sentient race. For "Men" in the sence "humans", see MORTALS, FOLLOWERS.) –DER, WEG (cf. VT46:21 indicating that †vëo should be marked as an archaic/poetic word), VT47:33, VT45:16, UT:282, UT:211

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MAN

  • 18 ON

    or (so in LT1:256, but in LotR-style Quenya or is always translated "over". Generally, English "on" may be rendered by the locative or the allative case, see UPON.) ON BEHALF OF rá, followed by dative, as in the example rá men "on behalf of us, for us". Dative pronouns may be directly suffixed to rá: "for us" or "on behalf of us" is also attested in the one-word form rámen. (Note: rá is also a noun "lion".) ON THE CONTRARY úsië –VT43:27, 28, 33, VT49:8

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ON

  • 19 REGION

    ména, arda (realm), harda –MEN, LotR:1157, VT45:12

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > REGION


    laiwa (ill; this word may be better spelt *hlaiwa, see under ILL), caimassëa (bedridden), engwa (cf. Engwar "The Sickly", an Elvish name for Men), quámëa (evidently = *”nauseous”), SICKNESS quámë (= nausea), in the sense of illness probably rather lívë (maybe better spelt *hlívë), caila (or possibly this is only adj. lying in bed, bedridden; see caila in the Quenya-English wordlist for further discussion), caimassë (etymologically "[state of being] in bed") –SLIW, KAY/VT45:19, GENG-WĀ, Silm:122, KWAM

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SICK, SICKLY

См. также в других словарях:

  • men — men·acme; men·a·di·one; men·ar·che; men·as·pis; men·da·cious; men·da·cious·ly; men·da·cious·ness; men·dac·i·ty; men·de; men·de·lé·eff s; men·de·le·vi·um; men·de·lian·ism; men·de·lian·ist; men·del·ism; men·del·ize; men·del s; men·de·lye·ev·ite;… …   English syllables

  • Men — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mén — MEN Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Men — hat folgende Bedeutungen: eine phrygische Gottheit, siehe Men (Gott) japanisches Wort für den Kopfschutz der Kendō Rüstung: Men (Kendō) Name des Sterns Alpha Lupi Originaltitel des US amerikanischen Filmdramas Männer sind zum Küssen da aus dem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • men — /men/, n. pl. of man. * * * (as used in expressions) Young Men s Christian Association Angry Young Men Chamberlain s Men Lord Chamberlain s Men International Working Men s Association Lung men caves * * * ▪ Anatolian god       moon god worshiped… …   Universalium

  • Men — puede referirse a: Men, nombre de la estrella Alfa Lupi (α Lup). Men palabra inglesa que significa varón. Men, nombre de una diosa frigia. Men, en japonés, designa a la parte de la armadura que cubre la cabeza en el Kendō, así como a uno de los… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Men — Men, pron. [OE. me, men. Not the plural of man, but a weakened form of the word man itself. Skeat.] A man; one; used with a verb in the singular, and corresponding to the present indefinite one or they. [Obs.] Piers Plowman. [1913 Webster] Men… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • men-3 —     men 3     English meaning: to think, mind; spiritual activity     Deutsche Übersetzung: “denken, geistig erregt sein”     Note: extended menǝ : mnü and mnē , menēi : menī     Material: O.Ind. mányatē “denkt”, Av. mainyeite ds., ap.… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • MEN — iniciales de Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (Neoplasias endocrinas múltiples). Es un síndrome neoplásico de carácter hereditario que predispone al desarrollo de tumores benignos o malignos de tipo endocrino. Se conocen dos tipos: MEN tipo 1 en el… …   Diccionario médico

  • menþja- — *menþja , *menþjam, *mendja , *mendjam germ., stark. Neutrum (a): nhd. Andenken, Gedenken, Erinnerung; ne. memory, rememberance; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ahd.; Hinweis: s. *mendi ; Etymologie: s. ing …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • men — plural of MAN (Cf. man) (n.). To separate the men from the boys in a figurative sense is from 1943; earliest uses tend to credit it to U.S. aviators in World War II. One of the most expressive G.I. terms to come out of the late strife was that s… …   Etymology dictionary

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