1 matte effect
Парфюмерия: действие, придающее коже матовый оттенок -
2 matte effect
• действие, придающее коже матовый оттенокEnglish-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > matte effect
3 matte
1. n метал. штейн2. n матовое стекло3. n матовая поверхность4. n кино маска, каше, виньетка -
4 matte
1. матовая поверхность; матовый, матированный2. фотоотпечаток на матовой бумаге -
5 effect
1. n результат, следствиеto have effect — дать результат; подействовать
2. n цель; намерениеto this effect — для этого, для этой цели
3. n смысл; сущность, существо; содержаниеin effect — в сущности; по существу, фактически
in the effect that — в том смысле; что; с тем; чтобы; так
to the effect that — в том смысле; что; с тем; чтобы; так
4. n действие, воздействие, влияниеflutter effect — вибрация, дрожание
5. n действие, действенность; сила6. n осуществление, выполнениеto put into effect — осуществлять, проводить в жизнь, выполнять
putting into effect — осуществляющий; осуществление
7. n эффект, впечатлениеfor effect — для эффекта, напоказ; чтобы произвести впечатление
8. n кино звуковое сопровождение кинофильма; шум9. n воен. огневое воздействие, убойность10. n тех. полезный эффект; производительностьthere is considerable authority to the effect that — многие компетентные люди полагают, что …
the answer was to the effect that … — они ответили, что …
day/night effect — переходный эффект при смене дня и ночи
11. v осуществлять; совершать; выполнять; проводить; производитьtheir transition to automation was effected last year — их переход на автоматику был проведён в прошлом году
carry into effect — приводить в исполнение; осуществлять
bring into effect — приводить в исполнение; осуществлять
put into effect — осуществлять; приводить в исполнение
12. v заключать, оформлятьСинонимический ряд:1. accomplishment (noun) accomplishment; execution; fulfillment; fulfilment; operation2. actuality (noun) actuality; essence; fact; gist; truth3. aftereffect (noun) aftereffect; aftermath; causatum; conclusion; consequence; corollary; end; end product; event; eventuality; fruit; harvest; issue; outcome; precipitate; purpose; result; sequel; sequence; upshot4. being (noun) actualisation; being; realisation5. effects (noun) assets; chattel; effects; possessions; property6. efficacy (noun) efficacy; power; validity; weight7. impact (noun) force; impact; impression; imprint; mark; repercussion8. influence (noun) effectiveness; efficiency; influence; potency9. significance (noun) import; intent; meaning; purport; significance; signification; tenor10. achieve (verb) accomplish; achieve; bring about; cause; complete; conclude; consummate; do; draw on; engender; exercise; fulfil; fulfill; induce; lead to; make; make happen; occasion; perform; produce; realise; realize; result in; secure11. execute (verb) bring off; carry out; carry through; effectuate; enforce; execute; implement; invoke; put throughАнтонимический ряд:abandon; beginning; cause; cease; commencement; fail; foundation; leave; neglect; omit; origin; overlook; prevent; quit; source -
6 effect
воздействие; производить действие на -
7 converter for copper matte
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > converter for copper matte
8 humidity effect
1. действие влажности2. влияние влажностиEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > humidity effect
9 cumulative effect
1. кумулятивное действие2. кумулятивный эффектThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > cumulative effect
10 casualty effect
убойность; поражающее действие -
11 sober effect
12 catalytic effect
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > catalytic effect
13 heating effect
14 selective effect
15 systemic effect
16 X-ray effect
17 biological effect
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > biological effect
18 combined effect
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > combined effect
19 cushioning effect
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > cushioning effect
20 directional effect
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > directional effect
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Matte World Digital — Type Privately held company Industry Matte painting, Visual effects, CGI Headquarters Novato, California, USA Key people Craig Barron … Wikipedia
Matte (filmmaking) — For the technique of creating backgrounds, see matte painting. For other uses, see Matte (disambiguation). Mattes are used in photography and special effects filmmaking to combine two or more image elements into a single, final image. Usually,… … Wikipedia
Matte painting — The government warehouse in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) was painted on glass by Michael Pangrazio at Industrial Light Magic, and combined with live action footage of a government worker, pushing his cargo up the center aisle. glass painting… … Wikipedia
Matte Displays — This article describes the effect of reflections from display screens, their ergonomic effects and ways to characterize and control such reflections.From CRTs to LCDs ISO 9241 7:1998 [ISO9241 7 Ergonomic Requirements for Office Work with Visual… … Wikipedia
matte — I. or matt variant of mat III 1 II. adjective also mat or matt Etymology: French mat, from Old French, faded, defeated Date: circa 1648 lacking or deprived of luster or gloss: as a. having a usually smooth even surface free from shine or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Matte — PP An image mask that is used in visual effects to control which parts of the image an effect will be applied to … Audio and video glossary
matte — 1. n. an impure product of the smelting of sulphide ores, esp. those of copper or nickel. Etymology: F 2. n. Cinematog. a mask to obscure part of an image and allow another image to be superimposed, giving a combined effect. Etymology: F … Useful english dictionary
Special effect — The illusions used in the film, television, theater, or entertainment industries to simulate the imagined events in a story are traditionally called special effects (a.k.a. SFX, SPFX, or simply FX).Special effects are traditionally divided into… … Wikipedia
Miniature effect — A miniature effect is a special effect created for motion pictures and television programs using scale models. Scale models are often combined with high speed photography or matte shots to make gravitational and other effects appear convicing to… … Wikipedia
In-camera effect — An in camera effect is any special effect in a video or movie that is created solely by using techniques in and on the camera and/or its parts. The in camera effect is defined by the fact that the effect exists on the original camera negative or… … Wikipedia
Front projection effect — A front projection effect is an in camera visual effects process in film production for combining foreground performance with pre filmed background footage. DescriptionIn contrast to rear projection, in front projection the background image is… … Wikipedia