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marriage, spiritual

См. также в других словарях:

  • marriage, spiritual —  Брак духовный …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • Spiritual marriage — comes from the idea of love without sex. It is a practice in which a man and a woman live intimately without having any sexual relationship. It has been known throughout all cultures as a bond of a man and a woman with its only reason being the… …   Wikipedia

  • Spiritual wifery — is a term first used in America by the Immortalists in and near the Blackstone Valley of Rhode Island and Massachusetts in the 1740s. The term describes the idea that certain people are divinely destined to meet and share their love (at differing …   Wikipedia

  • marriage — marriage, matrimony, wedlock, wedding, nuptial, espousal are comparable though not always synonymous because they all refer directly or indirectly to acts by which a man and woman become husband and. wife or to the state of being husband and wife …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Marriage at Cana — by Giotto, 14th century In Christianity, the transformation of water into wine at the Marriage at Cana or Wedding at Cana is the first miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Marriage Encounter — (M.E.) is a religiously based weekend program designed to help married couples by reason of discovering or re discovering the need for God in their lives, to improve their marriage, grow closer to each other and improve commitment to each other.… …   Wikipedia

  • Marriage — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Marriage >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 marriage marriage matrimony wedlock union intermarriage miscegenation the bonds of marriage vinculum matrimonii nuptial tie GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 married state married state …   English dictionary for students

  • Marriage — For other uses, see Marriage (disambiguation). Married and Matrimony redirect here. For other uses, see Married (disambiguation) and Matrimony (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • Marriage in Hinduism — An article related to Hinduism …   Wikipedia

  • Marriage in the Eastern Orthodox Church — A wedding in the Russian Orthodox Church, 1862. Contents 1 Introduction 2 The Exchange of the …   Wikipedia

  • Marriage Law of the PRC (1 January 1981) and revisions (2001) — One of the major steps the PRC took to counter age old forces that undermine women’s status is the Marriage Law of 1950. It outlawed arranged marriages, concubinage, footbinding and child marriages, and provided greater access to divorce for… …   Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture

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