1 matte glass
Парфюмерия: матированное стекло, матовое стекло -
2 matte glass
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > matte glass
3 matte
1. n метал. штейн2. n матовое стекло3. n матовая поверхность4. n кино маска, каше, виньетка -
4 glass
- glass
- nстекло
- actinic glass
- alkali-resistant glass
- anti-actinic glass
- antisun glass
- architectural glass
- armored glass
- ball-proof glass
- beveled glass
- bulletproof glass
- camphor glass
- cases glass
- case glass
- cellular glass
- common window glass
- cranberry glass
- crashworthy glass
- custard glass
- deal glass
- decorative glass
- depolished glass
- diffusing glass
- dimming glass
- drawn sheet glass
- E glass
- end-of-day glass
- expanded glass
- faceted glass
- faceted glass framed in concrete
- fiber glass
- fibered glass
- figured glass
- float glass
- flat glass
- foamed glass
- foam glass
- gauge glass
- heat absorbing plate glass
- heat absorbing glass
- heat-strengthened glass
- ice-flow glass
- ice-patterned glass
- insulating glass
- laminated glass
- light-diffusing glass
- liquid glass
- matte-surfaced glass
- multiple glass
- multiple-layered glass
- multiple-layer glass
- nonbreakable glass
- obscure glass
- opal glass
- overlay glass
- pigmented glass
- plate glass
- prismatic glass
- quartz glass
- reflective glass
- register glass
- reinforced glass
- safety glass
- shatterproof glass
- sheet glass
- sight glass
- silica glass
- solar glass
- stained glass
- structural glass
- sun protection glass
- tempered glass
- toughened glass
- visionproof glass
- volcanic glass
- water glass
- water gauge glass
- window glass
- wired glass
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * *- glass
- n• /vt/ остеклять• 1) стекло; 2) стакан
Англо-русский строительный словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
5 matte-surfaced glass
- matte-surfaced glass
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > matte-surfaced glass
6 matte
штейн имя существительное: -
7 glass
1) стекло2) ("glass") "стекло" ( маркировка на грузе)3) барометр5) стеклянный6) стеклить, покрывать стеклом•- alabaster glass - alumina-borosilicate glass - anti-burglar glass - armoured glass - bevelled glass - bulletproof glass - bullet-resistant glass - camphor glass - cast glass - cathedral glass - cellular glass - coloured glass - compound glass - corded glass - corrugated glass - cracked glass - crystal glass - crystal-sheet glass - dim glass - dolomite glass - double-strength glass - enamelled glass - faceted glass - fibre glass - figured sheet glass - flint glass - float glass - frosted glass - gauge glass - ground glass - heavy flint glass - hollow glass - insulating glass - laminated glass - lead glass - light-diffusing glass - liquid glass - magnifying glass - marbled glass - non-splitting glass - obscured glass - optically flawless glass - pane of glass - pigmented glass - plate glass - polished glass - prism tile glass - rough-cast glass - safety glass - shattered glass - shatterproof glass - sheet glass - sight glass - silex glass - silica glass - single strength glass - smoked glass - solar glass - stained glass - structural glass - tempered glass - test glass - uviol glass - Venetian glass - water glass - water potash glass - window glass - wired glass - zinc-silicate glass* * *стекло- actinic glass
- alkali-resistant glass
- anti-actinic glass
- antisun glass
- architectural glass
- armored glass
- ball-proof glass
- beveled glass
- bulletproof glass
- camphor glass
- cases glass
- case glass
- cellular glass
- common window glass
- cranberry glass
- crashworthy glass
- custard glass
- deal glass
- decorative glass
- depolished glass
- diffusing glass
- dimming glass
- drawn sheet glass
- E glass
- end-of-day glass
- expanded glass
- faceted glass
- faceted glass framed in concrete
- fiber glass
- fibered glass
- figured glass
- float glass
- flat glass
- foamed glass
- foam glass
- gauge glass
- heat absorbing plate glass
- heat absorbing glass
- heat-strengthened glass
- ice-flow glass
- ice-patterned glass
- insulating glass
- laminated glass
- light-diffusing glass
- liquid glass
- matte-surfaced glass
- multiple glass
- multiple-layered glass
- multiple-layer glass
- nonbreakable glass
- obscure glass
- opal glass
- overlay glass
- pigmented glass
- plate glass
- prismatic glass
- quartz glass
- reflective glass
- register glass
- reinforced glass
- safety glass
- shatterproof glass
- sheet glass
- sight glass
- silica glass
- solar glass
- stained glass
- structural glass
- sun protection glass
- tempered glass
- toughened glass
- visionproof glass
- volcanic glass
- water glass
- water gauge glass
- window glass
- wired glass -
8 matte object
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > matte object
9 matte-surfaced glass
Строительство: матовое стекло -
10 matte-surfaced glass
11 frosted glass
матовое стекло имя существительное:матовое стекло (frosted glass, ground glass, matte, opal glass, opaline) -
12 ground glass
матовое стекло имя существительное: -
13 opal glass
матовое стекло имя существительное: -
14 стекло
ср. glass;
the glass, glassware коллект.;
pane (оконное) ;
(lamp) chimney( ламповое) вставлять второе стекло ≈ double-glaze матовое стекло ≈ opal glass, ground glass, opaline вставка стекол ≈ glass-work вставлять стекла ≈ to glass (in), to glaze вулканическое стекло ≈ obsidian минер. органическое стекло ≈ plexiglass бутылочное стекло ≈ bottle-glass, green glass зажигательное стекло ≈ burning-glass жидкое стекло ≈ liquid glass вогнуто-выпуклое стекло ≈ (для очков) lunette матовое стекло ≈ matte, milk glass, opal glass оконное стекло ≈ pane, pane of glass, windowpane предметное стекло ≈ (микроскопа) object-plate дымчатое стекло ≈ obscure glass зеркальное стекло ≈ plate glass витражное стекло ≈ stained glass безосколочное стекло ≈ triplex часовое стекло ≈ watch crystal бутылочное стекло ≈ bottle-glass безосколочное стекло ≈ triplexс. glass;
собир. (изделия) glassware;
ветровое ~ (в автомашине) windscreen, windshield;
увеличительное ~ magnifying glass. -
15 opaline
опаловый имя прилагательное:имеющий молочный отлив (opalescent, opalesque, opaline)имя существительное: -
16 holder
2) патрон; фиксатор3) резцедержатель; державка4) ручка; рукоятка5) контейнер6) резервуар8) корпус9) кассета || укладывать в кассету10) секция выдержки, выдерживатель ( в пастеризаторе)11) владелец (патента, сертификата)•-
air holder
aircraft licence holder
angle cock holder
angled holder
batten holder
bayonet holder
bobbin holder
broach holder
brush holder
bushing holder
bushing tool holder
carbon electrode holder
cartridge holder
cash holder
cassette holder
chain-type electrode holder
chip holder
cold-weld sealed holder
cone holder
core holder
crystal holder
diamond holder
die holder
Edison screw holder
ejector-type holder
ejector holder
electrode holder
electrolyte holder
evacuated glass holder
film holder
film pack holder
filter and matte holder
filter holder
flame holder
flash holder
floating tap holder
flue gas holder
fuse holder
gas storage holder
high-pressure gas holder
hill holder
IC holder
key holder
knife holder
lamp holder
lead holder
liquefied natural gas holder
liquefied petroleum gas holder
magnetic holder
matte holder
microfiche holder
necking holder
needle holder
negative holder
nonrotatable holder
offset holder
oil holder
oxygen lance holder
pipe holder
plate holder
quick-change holder
ram holder
relief holder
revolving bundle holder
ruling pen holder
sample holder
sash holder
scraper-blade holder
seed holder
single bend electrode holder
slice holder
slide holder
slip holder
spool holder
stem holder
store holder
straight electrode holder
substrate holder
support holder
suspension-type electrode holder
template holder
tongs-type holder
tool holder
transparency holder
vacuum film holder
vertical offset electrode holder
wafer holder
waterless gas holder
welding rod holder
wet storage holder
work holder -
17 camera
2) киносъёмочный аппарат, киноаппарат, кинокамера6) архит. сводчатое покрытие•to thread camera — заряжать киносъёмочный аппарат- 6×6 cm camera -
accelerated motion-picture camera
aerial camera
aerophotographic camera
all-sky camera
amateur camera
animation camera
astrographic camera
astronomical camera
auto camera
autofocusing camera
autoprocess camera
background camera
ball camera
ballistic camera
battery-powered camera
bellows-type camera
bellows camera
bipack camera
blimped camera
borehole camera
box-type camera
box camera
broadcast camera
caption camera
cartographic camera
cartoon camera
cartridge loading camera
cartridge camera
cassette camera
CCD camera
cine camera
cinefluorographic camera
cinematographic X-ray recording camera
cineradiology camera
closed-circuit TV camera
close-up camera
cloud camera
collapsible camera
color camera
color television camera
color-slide camera
combination single film camera
compact-size camera
composite electronic and film camera
continuous-motion camera
copying camera
copy camera
darkroom camera
data-recording camera
Debye-Scherrer camera
deep-water camera
discontinuously writing camera
documentary camera
double-eight camera
double-extension camera
double-frame camera
drum camera
dual-gage camera
easily handled camera
EFP camera
electric eye camera
electric-driven camera
electric camera
electronic camera
electron camera
electronic news gathering camera
endoscopic camera
ENG camera
environmentally protected camera
fast pulldown camera
field camera
film camera
film developing camera
film recording camera
fixed camera
fixed-focus camera
fixed-pin registration camera
flash camera
flow camera
folding camera
foreground camera
framing camera
full-frame format camera
gallery camera
graphic arts camera
graphics camera
grid camera
ground glass focusing camera
ground glass camera
Guinier camera
gyroscope camera
half-format camera
hand camera
hand-held camera
HDTV camera
high-frequency camera
high-resolution camera
high-speed camera
hologram camera
horizontal camera
image compensation camera
image-converter camera
image-dissection camera
industrial-type camera
industrial camera
industrial-type television camera
industrial television camera
infrared camera
instant camera
instant-load camera
instrumentation camera
interchangeable camera
intermittent camera
Kerr cell camera
kinescope recording camera
kinescope camera
large-format camera
laser camera
Laue camera
left-eye camera
lenticular screen camera
live camera
log camera
low-speed recording camera
low-speed camera
magnetic video camera
manual camera
mapping camera
mask camera
measuring camera
medium format camera
microfiche camera
microfilm camera
miniature camera
monoblock camera
monochrome camera
motion-picture camera
motor-driven camera
movie camera
moving-image camera
narrow-gage camera
newsreel camera
news camera
one-piece camera
one-tube camera
optical compensation camera
outside broadcast camera
overhead camera
paging camera
panoramic camera
photo-finish camera
photogrammetric camera
photographic camera
photomechanical camera
photomicrographic camera
photoreproduction camera
photostat camera
phototheodolite camera
pickup camera
picosecond framing camera
picture-taking camera
picture camera
pilot camera
pinhole camera
plain camera
planetary camera
plate camera
platemaker camera
plotting camera
pocket camera
portable camera
precision camera
press camera
process camera
professional camera
programmed camera
projecting camera
rangefinder camera
recording camera
reduction camera
reflex camera
reporter camera
reproduction camera
right-eye camera
robot camera
rotary camera
Sauter camera
scanning camera
scientific camera
seismic camera
self-contained camera
self-developing camera
self-threading camera
semiautomatic camera
shoulder-operated camera
shoulder camera
silent camera
single-film camera
single-frame camera
single-lens reflex camera
slate camera
slave camera
slow-motion camera
sound motion-picture camera
sound-film camera
sound-on-film camera
spectrographic camera
stand camera
step-and-repeat camera
stop-motion camera
streak camera
studio camera
subminiature camera
taking camera
technical camera
telecine camera
television camera
time-lapse motion camera
time-lapse camera
topographical camera
traveling matte camera
trick camera
twin-lens camera
two-piece camera
vertical process camera
video camera
video still camera
view camera
viewfinder camera
Weissenberg camera
wide-angle camera
X-ray diffraction camera
X-ray camera -
18 screen
1) грохот; сито; решето || просеивать; отсеивать; сортировать; разделять на ситах (см. тж
sieve)2) (защитный) экран || экранировать, защищать экраном5) решётка || оборудовать ( сооружение) решёткой7) светофильтр8) кфт. экран || показывать на экране9) формат экрана; кадр10) (сетчатый) трафарет || наносить через (сетчатый) трафарет; выполнять трафаретную печать11) текст. сетчатый шаблон13) полигр. растр || растрировать; экспонировать через растр14) парфюм. защитное вещество15) отбраковка; 100%-й контроль || отбраковывать проводить 100%-й контроль•-
absorbing screen
afterglow screen
air inlet screen
anodic screen
antifrost screen
antiglare screen
back projection viewing screen
background rear projection screen
banana-type screen
band screen
bar screen
beaded screen
beaded-surface screen
belt screen
black matrix screen
braided screen
brush-bundle screen
cab protective screen
camera screen
cathodic screen
cinema screen
circular screen
classifying screen
close-coupled screen
closed screen
CNC screen
coarse oil screen
coarse screen
color picture tube screen
color screen
comminuting screen
concave screen
contact printing screen
contact screen
conventional-format screen
convex screen
core screen
cross-line screen
curved screen
dark-trace screen
data entry screen
desliming screen
dewatering screen
diffusing screen
directional screen
dirt screen
dot-chaining screen
dot-type screen
double-deck screen
drum screen
electric screen
electrical fish screen
electromagnetic screen
electrostatic screen
elliptical-dot screen
engraved screen
Faraday screen
fast screen
film phosphor screen
film screen
fine screen
fish screen
flat screen
fluorescent screen
foam screen
focusing screen
fore screen
glass screen
grizzly screen
ground glass screen
half-tone screen
hanging screen
hemispherical screen
holographic screen
impact screen
impervious screen
induction screen
instrument screen
intake screen
jigging screen
juice screen
lapped screen
lenticular screen
light-diffusing screen
line screen
long-persistence screen
long-slotted screen
luminescent screen
luminous screen
magenta contact screen
magnetic screen
metal-backed screen
mosaic-type screen
mosaic screen
motion-picture screen
multideck screen
multilayered screen
multilayer screen
negative screen
oblong-hole screen
office landscape screen
oil screen
oil suction screen
opaque screen
outer screen
oval-hole screen
oversize control screen
page display screen
panoramic screen
perforated screen
phosphor screen
planar screen
positive screen
preangled contact screen
precleaner screen
previewing screen
primary screen
printing screen
projection screen
protecting screen
push-through screen
random dot screen
rear projection screen
rear-screen projection
rectangular screen
rectangular-mesh screen
resonance screen
revolving screen
rod screen
roll screen
roller screen
rotary screen
rotating probability screen
round-hole screen
secondary screen
sewage screen
sheet-piling screen
short-persistence screen
sieve bend screen
silk screen
single-deck screen
sizing screen
snow screen
sound screen
split screen
spreading screen
square-hole screen
stainless steel screen
stencil screen
storage screen
straight line screen
strip screen
sun screen
tailings screen
television screen
testing screen
thermometer screen
top screen
touch-sensitive screen
touch screen
translucent screen
trash screen
triangular-hole screen
tricolor mosaic screen
trommel screen
undersize control screen
unelectroded screen
unitized screen
vibrating screen
viewing screen
water screen
wedge wire screen
well screen
well tube screen
white-matte screen
wind screen
window screen
wire screen
workstation screen
X-ray intensifying screen -
19 bath
1) ванна; кювета2) баня; термостат3) сил. бассейн ( ванной печи)4) ванна, раствор (для очистки, травления, нанесения покрытия и т. п.)5) горн. корытный сепаратор•-
acid bath
acid spinning bath
acid-salt bath
aftertreating bath
agitated bath
air bath
alkaline bath
alloy bath
anaphoretic bath
batch bath
blanching bath
bleaching bath
bleach bath
box-type bath
bright bath
bright dip bath
bright-plating bath
carburizing bath
cataphoretic bath
cementing bath
cleaning bath
clearing bath
clear-melted bath
coagulating bath
coating bath
cryogen bath
degreasing bath
dense medium separating bath
developing bath
developing-fixing bath
dip bath
dip-type soldering bath
disturbed bath
electrocoating bath
electrolytic bath
electrophoretic enameling bath
electroplating bath
etch bath
fixing bath
float bath
flux bath
foam bath
forming bath
frosting bath
fused bath
galvanizing bath
glass bath
hardening bath
impregnating bath
insulated bath
ion-exchange bath
long bath
matte bath
mat bath
molten metal bath
naphtholating bath
oil bath
pad bath
padding bath
paint bath
pickle bath
plating bath
quenching bath
reducing bath
refrigerant bath
regeneration bath
reversing bath
salt bath
sand bath
separating bath
shaking bath
short bath
shower bath
silver plating bath
soldering bath
solder bath
spelter bath
spinning bath
steam bath
stop bath
stretch bath
strike bath
stripping bath
tinning bath
tin bath
toning bath
ultrasonic bath
vapor bath
vulcanizing bath
water bath -
20 coating
1) покрытие, нанесение покрытия2) плакирование3) покрытие; слой4) грунтовка7) кфт. нанесение эмульсионного слоя, полив ( эмульсии)8) эмалирование9) обшивка, облицовка10) рабочий слой ( магнитной ленты)12) пищ. глазирование13) глазурь14) дублирование ( тарного картона)•-
ablative coating
absorbing coating
acrylo-urethane coating
adhering coating
adhesive coating
after vacuum coating
alloy coating
alloy-free coating
aluminized coating
anodic coating
antidischarge coating
antifouling coating
antihalation coating
antioxidizing coating
antireflecting coating
antireflection coating
antiskid coating
antistatic coating
antiwear coating
armored coating
back coating
bar coating
barrier coating
barrier-type coating
base coating
basic coating
bisque coating
bitumen coating
black-chromium coating
black-oxide coating
blister coating
bonded coating
boron coating
brass coating
bright coating
brush coating
calender coating
capacitor coating
catalyst-cured coating
cataphoretic coating
cathodic coating
cellular coating
cermet coating
chemical conversion coating
chromium coating
chromium diffusion coating
chromium dioxide coating
chromium-aluminum coating
cladding coating
coating of ice
cold end coating
condenser coating
copper coating
cured coating
current conducting coating
curtain coating
dewetting coating
diazo-photopolymer coating
diffusion coating
diffusion-inhibited coating
dip coating
direct-on coating
double coating
double-layer selective coating
dry film coating
duplex coating
electrocatalytic coating
electrochromic coating
electrodeposited coating
electrodeposited composite coating
electrogalvanized coating
electrolyte coating
electrophoretic coating
electroplated coating
electrostatic coating
emulsion coating of high quantum efficiency
emulsion coating
enamel coating
engobe coating
epoxy coating
evaporation coating
extrusion coating
fiber coating
fill-and-drain coating
film coating
finishing coating
flame-sprayed coating
flash coating
flow coating
fluidized-bed coating
fluorescent coating
flux coating
frosting coating
full coating
fused coating
galvanothermic coating
gel coating
gelatine coating
glass coating
glaze coating
graphite coating
grease coating
heat-cured coating
heat-reflective coating
heat-seal coating
heavy coating
high-temperature coating
hot end coating
hot-dip coating
hot-melt coating
hydrophobic coating
immersion coating
insulated coating
intermetallic compound coating
ion-sputtering coating
lacquer coating
lead coating
light-sensitive coating
lime fluorspar coating
lining coating
low-emittance coating
luminescent coating
magnetic coating
matte coating
metal spray coating
metallic coating
metal coating
metal-backed coating
metallized coating
metal-oxide coating
multiple coating
negative working coating
nitrid coating
nonslip coating
oil-adsorption coating
optical coating
over-the-ditch coating
oxidation-resistant coating
oxide coating
pan coating
paper coating
pattern coating
peelable coating
photoelastic coating
photoresist coating
photosensitive coating
photostress coating
pickle-free coating
piezoelectric coating
pigment coating
plasma coating
plasma-deposited coating
plasma-polymerized coating
plasma-sprayed coating
plastic coating
plastic paper coating
plastisol coating
plate back coating
polycomposite coating
polymeric coating
positive working coating
powder coating
prevent coating
printed coating
protective coating
refractory coating
release coating
resist coating
resistant coating
reverse roll coating
rod coating
roll coating
roller coating
rubber coating
rust coating
sacrificial coating
sandwich coating
selective coating
self-bonded coating
self-fluxing coating
semimat coating
sherardizing coating
shielded arc coating
slag coating
slip coating
spin-on coating
spin coating
sprayed coating
spray coating
strippable coating
sulfide coating
sull coating
surface coating
tailored coating
terminating coating
terne coating
thermal barrier coating
thermosetting coating
tinned coating
unbonded coating
urethane coating
vacuum coating
varnish coating
vitreous coating
wave-length-shifting coating
weight coating
zinc coating
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Matte Painter — Matte Paintings (von englisch matte = matt) sind gemalte Teile von Kulissen in Filmsets, die auf Leinwand oder Glas aufgebracht wurden. Heutzutage werden fast alle Matte Paintings digital erstellt und finden sich in praktisch jeder Produktion.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Matte Painting — Matte Painting («Маскировка»), (точного перевода термина на русский язык не имеется, на профессиональном жаргоне называется «Мэт пэйнтинг» или «Мэт пэйнт») так называют крупномасштабные рисованные изображения, используемые в… … Википедия
Matte Painting — Matte Paintings (von englisch „matte“ = matt) sind gemalte Teile von Kulissen in Filmsets, die auf Leinwand oder Glas aufgebracht wurden. Heutzutage werden fast alle Matte Paintings digital erstellt. Schon 1907 malte Norman A. Dawn von der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Matte box — For other uses, see Matte (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Matte (filmmaking) — For the technique of creating backgrounds, see matte painting. For other uses, see Matte (disambiguation). Mattes are used in photography and special effects filmmaking to combine two or more image elements into a single, final image. Usually,… … Wikipedia
Matte painting — The government warehouse in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) was painted on glass by Michael Pangrazio at Industrial Light Magic, and combined with live action footage of a government worker, pushing his cargo up the center aisle. glass painting… … Wikipedia
matte — matte1 /mat/, adj., n., v., matted, matting. adj. 1. having a dull or lusterless surface: matte paint; a matte complexion; a photograph with a matte finish. n. 2. a dull or dead surface, often slightly roughened, as on metals, paint, paper, or… … Universalium
matte-surface glass — matinis stiklas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Sklaidantis šviesą šiurkštaus paviršiaus stiklas. atitikmenys: angl. depolished glass; dimmer; etched glass; frosted glass; ground glass; matted glass; matte surface glass rus. матовое стекло … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
matte — or mat III or matt [[t]mæt[/t]] adj. n. v. mat•ted or matt•ed, mat•ting or matt•ing 1) cvb having a dull or lusterless surface: matte paint[/ex] 2) cvb a dull surface, as on metals, paint, paper, or glass 3) cvb a tool for producing such a… … From formal English to slang
matte shot — the optical process of combining (or compositing) separately photographed shots (usually actors in the foreground and the setting in the background) onto one print through a double exposure that does not meld two images on top of each other,… … Glossary of cinematic terms
Matte painting — PP The process of placing a glass painted or digital background on footage in order to simulate a different or larger environment … Audio and video glossary