1 masonry paint
2 masonry paint
Строительство: фасадная краска -
3 masonry paint
строит. -
4 paint
1) краска, красящий состав || красить; закрашивать; окрашивать2) окраска, покраска3) разрисовывать, расписывать4) малярничать• -
5 unit
1) ( организационная) единица, подразделение2) блок; узел; комплект4) агрегат; установка; элемент ( конструкции); секция5) удельный, индивидуальный, единичный•- unit of force - unit of heat - unit of illumination - unit of measure - unit of performance - unit of product - unit of string - unit of structure - unit of volume - activated carbon unit - activated sludge unit - active residential solar heating unit - administrative unit - aerator-clarifier unit - air-conditioning unit - air-cooling unit - air-filtration unit - air-mixing unit - block unit - British thermal unit - building unit - caloric unit - chemical dosing unit - chlorine feeding unit - cladding unit - compressor unit - concrete box units - concrete masonry unit - concrete mix-spraying unit - concreting unit - control unit - cost unit - decoding unit - dimensioning and cutting-to-length unit - double-glass unit - dwelling unit - electric welding unit - feeding unit - filler spraying unit - filter unit - fire-control unit - floor unit - friction unit - gang-moulding unit - gas welding unit - glass unit - green unit - heat unit - heat and pumping unit - hollow unit - housing unit - housing residential unit - insulating glass unit - Jackson turbidity unit - load-applying unit - load-carrying unit - loading unit - lock unit - lubricating and filling unit - lubricating pump unit - masonry unit - memory unit - milling unit - mixing unit - mobile unit - moulding unit - multiservice unit - nephelometric turbidity unit - painting unit - paint spraying unit - pile driving unit - plastering unit - plumbing unit - power unit - power-supply unit - process unit - prototype unit - pumping unit - putty-spraying unit - reinforcing bar heating unit - remote control unit - residential unit - resistance unit - roof extract unit - rope-scraper unit - rustic unit - sample unit - sampling unit - self-contained air-conditioning unit - self-contained prestressed unit - sewage treatment unit - sodium-cation exchange unit - solids-contact unit - spare unit - structural unit - supply unit - terminal unit - test unit - thermal unit - thin-shell precast units - tie-laying unit - tracer unit - training unit - tuning unit - turbidity unit - urban unit - vacuum unit - vibratory table unit - vibropressing unit - wallpaper trimming unit - waste-disposal unit - welding unit* * *1. единица || единичный; удельный2. единичный вектор3. агрегат, установка4. сборочная единица; узел; блок; элемент ( конструкции); комплект; секция ( подводного тоннеля)- unit of area
- unit of length
- accommodation unit
- activated sludge unit
- aerated concrete floor unit
- aerator-clarifier unit
- air conditioning unit
- air cooling unit
- air curtain unit
- air handling unit
- air mixing unit
- air-operated grease unit
- air supply unit
- air-to-air heat recovery unit
- aluminum deck unit
- audible alarm unit
- basement dwelling unit
- boiler unit
- bridge unit
- British thermal unit
- building unit
- cladding unit
- compound units
- compressor unit
- concrete building unit
- concrete core unit
- concrete injection unit
- condensing unit
- cooling unit
- cooling and heating unit
- crawler power unit
- decentralized air heating unit
- disposal unit
- diversion unit
- door unit
- door and frame packaged unit
- drainage fixture unit
- drying unit
- dwelling unit
- factory precast unit
- fan unit
- fan-assisted warm air unit
- fan coil unit
- filter unit
- fixture unit
- floor building unit
- floor unit
- folding bed unit
- four-wheeled power unit
- free delivery-type air conditioning unit
- free delivery-type unit
- gas control unit
- girder-deck unit
- glass building unit
- glass unit
- heating unit
- heat reclaim unit
- high pressure terminal unit
- indirect fan-assisted warm air heating unit
- induction unit
- industrially produced modular unit
- insulating glass unit
- intensive cure unit
- interlocking concrete units
- inverted U-shaped concrete unit
- kitchen building block unit
- latch unit
- living unit
- low pressure induction unit
- masonry unit
- mass-produced structural units
- modular unit
- modular masonry unit
- molded concrete unit
- multicast gang unit
- multizone unit
- neighborhood unit
- nonconforming unit
- packaged unit
- parallel wire unit
- passenger car unit
- plumbing unit
- post-tension unit
- power unit
- precast unit
- precast prestressed concrete unit
- prefabricated unit
- prefab unit
- prefabricated bathroom unit
- pressurization unit
- pump unit
- refrigerating unit
- reheat unit
- reheat induction unit
- residential unit
- roof extract unit
- roof top unit
- room unit
- sealed condensing unit
- sealed double glazed unit
- secondary unit
- self-contained cooling unit
- single duct unit
- sink unit
- solid masonry unit
- solids-control unit
- stabilizing unit attached to loader
- standby unit
- steel plate unit
- straightening unit
- structural unit
- supply fixture unit
- terminal unit
- three-bedroomed dwelling unit
- three-bedroom dwelling unit
- tile trim units
- turbidity unit
- two-wheeled power unit
- unitized unit
- unitized bathroom and lavatory block unit
- unitized kitchen unit
- urban unit
- warm air heating unit
- waste-disposal unit
- water correction unit
- water meter unit
- WC-and-bathroom unit
- window unit
- window and frame packaged unit
- zone terminal unit -
6 body
2) корпус3) станина4) бочка ( прокатного валка)5) ж.-д., авто кузов6) возд. фюзеляж8) подложка10) консистенция, экстрактивность, вязкость11) сухой остаток12) кроющая способность (краски, лака)13) полигр. текстовый блок; текстовая часть ( издания)15) "тело" ( вина); упругость, сжимаемость ( мякиша хлеба)17) мн. ч. пищ. посторонняя примесь•to incline body to motion — приводить тело в движение;-
aeriform body
all-around infinite body
all-metal body
angle cock body
automotive body
axle body
axlebox body
barrel body
bearing body
bluff body
body of ballast
body of dam
body of flame
body of masonry
body of paint
body of revolution
body of roll
body of rotation
body of varnish
bolt body
bottle body
box body
box-sectioned wrap-around ribs body
bulk body
camera body
car body
cargo body
carrier body
cartridge body
cask body
cellular body
compound body
connector body
contacting bodies
convertible body
crank body
curled body
cylinder body
deformable body
delivery valve body
drop side body
dual-slope body
elastic body
elasto-plastic body
epitaxial body
evaporator body
exhaust heated body
false body
field body
fireclay body
flame body
fluid body
fore body
foreign body
free body
fuse body
geometric body
glass-ceramic body
green body
grinding bodies
guard body
gunning body
heating body
heterogeneous body
homogeneous body
integral body
isothermal body
isotropic body
iteration body
ladle body
light-alloy coach body
loop body
lorry body
low drag body
main body of camera
material body
micropolar body
middle body
mill body
molded body
nonfired body
notched body
nozzle body
oil body
ore body
oscillating body for oceanographic measurements
package body
parallel middle body
perfectly rigid body
plastic body
plow body
pole body
ponton body
procedure body
program body
refractory body
refuse collection body
rigid body
robot body
rotor body
rough body
semiconductive body
shuttle body
side extended body
side-dump body
silicon body
sintered body
smooth body
solid body
soundproof body
standard body
statement body
streamlined body
stressed body
stripped body
stuffing-box body
thick juice body
thin juice body
tipping body
tower body
truck body
type body
unitary body
valve body
V-bottom body
viscoelastic body
vitrified body
water body
wedge shaped body
wide-angled body
workholder's body -
7 body
1) корпус
2) корпусный
3) кузов
4) материальное тело
5) парковый
6) текстовой
7) орган
8) кузовной
9) вещество
– all-metal body
– bearing body
– black body
– blunt-nosed body
– body axis
– body bolt
– body burden
– body damping
– body diagonal
– body door
– body drag
– body effect
– body matter
– body of data
– body of flame
– body of information
– body of masonry
– body of mathematics
– body of oil
– body of revolution
– body of screw
– body of type
– body oil
– body pigment
– body shape
– body superstructure
– body support
– body track
– body upholstery
– bulk body
– burner body
– car body
– carburetor body
– celestial body
– charge body
– cock body
– compound body
– conducting body
– convertible body
– cord body
– distributor body
– drop-sided body
– dump body
– electrify body
– flat body
– floating body
– foreign body
– frameless body
– framized body
– grain body
– gray body
– heavenly body
– high-drag body
– lifting body
– luminous body
– main body
– meteoric body
– muffler body
– open body
– ore body
– perfect body
– plough body
– pressurized body
– refractory body
– refrigerator body
– rigid body
– shuttle body
– sleeve body
– smooth body
– truck body
– valve body
enamel body paint — <mot.> автоэмаль
perfectly rough body — <phys.> абсолютно шероховатое тело
8 dry
[draɪ] 1. прил.1) сухойto rub smth. dry — вытереть что-л. насухо
Ant:2) обезвоженный; лишённый влаги; сухойdry masonry стр. — кладка насухо, без раствора
dry cell / battery эл. — сухая батарея
Syn:3) высохший, иссохший (о каком-л. источнике жидкости)to go / run dry — высыхать
Our own well never runs dry. — Наш собственный колодец никогда не пересыхает.
4) засушливый ( о климате)dry season — сухой сезон, сухой период ( в тропиках)
Arable land that does fairly well in a dry year. — Пахотная земля, которая даёт хороший урожай даже в засушливые года.
5) разг. испытывающий жаждуI returned hungry, weary and dry. — Я вернулся голодный, уставший, и вдобавок очень хотелось пить.
Syn:6) высушенныйSyn:7) не залитый водой, находящийся не под водойThe tide leaves this bank dry. — Прилив до этого места не доходит.
dry martini — (коктейль) сухой мартини (в котором больше джина или водки, чем вермута)
10) неинтересный, скучныйMankind have an aversion to the study of the science of government. Is it because the subject is dry? — Люди не любят изучать науку управления. Потому ли, что предмет суховат?
Syn:11) холодный, сдержанный; бесстрастныйdry humour — сдержанный, бесстрастный юмор
Lord North's answers were dry, unyielding. — Лорд Норт отвечал сухо, не показывая, что его что-либо задело.
Syn:12) сухой, неприукрашенныйSyn:13) непредвзятый, беспристрастный, непредубежденныйSyn:14) принявший "сухой закон", запрет на продажу или употребление спиртных напитковdry town — город, в котором действует сухой закон
15) без масла, подливы, соуса; сухой, несочныйdry toast — тост, гренок без масла
The fish was very dry. It had been cooked too long. — Рыба была очень сухая. Её чересчур долго готовили.
16) воен. учебный18) сухой, сыпучий19) имеющий плохую акустику, с "плоским" звуком (о зале, здании)••- dry death
- dry money
- dry bath
- dry camp
- dry fuck
- dry as a chip
- dry as a bone 2. сущ.1) засухаSyn:2) сушь, сухая погода, жаркая погода без дождя3) высушивание, высыхание4) ( the dry) сухое место; земля, сушаin the dry — на суше; вне досягаемости воды
Syn:dry place, land5) пустыня6) сухое вино7) амер.; разг.; мн. drys сторонник "сухого закона", запрещения продажи спиртных напитковSyn:8) брит.; полит.; ист. "сухой" (член Консервативной партии, поддерживающий жёсткую монетаристскую политику М.Тэтчер)9) с.-х. гумно10) стр. трещина в камне ( признак непригодности)11) театр. ситуация, когда актёр забыл свою реплику12) ( the Dry) австрал.; разг. сухой сезон, сухой период ( с апреля по ноябрь)3. гл.1)а) сушить; высушиватьto dry apricots / prunes — сушить абрикосы / сливу
I had to dry my clothes by the fireplace. — Мне пришлось сушить свою одежду у камина.
Our clothes have been dried by the sun. — Наша одежда высохла на солнце.
б) сушиться, сохнутьI let my hair dry naturally. — Я жду, пока волосы высохнут сами, а не сушу их феном.
It's so humid that the clothes I washed yesterday haven't dried yet. — Воздух очень влажный, поэтому одежда, которую я вчера постирала, ещё не высохла.
His mother was hanging wet laundry to dry. — Его мама развешивала постиранное бельё сушиться.
2) вытирать, промакиватьShe was drying her eyes. — Она вытирала глаза.
Shall I dry for you, mother? — Мама, мне вытереть посуду?
Syn:3) с.-х. переставать доить ( корову)•- dry out- dry up
- dry off••to dry straight — исправиться, встать в итоге на свои места
to hang smb. out to dry преим. амер. — бросить кого-л. в опасности
9 body
1) тело2) кузов3) корпус (напр. фильтра)4) архит. главный корабль церкви5) ствол; стойка; станина6) массив8) консистенция жидкости, краски, кроющая способность краски9) корпорация•- body of interest - body of masonry - body of paint - body of road - body of revolution - body of varnish - body of water - body of weir - agitator body - all-metal body - all-silent body - artificially impounded water body - colour body - compound body - drainless water body - dump body - floating body - foreign body - full-use water body - geometrical body - gravity dump body - heating body - lumber body - impounded body - impounded water body - luminous body - open dump body - panel body - refuse collection body - side dump body - solid body - tank body - tripper body - truck body - ventilated van body - wagon body - water body
См. также в других словарях:
Paint — For other uses, see Paint (disambiguation). Paints redirects here. For the baseball team, see Chillicothe Paints. Dried green paint Paint is any liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition which after application to a substrate in a thin layer is… … Wikipedia
Historic paint analysis — is the scientific analysis of architectural finishes, including not only paints but also metallic finishes and clear and translucent finishes used on historic buildings. The primary purpose of such analysis is to determine the color of the finish … Wikipedia
Silicate mineral paint — Mineral Paints are mineral based coatings formulated with potassium silicate or sodium silicate, otherwise known as waterglass as the binder, combined with inorganic, alkaline resistant pigments. They are fully inorganic (containing no organic… … Wikipedia
Nick Ruston — Born 15 November 1975 Epping, England Nationality British Field pop art, painting, abstract expressionism … Wikipedia
exterior — exterior, external, extraneous, extrinsic 1. The four words are related, and all have meanings based on outside. Exterior and external both refer to the outside of things in contrast to the inside • (Most manufacturers describe their exterior… … Modern English usage
external — exterior, external, extraneous, extrinsic 1. The four words are related, and all have meanings based on outside. Exterior and external both refer to the outside of things in contrast to the inside • (Most manufacturers describe their exterior… … Modern English usage
extraneous — exterior, external, extraneous, extrinsic 1. The four words are related, and all have meanings based on outside. Exterior and external both refer to the outside of things in contrast to the inside • (Most manufacturers describe their exterior… … Modern English usage
extrinsic — exterior, external, extraneous, extrinsic 1. The four words are related, and all have meanings based on outside. Exterior and external both refer to the outside of things in contrast to the inside • (Most manufacturers describe their exterior… … Modern English usage
art conservation and restoration — Maintenance and preservation of works of art, their protection from future damage, deterioration, or neglect, and the repair or renovation of works that have deteriorated or been damaged. Research in art history has relied heavily on 20th and… … Universalium
Statue of Liberty — For other uses, see Statue of Liberty (disambiguation). Statue of Liberty Locat … Wikipedia
South Asian arts — Literary, performing, and visual arts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Myths of the popular gods, Vishnu and Shiva, in the Puranas (ancient tales) and the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics, supply material for representational and… … Universalium