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  • 1 gozzo

    m medicine goitre, AE goiter
    * * *
    gozzo s.m.
    1 (med.) goitre; (fam.) (gola) gullet, throat: essere affetto da gozzo, to be afflicted with a goitre // riempirsi il gozzo, (fam.) to gorge // non poter tener nulla nel gozzo, (fig.) to be unable to keep anything back // non lo sopporto, mi sta proprio sul gozzo, I can't stand him, he gets on my nerves // quella sconfitta mi è rimasta sul gozzo, that defeat still rankles
    2 (zool.) ingluvies, craw, maw; (di uccello) crop.
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile
    1) med. goitre, goiter AE
    2) (di uccelli) crop
    3) colloq. (stomaco) stomach; rar. (gola) throat, gullet

    riempirsi il gozzoto stuff o gorge oneself

    * * *
    sostantivo m.
     1 med. goitre, goiter AE
     2 (di uccelli) crop
     3 colloq. (stomaco) stomach; rar. (gola) throat, gullet; riempirsi il gozzo to stuff o gorge oneself.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > gozzo

  • 2 abomaso

    abomaso s.m. (zool.) abomasus*, abomasum*, rennet, maw.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > abomaso

См. также в других словарях:

  • Maw — may refer to: Biology The stomach or mouth, usually of an animal A fish s gas bladder (swim bladder) Abomasum, the fourth stomach of a ruminant Games Maw (game), a card game The Maw (video game) The final level of Halo: Combat Evolved The Maw of… …   Wikipedia

  • Maw — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. MAW, sigle formé des trois lettres M, A et W, peut signifier : Malawi, selon la liste des codes pays du CIO, Masters At Work, duo de musique House.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Maw — Maw, n. [OE. mawe, AS. maga stomach; akin to D. maag, OHG. mago, G. magen, Icel. magi, Sw. mage, Dan. mave. [root]103.] 1. A stomach; the receptacle into which food is taken by swallowing; in birds, the craw; now used only of the lower animals,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • maw — [mo: US mo:] n [: Old English; Origin: maga] 1.) formal something which seems to swallow or use up things completely maw of ▪ Millions of dollars were poured into the maw of defense spending. 2.) literary an animal s mouth or throat …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Maw — (m[add]), n. [See {Mew} a gull.] (Zo[ o]l.) A gull. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Maw — Maw, n. An old game at cards. Sir A. Weldon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • MAW — MAW, a three letter acronym, may refer to:* Malawi * Masters At Work * Missile approach warning * Mission Adaptive Wing * Marine Aircraft Wing * Maximum allowable weight * Medium Anti tank Weapon * Make a Wish Foundation * Modified Atlantic… …   Wikipedia

  • maw — [ mɔ ] noun count LITERARY 1. ) something that seems to open up and suck you in completely: the giant maw of show business 2. ) a mouth …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • maw — (n.) O.E. maga stomach (of men and animals; in Modern English only of animals unless insultingly), from P.Gmc. *magon bag, stomach (Cf. O.Fris. maga, O.N. magi, Dan. mave, M.Du. maghe, Du. maag, O.H.G. mago, Ger. Magen stomach ), from PIE *mak …   Etymology dictionary

  • maw — ► NOUN ▪ the jaws or throat, especially of a voracious animal. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • maw — maw1 [mô] n. [ME mawe < OE maga, akin to Ger magen, stomach < IE base * mak , skin, bag > Welsh megin, bellows] 1. a) Archaic the stomach or its cavity b) the stomach of an animal; specif., the fourth stomach of a cud chewing animal 2.… …   English World dictionary

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