1 matrix partition
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > matrix partition
2 matrix partition
1) Математика: разбиение матрицы2) Общая лексика: блочное разбиение матрицы -
3 matrix partition
4 matrix partition
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > matrix partition
5 matrix partition
мат. -
6 partition
1) разделение; разбиение; расчленение || разделять; разбивать; расчленять2) перегородка || ставить перегородку3) раздел || подразделять4) простенок5) распределение || распределять• -
7 partition
1) разделение; разветвление; разбиение; распределение || разделять; разветвлять; разбивать; распределять2) перегородка || перегораживать; секционировать3) вчт выделение разделов (напр. на жёстком диске), разбиение (напр. жёсткого диска) || выделять разделы, разбивать4) вчт раздел (напр. жёсткого диска)•- partition of interval
- partition of load
- partition of tree
- admissible partition
- application partition
- arc partition
- binary partition
- cellular partition
- chain partition
- color partition
- countable partition
- diagnostic partition
- disk partition
- distributional partition
- edge partition
- exhaustive partition
- extended partition
- finite partition
- frequency partition
- functional partition
- fuzzy partition
- generating partition
- harmonic partition
- information partition
- invariant partition
- linear partition
- logical partition
- Markovian partition
- matrix partition
- measurable partition
- modular partition
- nested partition
- ordered partition
- physical partition
- plane partition
- primary partition
- random partition
- randomized partition
- set partition
- space partition
- statistical partition
- topological partition
- unordered partition
- vector partition
- vertex partition
- weighted partition -
8 partition
1) разделение; разветвление; разбиение; распределение || разделять; разветвлять; разбивать; распределять2) перегородка || перегораживать; секционировать3) вчт. выделение разделов (напр. на жёстком диске), разбиение (напр. жёсткого диска) || выделять разделы, разбивать4) вчт. раздел (напр. жёсткого диска)•- application partition
- arc partition
- binary partition
- cellular partition
- chain partition
- color partition
- countable partition
- diagnostic partition
- disk partition
- distributional partition
- edge partition
- exhaustive partition
- extended partition
- finite partition
- frequency partition
- functional partition
- fuzzy partition
- generating partition
- harmonic partition
- information partition
- invariant partition
- linear partition
- logical partition
- Markovian partition
- matrix partition
- measurable partition
- modular partition
- nested partition
- ordered partition
- partition of graph
- partition of interval
- partition of load
- partition of tree
- physical partition
- plane partition
- primary partition
- random partition
- randomized partition
- set partition
- space partition
- statistical partition
- topological partition
- unordered partition
- vector partition
- vertex partition
- weighted partitionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > partition
9 matrix
мн. ч. matrices1) матрица || матричный2) форма; шаблон3) модель4) горн. материнская порода6) машиностр. инструментальный магазин матричного типа; (склад-)накопитель матричного типа10) основа; основной состав ( образца); основное анализируемое вещество11) решётка; сетка12) таблица13) (матричный) шифратор15) матричная схема•matrix of order m×n — матрица размера m×n-
access matrix
address matrix
adjacency matrix
admittance matrix
alfa-Fe matrix
alloy matrix
augmented admittance matrix
austenite matrix
authorization matrix
betta-brass matrix
bistochastic matrix
black matrix
body-centered-cubic matrix
Boolean matrix
cascade matrix
color correction matrix
color matrix
column matrix
conductance matrix
conjugate matrix
connectivity matrix
controllability matrix
correlation matrix
covariance matrix
decoder matrix
density matrix
diagonal matrix
diamond-containing matrix
die-cutting matrix
diode matrix
disperse matrix
distance matrix
diurnal rotation matrix
dot matrix
elastic-piezoelectric-dielectric matrix
encoder matrix
ferrite-pearlite matrix
ferritic matrix
flexibility matrix
flong matrix
fuel matrix
generating matrix
graphite matrix
H matrix
Hermitian matrix
identity matrix
ill-conditioned matrix
impedance matrix
incidence matrix
inertial matrix
information matrix
integer matrix
inverse matrix
laser diode matrix
learning matrix
light-emitting diode matrix
loop impedance matrix
martensitic matrix
m-by-n matrix
memory matrix
node admittance matrix
node impedance matrix
nonsingular matrix
orthogonal matrix
parent matrix
partitioned matrix
partition matrix
pel matrix
period matrix
programmable character matrix
projection matrix
radar scattering matrix
reduced matrix
regression matrix
resistor matrix
scattering matrix
selection matrix
semistochastic matrix
similar matrixs
singular matrix
skew-symmetric matrix
solution matrix
sparse matrix
square matrix
stereotype matrix
stiffness matrix
stochastic matrix
storage matrix
surge impedance matrix
switching matrix
switch matrix
symmetrical matrix
symmetric matrix
target-scattering matrix
thinned matrix
thinning matrix
tool matrix
toolchanger matrix
topological matrix
traffic requirement matrix
traffic matrix
transfer matrix
transformation matrix
transition matrix
transition probability matrix
transposed matrix
triangular matrix
type matrix
unit matrix
unitary matrix
variance-covariance matrix
Y matrix
Z matrix -
10 partition matrix
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > partition matrix
11 partition(ed) matrix
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > partition(ed) matrix
12 partition(ed) matrix
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > partition(ed) matrix
13 partition matrix
Техника: блочная матрица -
14 разбиение матрицы
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > разбиение матрицы
15 блочная матрица
partition( ed) matrixАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > блочная матрица
16 function
1) функция, действие || функционировать; действовать- essential functions - routine function - safety-related functions2) функциональное назначение; роль- circuit function - intrinsic function - metering function - primary function - robot function - planning function - service function - support function4) функциональный узел ( машины)5) матем. функциональная зависимость, функция- absolutely additive function - absolutely bounded function - absolutely continuous function - absolutely integrable function - absolutely monotone function - absolutely summable function - absolutely symmetric function - almost complex function - almost continuous function - almost convex function - almost everywhere defined function - almost everywhere finite function - almost invariant function - almost periodic function - almost recursive function - almost separably-valued function - almost separating function - almost universal function - analytically independent function - analytically representable function - approximately differentiable function - asymptotically differentiable function - asymptotically finite function - asymptotically uniformly optimal function - bounded below function - cellwise continuous function - circumferentially mean p-valent function - comparison function - complementary error function - complete analytic function - completely additive function - completely computable function - completely monotone function - completely multiplicative function - completely productive function - completely subadditive function - completely symmetrical function - completely undefined function - complex hyperbolic function - conditional risk function - countably multiplicative function - countably valued function - covariant function - cumulative distribution function - cumulative frequency function - deficiency function - double limit function - doubly periodic function - doubly recursive function - effectively computable function - effectively constant function - effectively decidable function - effectively variable function - elementarily symmetric function - entire function of maximum type - entire function of mean type - entire function of potential type - entire function of zero type - entire rational function - essentially increasing function - essentially integrable function - essentially real function - essentially smooth function - everywhere differentiable function - everywhere smooth function - expansible function - explicitly definable function - exponentially convex function - exponentially decreasing function - exponentially increasing function - exponentially multiplicative function - exponentially vanishing function - finitely mean valent function - finitely measurable function - function of appropriate behavior - function of bounded characteristic - function of bounded type - function of bounded variation - function of complex variable - function of exponential type - function of finite genus - function of finite variation - function of fractional order - function of infinite type - function of integral order - function of maximal type - function of minimal type - function of mixed variables - function of normal type - function of number theory - function of one variable - function of rapid descent - function of rapid growth - function of real variable - general universal function - geometric carrier function - implicitly definable function - incomplete dibeta function - incomplete gamma function - incomplete tribeta function - incompletely defined function - inductively defined function - inductively integrable function - infinitely divisible function - infinitely many-valued function - integral logarithmic function - inverse trigonometric function - inverted beta function - iterative function - joint correlation function - joint density function - linearly separable function - locally bounded function - locally constant function - locally holomorphic function - locally homogeneous function - locally integrable function - locally negligible function - locally regular function - locally summable function - logarithmic generating function - logarithmic integral function - logarithmically infinite function - logarithmically plurisubharmonic function - logarithmically subharmonic function - lower semicontinuous function - monotone non-decreasing function - monotone non-increasing function - multiply periodic function - multiply recursive function - negative definite function - negative infinite function - nontangentially bounded function - normalized function - normed function - nowhere continuous function - nowhere differentiable function - nowhere monotonic function - n-times differentiable function - n-tuply periodic function - numeralwise expressible function - numeralwise representable function - numerical function - numerically valued function - oblate spheroidal function - operating characteristic function - optimal policy function - parametrically definable function - partially symmetric function - piecewise constant function - piecewise continuously differentiable function - piecewise linear function - piecewise monotonic function - piecewise polynomial function - piecewise quadratic function - piecewise regular function - piecewise smooth function - pointwise approximated function - positive homogeneous function - positive infinite function - positive monotone function - positive monotonic function - positive semidefinite function - potentially calculable function - potentially recursive function - power series function - probability generating function - quadratically summable function - rapidly damped function - rapidly decreasing function - rapidly oscillatory function - recursively continuous function - recursively convergent function - recursively defined function - recursively differentiable function - recursively divergent function - recursively extensible function - relative distribution function - relative frequency function - representing function - reproducing kernel function - residual function - residue function - scalarwise integrable function - scalarwise measurable function - sectionally smooth function - simply periodic function - singly recursive function - slowly increasing function - slowly oscillating function - slowly varying function - smoothly varying function - solid spherical harmonic function - solid zonal harmonic function - steadily increasing function - stopped random function - strictly convex function - strictly decreasing function - strictly increasing function - strictly integrable function - strictly monotone function - strongly differentiable function - strongly holomorphic function - strongly integrable function - strongly measurable function - strongly plurisubharmonic function - totally additive function - totally continuous function - totally measurable function - totally multiplicative function - totally positive function - triangular function - uniformly best decision function - uniformly bounded function - uniformly definable function - uniformly differentiable function - uniformly homotopic function - uniformly integrable function - uniformly limited function - uniformly measurable function - uniformly smooth function - unit step function - unitary divisor function - upper measurable function - upper semicontinuous function - weakly analytic function - weakly continuous function - weakly differentiable function - weakly holomorphic function - weakly measurable function - weakly singular function - weighted random functiondomain of a function — область определения функции, область изменения независимой переменной
17 regularly
ровно regularly arranged matrix ≈ регулярно упорядоченная матрица regularly closed set ≈ регулярно замкнутое множество regularly closed subspace ≈ регулярно замкнутое подпространство regularly cocompact space ≈ регулярно кокомпактное пространство regularly connected complex ≈ регулярно связный комплекс regularly connected polyhedron ≈ регулярно связный полиэдр regularly convergent sequence ≈ регулярно сходящаяся последовательность regularly convergent series ≈ регулярно сходящийся ряд regularly convex set ≈ регулярно выпуклое множество regularly exhaustible surface ≈ регулярно исчерпываемая поверхность regularly finer partition ≈ регулярно более мелкое разбиение regularly missed observations ≈ регулярно пропускаемые наблюдения regularly ordered space ≈ регулярно упорядоченное пространство regularly partitioned matrix ≈ регулярно разделенная (на блоки) матрица regularly situated sets ≈ регулярно расположенные множества regularly situated subsets ≈ регулярно расположенные подмножества regularly varying function ≈ регулярно изменяющаяся функция - regularly closed - regularly convergent - regularly convex - regularly convexenvelope - regularly embedded - regularly homotopic - regularly shaped - regularly spaced правильно, размеренно регулярно, через одинаковые промежутки симметрично (юридическое) в соответствии с требованием права regularly в соответствии с требованиями права ~ регулярноБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > regularly
18 method
метод; процедура; способ- antithetic variate method - average ordinate method - average range method - binary search method - conjugate directions method - conjugate gradient method - control chart method - conventional milling method - correlation function method - decision function method - differential control method - Feynman diagram method - first approximation method - gradient projection method - iterative method - large sample method - large sieve method - least-squares regression method - less than fully efficient method - linearly implicit method - method of adjoint gradient - method of algebraic addition - method of alternating directions - method of balanced blocks - method of complex numbers - method of confidence intervals - method of conformal mappings - method of conjugate directions - method of conjugate gradients - method of cyclic descent - method of detached coefficients - method of disjunction of cases - method of divided differences - method of electrical images - method of elimination of quantifiers - method of empty ball - method of extreme values - method of false position - method of feasible directions - method of finite differences - method of first approximation - method of first entrance - method of fitting constants - method of fixed points - method of full enumeration - method of generating functions - method of geometric exhaustion - method of indefinite coefficients - method of infinite descent - method of interval bisection - method of least absolute values - method of least distance - method of least likelihood - method of maximum likelihood - method of means and standard deviations - method of medians and extreme values - method of minimal change - method of minimal variance - method of mirror reflections - method of moving frame - method of multiple comparison - method of orthogonal projections - method of paired associates - method of paired comparisons - method of phase integrals - method of projecting cones - method of proportional parts - method of rotating factors - method of semantic tableaux - method of separation of variables - method of simulaneous displacements - method of stationary phase - method of statistical differentials - method of statistical inference - method of steep variations - method of steepest ascent - method of stochastic approximation - method of straightforward iteration - method of successive displacements - method of successive divisions - method of successive elimination - method of transfinite induction - method of unweighted means - method of variable differences - method of variation of parameters - method of weighted residuals - optimum method - parallel tangents method - precision method - random walk method - recursive method - reduced gradient method - reflected wave method - relative method of measurement - sampling method by variables - statistical sampling method - steepest descent method - time average method -
19 rank
20 skew
adjкосойАнглийский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > skew
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Matrix chain multiplication — is an optimization problem that can be solved using dynamic programming. Given a sequence of matrices, we want to find the most efficient way to multiply these matrices together. The problem is not actually to perform the multiplications, but… … Wikipedia
Partition (number theory) — Young diagrams associated to the partitions of the positive integers 1 through 8. They are so arranged that images under the reflection about the main diagonal of the square are conjugate partitions. In number theory and combinatorics, a… … Wikipedia
Partition topology — In mathematics, the partition topology is a topology that can be induced on any set X by partitioning X into disjoint subsets P; these subsets form the basis for the topology. There are two important examples which have their own names: The… … Wikipedia
Partition coefficient — In chemistry and the pharmaceutical sciences, a partition (P) or distribution coefficient (D) is the ratio of concentrations of a compound in the two phases of a mixture of two immiscible solvents at equilibrium.[1] The terms gas/liquid partition … Wikipedia
Matrix (Doctor Who) — This article is about the Gallifreyan computer system in the television programme, Doctor Who. For the Past Doctor Adventures novel, see Matrix (Doctor Who novel). The Matrix, in the long running British science fiction television series Doctor… … Wikipedia
Corner transfer matrix — In statistical mechanics, the corner transfer matrix describes the effect of adding a quadrant to a lattice. Introduced by Rodney Baxter in 1968 as an extension of the Kramers Wannier row to row transfer matrix, it provides a powerful method of… … Wikipedia
Knoten-Kanten-Matrix — Dieses Stichwortverzeichnis enthält kurze Definitionen und Erklärungen zu den wichtigsten graphentheoretischen Begriffen. A Abstand Siehe: Distanz. Achromatische Zahl Die achromatische Zahl ψ(G) eines Graphen G ist die größte Zahl k, für die G… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plane partition — In mathematics, a plane partition (also solid partition) is a two dimensional array of nonnegative integers n {i,j} which are nonincreasing from left to right and top to bottom:: n {i,j} ge n {i,j+1} quadmbox{and}quad n {i,j} ge n {i+1,j} , .… … Wikipedia
Transfer-matrix method — In physics and mathematics, the transfer matrix method is a general technique for solving problems in statistical mechanics. The basic idea is to write the partition function in the form:mathcal{Z} = mathbf{v} {0} cdot left{ prod {k=1}^{N}… … Wikipedia
List of partition topics — This is a list of partition topics, in the mathematical sense. Partition (disambiguation) lists meanings in other fields. In mathematics, a partition may be a partition of a set or an ordered partition of a set, or a partition of a graph, or a… … Wikipedia
Block matrix — In the mathematical discipline of matrix theory, a block matrix or a partitioned matrix is a matrix broken into sections called blocks. Looking at it another way, the matrix is written in terms of smaller matrices.[1] We group the rows and… … Wikipedia