1 mass area
2 mass-area ratio
3 mass
mass per areamass per unit lengthair massaircraft massairfoil mass per unit spanbasic mass emptyblade mass per unit lengthconcentrated masscontinuous masscounter masselastically mounted massfictitious massgeneralized masslumped massmodal massnormalized masspoint massrigid body massstructural masstakeoff massthermal masstip masstuning massunbalanced massunsprung mass -
4 mass per unit area
поверхностная плотность
Pa, г/м2
Отношение массы образца определенного размера к его площади.
Поверхностную плотность определяют по ГОСТ Р 50277.
[ ГОСТ Р 53225-2008]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > mass per unit area
5 mass per unit area
поверхностная концентрация; поверхностная плотность; поверхностная массаEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > mass per unit area
6 mass divided by time and by cross-sectional area
Макаров: ( mass transfer coefficient) масса, деленная на время и на площадь поперечного сечения (коэффициент массопереноса)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > mass divided by time and by cross-sectional area
7 area composition
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > area composition
8 mass of reinforcement per unit area
Строительство: масса армирования на единицу площадиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > mass of reinforcement per unit area
9 mass unemployment area
Общая лексика: район массовой безработицыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > mass unemployment area
10 mass per unit area
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > mass per unit area
11 mass per area
поверхностная плотность < тела> -
12 unit-mass activity
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > unit-mass activity
13 curve
14 weapon
оружие; система оружия; боевое [огневое] средство; боеприпас; средство поражения; АБ; pl. вооружение, боевая техника; оснащать оружием, вооружать; см. тж. cannon, gun, missile, systemdepressed trajectory (capability) weapon — орудие для настильной стрельбы; боеприпас с пологой траекторией (подхода к цели)
enhanced (penetrating) radiation weapon — оружие с повышенным уровнем [выходом] начальной [проникающей] радиации
ethnic (group selection) weapon — этническое оружие, поражающее отдельные группы населения
neutral (charge) beam weapon — пучковое оружие; оружие, поражающее узконаправленным потоком нейтральных частиц
reduced blast and heat (nuclear) weapon — ЯО с пониженным действием ударной волны и теплового [светового] излучения
— acoustic wave weapon— aerial warfare weapon— antiarmor-capable weapon— dirty nuclear weapon— fission -type weapon— flame-blast weapon— fusion-type weapon— genetic weapon— high-yield nuclear weapon— howitzer-type weapon— limited-yield nuclear weapon— loader's station weapon— low-yield nuclear weapon— medium-yield nuclear weapon— nominal nuclear weapon— optimum-yield nuclear weapon— point-target weapon— recoil-energy operated weapon— rifled-bore weapon— satellite-borne weapon— second-strike retaliatory weapon— supporting weapon— vehicle-mounted weapon -
15 ratio
отношение, соотношение, пропорция; степень; коэффициент, см. тж. coefficient; передаточное число [отношение]all-out level/stalling speed ratio — относительный диапазон скоростей полёта (отношение максимальной скорости горизонтального полёта к скорости сваливания)
base(-altltude, -height) ratio — отношение величины базиса фотографирования к высоте
burning (surface)-to-throat (area) ratio — отношение поверхности горения к площади критического сечения сопла (в РДТТ)
chamber volume-to-throat area ratio — приведенная [характеристическая] длина камеры сгорания
envelope-bulk to weight ratio — отношение объёма, занимаемого двигателем, к его сухому весу
lift-(over, to-)drag ratio — аэродинамическое качество
main rotor/engine r.p.m. ratio — степень редукции между двигателем, и несущим винтом, соотношение чисел оборотов несущего винта и вала двигателя
maintenance (man hours)-to-flight (hours) ratio — соотношение объёма работ по наземному обслуживанию (в человеко-часах) и налёта
mixing ratio of moist air — метео. влагосодержаиие
port(-to-)throat ratio — относительная свободная площадь (отношение свободной площади к площади критического сечения сопла)
ratio of specific heats — отношение удельных теплоёмкостей, показатель адиабаты
stoichiometric (equivalence, mixture) ratio — стехиометрическое соотношение компонентов топлива, стехиометрический коэффициент состава топлива
— - to-thrust ratio -
16 MSA
1) Общая лексика: договор на комплексные услуги (multiple service agreement)3) Американизм: Metropolitan Sampling Area, Metropolitan Statistical Area4) Военный термин: Medical Statistics Agency, Military Service Act, Military Strength Assessment, Military Subsistence Agency, Mutual Security Act, Mutual Security Agency, Mutual Security Association, major systems acquisition, management system analysis, material stores area, materiel service area, medical supply account, meteorological support activity, military security assistance, minimum safe altitude, missile system availability5) Техника: management self-assessment, mass of solar array, mass spectrometric analysis, material surveillance assembly, mechanical signature analysis, microstrip antenna, mines safety appliance, minimum significant activity, mission system avionics6) Сельское хозяйство: Mannitol Salt Agar7) Шутливое выражение: Military States Of America, Must Snake All8) Религия: Merciful, Selfless, And Adorable9) Юридический термин: Marital Settlement Agreement10) Экономика: Master Service Agreement11) Лингвистика: современный арабский литературный язык (сокр. от "Modern Standard Arabic")12) Страхование: Merchant Shipping Act13) Биржевой термин: Medical Savings Account, Medical Savings Accounts14) Музыка: Modern Soul Academy15) Телекоммуникации: Mail Sending Agent16) Сокращение: Malay, Maritime Safety Agency (Japan), Mechanically Scanned Antenna, Mobile Subscriber Access, Modern Standard Arabic, Multi-bus II System Architecture17) Университет: Malaysian Students Association, Michigan Student Assembly, Minority Student Association, Missouri Student Association, Monash Student Association, Muslim Students Association, Mutual School Of Arts18) Физиология: Multiple System Atrophy19) Электроника: Measurement System Analysis, Microscopy Society of America20) Вычислительная техника: Management Service Architecture, MultiSource Assignment21) Нефть: multiple service acid, многоцелевая кислота для профилактического ремонта скважин (смесь уксусной кислоты с поверхностно-активным веществом; multiple service acid)22) Транспорт: Marine Science Activities23) Воздухоплавание: Minimum Sector Altitude25) Полимеры: mass-spectrometric analysis26) Океанография: Maritime Safety Agency, Methane Sulfonic Acid27) Химическое оружие: Mine Safety Appliances, Co., Munitions Storage Area, mine safety appliance28) Макаров: melanocyte-stimulating activity29) Безопасность: Multifunction Security Appliance30) Имена и фамилии: Michael S. Adler31) Печатные платы: manufacturer's service agreement32) Аэропорты: Muskrat Dam Airport, Muskrat Dam, Ontario, Canada -
17 msa
1) Общая лексика: договор на комплексные услуги (multiple service agreement)3) Американизм: Metropolitan Sampling Area, Metropolitan Statistical Area4) Военный термин: Medical Statistics Agency, Military Service Act, Military Strength Assessment, Military Subsistence Agency, Mutual Security Act, Mutual Security Agency, Mutual Security Association, major systems acquisition, management system analysis, material stores area, materiel service area, medical supply account, meteorological support activity, military security assistance, minimum safe altitude, missile system availability5) Техника: management self-assessment, mass of solar array, mass spectrometric analysis, material surveillance assembly, mechanical signature analysis, microstrip antenna, mines safety appliance, minimum significant activity, mission system avionics6) Сельское хозяйство: Mannitol Salt Agar7) Шутливое выражение: Military States Of America, Must Snake All8) Религия: Merciful, Selfless, And Adorable9) Юридический термин: Marital Settlement Agreement10) Экономика: Master Service Agreement11) Лингвистика: современный арабский литературный язык (сокр. от "Modern Standard Arabic")12) Страхование: Merchant Shipping Act13) Биржевой термин: Medical Savings Account, Medical Savings Accounts14) Музыка: Modern Soul Academy15) Телекоммуникации: Mail Sending Agent16) Сокращение: Malay, Maritime Safety Agency (Japan), Mechanically Scanned Antenna, Mobile Subscriber Access, Modern Standard Arabic, Multi-bus II System Architecture17) Университет: Malaysian Students Association, Michigan Student Assembly, Minority Student Association, Missouri Student Association, Monash Student Association, Muslim Students Association, Mutual School Of Arts18) Физиология: Multiple System Atrophy19) Электроника: Measurement System Analysis, Microscopy Society of America20) Вычислительная техника: Management Service Architecture, MultiSource Assignment21) Нефть: multiple service acid, многоцелевая кислота для профилактического ремонта скважин (смесь уксусной кислоты с поверхностно-активным веществом; multiple service acid)22) Транспорт: Marine Science Activities23) Воздухоплавание: Minimum Sector Altitude25) Полимеры: mass-spectrometric analysis26) Океанография: Maritime Safety Agency, Methane Sulfonic Acid27) Химическое оружие: Mine Safety Appliances, Co., Munitions Storage Area, mine safety appliance28) Макаров: melanocyte-stimulating activity29) Безопасность: Multifunction Security Appliance30) Имена и фамилии: Michael S. Adler31) Печатные платы: manufacturer's service agreement32) Аэропорты: Muskrat Dam Airport, Muskrat Dam, Ontario, Canada -
18 moment
- bending moment
- centrifugal moment
- disturbing moment
- exciting moment
- hydraulic moment
- inertia moment
- load moment
- mass moment of inertia
- mass static moment of runner
- mass static moment of unbalance
- mass static moment
- moment of couple
- moment of force
- moment of friction
- moment of inertia
- moment of momentum
- moment of resistance
- moment of system of forces
- overturning moment
- polar moment of inertia
- polar second moment of area
- principal moment of inertia
- product second moment of area
- rating moment
- reaction moment
- reduced moment
- resisting moment
- retarding moment
- rotational moment
- second moment of area
- second moment
- starting moment
- tilting moment
- tipping moment
- torque moment
- transfer moment
- transient moment
- transitional moment
- turning moment
- twisting moment
- unit hydraulic momentEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > moment
19 curve
1) закругление, кривая; эпюра2) график; лекало3) гнуть, разбивать кривую•- actual curve - adiabatic curve - ageing curve - backwater curve - bending curve - bending moment curve - bulking curve - capacity curve - characteristic curve - closed curve - compression curve - connecting curve - consolidation-test curve - cumulative grading curve - deflection curve - depletion curve - depression curve - discharge curve - discharge-mass curve - dotted curve - drawdown curve - drawing curve - easy curve - efficiency curve - elastic curve - flat curve - flow curve - grading curve - hardening curve - heating curve - helical curve - horizontal curve - isotherm curve - lag curve - level curve - load curve - load-deflection curve - load-duration curve - load-strain curve - load-time deflection curve - moment curve - no-load curve - performance curve - pressure curve - rating curve - rating curve of spillway - recovery curve - resistance curve - risk curve - smoothed curve - speed-load curve - stress-strain curve - sweeping curve - wear-time curvecurve of maximum bending moments — кривая, огибающая наибольших изгибающих моментов
* * *1. кривая; график2. лекало3. изгиб; закругление; кривизна- curve of maximum bending moments
- curve of maximum moments
- ageing curve
- apparent-resistivity curve
- area curve
- area-volume curve
- averaged curve
- backwater curve
- bending curve
- bending failure curve
- bending moment curve
- bilinear elastic-strain hardening curve
- bilinear elastic strain-hardening stress strain curve
- blind curve
- Bolomey's curves
- braking curve
- bulking curve
- calibration curve
- capacity curve
- casting curve
- catenary curve
- characteristic curve
- circular curve
- closed curve
- column curve
- compaction curve
- compound curve
- consolidation-test curve
- constant-radius curve
- consumption curve
- contour curve
- cost curve
- counter curve
- creep curve
- cubic curve
- cumulation volume curve
- decrement curve
- deflection curve
- deformation curve
- depletion curve
- depression curve
- depth curve
- depth-velocity curve
- discharge curve
- discharge mass curve
- discharge-rating curve
- dispersion curve
- displacement-time curve
- distribution curve
- drawdown curve
- drawing curve
- drop-down curve
- duration curve
- easement curve
- elastic curve
- empirical curve
- envelope curve
- expansion curve
- fan performance curve
- fatigue curve
- fee curve
- flat curve
- flexure curve
- flood-frequency curve
- flow curve
- flow-duration curve
- flow mass curve
- frequency curve
- Fuller's curve
- funicular curve
- gauge correlation curve
- gradation curve
- graduated transition curve
- grain-size accumulation curve
- groundwater storage curve
- hairpin curve
- hardening curve
- head-capacity curve
- heating curve
- helical curve
- horizontal curve
- ideal grading curve
- integral flow curve
- integrated curve
- intrinsic curve
- load curve
- load-deformation curve
- load-extension curve
- load-transfer curve
- mass curve
- mass curve of rainfall
- mass-haul curve
- meridional curve
- Mohr's enveloping curve
- moment curve
- Moody curve
- NC curves
- noise criteria curves
- ogee curve
- open curve
- particle-size accumulator curve
- particle-size distribution curve
- payload-range curve
- performance curve
- plane curve
- population curve
- pressure-void ratio curve
- probability curve
- Proctor moisture density curve
- Proctor curve
- pull rise curve
- pump curve
- rating curve
- rebound curve
- recession curve
- recompression curve
- reloading curve
- representative curve
- reverse curve
- reverse loop curve
- S curve
- sag curve
- saturation curve
- second-order curve
- short-term stress-strain curve
- sieve analysis curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- space curve
- stage discharge curve
- storage curve
- stress-strain curve
- system head curve
- temperature curve
- test curve
- tight curve
- time curve
- time-deformation curve
- torque curve
- transition curve
- travel-time curve
- true stress-strain curve
- vertical curve
- vertical velocity curve
- virgin curve
- volume curve
- wear curve
- whiplash curve
- Wöhler curve
- zero air voids curve -
20 curve
- curve
- n1. кривая; график
2. лекало
3. изгиб; закругление; кривизна
- curve of maximum bending moments
- curve of maximum moments
- ageing curve
- apparent-resistivity curve
- area curve
- area-volume curve
- averaged curve
- backwater curve
- bending curve
- bending failure curve
- bending moment curve
- bilinear elastic-strain hardening curve
- bilinear elastic strain-hardening stress strain curve
- blind curve
- Bolomey's curves
- braking curve
- bulking curve
- calibration curve
- capacity curve
- casting curve
- catenary curve
- characteristic curve
- circular curve
- closed curve
- column curve
- compaction curve
- compound curve
- consolidation-test curve
- constant-radius curve
- consumption curve
- contour curve
- cost curve
- counter curve
- creep curve
- cubic curve
- cumulation volume curve
- decrement curve
- deflection curve
- deformation curve
- depletion curve
- depression curve
- depth curve
- depth-velocity curve
- discharge curve
- discharge mass curve
- discharge-rating curve
- dispersion curve
- displacement-time curve
- distribution curve
- drawdown curve
- drawing curve
- drop-down curve
- duration curve
- easement curve
- elastic curve
- empirical curve
- envelope curve
- expansion curve
- fan performance curve
- fatigue curve
- fee curve
- flat curve
- flexure curve
- flood-frequency curve
- flow curve
- flow-duration curve
- flow mass curve
- frequency curve
- Fuller's curve
- funicular curve
- gauge correlation curve
- gradation curve
- graduated transition curve
- grain-size accumulation curve
- groundwater storage curve
- hairpin curve
- hardening curve
- head-capacity curve
- heating curve
- helical curve
- horizontal curve
- ideal grading curve
- integral flow curve
- integrated curve
- intrinsic curve
- load curve
- load-deformation curve
- load-extension curve
- load-transfer curve
- mass curve
- mass curve of rainfall
- mass-haul curve
- meridional curve
- Mohr's enveloping curve
- moment curve
- Moody curve
- NC curves
- noise criteria curves
- ogee curve
- open curve
- particle-size accumulator curve
- particle-size distribution curve
- payload-range curve
- performance curve
- plane curve
- population curve
- pressure-void ratio curve
- probability curve
- Proctor moisture density curve
- Proctor curve
- pull rise curve
- pump curve
- rating curve
- rebound curve
- recession curve
- recompression curve
- reloading curve
- representative curve
- reverse curve
- reverse loop curve
- S curve
- sag curve
- saturation curve
- second-order curve
- short-term stress-strain curve
- sieve analysis curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- space curve
- stage discharge curve
- storage curve
- stress-strain curve
- system head curve
- temperature curve
- test curve
- tight curve
- time curve
- time-deformation curve
- torque curve
- transition curve
- travel-time curve
- true stress-strain curve
- vertical curve
- vertical velocity curve
- virgin curve
- volume curve
- wear curve
- whiplash curve
- Wöhler curve
- zero air voids curve
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
См. также в других словарях:
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