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  • 1 trouble

    1. noun
    1) ((something which causes) worry, difficulty, work, anxiety etc: He never talks about his troubles; We've had a lot of trouble with our children; I had a lot of trouble finding the book you wanted.) ťažkosť, starosť, trápenie
    2) (disturbances; rebellion, fighting etc: It occurred during the time of the troubles in Cyprus.) nepokoje
    3) (illness or weakness (in a particular part of the body): He has heart trouble.) ťažkosť, choroba
    2. verb
    1) (to cause worry, anger or sadness to: She was troubled by the news of her sister's illness.) znepokojiť (sa), trápiť (sa)
    2) (used as part of a very polite and formal request: May I trouble you to close the window?) obťažovať
    3) (to make any effort: He didn't even trouble to tell me what had happened.) obťažovať sa
    - troublesome
    - troublemaker
    * * *
    • vyrušovat
    • závada
    • znepokojovat
    • zvírit
    • súženie
    • sužovat sa
    • starost
    • sužovat
    • tažkost
    • trampoty
    • úsilie
    • trápit sa
    • trápenie
    • technická porucha
    • trápit
    • technická chyba
    • hnevat
    • bolest
    • boliet
    • choroba
    • chciet láskavost
    • rozvírit
    • robit starosti
    • rozbúrit
    • rušit
    • otravovat
    • porucha
    • mrzutost
    • neštastie
    • námaha
    • nepríjemnost
    • nepokoj
    • obtažovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > trouble

  • 2 scent

    [sent] 1. verb
    1) (to discover by the sense of smell: The dog scented a cat.) zacítiť
    2) (to suspect: As soon as he came into the room I scented trouble.) tušiť, vycítiť
    3) (to cause to smell pleasantly: The roses scented the air.) zavoňať
    2. noun
    1) (a (usually pleasant) smell: This rose has a delightful scent.) vôňa
    2) (a trail consisting of the smell which has been left and may be followed: The dogs picked up the man's scent and then lost it again.) pach
    3) (a liquid with a pleasant smell; perfume.) voňavka
    - put/throw someone off the scent
    - put/throw off the scent
    * * *
    • vonavka
    • vôna
    • vetrit
    • vonat
    • vynuchat
    • zavánat
    • zápach
    • stopa
    • stopovat cuchom
    • tušit
    • tušenie
    • predvídat
    • predpokladat
    • byt cítit
    • cuch
    • cítit
    • cuchat
    • páchnut
    • parfumovat
    • pátrat
    • parfum
    • pach
    • náznak zdania
    • navonat
    • nos
    • nuchat

    English-Slovak dictionary > scent

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Trouble hyperkinétique — Trouble du déficit de l attention Trouble déficit de l attention / hyperactivité Classification et ressources externes CIM 10 F90 trouble hyperkinétique Le TDA/H ou trouble déficit de l attention/hyperactivité (en anglais Attention deficit… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Trouble dysphorique prémenstruel — Classification et ressources externes CIM 9 Controversé. Soit 311[1], 625.4, ou aucun[2] …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Trouble in Mind — may refer to:*Trouble in Mind (film), 1985 film. *Trouble in Mind (song), 1926 blues standard. *Trouble in Mind (album), 2003 Elkie Brooks and Humphrey Lyttelton jazz album. *Trouble in Mind (2008 album), 2008 Hayes Carll country album …   Wikipedia

  • May to December — Title card of pilot. Format Sitcom Starring Anton Rodgers Eve Matheson …   Wikipedia

  • May Day Eve — is a short story written by Filipino National Artist Nick Joaquin. Written after World War II, it became one of Joaquin s “signature stories” that became a classic[1] in Philippine literature in English. Together with Joaquin s other stories like …   Wikipedia

  • Trouble with Lichen — (published 1960) is a science fiction novel by John Wyndham. It is intended as a social satire; opinion varies as to its quality. It is not generally regarded as one of Wyndham s best novels, but some consider it an interesting and entertaining… …   Wikipedia

  • Trouble (comics) — Supercbbox| title = Trouble comic color = background:#ff8080 caption = Photo cover of Trouble #1 schedule = Monthly format = limited series publisher = Marvel s Epic imprint date = September 2003 ndash; January 2004 issues = 5 main char team =… …   Wikipedia

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