Перевод: с итальянского на русский

с русского на итальянский

materiale volatile

См. также в других словарях:

  • Controversy over linguistic and ethnic identity in Moldova — A controversy exists over the national identity and name of the native language of the main ethnic group in the Republic of Moldova. The issue more frequently disputed is whether Moldovans constitute a subgroup of Romanians or a separate ethnic… …   Wikipedia

  • carcassa — car·càs·sa s.f. CO 1. la gabbia toracica di un animale: carcassa di un volatile | estens., scheletro di un animale morto: le iene ripuliscono le carcasse 2. fig., persona malridotta per malattia, stenti o vecchiaia; anche scherz.: che mi dici,… …   Dizionario italiano

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