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    vanya (Note: a homophone verb means "disappear"), linda (beautiful/fair of sound, VT45:27), calwa, vanima (fair, proper, right) (nominal pl vanimar "beautiful ones" and partitive plural genitive vanimálion are attested). According to MR:49, Maiar means "the Beautiful", but in Quenya this is the name of an order of spirits and cannot be used as a general adjective. BEAUTY vanessë, WITHOUT BEAUTY úvanë, adj. úvanëa –BAN, SLIN, LT1:254, LotR:1017 cf. Letters:308, LT1:272, MR:49, VT39:14

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BEAUTIFUL

  • 2 ELF

    quendë (a technical, generic term, seldom used in the sg; pl Quendi is the usual form; there are gender-specific forms quendu m. and quendi f., but they seem to be rare; pl. forms quendur, quendir are attested), Elda (originally generic, but later [MET] used of Elves of the Three Kindreds [Noldor, Vanyar, Teleri] only. That was at least the proper usage: Elda was the normal word for "elf" in Valinor, since all Elves there were Eldar, and quendë became a word of lore. An archaic variant of Elda was Eldo.) With generic reference, the pl. Eldar has no article and is used to eman “Elves, The Elves, All Elves”; i Eldar with the article means “the Elves” with reference to some particular individuals previously mentioned. The partitive plural Eldali “Elves, some Elves” is also attested (VT49:8). ELVES OF AMAN Amanyar (sg \#Amanya), ELVES WHO REFUSED TO JOIN IN THE WESTWARD MARCH (from Cuiviénen) Avari (sg Avar in WJ:371, VT47:13, 24; Avar or Avaro in Etym), also called Avamanyar "those who did not go to Aman, because they would not" (distinguish Úmanyar, Úamanyar, Alamanyar "those who did not in the event reach Aman", though they did join in the march from Cuiviénen; these are also called Heceldi or Ecelli, see EGLATH). See also DARK ELVES, GREEN-ELVES, GREY-ELVES, HIGH-ELVES, LIGHT-ELVES, SEA-ELVES, LITTLE ELF. Cf. also ELVENHOME Eldamar, Elendë. ELF-PEOPLE Eldalië, ELVISH Eldarinwa (adj only, pl. Eldarinwë attested in VT47:14; but "Elvish" meaning Elvish language is simply Eldarin. Properly, these words for "Elvish" apply to the Tree Kindreds only, not to all the Quendi.) Quenderin ("Elvish" referring to all the Quendi, "Quendian"; this remained a learned word) –WJ:361/KWEN(ED), MR:229 ELED, Silm:424, AB/WJ:371/Silm:65/MR:163, WJ:363, Silm:23/392, MR:415, WJ:407

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ELF


    haranyë (or perhaps it means the last day of a century – Tolkien's wording is not clear. The latter interpretation may be more likely.) –LotR:1142

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > CENTURY

  • 4 DOOM

    manar, mandë (final end, fate, fortune, final bliss); umbar- (umbart-) (fate). See below concerning *anan in Rithil-Anamo. In the story of Túrin Turambar, it seems that ambar means "doom": Turambar is said to mean "Master of Doom", and Nienor even uses the word in the instrumental case: ambartanen "by doom". Similarly, LT2:348 gives ambar "Fate". But in Etym, ambar means "earth", and LotR Appendix E confirms that "fate" is umbar. DOOM RING Máhanaxar (a foreign word in Quenya, adopted and adapted from Valarin, also translated as:) Rithil-Anamo "Ring of Doom", name of the place where judgement was passed in Valinor (hence Anamo as genitive "of Doom", nominative probably *anan with stem anam-, otherwise but less likely *anama – this seems to be "doom" in the sense of judgement or juridical justice, since the root is NAM as in nam- "to judge"). –MAN/MANAD, MBARAT/VT45:5, Silm:261, 269, LotR:1157, WJ:399, WJ:401

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DOOM

  • 5 WED

    verya-; the verb is intransitive and the person wedded appears in the allative (veryanen senna *”I married him/her”, compare English “get married to”). The word verya- also means “dare”, but since this is transitive and would always be followed by a direct object, the two verbs can be distinguished. – Transitive verta- means “to give in marriage” or “to take as husband or wife” (to oneself). In an earlier source, Tolkien gave the verb “to wed” as vesta-. Noun WEDDING veryanwë (going with verya- and verta-); in an earlier source, Tolkien gave this word as vestalë. Veryanwë is also attested with pronominal suffixes: veryanwesta, genitive veryanwesto “(of) your wedding”, with a dual form of “your”; also veryanweldo with a plural “your”. –VT49:45, BES, WED

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WED

  • 6 HOUSE

    coa (prob. the most neutral word), opelë (walled house), car (card-) (building), nossë (clan, family, kin, people) (LT2:336 gives indo "house" and os(t) "house and cottage"; these words are probably obsolete – in Tolkien's later Quenya indo means "heart", while osto means "city". The term indor "master of house" can hardly be valid either.) LIGHT OF THE HOUSE coacalina (a metaphor for the soul [fëa] dwelling inside the body [hroa]) –WJ:369/MR:250/VT47:35, PEL(ES), KAR, NŌ/LT1:250, 343, MR:250

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HOUSE

  • 7 WOOD

    toa (probably "wood" as a material rather than "wood" = "forest"; not to be confused with the homophone adj. toa "of wool, woollen"), GREAT WOOD taurë (pl. tauri is attested) (forest), wood as material: tavar (also toa), rough piece of wood: runda, piece of shaped wood: pano, smouldering wood (ember): yulmë (Note: yulmë also means "drinking, carousal") firewood: turu ("firewood" was the proper meaning, but the word was used for "wood" in general); OF WOOD taurina, WOODEN turúva, WOODEN POST samna (Þ); WOODEN HALL ampano, WOODPECKER tambaro, WOODLAND tavas (LT1:261 also gives nan(d), but this means "valley" in LotR-style Quenya.) –VT39:6, TÁWAR/Silm:438/MC:222 cf. 215, RUD, PAN, YUL, LT1:270, STAB, TAM, LT1:267

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WOOD

  • 8 WITH

    For the purpose of Neo-Quenya writing, the best translation of "with" (in the sense of "together with") is probably \#as, attested with a pronominal suffix (see below). A string of various prepositional elements meaning "with" are attested, but all are probably not meant to coexist in the same form of Quenya; rather Tolkien often changed his mind about the details. The preposition lé, le found in early material (QL:52) is probably best avoided in LotR-style Quenya (in which langauge le is rather the pronoun "you"). Tolkien later seems to be experimenting with yo and ó/o as words for "with"; yo hildinyar in SD:56 probably means *"with my heirs", and VT43:29 reproduces a table where various pronouns are suffixed to ó-, probably meaning "with" (óni *"with me", ólë *"with you", etc.) In the essay Quendi and Eldar, Tolkien assigns a dual meaning to ó- as a prefix; it was used "in words describing the meeting, junction, or union of two things or persons, or of two groups thought of as units" (WJ:367; cf. 361 regarding the underlying stem WO, said to be a dual adverb "together"). The plural equivalent of dual ó- is yo- (as in yomenië, WJ:407 cf. 361 regarding the underlying root JŌ), and it may seem to be this yo that occurs as an independent preposition in yo hildinyar in SD:56. The idea that ó- is a distinctly dual form does not appear in all sources; in VT43:29 we have forms like *ómë *"with us", implying at least three persons. In Tolkien's drafts for a Quenya rendering of the Hail Mary, he experimented with various prepositional elements for the phrase "with thee" (see VT43:29). A form carelyë was replaced with aselyë in the final version. Removing the ending -lyë "thee" and the connecting vowel before it leaves us with \#as as the word (or a word) for "with"; this is ultimately related to the conjunction ar "and" (see VT43:30, 47:31). – In English, the preposition "with" may also have an instrumental force, which is best rendered by the Quenya instrumental case (e.g. *nambanen "with [= using] a hammer").

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WITH


    1) imbi (dual imbë). This is "between" referring to a gap, space, barrier, or anything intervening between two other things, like or unlike one another. The pluralized form imbi implies "among" of several things (ancalima imbi eleni "brightest among stars"); "in the sense 'among' before plurals [imbë] is usually pluralized > imbi even when a plural noun follows". As pointed out by Patrick Wynne, imbi may also be used in the sense of "between" before two singular nouns connected by "and" (as in the example imbi Menel Cemenyë "between heaven and earth"), whereas imbë is used before dual forms, as in the examples imbë siryat "between two rivers", imbë met "between us". Elided imb' is attested in the phrase imb' illi "among all". The form imbit is said to be a "dualized form" expressing "between two things" when "these are not named" (VT47:30), apparently implying that imbit by itself means *"between the two", with no noun following. 2) enel (used for "between" = "at the central position in a row, list, series, etc. but also applied to the case of three persons" [VT47:11]. This preposition refers to the position of a thing between others of the same kind). 3) mitta- (does the final hyphen suggest that the latter form is used as prefix, somewhat like *"inter-"?) –Nam/RGEO:67, VT47:11, 30; VT43:30

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BETWEEN

  • 10 TIME

    lúmë (translated "hour" in LotR:94; allative lúmenna is attested. Note: lúmë also means "darkness"). Pl. locative lúmissen “at the times” (VT49:47). Cf. also lú (= "a time, occasion"). FIXED TIME asar (Vanyarin athar) (festival); pl. asari is attested. ONCE UPON A TIME yassë, yalúmessë, yáressë (Note: the first of these seems to clash with *yassë "in/on which".) MEAL TIME mat (matt-) AT ONE TIME (in the past), see ONCE. AT THIS TIME silumë (referring to the present of the time of speech). The word talumë is translated “at this time” in the sense of “at the time we are thinking or speaking of”, hence de facto meaning *”at that time” (the element ta- is normally defined “that”, not “this”). –LU, WJ:399/VT39:31, YA, QL:59, VT49:11-12

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > TIME

  • 11 WORLD

    Ambar (earth), THE WIDE WORLD Palurin. (LT2 gives irmin "the world, all the regions inhabited by Men"; this is probably not a valid word in LotR-style Quenya.) OF THE WORLD marda (an adjective, *"wordly"); THE ENDING OF THE WORLD Ambar-metta, ambarmetta; "WORLD-ARTIFICER" Martamo (a title of Aulë) REDEEMER OF THE WORLD Mardorunando (it is not clear whether the initial element \#mardo means "world" or "of the world"; cf. marda above. It may be that mardo is the genitive of mar, mard-, translated "earth" in Fíriel's Song.) –LotR:1003 cf. MBAR, VT44:36, LT1:251, 264, LT2:343, LT1:266, VT44:17

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WORLD

  • 12 YEAR

    loa (lit. "growth"), coranar (lit. "sun-round", used when the year was considered more or less astronomically – but loa is stated to be the more usual word for "year"). The pl. coranári is attested (PM:126). LONG-YEAR yén (pl. yéni is attested in Nam; the Etymologies as printed in LR cite the stem-form as yen-, but according to VT46:22 Tolkien's manuscript actually has the pl. form yéni as in Nam). A "long-year" is a period of 144 solar years, an Elvish "century" – the Eldar used duodecimal counting, in which 144 is the first three-digit number, like our 100. But sometimes it seems that yén simply means "year". Cf the following words: LAST YEAR yenya, HAVING MANY YEARS linyenwa (old), *RECKONING OF YEARS Yénonótië –LotR:1141, YEN, MR:51

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > YEAR

  • 13 AS

    (prep) ve (like). The longer variant sívë appears to introduce a comparison with something that is near to the point or thought of the speaker, whereas tambë introduces a comparison with something remote, as in Tolkien's translation of one line from the Lord's Prayer: cemendë tambë Erumandë "on earth as in heaven" ("heaven" being remote – we may theorize that "in heaven as [here] on earth" would translate as *Erumandë sívë cemendë, since "earth" would represent the position of the speaker). NOTE: a homophone sívë means "peace". The word yan, related to the relative ya “which”, is also defined “as” in one text (VT49:18). AS REGARDS pa, pá (concerning, touching). AS USUAL ve senwa (also ve senya, but see USUAL). –Nam/RGEO:66, 67, VT43:12, 38, VT44:26, VT49:22

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > AS

  • 14 FAIR

    (1) (adjective) vanima (beautiful, proper, right), vanë, melima, linda (the last word = fair/beautiful of sound, VT45:27); FAIR FOLK Vanimo (pl. Vanimor is given but seems perfectly regular; the word is said to apply to the "children of the Valar"). FAIR-MINDED faila (generous, just), NOT FAIR úvanima (ugly) FAIRWAY (= navigable channel for ships) londë (road in sea). –BAN/VT39:14, LT1:272, MEL, SLIN, PM:352, VT39:14, VT45:28 (2) (noun): Carl F. Hostetter suggests that the untranslated word parma-restalyanna means *”upon your book-fair”, pointing to \#resta as a word for “fair” in this sense. The word is elsewhere defined as “field” (q.v.), and the word may refer to a “fair” held in a field, though Hostetter also suggests a possible connection with ré “day” (VT49:39-40).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FAIR

  • 15 HEART

    hón (physical heart), órë (inner mind – concerning this word, see SPIRIT) (Note: a homophone means "rising"), indo (mind, mood), enda (lit. "centre", not referring to the physical organ, but the fëa [soul] or sáma [mind] itself; enda may be the best word to use for the metaphorical “heart” in general), Tolkien’s early “Qenya” also has the word elwen. -HEARTED \#honda (isolated from sincahonda "flinthearted"). EYES OF HEARTSEASE (a name of the pansy) Helinyetillë HEART OF FLAME Naira (a name of the Sun), –KHŌ-N-, LotR:1157, ID, VT39:32, LT1:255, LotR:1015 cf. SD:68, 72, LT1:262, MR:198

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HEART

  • 16 LAND

    nórë (dwelling-place, race, country, region where certain people live, nation, native land, family), nór (meaning '"'land' as opposed to water or sea", WJ:413). In compounds \#-ndor (when the first part of the compound end in a vowel, e.g. Valandor "Vala-land", alternative form of Valinor), or –nor, –dor (the latter can only occur when the first part of the compound ends in –l, –r, or –n; in other combinations d cannot occur in Noldorin Quenya). Another ending occurring in the names of lands is -sta (see VT43:15). Cf. also lóna (remote land difficult to reach, island. Note: a homophone means "dark"); WESTLAND Númenor, Númenórë (Westernesse); LAND OF GIFT (a name of Númenor) Andor (< *Annandor, see GIFT), LAND OF THE WEST Númendor, LAND OF THE VALAR Valinor, Valinórë. –NDOR/NŌ/Silm:430/ WJ:413, LONO, Silm:414, 313, 430, VT49:26

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LAND

  • 17 AFTER

    apa (also attested in compounds like Apanónar, see below), \#ep- (used in compounds when the second part of the compound begins with a vowel, only attested in epessë "after-name" – see NICKNAME.) This ep- is a shorter form of epë, which means “before” of spatial relationships but “after” of time (since the Eldar imagined time coming after their present as being before them, VT49:12); apa and epë may be seen as variants of the same word. Other variant forms of apa "after" include opo and pó/po (VT44:36, VT49:12). According to VT44:26, the preposition apa may also appear as pa, pá (cf. yéni pa yéni "years after years" in VT44:35), but pa/pá is in other manuscripts defined as "touching, as regards, concerning". THE AFTER-BORN Apanónar (sg \#Apanóna) (i.e., an Elvish name of Men, according to WJ:387 "a word of lore, not used in daily speech") –Silm:122/WJ:387, UT:266

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > AFTER

  • 18 ASK

    \#maquet- (only pa.t. maquentë is attested. The word is not translated, but undoubtedly means "asked": 'Mana i·coimas in·Eldaron?' maquentë Elendil [PM:403]. The question itself is translated "What is the coimas of the Eldar?", so the rest must be "Elendil asked". Furthermore, maquentë is transparently quentë "said" with the interrogative element ma [PM:357] prefixed.) ASK FOR – see DEMAND.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ASK

  • 19 BEFORE

    (prep.) epë (VT44:38, VT49:12), used of spatial relationships. Of time the word means “after” (cf. the gloss in VT42:32), since the Eldar imagined future time (time that comes after the present) as being “before” them (see AFTER). BEFORE of time may instead be expressed by nó (VT49:32), e.g. *cennelmet nó té cenner mé “we saw them before they saw us”. For “before” as an independent adverb (= “formerly”), it may be best to use yá “formerly” or derive an adverb *noavë from the adj. noa (see FORMER). BEFORE, IN FRONT OF (of spatial relationships) opo, pó (VT49:12)

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BEFORE

  • 20 MARRY

    verya- (intransitive, with the person one marries in the allative case: veryanen senna *“I married him/her”, compare English “I got married to him/her”, though the Quenya phrase is also suggested to mean “I was joined to him/her”). The word verya- also means “dare”, but since this is transitive and would always be followed by a direct object, the two verbs can be distinguished. –VT49:45, 46

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MARRY

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