1 maximum-stepping rate
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > maximum-stepping rate
2 maximum stepping rate
максимальная частота вращения шагового двигателяБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > maximum stepping rate
3 maximum stepping rate
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > maximum stepping rate
4 maximum stepping rate
5 maximum-stepping rate
Автоматика: максимальная частота вращения шагового двигателя -
6 maximum-stepping rate
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > maximum-stepping rate
7 maximum-stepping rate
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > maximum-stepping rate
8 maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
9 maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
частота вращения шагового двигателя при усреднённом максимальном моменте на валуEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
10 rate
3) частота4) расход5) норма || нормировать6) тариф || тарифицировать7) степень8) отношение; коэффициент10) оценка || оценивать11) определять; устанавливать; подсчитывать; рассчитывать (напр. мощность, несущую способность)•rates to consumers — тарифы на отпуск (напр. электроэнергии) потребителям-
absolute disintegrate rate
absorbed dose rate
acceptance rate
accident rate
adiabatic lapse rate
advance rate
aging rate
allowable leak rate
angular rate
annual depletion rate
application rate
area rate
arrival rate
ascensional rate
assessed failure rate
attenuation rate
autoconvective lapse rate
base wage rate
baud rate
bearer rate
beating rate
bit rate
bit-error rate
bit-transfer rate
block meter rate
block-error rate
boiling rate
boil-up rate
bonus rate
break flow rate
breeding rate
burning rate
calling rate
capture rate
carbonization rate
cargo rate
carrier-ionization rate
casting rate
catalyst circulation rate
charging rate
chipping rate
chip rate
chopping rate
circulation rate
class rate
climb rate
clock rate
closed rate
closure rate
coke rate
cold storage rates
collision rate
combustion rate
completion rate
concentration rate
containment leak rate
continuous rate
controlled rate
convective expansion rate
conversion rate
conveyance rate
cooling rate
core heat generation rate
corrosion rate
counting rate
crack growth rate
creep rate
crosshead rate
cure rate
cutter wear rate
daily consumptive use rate
data-transfer rate
data rate
decay rate
decompression rate
deflection rate
deionization rate
delivery rate
demand cost rate
demand rate
deposition rate
descent rate
development rate
deviation rate
differential rate
differentiated electricity rates
diffusion rate
directional rate
discharge rate
disposal rate
distance rate
dither rate
dosage rate
downtime rate
drainage rate
drawing rate
drift rate
drilling rate
droop rate
dry adiabatic lapse rate
electricity rate
electric rate
energy fluence rate
energy release rate
entropy production rate
entropy rate
erasing rate
erosion rate
error rate
etching rate
etch rate
evacuation rate
evaporating rate
excitation rate
exposure rate
failure rate
failure-per-mile rate
false alarm rate
fatal accident frequency rate
fatality rate
fault rate
feed rate
field germination rate
field-repetition rate
fieldwide rate of recovery
film rate
filtering rate
finishing rate
fire-propagation rate
firing rate
fission rate
flat rate
flexible rates
flicker rate
flooding rate
flotation rate
flour extraction rate
flow rate
flush production rate
flutter rate
forced outgage rate
frame rate
frame-repetition rate
freezing rate
freight rate
freight-all-kinds rates
frequency-sweep rate
frequency-tuning rate
fuel rate
functional throughput rate
gas leak rate
gathering rate
generation rate
grinding rate
growth rate
gyro drift rate
half-clock rate
hardening rate
heat absorption rate
heat dissipation rate
heat generation rate
heat rate
heat-flow rate
heating rate
heat-transfer rate
hit rate
image refresh rate
impact wear rate
in-commission rate
infiltration rate
information rate
injection rate
instantaneous failure rate
intermittent rate
ionization rate
irrigation rate
iso-wear rates
job rates
kerma rate
keying rate
lapse rate
leakage rate
linear wear rate
line-of-sight rate
line-repetition rate
liquid efflux rate
lubrication rate
maintenance rate
mass flow rate
mass wear rate
maximum efficiency rate
maximum permissible rate
maximum stepping rate
medium rate
melting rate
melt-off rate
metal-removal rate
modulation rate
moist-adiabatic lapse rate
NC programmed feed rate
negative flow rate
nucleation rate
Nyquist rate
obturation rate
off-peak power rate
operating rate
optimal feed rate
outgassing rate
output rate
overall drilling rate
oxidation rate
paging rate
peak power rate
penetration rate
percolation rate
phase generation rate
phase rate
picture-taking rate
pitch rate
plastic strain rate
positive flow rate
potential rate of evaporation
pouring rate
power rate
precipitation rate
predetermined rate
predicted failure rate
priming rate
printout rate
print rate
production decline rate
production rate
projection rate
proper feed rate
protection rate
pull rate
pulldown rate
pulse-recurrence rate
pulse rate
radiation rate
radioactive decay rate
range rate
rapid air cut feed rate
rapid return rate
rate of acceleration
rate of angular motion
rate of attack
rate of blowing
rate of braking
rate of carbon drop
rate of convergence
rate of crack propagation
rate of deformation
rate of dilution
rate of discharge
rate of dive
rate of energy input
rate of exchange
rate of exposure
rate of fall
rate of film movement
rate of gain
rate of hole deviation change
rate of lancing
rate of linkage
rate of loading
rate of opening
rate of plant depreciation
rate of pulse rise
rate of rainfall
rate of rise
rate of roll
rate of sedimentation
rate of shear
rate of slope
rate of stirring
rate of surface runoff
rate or carbon oxidation
reactivity insertion rate
reading rate
read rate
recovery rate
recycle rate
reflood rate
refresh rate
refrigeration rate
repetition rate
reset rate
residential rate
respiration rate
retail charter rate
retail rate
retention rate
rigidity rate
rolling rate
runout rate
sample rate
saturated-adiabatic lapse rate
saturation rate
scrap generation rate
scrap rate
secondary creep rate
sectorial rate
self-discharge rate
setting rate
settled production rate
settling rate
signaling rate
silicon pulling rate
slew rate
snowmelt inflow rate
solidification rate
sparking rate
specific commodity rate
specific heat flow rate
specific rate of flow
specific rate of sediment transport
specific wear rate
spreading rate of jet
spring rate
squeeze rate
standard rate
starting rate
steam rate
stepping rate
stock removal rate
strain rate
stress rate
sub-Nyquist rate
success rate
superadiabatic lapse rate
supply rate
survival rate
sweep rate
taking rate
tariff rate
temperature lapse rate
testing rate
thermal transfer rate
through rate
throughput rate
time rate of change
time rate
time-of-day electricity rate
time-of-day rate
tool-wear rate
total mass rate
tracking rate
traffic flow rate
transfer rate
transmission rate
transport rate
turn rate
turnover rate
twenty-five ampere rate
undetected error rate
uniform quench rate
unit rate
unloading rate
update rate
vaporizing rate
vitrification rate
voidage rate
voltage recovery rate
volume erosion rate
volume wear rate
volumetric flow rate
volumetric rate
vulcanization rate
water application rate
water consumption rate
water use rate
wear rate
weft insertion rate
weight rate
wheel removal rate
wholesale charter rate
wholesale rate
withdrawal rate
write writing rate
write rate
yawing rate
yaw rate
zero-crossing rate -
11 rate
1) скорость; частота; интенсивность2) степень3) масштаб4) размер || измерять5) отношение; пропорция6) производительность; объём выпуска7) расход8) сорт; разряд; класс || классифицировать9) норма; тариф; расценка || нормировать10) оценка || оценивать11) режим работы12) сила тока, величина тока (напр. в батарее)•- accident rate
- adaptive feed rate
- approach rate
- assessed failure rate
- average rate
- band rate
- breakdown rate
- broaching rate
- build rate
- burden rate
- capacity rate
- charge rate
- closely controlled feed rate
- communications rate
- compression rate
- conservative feed rate
- control rate
- controlled rate
- copying rate
- count rate
- coverage rate
- cradle roll rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise
- cross travel rate
- cutter wear rate
- cutting feed rate
- cutting rate
- cycle rate
- data processing rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deceleration rate
- delivery rate
- departure rate
- discharge rate
- downtime rate
- drilling rate
- drive feed rate
- energy fluence rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- fast axis traverse rate
- fast metal-removal rate
- fast traverse rate
- fatality rate
- feed rate
- feed-up rate
- fine feed rate
- fingertip control feed rate
- finish feed rate
- fixed-time production rate
- flow delivery rate
- flow rate
- fluence rate
- foot per minute rate
- FPR rate
- gear reduction rate
- given rate
- grinding rate
- hardening rate
- heat rate
- heat transfer rate
- high-power beam cladding rate
- hour rate
- hourly machine rate
- hourly manufacturing rate
- hourly rate
- incorrect infeed rate
- infeed rate
- information rate
- input flow rate
- integral action rate
- inventory turnover rate
- job rate
- joint rate
- labor rates
- load rate
- machine hour rate per annum
- machine tool utilization rate
- machine utilization rate
- machining feed rate
- machining rate
- man-hour per piece rate
- man-hour rate
- manufacturing rate
- material removal rate
- maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
- maximum pulse rate
- maximum-stepping rate
- measurement rate
- medium feed rate
- memory rate
- metal-removal rate
- metering rate
- milling rate
- net working rate
- operation rate
- optimal feed rate
- output rate
- perforation rate
- performance rate
- picking rate
- piece-work rate
- plunge rate
- positioning rate
- predicted failure rate
- probability rate
- probing feed rate
- process rate
- processing rate
- production rate
- productivity rate of return
- productivity rate
- programmed feed rate
- proper feed rate
- pulse rate
- pulse repetition rate
- pump delivery rate
- pumping rate
- quench rate
- quenching rate
- ramp-down rate
- ramp-up rate
- rapid air cut feed rate
- rapid approach rate
- rapid return rate
- rate of action
- rate of beam alloying
- rate of change of temperature
- rate of change
- rate of equipment use
- rate of flow of electrons
- rate of flushing the gap
- rate of inherent regulation
- rate of rise of on-state current
- rate of rise
- rate of rotation
- rate of self-regulation
- rate of speed
- rate of travel
- rate of turn
- rate of work
- reading rate
- reaming rate
- recovery rate
- recurrence rate
- reduction rate
- refresh rate
- reject rate
- removal rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- return rate
- revolution rate
- rework rate
- rigid production rate
- sample rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- sawing rate
- scrap rate
- self-regulation rate
- servo update rate
- slew rate
- slow rate of wear
- specific metal removal rate
- specific removal rate
- spindle axis feed rate
- spring rate
- standard production rate
- stated cutting rate
- stock removal rate
- stock turnover rate
- strain rate
- taper rate
- tapping rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of change
- time-varying rate
- tool feed rate
- tool wear rate
- tool-to-tool change rate
- top feed rate
- traverse feed rate
- traverse rate
- turning rate
- turnover rate
- update rate
- utilization rate
- volume flow rate
- volumetric flow rate
- voluntary production rate
- wear rate
- wetting rate
- wheel removal rate
- work rate
- working rate
- X-axis feed rate
- yield rateEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > rate
12 relay
1) реле || ставить реле2) снабжать релейной защитой; ставить релейную защиту4) трансляция; передача ( сигнала) || транслировать; передавать ( сигнал)5) ретрансляция; переприём || ретранслировать•-
ac relay
ac system relays
accelerating relay
acoustic relay
actuating relay
alarm relay
allotter relay
all-to-all relay
amplitude comparison relay
angle armature relay
annunciation relay
antifailure automatics relay
armature relay
automatic reclosing relay
back-current relay
backup relay
balance beam relay
balanced relay
banked relay
biased relay
bimetallic-strip relay
bistable relay
blocking relay
block relay
brake application relay
brake release relay
braking relay
Buchholz relay
calling relay
call relay
capacitance relay
carrier-actuated relay
center-stable polarized relay
center-stable polar relay
central disconnection relay
change-of-current relay
charging rate relay
circuit-control relay
clappers-type relay
clappers relay
clearing relay
clock relay
closing relay
code relay
compelling relay
conductance relay
contact relay
contactless relay
continuous-duty relay
control relay
crossing relay
current relay
current-balance relay
current-overload relay
cut-in relay
cut-off relay
dc relay
definite minimum time-limit relay
definite-time-lag relay
delay relay
dependent-time measuring relay
dependent-time-lag relay
differential relay
digital radio relay
digital relay
direct-action relay
directional impedance relay
directional power relay
directional relay
directional-overcurrent relay
discriminating relay
distance relay
double-acting relay
draw-out relay
dry-feed relay
earth-fault relay
earthing relay
electrical relay
electrodynamic relay
electromagnetic relay
electromechanical relay
electronic relay
electron relay
electrostatic relay
element relay
enclosed relay
entrance relay
erase relay
excitation-loss relay
fast-operating relay
fast-release relay
ferrodynamic relay
ferromagnetic relay
field relay
field-application relay
field-failure relay
field-removal relay
frequency relay
frequency-selective relay
gas-actuated relay
gas relay
gas-filled relay
graded time-lag relay
grounding relay
ground relay
guard relay
hermetically sealed relay
high-speed relay
hinged-armature relay
holding relay
horn relay
hot-wire relay
impedance relay
independent time-lag relay
indicating relay
indirect-action relay
individual point relay
induction relay
inertia relay
initiating relay
instantaneous overcurrent relay
instantaneous relay
interlock relay
intermediate switching-off relay
interposing relay
inverse-time relay
keying relay
key relay
lagged relay
lag relay
latched relay
latch-in relay
latching relay
leakage relay
leak relay
LED-coupled solid-state relay
light relay
light-out relay
line relay
line-break relay
load relay
local-remote relay
locking relay
lock-up relay
low-voltage relay
low-voltage release relay
magnetic relay
magnetoelectric relay
main locomotive relay
main starting relay
maximum power relay
maximum-voltage relay
measuring relay
memory relay
mercury relay
mercury-contact relay
mercury-wetted-contact relay
metering relay
mho relay
microprocessor controlled relay for overcurrent protection
microwave radio relay
microwave relay
monostable relay
moving-iron relay
multiposition relay
negative phase-sequence relay
net-to-net relay
network master relay
network-phasing relay
neutral relay
no-load relay
nondirectional relay
nonpolarized relay
nonspecified-time relay
normally closed relay
normally open relay
notching relay
no-voltage relay
ohm relay
open-frame relay
open relay
open-phase relay
open-track-circuit relay
out-of-step relay
overcurrent relay
overload relay
overpower relay
overtemperature relay
overvoltage relay
percentage-differential relay
phase relay
phase-balance relay
phase-comparison relay
phase-failure relay
phase-reversal relay
phase-rotation relay
photocell relay
photoemissive relay
phototube relay
plunger relay
pneumatic amplifier relay
pneumatic relay
pneumatic time-delay relay
point detection relay
point operating relay
polarity-directional relay
polarized relay
positive phase-sequence relay
potential relay
power direction relay
power relay
power-transfer relay
pressure relay
primary relay
product relay
protection relay
pulse relay
pulse track relay
quick-operating relay
quotient relay
radio relay
rate-of-change relay
ratio-balance relay
reactance relay
reactive power relay
reclosing relay
reed relay
register relay
regulating relay
reply and call relay
reset relay
residual relay
resistance relay
reverse-current relay
reverse-phase relay
rinding relay
route relay
route-release relay
satellite relay
secondary relay
sector-type relay
selector relay
self-resetting relay
semiconductor relay
service restoring relay
shaded-pole relay
short-circuit relay
shunt relay
side-stable relay
signal selector relay
signaling relay
slave relay
slew relay
slow-acting relay
slow-release relay
solenoid relay
solid-state relay
speed relay
starting relay
static relay with output contact
static relay without output contact
static relay
step-back relay
stepping-type relay
stepping relay
storage relay
supervisory relay
switch control relay
switch indication relay
switch lock relay
switch position relay
switching relay
synchronizing relay
temperature relay
three-position relay
time relay
time-delay relay
timing relay
track indicating relay
track relay
trailing relay
train control relay
train-stop relay
transfer relay
transistor relay
trip-free relay
tuned relay
two-element selector relay
two-position relay
undercurrent relay
undervoltage relay
unenclosed relay
voltage-response relay
warning signal relay
wet-reed relay
wire-break relay
zero phase-sequence relay
См. также в других словарях:
Piezoelectric motor — A piezoelectric motor or piezo motor is a type of electric motor based upon the change in shape of a piezoelectric material when an electric field is applied. Piezoelectric motors make use of the converse piezoelectric effect whereby the material … Wikipedia
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
Parallel ATA — ATA connector on the right, with two motherboard ATA sockets on the left. Type … Wikipedia
AT Attachment — Infobox connector name=AT Attachment with Packet Interface type=Internal storage device connector logo= caption=ATA connector on the left, with two motherboard ATA connectors on the right. designer=Western Digital, subsequently amended by many… … Wikipedia
Pentium 4 — Produced From 2000 to 2008 Common manufacturer(s) Intel Max. CPU clock rate 1.3 GHz to 3.8 … Wikipedia
Elevator — For other uses, see Elevator (disambiguation). A set of lifts in the lower level of a London Underground station. The arrows indicate each elevator s position and direction of travel … Wikipedia
Floppy disk — Floppy redirects here. For other uses, see Floppy (disambiguation). 8 inch, 5 1⁄4 inch, and 3 1⁄2 inch floppy disks … Wikipedia
Surveyor 7 — Infobox Spacecraft Name=Surveyor 7 Caption=Surveyor model on Earth Organization=NASA Major Contractors= Hughes Aircraft Mission Type=Lander Satellite of= Moon Launch= January 7, 1968 at 06:30:00 UTC Launch Vehicle= Atlas Centaur Decay=Landed on… … Wikipedia
Surveyor 6 — Infobox Spacecraft Name= Surveyor 6 Caption=Surveyor model on Earth Organization=NASA Major Contractors= Hughes Aircraft Mission Type= Lander Satellite of= Moon Launch= November 7, 1967 at 07:39:00 UTC Launch Vehicle= Atlas Centaur Decay= Landed… … Wikipedia
Electric motor — For other kinds of motors, see motor (disambiguation). For a railroad electric engine, see electric locomotive. Various electric motors. A 9 volt PP3 transistor battery is in the center foreground for size comparison. An electric motor converts… … Wikipedia
japan — japanner, n. /jeuh pan /, n., adj., v., japanned, japanning. n. 1. any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces. 2. work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner. 3. Japans,… … Universalium