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  • 1 certificate

    I. 1. документ, свидетелство, уверение, удостоверение
    health CERTIFICATE медицинско свидетелство
    2. диплома, атестат
    II. 1. давам/издавам удостоверение, удостоверявам
    2. атестирам
    * * *
    {sa'tifikat} n 1. документ, свидетелство, уверение, удост(2) {sa'tifikeit} v 1. давам/издавам удостоверение; удост
    * * *
    удостоверение; уверение; свидетелство; атестат; документ;
    * * *
    1. health certificate медицинско свидетелство 2. i. документ, свидетелство, уверение, удостоверение 3. ii. давам/издавам удостоверение, удостоверявам 4. атестирам 5. диплома, атестат
    * * *
    certificate[sə:´tifikit] I. n документ, сертификат, свидетелство, писмено уверение, удостоверение; birth ( marriage) \certificate удостоверение (документ, акт) за раждане (брачно свидетелство); medical \certificate медицинско свидетелство; \certificate of competency диплома, свидетелство за правоспособност; master's \certificate мор. капитанска диплома; death \certificate смъртен акт; registration \certificate удостоверение за жителство, разрешително за престой (на чужденец); \certificate of deposit = CD 2.; II.[sə:´tifi¸keit] v издавам някому (снабдявам се с) удостоверение (свидетелство, диплома, разрешително за нещо).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > certificate

См. также в других словарях:

  • Marriage certificate — issued in Russian language in the Congress Poland, 1907 …   Wikipedia

  • marriage certificate — n: a document which certifies that a marriage has taken place, which contains information (as time and place) about the ceremony, and which is signed by the parties, witnesses, and officiant Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster.… …   Law dictionary

  • marriage certificate — UK US noun [countable] [singular marriage certificate plural marriage certificates] an official document stating that two people are married Thesaurus: engagements and weddingshyponym to get, o …   Useful english dictionary

  • marriage certificate — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms marriage certificate : singular marriage certificate plural marriage certificates an official document stating that two people are married …   English dictionary

  • marriage certificate — marriage cer,tificate noun count MAINLY BRITISH A MARRIAGE LICENSE …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • marriage certificate — marriage cer.tificate n an official document that proves that two people are married …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • marriage certificate — A certificate of the solemnization of a marriage, prepared by the person officiating. 35 Am J1st Mar § 27 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • marriage certificate — noun an official record that two people have undertaken a marriage ceremony …   Wiktionary

  • marriage certificate — document that certifies that a couple has been joined in marriage …   English contemporary dictionary

  • marriage certificate — /ˈmærɪdʒ sətɪfəkət/ (say marij suhtifuhkuht) noun a document prepared by a marriage celebrant for the persons married and their witnesses to sign, to confirm that the ceremony took the correct form …  

  • marriage certificate — noun (C) an official document that proves that two people are married …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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