1 memory exchange
2 memory exchange
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > memory exchange
3 memory exchange
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > memory exchange
4 memory exchange
1) Техника: коммутатор ЗУ, обмен между запоминающими регистрами (данными)2) Вычислительная техника: коммутатор запоминающего устройства, обмен ( данными) между запоминающими регистрами, обмен данными между запоминающими регистрами -
5 memory exchange
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > memory exchange
6 memory exchange
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > memory exchange
7 memory exchange
English-Russian dictionary of computer science > memory exchange
8 exchange
1) обмен; передача || обменивать(ся)2) смена, замена || заменять3) перестановка•-
air exchange
analog exchange
anion exchange
automatic exchange of tools
automatic message exchange
automatic telephone exchange
bogie exchange
branch exchange
called exchange
calling exchange
cathalytic exchange
cation exchange
central exchange
charge exchange
computerized branch exchange
coordinate automatic exchange
counterflow heat exchange
cross-counterflow heat exchange
data exchange
dial exchange
digital exchange
direct exchange
direct-contact heat exchange
electro-membrane ion exchange
electronic exchange
foreign exchange
gun charge exchange
indirect exchange
indirect heat exchange
input-output exchange
international program exchange
interregional bulk power exchange
intersystem power exchange
ion exchange
line link exchange
line exchange
local exchange
main exchange
manual exchange
mass exchange
memory exchange
message exchange
mixed-bed ion exchange
moisture exchange
nodal exchange
oxygen exchange
packet-switching exchange
parent exchange
pollution exchange
private automatic branch exchange
private automatic exchange
private manual branch exchange
radiant heat exchange
rural exchange
satellite exchange
semiautomatic exchange
specific heat exchange
tandem exchange
telegraph exchange
telephone exchange
teletypewrter exchange
teletype exchange
telex exchange
toll exchange
trunk exchange
waste exchange -
9 exchange
2) телефонная станция, АТС, коммутатор•- analog exchange
- area exchange
- authentication exchange
- automated attendant exchange
- automatic exchange
- automatic message exchange
- average-capacity exchange
- branch exchange
- broadband exchange
- central exchange
- circuit-switched exchange
- common-battery exchange
- common-channel exchange
- computer-controlled exchange
- computerized branch exchange
- controlling exchange
- crossbar exchange
- data exchange
- data-switching exchange
- decade-step exchange
- dial exchange
- digital exchange
- digital private automatic branch exchange
- dynamic data exchange
- electric exchange
- electronic exchange
- end-to-end exchange
- industrial exchange
- industrial private-branch exchange
- input-output exchange
- intermediate exchange
- international transit exchange
- last exchange
- line exchange
- line link exchange
- local exchange
- low-capacity exchange
- magneto exchange
- magneto switchboard exchange
- main exchange
- mandatory data exchange
- manual exchange
- memory exchange
- message exchange
- packet switching exchange
- primary trunk exchange
- private automatic branch exchange
- private branch exchange
- quasi-electronic exchange
- quaternary trunk exchange
- radio exchange
- regional exchange
- relay exchange
- remote computing system exchange
- retransmission exchange
- satellite exchange
- secondary trunk exchange
- semielectronic exchange
- ship exchange
- shuffle exchange
- small exchange
- step-by-step exchange
- subscribing serving exchange
- tandem exchange
- telegraph exchange
- telephone exchange
- telex exchange
- terminal exchange
- tertiary trunk exchange
- toll exchange
- transit exchange
- trunk exchange
- TV program exchange
- urban exchangeEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > exchange
10 exchange
1) обмен (напр., кодами или информацией); замена || обменивать (напр., кодами или информацией); заменять2) (автоматический) коммутатор каналов; аппаратура обмена•- bus exchange
- complex exchange
- cross-system exchange
- data exchange
- dial exchange
- end-to-end exchange
- input-output exchange
- intergateway exchange
- internetwork packet exchange
- link exchange
- manual exchange
- memory exchange
- message exchange
- pairwise exchange
- private automatic exchange
- private branch exchange
- remote computing system exchange
- storage exchange
- teletype exchange
- total exchange
- trunk exchange
- two-way exchange
- vertical exchangeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > exchange
11 exchange shortage
12 exchange transaction
1. валютные операции; валютные сделки2. биржевая сделкаfuture transaction — сделка на срок; срочная сделка
13 memory capacity
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > memory capacity
14 exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
1) Электроника: ЗУ на обменно-связанных тонких плёнках2) Макаров: ЗУ на обменно-связанных тонких магнитных плёнкахУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
15 exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
16 exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
17 fuel-coolant exchange
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > fuel-coolant exchange
18 коммутатор ЗУ
19 TMX
1) Компьютерная техника: Training Matrix2) Лингвистика: обмен памятью переводов (Translation Memory eXchange), обмен базами эталонных переводов3) Сокращение: Tracking Module (Switzerland), tactical missile experimental, telemeter transmitter4) Литература: ToastMasters eXcellence5) Фирменный знак: Timex, Trans Media Exchange6) Программное обеспечение: формат обмена базами переводов (русс. перевод взят из документации к SDL TRADOS Studio 2009) -
20 TMX
См. также в других словарях:
Translation Memory eXchange — TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) is an open XML standard for the exchange of translation memory data created by computer aided translation and localization tools. TMX is developed and maintained by OSCAR [ [http://www.lisa.org/sigs/oscar/ OSCAR] … Wikipedia
Translation Memory eXchange — (TMX) ist ein offenes Datenformat, das zum Datenaustausch zwischen verschiedenen Übersetzungsprogrammen (Übersetzungsspeicher, engl. translation memory) dient. Es basiert auf XML und stellt Translation Memory Daten (d. h. vor allem die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Translation Memory eXchange — TMX (Translation Memory eXchange Обмен памятью переводов) открытый формат файлов XML для обмена данными памяти переводов, которые создаются в процессе автоматизированного перевода. Формат TMX разработан и поддерживается группой… … Википедия
Translation Memory eXchange — TMX formatas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Vertimo atminties ↑XML kalbos pagrindo standartizuotas formatas. Sukurtas 1998 m. Lokalizavimo pramonės standartų asociacijos (LISA) darbo grupės. Pagrindinė formato paskirtis – vertimo… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Exchange bias — or exchange anisotropy occurs in bilayers (or multilayers) of magnetic materials where the hard magnetization behavior of an antiferromagnetic thin film causes a shift in the soft magnetization curve of a ferromagnetic film. The exchange bias… … Wikipedia
MEMORY — holocaust literature in european languages historiography of the holocaust holocaust studies Documentation, Education, and Resource Centers memorials and monuments museums film survivor testimonies Holocaust Literature in European Languages The… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Memory of the World Programme — Logo of the Memory of the World Programme UNESCO s Memory of the World Programme is an international initiative launched to safeguard the documentary heritage of humanity against collective amnesia, neglect, the ravages of time and climatic… … Wikipedia
Exchange Bias — Als Exchange Bias (EB) bezeichnet man eine unidirektionale Anisotropie (deshalb auch unidirectional exchange anisotropy genannt), die durch die Kopplung zwischen einem Ferro und einem Antiferromagneten entsteht. Der Exchange Bias bewirkt eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Memory of the World Register — The first inscriptions on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register were made in 1997.[1] By creating a compendium of the world’s documentary heritage manuscripts, oral traditions, audio visual materials, library and archive holdings[2] the program … Wikipedia
Translation memory — A translation memory, or TM, is a type of database that stores segments that have been previously translated. A translation memory system stores the words, phrases and paragraphs that have already been translated and aid human translators. The… … Wikipedia
Translation Memory — Ein Übersetzungsspeicher (auch Übersetzungsarchiv; engl. translation memory, abgekürzt TM) ist eine (in der Regel die Haupt )Komponente von Anwendungen zur rechnerunterstützten Übersetzung (Computer aided translation, abgekürzt CAT).… … Deutsch Wikipedia