1 material loss
2 material loss
1) Авиация: износ материала2) Экономика: существенный убыток3) Деловая лексика: материальный ущерб4) юр.Н.П. ущерб материальный -
3 material loss
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > material loss
4 material loss
5 guide material loss
Электроника: потери в материале волновода -
6 mass rate of material loss
Космонавтика: скорость уноса материалаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > mass rate of material loss
7 significant material loss
Нефть и газ: значительные материальные потериУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > significant material loss
8 wear-induced material loss
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wear-induced material loss
9 wear-induced material loss
English-russian dictionary of physics > wear-induced material loss
10 guide material loss
English-Russian electronics dictionary > guide material loss
11 guide material loss
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > guide material loss
12 guide material loss
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > guide material loss
13 loss
1) потеря; потери2) потери передачи, потери при передаче3) затухание, ослабление•- loss of efficiencyloss per unit length — потери на единицу длины, погонные потери
- loss of frame alignment
- loss of gate control
- loss of lock rate
- absorption loss
- acoustic loss
- air loss
- angle deviation loss
- angular deviation loss
- apparent power loss
- arc loss
- arc-drop loss
- attenuation loss
- azimuth loss
- beam-shape loss
- bending loss
- branching loss
- bremsstrahiung loss
- bridging loss
- bulk loss
- cable loss
- cavity loss
- cladding loss
- coax loss
- coil loss
- coincidence loss
- cold loss
- conduction loss
- conversion loss
- copper loss
- core loss
- corona loss
- counting loss
- cross-polarization loss
- crosstalk loss
- detail loss
- dielectric loss
- diffraction loss
- display loss
- dissociation loss
- divergence loss
- eddy-current loss
- edge loss
- end loss
- equivalent articulation loss
- forward power loss
- fractional counting loss
- free-space loss
- Fresnel loss
- friction loss
- gap loss
- guide material loss
- head alignment loss
- heat loss
- high-field loss
- high-frequency loss
- in-and-out loss
- incidental loss
- incremental hysteresis loss
- insertion loss
- interaction loss
- inverse loss
- I2R loss
- iron loss
- Joule heat loss
- junction loss
- line loss
- line-of-sight loss
- low-field loss
- low-frequency loss
- magnetic loss
- magnetic hysteresis loss
- magnetic lag loss
- minimum expected loss
- mirror conduction loss
- mirror transmission loss
- mismatch loss
- mode-dependent loss
- net loss
- no-load loss
- offset loss
- ohmic loss
- passband loss
- path loss
- piezoelectric loss
- playback loss
- pointing loss
- polarization mismatch loss
- power loss
- processing loss
- propagation loss
- radiation loss
- recording loss
- reflection loss
- refraction loss
- relaxation loss
- residual loss
- resistance loss
- resistive loss
- return loss
- reverse power loss
- rotational hysteresis loss
- round-trip loss
- scanning loss
- scattering loss
- selective loss
- self-field loss
- separation loss
- single-pass loss
- spacing loss
- specific loss
- spillover loss
- spreading loss
- structural return loss
- superradiant-fluorescent loss
- thermoelastic loss
- thickness loss
- through loss
- tilt loss
- tolerance loss
- tracking loss
- transducer loss
- transformer loss
- transformer load loss
- transformer no-load loss
- transformer total loss
- transition loss
- translation loss
- transmission loss
- two-way loss
- vignetting loss
- volt-ampere loss
- walk-off loss -
14 loss
1) потеря; потери2) потери передачи, потери при передаче3) затухание, ослабление•- acoustic lossloss per unit length — потери на единицу длины, погонные потери
- air loss
- angle deviation loss
- angular deviation loss
- apparent power loss
- arc loss
- arc-drop loss
- attenuation loss
- azimuth loss
- beam-shape loss
- bending loss
- branching loss
- bremsstrahiung loss
- bridging loss
- bulk loss
- cable loss
- cavity loss
- cladding loss
- coax loss
- coil loss
- coincidence loss
- cold loss
- conduction loss
- conversion loss
- copper loss
- core loss
- corona loss
- counting loss
- cross-polarization loss
- crosstalk loss
- detail loss
- dielectric loss
- diffraction loss
- display loss
- dissociation loss
- divergence loss
- eddy-current loss
- edge loss
- end loss
- equivalent articulation loss
- forward power loss
- fractional counting loss
- free-space loss
- Fresnel loss
- friction loss
- gap loss
- guide material loss
- head alignment loss
- heat loss
- high-field loss
- high-frequency loss
- I2R loss
- in-and-out loss
- incidental loss
- incremental hysteresis loss
- insertion loss
- interaction loss
- inverse loss
- iron loss
- Joule heat loss
- junction loss
- line loss
- line-of-sight loss
- loss of data
- loss of efficiency
- loss of frame alignment
- loss of gate control
- loss of lock rate
- low-field loss
- low-frequency loss
- magnetic hysteresis loss
- magnetic lag loss
- magnetic loss
- minimum expected loss
- mirror conduction loss
- mirror transmission loss
- mismatch loss
- mode-dependent loss
- net loss
- no-load loss
- offset loss
- ohmic loss
- passband loss
- path loss
- piezoelectric loss
- playback loss
- pointing loss
- polarization mismatch loss
- power loss
- processing loss
- propagation loss
- radiation loss
- recording loss
- reflection loss
- refraction loss
- relaxation loss
- residual loss
- resistance loss
- resistive loss
- return loss
- reverse power loss
- rotational hysteresis loss
- round-trip loss
- scanning loss
- scattering loss
- selective loss
- self-field loss
- separation loss
- single-pass loss
- spacing loss
- specific loss
- spillover loss
- spreading loss
- structural return loss
- superradiant-fluorescent loss
- thermoelastic loss
- thickness loss
- through loss
- tilt loss
- tolerance loss
- tracking loss
- transducer loss
- transformer load loss
- transformer loss
- transformer no-load loss
- transformer total loss
- transition loss
- translation loss
- transmission loss
- two-way loss
- vignetting loss
- volt-ampere loss
- walk-off lossThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > loss
15 loss
n1) потеря, утрата2) страх. гибель3) убыток, ущерб, урон
- abnormal losses
- absolute total loss
- actual loss
- accidental loss
- actual insurance loss
- actual total loss
- anticipated loss
- apprehended loss
- average losses
- backlog loss
- bad debt losses
- balance loss
- budgetary losses
- business loss
- capital loss
- cargo loss
- casualty loss
- compensatable loss
- compensated loss
- concealed loss
- consequential loss
- constructive total loss
- conveyance loss
- credit losses
- crop loss
- currency losses
- dead loss
- deductible loss
- depreciation loss
- direct losses
- estimated losses
- excessive losses
- exchange losses
- expected losses
- field losses
- financial loss
- foreign expropriation capital loss
- fraud loss
- full-year pre-tax loss
- general average losses
- gross loss
- heavy losses
- huge losss
- indemnified loss
- indirect losses
- information loss
- irrecoverable losses
- irreparable losses
- large losss
- long-term capital loss
- manufacturing losses
- markdown loss
- market losses
- material loss
- natural loss
- net loss
- net long-term capital loss
- net operating losses
- net short-term capital loss
- nonoperating loss
- operating loss
- operational loss
- opportunity losses
- ordinary loss
- paper losses
- partial loss
- particular average losses
- pecuniary loss
- possible losses
- potential losses
- pre-merger losses
- pre-tax losses
- proforma losses
- production losses
- pure losses
- realized loss
- recoverable losses
- reinvestment loss
- reject losses
- salvage losses
- serious losses
- short-term capital loss
- single losses
- stock market losses
- storage losses
- substantial losses
- tax losses
- tax-deductible losses
- throughput losses
- total loss
- trivial losses
- trade losses
- trading losses
- underwriting losses
- working losses
- losses by leakage
- losses by wear and tear
- losses due to drying
- losses due to idle time
- losses due to rejects
- losses due to shrinkage
- losses due to spoilage
- losses due to waiting periods
- losses due to wastage
- loss during discharge
- losses during transportation
- losses for lost profit
- losses from misappropriations
- losses in the post
- loss in price
- losses in transit
- loss in weight
- loss in value
- loss of anticipated profit
- loss of capital
- loss of cargo
- loss of cash
- loss of confidence
- loss of credit
- loss of deposit
- loss of earning capacity
- loss of earnings
- loss of efficiency
- losses of exchange
- losses on exchange
- loss of freight
- loss of goods
- loss of goodwill
- loss of interest
- loss of income
- loss of liquidity
- loss of markets
- loss of market share to foreign rivals
- loss of money
- loss of opportunity
- loss of a package
- losses of production
- loss of profit
- loss of property
- loss of real or personal property
- loss of revenue
- loss of right
- loss of savings
- loss of time
- loss of trust
- loss of wages
- loss of weight during transportation
- loss of work
- loss of working hours
- losses on all risks
- loss on bad debt
- losses on exchange
- loss on loans
- loss on property due to earthquake, storm, flood, fire
- losses on receivables
- loss on securities
- loss and gain
- loss attributable to fluctuations in the value of foreign currency
- loss borne
- losses generated by
- loss sustained
- at a loss
- without loss
- adjust losses
- allow losses as general average
- announce one's first quarterly loss
- apportion the loss
- ascertain losses
- assess losses
- avert losses
- avoid losses
- bear losses
- carry forward one's losses
- cause a loss
- compensate for losses
- compute losses
- cover losses
- curb losses
- cut losses
- decrease losses
- entail losses
- experience losses
- guarantee against losses
- have losses
- incur losses
- indemnify for losses
- inflict a loss
- make good losses
- make up for losses
- meet with a loss
- minimize losses
- mitigate the loss
- offset losses
- operate at a loss
- participate in a loss
- prevent losses
- recover losses
- recognize losses
- repair losses
- result in a loss
- retrieve losses
- sell at a loss
- set off losses
- show a loss
- stand the loss
- stem chronic losses
- substantiate a loss
- suffer losses
- sustain losses
- take losses
- transmute a loss into a profoma profit
- trigger losses
- yield losses -
16 loss
1) потеря, утрата2) страх. гибель3) убыток, ущерб, урон•- net loss- loss on property due to earthquake, storm, flood, fire -
17 material
1. n материал, вещество2. n материал; кадрыarea material — печатный материал, подсчитываемый по площади
3. n данные, факты, материалillustrative material — иллюстративный материал, примеры
reference material — справочный материал, наглядные пособия
4. n тема5. n текст. ткань, материяmaterial that stretches — материя, которая тянется
scraps of material — обрезки ткани; лоскуты
6. n принадлежности7. a материальный, вещественный8. a телесный, плотский, физический; материальный9. a имущественный, денежный; материальный, относящийся к средствам существования10. a существенный, важный, значительныйfacts which are not material to the point in question — несущественные факты, факты, не имеющие отношения к разбираемому вопросу
material witness — важный свидетель; свидетель, показания которого имеют существенное значение
Синонимический ряд:1. large (adj.) big; consequential; considerable; historic; important; large; meaningful; momentous; notable; significant; weighty2. relevant (adj.) ad rem; applicable; applicative; applicatory; apposite; apropos; germane; pertinent; pointful; relevant3. tangible (adj.) concrete; corporeal; gross; objective; palpable; phenomenal; physical; real; sensible; solid; substantial; tangible; touchable4. equipment (noun) accouterments; apparatus; equipment; gear; habiliments; machinery; materials; materiel; outfit; paraphernalia; tackle; tackling5. information (noun) data; facts; figures; information6. substance (noun) body; component; corporeality; element; ingredient; substance7. textile (noun) cloth; dry good; dry goods; fabric; textile8. thing (noun) being; entity; individual; object; thing9. things (noun) beings; entities; individuals; materiality; matter; objects; stuff; substances; things; timberАнтонимический ряд: -
18 loss
lɔs сущ.
1) гибель, крушение, разрушение Syn: destruction, ruin
2) а) потеря, утрата (лишение частично или полностью имущества, прав, способностей и т. п.) the loss of the lands ≈ потеря земель hearing loss ≈ потеря слуха heat loss ≈ переохлаждение memory loss ≈ потеря памяти loss of sensation ≈ потеря чувствительности loss of vision, loss of one's eyesight ≈ потеря зрения total loss of vision ≈ полная потеря зрения weight loss, loss of a weight ≈
1) потеря веса
2) усушка, усадка loss of value б) утрата, потеря (смерть близких, друзей) the loss of his mother ≈ потеря матери irreparable, irreplaceable, irretrievable loss to our nation ≈ невосстановимая, невосполнимая потеря для нашей страны
3) а) проигрыш, поражение to hand smb. a loss ≈ нанести кому-л. поражение They handed our team its first loss of the season. ≈ Они нанесли нашей команде первой поражение в этом сезоне. to recoup one's gambling losses ≈ возмещать проигрыш б) неудача при осуществлении чего-л. I do not wish to risk the loss of my train. ≈ Я не хочу рисковать и опоздать на поезд.
4) убыток, ущерб, потеря to inflict losses on ≈ причинять ущерб( кому-л.) to make up a loss, offset a loss, recoup a loss, replace a loss ≈ возмещать убытки to sell at a loss ≈ продавать в убыток dead loss ≈ чистый убыток tax loss ≈ налоговый убыток (незапланированный убыток, который учитывается при налогообложении;
налогооблагаемая сумма сокращается на сумму убытка) windfall loss ≈ внезапные убытки, непредвиденные убытки
5) мн.;
воен. потери losses in dead and wounded ≈ потери убитыми и ранеными to take heavy losses ≈ нести тяжелые потери Our forces inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. ≈ Наши силы нанесли серьезный удар по противнику. light losses ≈ небольшие потери loss of life suffer losses sustain losses - incur losses loss replacement
6) тех. угар loss in yarn текст. ≈ угар потеря, лишение - total * полная потеря - * of one's eyesight потеря зрения - * of strength упадок сил - * of blood (медицина) кровопотеря - * of flesh похудание - temperature * падение температуры - * in altitude потеря высоты утрата, потеря - irreparable * невозместимая потеря - grievous * тяжелая утрата - * of opportunities упущенные /неиспользованные/ возможности - without any * of time без всякой потери времени, не теряя ни минуты времени - his death was a great * его смерть была большой утратой гибель - * of a ship with all hands гибель корабля со всей командой проигрыш;
урон - * of a battle поражение в битве ущерб, урон, убыток - dead * чистый убыток - the * of a contract (американизм) незаключенный контракт;
неполучение заказа - to have a *, to meet with a * потерпеть ущерб, понести потерю - to sell at a * продавать в убыток - to incur *es терпеть убытки - to cover a * покрывать убыток - his absence was not a great * его отсутствие - небольшая потеря - it's your *, not mine вы от этого потеряете /вы останетесь в накладе/, не я pl (военное) потери - * replacement возмещение потерь - the * of life потери в людях, потери убитыми - *es in manpower and material потери в живой силе и технике - to suffer heavy *es понести тяжелые потери (специальное) угар смыв( при эррозии) утечка( тока) > to be at a * растеряться, смешаться;
быть в замешательстве /в затруднении, в недоумении/;
(охота) потерять след > he was at a * for a word он не мог подобрать /найти/ нужного слова > he was at a * what to say он не нашелся, что сказать > no great * without some small gain (пословица) нет худа без добра accounting ~ расчетные убытки actual ~ страх. действительная гибель actual ~ фактический страховой убыток actual total ~ страх. действительная полная гибель actual total ~ фактический полный страховой убыток adjusted ~ уточненный размер ущерба agio ~ убытки от спекуляций ценными бумагами на бирже в расчете на ценовые колебания at a ~ в убыток average ~ средние убытки average ~ мор. страх. средний убыток to be at a ~ быть в затруднении, в недоумении;
he was at a loss for words он не мог найти слов to be at a ~ охот. потерять след book ~ убыток, образовавшийся при переоценке активов или пассивов book ~ on realization балансовые убытки при реализации business ~ убытки от сделки capital ~ капитальный убыток capital ~ курсовые потери capital ~ потери от понижения рыночной стоимости активов capital ~ потери при продаже капитального имущества casualty ~ убытки от несчастного случая catastrophe ~ ущерб, вызванный катастрофой catastrophic ~ страх. ущерб, вызванный катастрофой cause a ~ вызывать ущерб causing an insured ~ причинение застрахованных потерь consequential ~ косвенные убытки consequential ~ косвенный ущерб consolidated ~ суммарные убытки constructive total ~ конструктивная полная гибель constructive total ~ полные убытки от строительства contingent ~ непредвиденные потери cover a ~ возмещать ущерб cover a ~ покрывать убытки cyclical ~ циклические убытки data ~ вчт. потеря данных ~ убыток;
to sell at a loss продавать в убыток;
dead loss чистый убыток;
to make good a loss возместить убыток dead ~ чистая потеря dead ~ чистый убыток elementary ~ ущерб от стихийных бедствий exchange gain and ~ курсовые прибыль и убыток exchange ~ курсовой убыток exchange ~ потери валюты exchange ~ потери на разнице валютных курсов exchange ~ сокращение валютных резервов exchange rate ~ курсовой убыток extraordinary profit or ~ необычно высокие прибыль или убыток financial ~ денежные потери financial ~ финансовый убыток fire ~ убытки от пожара foreseeable ~ ожидаемые убытки gross ~ общие потери gross ~ общий ущерб gross ~ суммарные убытки gross operating ~ общий убыток от основной деятельности harvest ~ потери при уборке урожая ~ потеря, утрата;
loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения;
to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю to be at a ~ быть в затруднении, в недоумении;
he was at a loss for words он не мог найти слов incur a ~ нести потери incur a ~ терпеть убытки indirect ~ косвенный ущерб inflict a ~ наносить потери inflict a ~ причинять ущерб initial ~ первоначальный убыток insurance ~ убытки при страховании insured ~ застрахованный убыток intercompany ~ межфирменные убытки interest ~ потеря процентов investment ~ инвестиционные потери involve a ~ вызывать убытки liability for ~ ответственность за убытки loss гибель, утрата ~ гибель ~ лишение ~ потери ~ pl воен. потери;
loss of life потери в людях, потери убитыми ~ потеря, утрата;
loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения;
to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю ~ вчт. потеря ~ потеря ~ вчт. проигрыш ~ пропажа ~ убытки ~ убыток, ущерб ~ убыток;
to sell at a loss продавать в убыток;
dead loss чистый убыток;
to make good a loss возместить убыток ~ убыток ~ тех. угар;
loss in yarn текст. угар ~ урон, проигрыш ~ урон;
проигрыш ~ урон ~ утрата ~ ущерб ~ after tax убытки после уплаты налогов ~ before depreciation убытки до начисления износа ~ before financial items убытки до проводки по бухгалтерским книгам ~ before financing убытки до финансирования ~ before tax убытки до уплаты налога ~ by market fluctuation потери, вызванные конъюнктурными колебаниями ~ by market fluctuation потери, вызванные колебаниями цен на рынке ~ for financial year потери за финансовый год ~ for financial year убытки за финансовый год ~ for period потери за период ~ for period убытки за период ~ for year потери за финансовый год ~ for year убытки за финансовый год ~ in income потеря дохода ~ in real value снижение реальной стоимости ~ in transit потери при перевозке ~ in value потеря ценности ~ in value upon resale снижение стоимости при перепродаже ~ тех. угар;
loss in yarn текст. угар ~ of capital потеря капитала ~ of creditworthiness потеря кредитоспособности ~ of earning capacity снижение потенциального дохода индивидуума ~ of earnings through disablement потеря заработка по нетрудоспособности ~ of goodwill потеря благораспололожения клиентов ~ of goodwill потеря неосязаемых активов ~ of goodwill снижение условной стоимости деловых связей фирмы ~ of interest earnings потеря дохода от процентов ~ of liberty потеря свободы ~ pl воен. потери;
loss of life потери в людях, потери убитыми ~ of liquidity снижение ликвидности ~ потеря, утрата;
loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения;
to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю ~ of production производственные потери ~ of production снижение производства ~ of profits потеря прибылей ~ of profits упущенная выгода ~ of profits insurance страхование от потери прибылей ~ of profits insurance страхование от простоя производства ~ of profits insurance страхование упущенной прибыли ~ of rent insurance страхование от понижения арендной платы ~ of right потеря права ~ of time потеря времени ~ of trade утрата профессии ~ of votes потеря голосов ~ of weight потеря в весе ~ of weight усушка ~ on bond issue потери от выпуска займа ~ on currency exchange потери на разнице валютных курсов ~ on disposal of fixed assets потери при продаже труднореализуемых активов ~ on disposal of fixed assets потери при реализации неликвидных активов ~ on disposal of property потери при реализации собственности ~ on ordinary activities убытки от обычных видов деятельности ~ on receivables outstanding потери от дебиторской задолженности ~ on securities потери от изменения курса ценных бумаг ~ on the rate потери от изменения процентной ставки ~ on the rate убытки от изменения курса ~ replacement воен. возмещение потерь ~ through delay потери вследствие задержки ~ убыток;
to sell at a loss продавать в убыток;
dead loss чистый убыток;
to make good a loss возместить убыток maritime ~ ущерб при морских перевозках maximum ~ максимальный ущерб meet a ~ покрывать убытки ~ потеря, утрата;
loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения;
to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю minor ~ незначительный ущерб modest ~ небольшой ущерб mortality ~ потери в результате повышения смертности net capital ~ чистые потери капитала net exchange ~ убыток от обмена валюты net ~ чистые потери net ~ чистый убыток nonrealized exchange ~ нереализованные потери на разнице валютных курсов normal ~ обычный ущерб notify a ~ заявлять о пропаже operating ~ убыток от основной деятельности overall ~ общие потери paper ~ бумажный убыток paper ~ нереализованный убыток partial ~ частичная гибель (предмета страхования) partial ~ частичная гибель предмета страхования partial ~ частичная потеря pecuniary ~ денежный ущерб pecuniary ~ имущественный ущерб pecuniary ~ материальный ущерб pending ~ невозмещенные убытки petty ~ незначительный ущерб possible ~ возможные потери potential ~ потенциальные убытки probable maximum ~ максимально возможный ущерб processing ~ вчт. потери при обработке данных profit and ~ прибыли и убытки profit or ~ прибыль или убыток realized ~ установленный ущерб record ~ огромный ущерб report a ~ давать сведения об ущербе ~ убыток;
to sell at a loss продавать в убыток;
dead loss чистый убыток;
to make good a loss возместить убыток short-term ~ краткосрочный убыток singeing ~ потери на опаливание specific ~ конкретно перечисленные потери suffer a ~ нести убыток suffer a ~ терпеть ущерб suffer: ~ страдать;
испытывать, претерпевать;
he suffers from headaches онстрадаетотголовныхболей;
to suffer a loss потерпеть убыток to suffer (или to sustain) losses понести потери to suffer (или to sustain) losses терпеть убытки sustain a ~ нести потери sustain: ~ испытывать, выносить;
to sustain injuries получить увечье;
to sustain a loss понести потерю tax ~ убытки от налогообложения technical ~ технические потери total ~ общая сумма убытков total ~ общие потери total ~ полная гибель (предмета страхования) total ~ полная потеря trading ~ торговый убыток tranducer ~ вчт. потеря преобразования transition ~ переходная потеря translation ~ потеря на неогибание translation ~ потеря передачи unrealized ~ нереализованный убыток weight ~ утруска -
19 loss
[lɔs]nпотеря, лишение, ущерб, урон, убыток, утратаHe was at a loss for words. — Он не мог подобрать/найти нужных слов.
The company's books have shown a loss for years. — Уже много лет, как финансовые документы этой фирмы отражают дефицит.
You must consider it rather a gain than a loss. — Считай это скорее выигрышем, чем потерей.
The team took the loss of the game lightly. — Команда легко отнеслась к своему проигрышу.
- total memory lossWhat greater crime than loss of time? — ◊ Ничего нет дороже времени
- heat loss
- fire losses
- crop losses
- loss to science
- loss of time
- loss of libertry
- losses in manpower and material
- total loss of eyesight
- loss of blood
- loss of morale
- loss of temperature
- loss in altitude
- loss of honour
- loss of opportunities
- loss of the reward
- irreparable loss to the country
- great loss to art
- loss of a battle
- losses of life
- fear of loss of jobs
- succession of losses
- with the least loss of time
- without any loss of time
- balance one's losses by a rise in prices
- be at a loss what to do
- cause great losses on the enemy
- comfort smb in her loss
- count one's losses
- cut one's losses
- feel one's loss
- feel a pang of loss
- involve a considerable financial loss
- make losses on this transaction
- make good all the losses
- meet up losses
- moan the loss of her husband
- repair a loss
- report the loss of some jewelry
- register the loss of some jewelry
- run the factory at a heavy loss
- sell smth at a loss
- share profits and losses
- split the losses with smb
- suffer great losses
- suffer from a loss of strength
- turn loss into gain
- our losses by the fire amounted to...
- wartime losses are estimated at... -
20 material
1) материал; вещество2) ткань, материал3) мн. ч. детали ( для обработки)•to calibrate a material — (точно) определять свойства материала-
ablative material
abrasive material
absorbent material
acceptor material
acoustical material
acoustic material
active laser material
active material
adding material
advanced material
air-equivalent material
air-wall material
amorphous magnetic material
anisotropic material
anodic material
antiferroelectric material
antiferromagnetic material
antifriction material
antihalation material
antirot material
antislip material
antisun material
asbestos-cement material
atmospheric reentry material
attached foreign material
backfilling material
backfill material
backing material
barrier material
base material
basic material
batch material
bed material
bimetallic conductor material
binding material
bituminous material
black-and-white material
blanket material
bonding material
borrow material
bottoming material
bred material
breeder material
brittle material
bubble material
building material
bulk material
bulk semiconductor material
burden material
carbon electrical material
carrier material
case material
cast stone material
caved material
cementing material
ceramic foam material
ceramic material
charge material
charging material
clad dielectric material
clad material
coal-tar raw material
coating material
coherent material
cohesionless material
cohesive material
coiled material
cold-charged material
color material
combustible material
combustion materials
compact material
composite material
compounding material
concrete materials
conducting material
conductor material
constant bandgap material
constructional material
contact conductor material
core material
corrosion-resistance material
cover material
covering material
crib material
crucible material
crystalline material
cushioning material
damping material
degenerative semiconductor material
diamagnetic material
dielectric material
difficult-to-cut material
diffusion transfer material
direct bandgap material
discrete material
disordered material
dolomite-based material
dopant material
doping material
dredged material
ductile material
dye bleach material
earthy raw materials
elastic material
electret material
electric contact material
electric insulating material
electrochromic material
electrode material
electroluminescent material
electronic-grade material
electronic material
electrooptical material
electrooptic material
electrostrictive material
electrotechnical material
ENG/EFP tape material
engineering material
epitaxial material
evaporated material
evaporation material
excavated material
excessive uncut material
expanded material
explosive material
extraneous material
extraterrestrial material
extrinsic material
fabric-filled molding material
facing material
feed material
ferrimagnetic material
ferroelectric material
ferromagnetic material
ferrous material
fertile material
fettling material
fiber glass material
fiber-filled molding material
fiber-forming material
fiber-reinforced material
fibrous material
filling material
finished material
finishing material
fireclay material
fired material
fireproof material
fire-resistant material
fissile material
fissionable material
fission material
flammable material
float material
fluxing material
foam material
foam-type refractory material
food raw material
foreign material
foundation material
frost-resistant material
fuel material
fungicidal packaging material
gaseous fissionable material
gasket material
glass-bonded reinforced dielectric material
glass-bonded dielectric material
glass-ceramic material
glass-fiber material
glass-forming material
graded bandgap material
granular material
greasy material
grinding material
gunned material
half-finished material
hard material
hard-magnetic material
hard-to-machine material
heat-insulating material
heat-resistant material
heat-resisting conductor material
heat-resisting material
heat-softenable material
heat-transfer material
high-alloy material
high-coercivity material
high-conductivity material
high-definition material
high-expansion material
high-performance material
high-resistivity material
high-resolution material
high-Z material
honeycombed material
honeycomb material
host material
hot material
hydraulic insulating material
hydrocarbon material
hyperconductor material
ideal granular material
imaging material
incombustible material
inedible raw material
inedible material
inert material
inflammable material
in-process material
insulating material
intergranular material
intermediate material
intrinsic material
isotropic material
jointing material
joint-sealing material
laminated material
large-gap material
laser material
lasing material
library material
light-sensitive material
linearly elastic material
lining material
liquid fissionable material
loading material
loose material
lossy material
lost circulation material
low-bandgap material
low-gap material
low-coercitivity material
low-expansion material
low-loss material
low-mobility photovoltaic material
low-resistivity material
lump material
magnetic material
magnetically hard material
magnetically soft material
magnetodielectric material
magnetooptic material
magnetostrictive material
man-made material
materials of construction
metallic conductor material
metallic material
mine-run material
minus material
molding material
monocrystalline material
multicorrugating material
multilayer conductor material
multilayer material
narrow-bandgap material
natural material
negative electron affinity material
negative material
negative-image material
nonabrasive material
noncoherent material
noncombustible material
nonconductivity material
nonfired material
nonflammable material
nonfood raw material
nonmagnetic material
nonretentive material
nonsilver material
nonterrestrial material
n-type material
nuclear material
oil-resistant material
optical material
oversize material
oxide-metal material
packaging material
packing material
paintwork material
paramagnetic material
parent material
patching material
pavement material
paving material
phosphor material
photochromic material
photoconductive material
photographic material
photoresponsive material
photosensitive material
phototropic material
photovoltaic material
piezoelectric material
plastic material
polycrystalline material
poromeric material
positive electron affinity material
positive material
positive-image material
preformed material
pressure sensitive material
prestrained material
p-type material
pulp-making material
pyroelectric material
ramming material
random material
rapid-access photographic material
raw material
receiving material
recording material
recycled material
reference nuclear materials
refractory conductor material
refractory material
reject material
rejected material
resistance material
resistive material
retentive material
returned fissile material
reversal material
road-building material
roll material
roll-compacted powder material
rooting material
rough material
rubber-cord material
rubber-like material
rubber-reinforced material
rubbery material
sandwiched material
scrap material
sealing material
secondary hardening material
secondary raw materials
self-adhesive material
self-developing material
semiconducting material
semiconductive material
semisolid bituminous materials
sensitive material
sheet material
shielding material
silicate concrete material
silverless material
sintered material
sintered metal-powder material
slagging material
slip-cast material
soft material
soft-magnetic material
solar energy storage material
solid bituminous material
solid fissionable material
solid-foamed material
solvent-resistant material
sound-absorbing material
sound-insulating material
space-manufactured material
spalling-resistant material
special fissionable material
square-loop material
standard nuclear materials
starting material
stealth material
stemming material
stowing material
structural material
superconducting material
superconductive material
superrefractory material
surface-active material
surface-inactive material
tamping material
tar-dolomite material
tar-stabilized dolomite material
temperature sensitive material
termination material
textured material
thermographic material
thermomagnetic material
thermosetting material
thermost material
timber-based material
tool material
tree-length material
two-gap material
two-valley material
ultrarefractory material
unclad dielectric material
undersize material
upholstery material
vaporproof material
vesicular material
video material
vitrocrystalline material
wall-building material
washing material
waste material
waterproofing material
web material
weighting material
widebandgap material
widegap material
wood raw material
work material
См. также в других словарях:
Loss on ignition — is a test used in inorganic analytical chemistry, particularly in the analysis of minerals. It consists of strongly heating ( igniting ) a sample of the material at a specified temperature, allowing volatile substances to escape, until its mass… … Wikipedia
loss — is a generic and relative term. It signifies the act of losing or the thing lost; it is not a word of limited, hard and fast meaning and has been held synonymous with, or equivalent to, damage , damages , deprivation , detriment , injury , and… … Black's law dictionary
loss — is a generic and relative term. It signifies the act of losing or the thing lost; it is not a word of limited, hard and fast meaning and has been held synonymous with, or equivalent to, damage , damages , deprivation , detriment , injury , and… … Black's law dictionary
Material Issue — Background information Origin Chicago Genres Power pop … Wikipedia
loss'less — adjective (electronics and telecommunications) Not dissipating energy, said of a dielectric material or of a transmission line which does not suffer attenuation (cf ↑lossy below) • • • Main Entry: ↑loss … Useful english dictionary
Löss — Lösswand in Dirmstein (Pfalz) Löss … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loss tangent — The loss tangent is a parameter of a dielectric material that quantifies its inherent dissipation of electromagnetic energy. The term refers to the tangent of the angle in a complex plane between the resistive (lossy) component of an… … Wikipedia
Material failure — In materials science, material failure is the loss of load carrying capacity of a material unit. This definition per se introduces the fact that material failure can be examined in different scales, from microscopic, mesoscale to macroscopic. In… … Wikipedia
Material consideration — A material consideration in the UK is a process in Planning Law in which the decision maker when assessing an application for development must consider in deciding the outcome of an application. Material considerations in the past have included… … Wikipedia
Material Amount — The movement of a security s price to the extent that it confirms or refutes the trader s original prediction. A movement of material amount that refutes the trader s original prediction should trigger a stop loss trade. It can also signify an… … Investment dictionary
Loss of coolant accident — A loss of coolant accident (LOCA) is a mode of failure for a nuclear reactor; if not managed effectively, the results of a LOCA could result in reactor core damage. Each nuclear plant s Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) exists specifically to… … Wikipedia