Перевод: с английского на все языки

со всех языков на английский


  • 61 address

    1) обращать внимание на …, решать вопросы, принимать меры, задумываться о…, затрагивать вопрос о…(это значение стало более распространенным, чем 'адресовать', 'обращаться')

    His purpose, Keys said, was to force the electorate to address his arguments about abortion and the family (Guardian).

    America needs to start addressing the very real problems still holding our economy back (New York Times).

    What would happen if a war erupted one day between China and the United States over Taiwan, and Washington asked Japan for support? Japanese government officials are tying themselves in knots these days addressing that issue - or, sometimes, not addressing that issue (International Herald Tribune). — Японские официальные лица в последнее время мучительно пытаются ответить на этот вопрос, а иной раз найти возможность не отвечать на него.

    The World Bank must address the needs of the poorest countries.

    Though State Department officials say her visit to Prague will deal with NATO matters only, Albright will have to address her recently revealed Jewish past. Aides say she might consider a pilgrimage to the Pinkas Synagogue. — Ставший недавно известным факт еврейского происхождения Олбрайт не может не наложить отпечаток на ее визит, хотя в госдепартаменте заявляют, что он будет посвящен исключительно вопросам, связанным с НАТО.

    A reorientation of public spending towards labor-market and anti-poverty programs is afar better way of addressing the challenges of globalization (Time). — Здесь в переводе нужно использовать глагол, сочетающийся с русским существительным ВЫЗОВ или ПРОБЛЕМЫ

    The English annotation is below. (English-Russian) > address

  • 62 address

    •• Address to direct a remark or written statement to; to apply (oneself) to a task or a problem (Oxford American Dictionary).

    •• Этот глагол в последние годы вошел в моду и одновременно стал одним из самых широких по значению и гибких глаголов в английском языке. В переводе с английского на русский он обычно требует конкретизации, в переводе с русского – может нередко прийти на помощь переводчику с точки зрения как содержания, так и идиоматичности перевода. Несколько примеров:
    •• 1. His purpose, Keys said, was to force the electorate to address his arguments about abortion and the family (Guardian);
    •• 2. America needs to start addressing the very real problems still holding our economy back (New York Times);
    •• 3. What would happen if a war erupted one day between China and the United States over Taiwan, and Washington asked Japan for support? Japanese government officials are tying themselves in knots these days addressing that issue – or, sometimes, not addressing that issue (International Herald Tribune);
    •• 4. The World Bank must address the needs of the poorest countries.
    •• Интересно, что в двуязычных словарях перечисляется много достаточно очевидных значений, в переводе не трудных (адресовать, обращаться и т.д.), а наиболее широкое значение приводится только как возвратное (to address oneself to). Но, как видно из приведенных примеров, элемент возвратности часто опускается (вообще большинство английских глаголов может быть как переходными, так и непереходными; как возвратными, так и невозвратными). В этом широком значении глагол to address может переводиться самыми различными русскими словами (и служить переводом для них в русско-английской комбинации). Вот некоторые из них, не всегда легко и идиоматично передающиеся по-английски: обращать внимание на..., решать вопросы, принимать меры, задумываться о..., затрагивать вопрос о...
    •• Если теперь вернуться к нашим примерам, то очевидно, что из предложенного списка русских глаголов и глагольных сочетаний можно без труда подобрать подходящий перевод, хотя с примером 3, может быть, придется «повозиться». Вариант: Японские официальные лица в последнее время мучительно пытаются ответить на этот вопрос, а иной раз найти возможность не отвечать на него.
    •• Бывают, однако, и такие случаи, когда в тупике может оказаться и опытный переводчик. Иногда глагол to address по широте своего значения сближается с такими глаголами, как to take, to put, to get и т.д. Характерный пример из журнала Time: Though State Department officials say her visit to Prague will deal with NATO matters only, Albright will have to address her recently revealed Jewish past. Может быть, подходящим будет перевод высказаться о..., затронуть? Но дальше в тексте: Aides say she might consider a pilgrimage to the Pinkas Synagogue. Приходится прибегнуть к целостному преобразованию, например, в таком варианте: Ставший недавно известным факт еврейского происхождения Олбрайт не может не наложить отпечаток на ее визит, хотя в госдепартаменте заявляют, что он будет посвящен исключительно вопросам, связанным с НАТО. Максимально широкая семантика слова address и в таком примере: A reorientation of public spending towards labor-market and anti-poverty programs is a far better way of addressing the challenges of globalization (Time). В переводе нужен глагол, сочетающийся с русским существительным вызов (или проблемы, если слово вызов вам не по вкусу). В русской части словаря см. статью решать (проблемы, вопросы).

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > address

  • 63 involve

    •• involve, involving, involvement

    •• Involve 1. cause somebody or something to be caught or mixed up (in trouble, etc.); get somebody or something into a complicated or difficult condition. 2. have as a necessary consequence (A.S. Hornby).
    •• В английских текстах эти слова встречаются чрезвычайно часто, а это – первый признак размытой семантики, зачастую они даже становятся словами-паразитами. Отсюда – два главных рецепта для переводческих решений: опущение (обход) или конкретизация. Первый рецепт больше относится к глаголу, второй – к существительному involvement. Множество примеров можно найти в любом номере ежедневной газеты. Возьмем наугад: Which of the two federal interests involved [...] was paramount? (International Herald Tribune). – Какой из двух интересов федеральных властей важнее? или Что важнее с точки зрения интересов федеральных властей? Нередко вполне подойдут достаточно туманные русские обороты типа связанные с..., которые вовлечены в...: For the overseas Chinese, economic decisions involving China are driven by the dictates of the market. (Economist)....nations involved in such conflicts...
    •• Но если есть возможность, предпочтительна конкретизация:
    •• 1. My involvement with Vietnam ended the day I left the East Room (R. McNamara). – Мое участие во вьетнамских делах прекратилось в тот день, когда я покинул Восточный кабинет;
    •• 2. America’s initial commitment to Indochina in 1950 established the pattern for its future involvement (Henry Kissinger). Здесь в одном предложении сразу трое из «героев» нашей книги – commitment, pattern и involvement. Первоначальное решение США об участии в индокитайских делах предопределило характер их роли в дальнейшем;
    •• 3. For Asians, the very idea of a central government being involved in family life is culturally unthinkable (Economist). – Для азиатов сама мысль о вмешательстве государства в семейную жизнь несовместима с их культурной традицией.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > involve

  • 64 involvement

    •• involve, involving, involvement

    •• Involve 1. cause somebody or something to be caught or mixed up (in trouble, etc.); get somebody or something into a complicated or difficult condition. 2. have as a necessary consequence (A.S. Hornby).
    •• В английских текстах эти слова встречаются чрезвычайно часто, а это – первый признак размытой семантики, зачастую они даже становятся словами-паразитами. Отсюда – два главных рецепта для переводческих решений: опущение (обход) или конкретизация. Первый рецепт больше относится к глаголу, второй – к существительному involvement. Множество примеров можно найти в любом номере ежедневной газеты. Возьмем наугад: Which of the two federal interests involved [...] was paramount? (International Herald Tribune). – Какой из двух интересов федеральных властей важнее? или Что важнее с точки зрения интересов федеральных властей? Нередко вполне подойдут достаточно туманные русские обороты типа связанные с..., которые вовлечены в...: For the overseas Chinese, economic decisions involving China are driven by the dictates of the market. (Economist)....nations involved in such conflicts...
    •• Но если есть возможность, предпочтительна конкретизация:
    •• 1. My involvement with Vietnam ended the day I left the East Room (R. McNamara). – Мое участие во вьетнамских делах прекратилось в тот день, когда я покинул Восточный кабинет;
    •• 2. America’s initial commitment to Indochina in 1950 established the pattern for its future involvement (Henry Kissinger). Здесь в одном предложении сразу трое из «героев» нашей книги – commitment, pattern и involvement. Первоначальное решение США об участии в индокитайских делах предопределило характер их роли в дальнейшем;
    •• 3. For Asians, the very idea of a central government being involved in family life is culturally unthinkable (Economist). – Для азиатов сама мысль о вмешательстве государства в семейную жизнь несовместима с их культурной традицией.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > involvement

  • 65 involving

    •• involve, involving, involvement

    •• Involve 1. cause somebody or something to be caught or mixed up (in trouble, etc.); get somebody or something into a complicated or difficult condition. 2. have as a necessary consequence (A.S. Hornby).
    •• В английских текстах эти слова встречаются чрезвычайно часто, а это – первый признак размытой семантики, зачастую они даже становятся словами-паразитами. Отсюда – два главных рецепта для переводческих решений: опущение (обход) или конкретизация. Первый рецепт больше относится к глаголу, второй – к существительному involvement. Множество примеров можно найти в любом номере ежедневной газеты. Возьмем наугад: Which of the two federal interests involved [...] was paramount? (International Herald Tribune). – Какой из двух интересов федеральных властей важнее? или Что важнее с точки зрения интересов федеральных властей? Нередко вполне подойдут достаточно туманные русские обороты типа связанные с..., которые вовлечены в...: For the overseas Chinese, economic decisions involving China are driven by the dictates of the market. (Economist)....nations involved in such conflicts...
    •• Но если есть возможность, предпочтительна конкретизация:
    •• 1. My involvement with Vietnam ended the day I left the East Room (R. McNamara). – Мое участие во вьетнамских делах прекратилось в тот день, когда я покинул Восточный кабинет;
    •• 2. America’s initial commitment to Indochina in 1950 established the pattern for its future involvement (Henry Kissinger). Здесь в одном предложении сразу трое из «героев» нашей книги – commitment, pattern и involvement. Первоначальное решение США об участии в индокитайских делах предопределило характер их роли в дальнейшем;
    •• 3. For Asians, the very idea of a central government being involved in family life is culturally unthinkable (Economist). – Для азиатов сама мысль о вмешательстве государства в семейную жизнь несовместима с их культурной традицией.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > involving

  • 66 barrier

    ['bærɪə] 1. сущ.
    а) перегородка, барьер

    to erect / place / set up a barrier — воздвигнуть барьер

    During the crash test the barrier stopped a 15,000 pound truck travelling at 50 mph. — Во время аварийного испытания барьер остановил грузовик весом 15 тысяч фунтов, ехавший на скорости 50 миль в час.

    б) спорт. барьер, преграда

    The horse leapt over the barrier. — Лошадь перескочила через барьер.

    в) перила, поручни; парапет; ограждение ( арены)

    to lean on / over the barrier — облокотиться на перила

    A protective barrier is usually built into the perimeter of a bullring. — Обычно по периметру арены для корриды выстроено защитное ограждение.

    г) ограда, забор, стена

    Just as it seems as if Max and the gang are going to get away, there is suddenly a barrier on the railway. — И в тот момент, когда Макс со своей бандой уже считали, что они смогут уйти от погони, шлагбаум вдруг закрывает железнодорожный переезд.

    People may pass through the barrier only when their train is announced. — Через турникет можно проходить лишь тогда, когда объявлено о прибытии поезда.

    3) ( barriers) кордоны, заграждения (армии, полиции)

    The demonstrators broke through heavy police barriers. — Демонстранты прорвались сквозь плотные полицейские кордоны.

    All the police cadets were holding barriers to keep the riffraff off the sidewalks. — Курсанты полицейской академии стояли в заграждениях, удерживая погромщиков на проезжей части.

    Land mammals of the Western Hemisphere were separated for millions of years by a water barrier between North and South America. — Наземные млекопитающие западного полушария оказались на миллионы лет изолированы от внешнего мира благодаря водной преграде между Северной и Южной Америкой.

    а) граница, рубеж

    The last barriers fell. — Последние рубежи пали.

    б) ист.; воен. пограничная крепость; форпост

    Belgrade was formerly the barrier of Hungary. — Некогда Белград был крепостью на границе с Венгрией.

    This colony was a barrier on the frontier between the French and their Indian allies. — Эта колония была форпостом на границе между французами и их индейскими союзниками.

    6) помеха, преграда, препятствие; заслон; барьер

    Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade. — Пошлины и сборы - наиболее очевидная помеха на пути к свободной торговле.

    Disability need not be a barrier to a successful career. — Инвалидность необязательно должна становиться препятствием для успешной карьеры.

    We have put up a real barrier against the outbreak of new wars. — Нам удалось поставить реальный заслон на пути новых войн.

    This paste provides a hygiene barrier against microbes. — Эта паста ставит гигиенический барьер микробам.

    7) предел, порог, барьер

    sound / sonic barrier — звуковой барьер

    The stock market broke the 10,000 barrier. — Фондовый рынок преодолел десятитысячную отметку.

    The figure for inflation could go through the 5 per cent barrier. — Инфляция вполне может преодолеть пятипроцентный барьер.

    8) тех. заслон, экран, барьер
    9) геол.; = ice barrier шельфовый лёд

    to break down (the) barriers (between smb.) — сломать лёд (между кем-л.; в отношениях)

    2. гл.
    ограждать, ставить барьер, обносить перилами; сооружать преграду

    Англо-русский современный словарь > barrier

  • 67 show

    [ʃəu] 1. гл.; прош. вр. showed; прич. прош. вр. shown; showed

    He showed me the pictures of his family. — Он показал мне фотографии своей семьи.

    I've got a new toy I want to show you. — У меня есть новая игрушка, которую я хочу тебе показать.

    2) показывать, выявлять, устанавливать

    The survey showed that up to 90 per cent of big UK employers use part-time and temporary workers. — Опрос показал, что до 90 процентов крупных работодателей в Соединённом Королевстве используют совместителей и временных работников.

    These are important figures which show clearly what has been happening in the UK labour market. — Это важные цифры, которые ясно показывают, что происходит в последнее время на рынке рабочей силы в Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.

    3) показывать, объяснять; учить

    He showed us how to lasso. — Он показал нам, как нужно ловить арканом.

    4) показывать, указывать

    Many people showed us marks on walls where the waters reached. — Многие показывали нам отметки на стенах, которые оставила вода.

    5) показывать ( путь), провожать, сопровождать

    to show smb. round / around — сопровождать кого-л. во время осмотра

    He let me in and showed me the way to the sitting room. — Он впустил меня в дом и проводил в гостиную.

    He showed us to our seats. — Он проводил нас на наши места.

    I'll show you out. — Я вас провожу (к выходу).

    Ella showed her around the town. — Эльза показала ей местные достопримечательности.

    During her visit to Bangladesh in 1983 Her Majesty was shown around a children's clinic. — Во время визита в Бангладеш в 1983 Её Величество осмотрела детскую клинику.

    Show the doctor up when he comes. — Проводите доктора наверх, когда он придёт.

    а) проявлять, выказывать ( эмоции)

    The enemy showed no mercy. — Враги были беспощадны.

    Iran is showing its displeasure. — Иран выражает недовольство.

    If he was bitter, it did not show. — Возможно он обиделся, но не показывал виду.

    The world is showing concern over the invasion. — Мировое сообщество выражает озабоченность по поводу вторжения.

    The US showed its own goodwill by undertaking to withdraw their troops. — США продемонстрировали со своей стороны добрую волю, взяв обязательство вывести свои войска.

    б) проявляться, появляться (на лице; о негативных эмоциях)

    He was upset but never let it show. — Он был расстроен, но не показывал виду.

    Your grief is showing. — Ваше горе не скроешь.

    The fear they felt showed clearly in their faces. — Страх, который они чувствовали, был написан у них на лице.

    а) проявлять себя, оказываться

    He showed himself a harsh ruler. — Он оказался суровым правителем.

    He has shown himself willing to participate in the debate. — Он выразил желание принять участие в дебатах.

    Panic can show itself in many different ways. — Паника может проявляться по разному.

    Tact also shows itself in respecting what others hold dear. — Тактичность также проявляется в уважении к тому, что дорого другим.

    а) показывать, обнаруживать, выделять

    to show the signs of smth. — обнаруживать признаки чего-л.

    to show profit / loss — быть прибыльным, убыточным

    The bodies showed the signs of torture. — На телах были обнаружены следы пыток.

    The suit was showing the signs of wear. — Костюм выглядел поношенным.

    White carpet showed every mark. — На белом ковре было заметно каждое пятно.

    Сorporate America is showing the signs of recovery. — Появились признаки того, что американские корпорации выходят из кризиса.

    Two animals are thought to be incubating the disease but not showing symptoms. — Полагают, что у двух животных болезнь находится в инкубационном периоде, поэтому симптомы пока не заметны.

    The sector was showing only 0.5 per cent growth. — Рост в этом секторе составляет всего лишь 0,5%.

    The construction sector showed the biggest losses. — Строительный сектор понёс самые большие убытки.

    б) выделяться, виднеться, обнаруживаться

    Don't worry, the stain will never show. — Не переживайте, пятно будет незаметно.

    My dandruff is showing. — Перхоть у меня на волосах - заметна.

    Then hammer them in so that only the top 6 inches (15cm) is showing. — А затем вбейте их так, чтобы виднелась только верхушка – 6 дюймов (15 см).

    Mike was in the water, his red life-jacket showing clearly. — Майк был в воде, его красный спасательный жилет был хорошо заметен.

    9) = show through проступать, быть заметным; просвечивать

    The bra showed through (the blouse). — Бюстгальтер просвечивал (через блузку).

    The old dog was so thin that his bones showed through (his skin). — Старая собака была такой тощей, что сквозь кожу проступали кости.

    She spoke near-perfect American, though occasionally her native Welsh accent showed through. — Она говорила на американском английском почти идеально, её родной валлийский акцент проскальзывал лишь иногда.

    10) показывать, предъявлять ( документ)

    I showed my driver's license to the policeman. — Я показал полцейскому свои права.

    а) показывать, отмечать, регистрировать ( о приборе)

    The luminous dial on the clock showed five minutes to seven. — Светящийся циферблат часов показывал, что сейчас без пяти семь.

    б) отмечаться, регистрироваться ( прибором), виднеться ( на экране)

    My test score showed on the screen. — На экране появился результат моего теста (сколько очков я набрала).

    12) показывать, изображать

    The photo shows the American and Soviet leaders standing side by side on the lawn of the White House. — На фото изображены лидеры США и СССР, стоящие рядом на лужайке перед Белым домом.

    а) показывать, играть, давать (пьесу, фильм)

    William showed us the video of his wedding. — Вильям показал нам видео своей свадьбы.

    Most cinemas will not show NC-17 films. — Большинство кинотеатров отказываются демонстрировать фильмы категории "Эн-Си-17" (зрители до 17 лет не допускаются).

    It was the first film shown at Radio City Music Hall. — Это был первый фильм, который показали в киноконцертном зале "Рэдио-сити".

    б) идти (о пьесе, фильме)

    There's J.B. Priestley's classic drama showing at the Garrick Theatre. — В театре «Гаррик» идёт классическая драма Джона Бойтона Пристли.

    а) выставлять; предлагать для продажи

    The Royal Academy is showing Pissarro. — В Королевской академии искусств идёт выставка работ французского художника Камиля Писсаро.

    б) выставляться; предлагаться для продажи

    An exhibition of paintings and charcoal drawings by Georgia O'Keeffe is showing at the Hayward Gallery. — В галерее Хейуарда идёт выставка Джорджии О'Киф: картины и графика.

    15) = show up появляться, приходить

    He failed to show for the opening game of the season. — Он не появился на игре, открывшей сезон.

    16) юр. представлять
    17) амер. финишировать третьим или одним из первых трёх ( о лошади на скачках)
    18) зарегистрировать ( лошадь) для участия в соревнованиях
    19) брит.; разг. быть на последних сроках беременности
    - show up

    to show (smb.) a clean pair of heels — дать стрекоча, дать тягу, улепётывать

    to show smb. who's boss — показать, кто главный

    to show promise — подавать надежды, свидетельствовать о таланте

    to show smb. the ropes — ввести кого-л. в курс дела

    - show one's hand
    - show a leg
    - show smb. the door
    - show one's face
    2. сущ.
    а) спектакль; шоу, представление; показ; выставка

    horse show — выставка лошадей, конноспортивный праздник

    motor / auto show — автосалон, автомобильный салон; автомобильная выставка

    ice show — эстрадное представление на льду; балет на льду, ревю

    variety show — варьете, эстрадное представление, эстрадный концерт

    minstrel show амер.шоу менестрелей (жанр развлекательных представлений, распространённый в середине 19 века)

    to do / produce / put on / stage a show — ставить спектакль

    to see / watch a show — смотреть спектакль

    Let's go to a show. — Пойдёмте в театр.

    I enjoyed the show immensely. — Мне очень понравился спектакль.

    The show starts at 7.30 p.m. — Представление начинается в половине восьмого вечера.

    б) телевизионная или радио программа

    chat show брит. / talk show амер.тлв. ток-шоу

    game show — телеигра, телевизионная игра

    а) показ, показывание, демонстрация

    She was frightened by any show of affection. — Любые знаки внимания отпугивали её.

    б) видимость, притворство

    only a show of kindness / regret — только видимость доброго отношения, сожаления

    I made a show of believing her. — Я сделал вид, что верю ей.

    He was making a show of working while actually doing very little. — Он изображал, что работает, хотя в действительности почти ничего не делал.

    4) брит.; разг. посмешище

    Now, don't make a show of yourself. — Пожалуйста, не делай из себя посмешище.

    а) след, признак наличия

    There is a show of reason in it. — В этом есть какой-то смысл.

    б) физиол. предродовые воды
    7) разг. дело, предприятие; организованная активность

    to give away the show — выдать, разболтать секрет, проговориться; разболтать о недостатках (какого-л. предприятия)

    to run / boss the show — заправлять (чем-л.); хозяйничать

    8) спорт.; жарг. третье место на финише ( обычно в конных соревнованиях)
    9) амер.; разг. удобный случай или возможность проявить себя, показать свои силы; шанс

    Let's give him a show in spite of his background. — Давайте дадим ему (ещё один) шанс, несмотря на его происхождение.

    We must give the boy a good / fair show. — Надо дать парню возможность проявить себя.

    chance 1.
    10) воен.; жарг. операция, бой; заваруха

    to put up a good / poor show разг. — хорошо, плохо себя проявить

    Let's get this show on the road. разг. — Пора приниматься за работу.

    dog-and-pony show амер.; разг.показуха

    - show of hands
    - for show

    Англо-русский современный словарь > show

  • 68 Arrivals

    A term used in the raw cotton market which means cotton which has yet to arrive. It may be on its way across the sea, or loading in America, or still growing on the plantation. Arrivals may be bought to "sealed samples", or to "description".

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Arrivals

  • 69 Challis

    An all-wool muslin delaine, printed in somewhat faint designs. Made from very fine yams in plain weave about 34-in. A soft dress finish is given to the cloth. Originally the challis was made with a silk warp and worsted weft, but imitations were put on the market, some with cotton warp and wool weft, others had cotton and wool mixed warp and weft Also made all cotton in 24-in. and 36-in. finished widths, and used for cheap dresses in America. Made plain weave about 80 X 96 per inch, 50's/60's, printed and dyed.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Challis

  • 70 Gingham Checks U.S.A.

    Coloured checks woven in small designs in all colours for the U.S.A. market, 32-in., 80 yards, shipped loom state and finished in America. Made 88 ends and 86 picks per inch, 42's T., 50's W., Egyptain yams. The most favoured designs were small checks 1/2-in. to 1-in. repeats.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Gingham Checks U.S.A.

  • 71 Pongee

    The real pongee is woven in Northern China on hand looms from the silk of wild cocoons. Almost always of pale or dark ecru, but sometimes dyed in colours to meet a fashion. The warp is always finer than the weft and more even, the weft having nubs characteristic of wild silk yarn which forms a crossrib effect with the many nubs scattered in the fabric. The name means " own loom " in Chinese, signifying that the piece was woven on a house's own loom in guarantee of which certain Chinese characters are stamped on the cloth. Another explanation of the name is that it derives from pang-chih (Cantonese, " pung-che ") which is the name of the wheel on which the silk is reeled from the cocoon. A very fine cloth is also made by the natives of many parts of India from natural coloured silk warp and weft, plain weave, very fine sett, such as 150 ends and 150 picks per inch. The Lancashire pongee is made from the best of cotton and mercerised, dyed and schreinered. A variety is 35-in., 120 yards, 98 ends and 104 picks per inch, 80's warp, 120's weft. British silk pongees are "woven from yarn in its gummed state and degummed after weaving. When dyed and finished the handle and brilliance of the cloth are excellent. A typical cloth is made 80 ends and 80 picks per inch, 26 denier singles warp, 90 denier singles weft. Pongees are very fine fabrics, but many muslins are called pongees and the quality varies according to the market, such as 98 ends and 104 picks per inch, 80's warp, 120's weft, all Egyptian, home trade; 74 ends and 74 picks per inch, 60's warp, 60's weft, all Egyptian, South America; 60 ends and 60 picks per inch, 34's warp, 32's weft, all American, Java and China.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Pongee

  • 72 Sealed Samples

    A term used in the cotton market denoting that when " sealed samples " are bought, the cotton is somewhere on its journey, the samples having been taken from the actual bales in America and forwarded to the consignee per passenger boat. After a purchase has been made from these samples they are sealed up until the cotton arrives in bulk per cargo boat, then the seals are broken and the samples compared with the consignment.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Sealed Samples

  • 73 new

    new [nju:]
    nouveau1 (a)-(e), 2 neuf1 (a) autre1 (a)
    (compar newer, superl newest)
    (a) (gen) nouveau(elle); (different) nouveau(elle), autre; (unused) neuf, nouveau(elle);
    a new tablecloth (brand new) une nouvelle nappe, une nappe neuve; (fresh) une nouvelle nappe, une nappe propre;
    new evidence de nouvelles preuves;
    he's wearing his new suit for the first time il porte son nouveau costume ou son costume neuf pour la première fois;
    I don't want to get my new gloves dirty je ne veux pas salir mes nouveaux gants ou gants neufs;
    this dress isn't new ce n'est pas une robe neuve ou une nouvelle robe, cette robe n'est pas neuve;
    have you seen their new house yet? est-ce que tu as vu leur nouvelle maison?;
    she needs a new sheet of paper il lui faut une autre feuille de papier;
    we need some new ideas il nous faut de nouvelles idées ou des idées neuves;
    a new application of an old theory une nouvelle application d'une vieille théorie;
    there are new people in the flat next door il y a de nouveaux occupants dans l'appartement d'à côté;
    she likes her new boss elle aime bien son nouveau patron;
    new members are always welcome nous sommes toujours ravis d'accueillir de nouveaux adhérents;
    to look for new business faire de la prospection;
    America was a new country (just developing) l'Amérique était un pays neuf;
    under new management (sign) changement de propriétaire;
    as or like new comme neuf; (in advertisement) état neuf;
    as good as new (again) (clothing, carpet) (à nouveau) comme neuf; (watch, electrical appliance) (à nouveau) en parfait état de marche;
    to feel like a new woman/man se sentir revivre;
    to make a new woman/man of sb transformer qn complètement;
    proverb there's nothing new under the sun il n'y a rien de nouveau sous le soleil
    (b) (latest, recent → issue, recording, baby) nouveau(elle);
    the newest fashions la dernière mode;
    is there anything new on the catastrophe? est-ce qu'il y a du nouveau sur la catastrophe?;
    familiar what's new? quoi de neuf?;
    familiar (so) what's new!, what else is new! (dismissive) quelle surprise!;
    that's nothing new! rien de nouveau à cela!
    (c) (unfamiliar → experience, environment) nouveau(elle);
    everything's still very new to me here tout est encore tout nouveau pour moi ici;
    familiar that's a new one on me! (joke) celle-là, on ne me l'avait jamais faite!; (news) première nouvelle!; (experience) on en apprend tous les jours!
    (d) (recently arrived) nouveau(elle); (novice) novice;
    you're new here, aren't you? vous êtes nouveau ici, n'est-ce pas?;
    those curtains are new in this room ces rideaux n'étaient pas dans cette pièce;
    she's new to the job elle débute dans le métier;
    we're new to this area nous venons d'arriver dans la région
    (e) Cookery (wine, potatoes, carrots) nouveau(elle)
    2 noun
    nouveau m;
    the cult of the new le culte du nouveau
    ►► familiar new blood sang m neuf;
    Finance new borrowings nouveaux emprunts mpl;
    new boy School nouveau m, nouvel élève m; (in office, team etc) nouveau m;
    New Britain Nouvelle-Bretagne f;
    New Brunswick le Nouveau-Brunswick;
    in New Brunswick dans le Nouveau-Brunswick;
    Architecture new brutalism brutalisme m;
    Marketing new buy situation situation f de nouvel achat;
    New Caledonia Nouvelle-Calédonie f;
    in New Caledonia en Nouvelle-Calédonie;
    1 noun
    Néo-Calédonien(enne) m,f
    Finance new capital capitaux mpl frais;
    (a) History le New Deal (programme de réformes sociales mises en place aux États-Unis par le président Roosevelt au lendemain de la grande dépression des années 30)
    (b) British Politics = programme du gouvernement Blair destiné à aider les jeunes à trouver un emploi;
    New Delhi New Delhi;
    French Canadian New Democratic Party Nouveau Parti m démocratique;
    new economy nouvelle économie f;
    New England Nouvelle-Angleterre f;
    in New England en Nouvelle-Angleterre;
    New Englander habitant(e) m,f de la Nouvelle-Angleterre;
    the New English Bible = texte de la Bible révisé dans les années 60;
    New Forest = région forestière dans le sud de l'Angleterre;
    New Forest pony New Forest m (cheval);
    new girl School nouvelle (élève) f; (in office, team) nouvelle f;
    new grammar la nouvelle grammaire;
    New Guinea Nouvelle-Guinée f;
    in New Guinea en Nouvelle-Guinée;
    New Hampshire le New Hampshire;
    in New Hampshire dans le New Hampshire;
    1 noun
    Néo-Hébridais(e) m,f
    New Hebrides Nouvelles-Hébrides fpl;
    in the New Hebrides aux Nouvelles-Hébrides;
    New Ireland Nouvelle-Irlande f;
    in New Ireland en Nouvelle-Irlande;
    Stock Exchange new issue nouvelle émission f;
    Stock Exchange new issue market marché m des nouvelles émissions, marché m primaire;
    New Jersey le New Jersey;
    in New Jersey dans le New Jersey;
    New Labour = nouveau nom donné au parti travailliste britannique vers le milieu des années quatre-vingt-dix dans le souci d'en moderniser l'image;
    British familiar new lad jeune homme m moderne (qui boit avec modération et n'est pas sexiste);
    New Latin latin m scientifique;
    British Politics the New Left la nouvelle gauche;
    new look nouvelle image f;
    New Man homme m moderne (qui participe équitablement à l'éducation des enfants et aux tâches ménagères);
    American new math, British new maths les maths fpl modernes;
    the new media les nouveaux médias mpl;
    New Mexico le Nouveau-Mexique;
    in New Mexico au Nouveau-Mexique;
    British History the New Model Army = nom donné à l'armée anglaise après la révolte du Parlement en 1645;
    new money (after decimalization) système m monétaire décimal; Finance crédit m de restructuration;
    what's ten shillings in new money? ten shillings, ça fait combien en système décimal?;
    she married into new money (wealth) elle s'est mariée avec un homme issue d'une famille enrichie de fraîche date; pejorative elle s'est mariée avec un nouveau riche;
    new moon nouvelle lune f;
    Press New Musical Express = hebdomadaire anglais de musique rock;
    New Orleans La Nouvelle-Orléans;
    new potato pomme f de terre nouvelle;
    Commerce & Marketing new product nouveau produit m;
    Commerce & Marketing new product development développement m de nouveaux produits;
    Commerce & Marketing new product marketing marketing m de nouveaux produits;
    New Providence île f de la Nouvelle-Providence;
    New Quebec Nouveau-Québec m;
    in New Quebec au Nouveau-Québec;
    the new rich les nouveaux riches mpl;
    New Right nouvelle droite f;
    Press the New Scientist = hebdomadaire scientifique britannique;
    New Scotland Yard = siège de la police à Londres;
    New South Wales la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud;
    in New South Wales en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud;
    Finance new shares actions fpl nouvelles;
    Press the New Statesman = hebdomadaire britannique de gauche;
    new technology nouvelle technologie f, technologie f de pointe;
    the New Territories les Nouveaux Territoires mpl (de Hong Kong);
    Bible New Testament Nouveau Testament m;
    British new town ville f nouvelle;
    new wave (in cinema) nouvelle vague f; (in pop music) new wave f;
    the New World le Nouveau Monde;
    New Year Nouvel An m;
    happy New Year! bonne année!;
    to see in the New Year réveillonner (le 31 décembre);
    New Year's resolutions résolutions fpl pour la nouvelle année;
    have you made any New Year's resolutions? tu as des résolutions pour la nouvelle année?;
    American New Year's (day) le premier de l'an; (eve) le soir du réveillon ou du 31 décembre;
    New Year's Day jour m de l'an;
    New Year's Eve Saint-Sylvestre f;
    the New Year's Honours List = titres et distinctions honorifiques décernés par la Reine à l'occasion de la nouvelle année et dont la liste est établie officieusement par le Premier ministre;
    New York (City) New York;
    New Yorker New-Yorkais(e) m,f;
    Press the New Yorker = hebdomadaire culturel et littéraire new-yorkais;
    Stock Exchange New York Mercantile Exchange = marché à terme des produits pétroliers de New York;
    New York (State) l'État m de New York;
    in (the State of) New York, in New York (State) dans l'État de New York;
    the New York subway le métro new-yorkais;
    Press the New York Times = quotidien américain de qualité;
    New Zealand Nouvelle-Zélande f;
    in New Zealand en Nouvelle-Zélande;
    New Zealand butter beurre m néo-zélandais;
    New Zealander Néo-Zélandais(e) m,f
    ✾ Music 'New World Symphony' or 'From the New World' Dvorák 'La Symphonie du Nouveau Monde'
    NEW LABOUR Après dix-huit ans de gouvernement conservateur, les élections de mai 1997 propulsèrent les travaillistes au pouvoir avec une écrasante majorité. Convaincus par plusieurs défaites électorales de l'inéligibilité du parti travailliste traditionnel dans une Grande-Bretagne bouleversée par le thatchérisme, les nouveaux dirigeants décidèrent de réorganiser et de renommer le parti afin d'élargir leur électorat aux classes moyennes. Les "nouveaux travaillistes" établirent des liens étroits avec le patronat et promurent une "troisième voie" comme alternative à la traditionnelle idéologie de gauche du parti. Cependant, les fidèles du parti commencèrent très vite à souhaiter un retour aux valeurs traditionnelles de la gauche.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > new

  • 74 smash

    smash [smæʃ]
    1 noun
    (a) (noise → of breaking) fracas m;
    with a loud smash avec un grand fracas;
    the vase fell with a smash le vase s'est fracassé en tombant;
    there was a tremendous smash as the two cars collided il y eut un très violent fracas quand les deux voitures entrèrent en collision
    (b) (blow) coup m ou choc m violent;
    forearm smash manchette f;
    a smash on the head un coup violent sur la tête
    (c) familiar (collision) collision f; (accident) accident m; (pile-up) carambolage m, télescopage m;
    a five-car smash un carambolage de cinq voitures
    (d) (collapse → of business, market) débâcle f (financière), effondrement m (financier); Stock Exchange krach m, effondrement m des cours; (bankruptcy) faillite f
    (e) (in tennis, badminton, table-tennis) smash m
    (f) familiar (success) succès m bœuf;
    it was a smash ça a fait un tabac
    (g) American (drink) = boisson composée d'une liqueur, de menthe, de sucre et d'eau gazeuse
    to go or to run smash into a wall heurter un mur avec violence, rentrer en plein dans un mur
    (a) (break → cup, window) casser, briser;
    to smash sth to pieces briser qch en morceaux;
    I've smashed my glasses j'ai cassé mes lunettes;
    to smash sth open (box, crate) ouvrir qch d'un grand coup;
    to smash the door open enfoncer la porte;
    he smashed his head open on a rock il s'est ouvert la tête en heurtant un rocher
    (b) (crash, hit) écraser;
    he smashed his fist (down) on the table il écrasa son poing sur la table;
    she smashed him over the head with a chair elle lui a cassé une chaise sur la tête;
    they smashed their way in ils sont entrés par effraction (en enfonçant la porte ou la fenêtre);
    the raft was smashed against the rocks le radeau s'est fracassé contre ou sur les rochers;
    he smashed the ball into the back of the net (in football) d'un tir terrible, il a envoyé le ballon au fond des filets
    (c) (in tennis, badminton, table-tennis)
    to smash the ball faire un smash, smasher;
    he smashed the ball into the net il a envoyé son smash dans le filet
    (d) (destroy → gen) briser; (→ resistance, opposition) briser, écraser; (→ opponent, record) pulvériser;
    to smash a drugs ring démanteler un réseau de trafiquants de drogue
    (e) Physics (atom) désintégrer
    (break, crash) se briser, se casser;
    to smash into bits se briser en mille morceaux;
    the car smashed into the lamppost la voiture s'est écrasée contre le réverbère
    ►► smash hit (song, record) gros succès m;
    this record is a smash hit in America ce disque fait fureur ou connaît un succès fou en Amérique
    (door) défoncer
    (door, window) enfoncer, défoncer; (safe) forcer;
    familiar to smash sb's face in casser la figure ou very familiar la gueule à qn;
    I'll smash your face in je te casse la gueule
    (furniture) casser, démolir; (room, shop) tout casser ou démolir dans; (car) démolir;
    they smashed the place up in revenge ils ont tout démoli pour se venger

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > smash

  • 75 Allen, John F.

    b. 1829 England
    d. 2 October 1900 New York (?), USA
    English inventor of the Allen valve used on his pioneering high-speed engines.
    Allen was taken to the United States from England when he was 12 years old. He became an engineer on the Curlew, a freight boat running between New York and Providence. A defect which caused the engine to race in rough weather led Allen to invent a new valve gear, but he found it could not be fitted to the Corliss engine. In 1856 he patented an improved form of valve and operating gear to reduce back-pressure in the cylinder, which was in fact the reverse of what happened in his later engines. In 1860 he repaired the engines of a New York felt-hat manufacturer, Henry Burr, and that winter he was introduced to Charles Porter. Porter realized the potential of Allen's valves for his idea of a high-speed engine, and the Porter-Allen engine became the pioneer of high-speed designs.
    Porter persuaded Allen to patent his new valves and two patents were obtained in 1862. These valves could be driven positively and yet the travel of the inlet could be varied to give the maximum expansion at different cut-offs. Also, the valves allowed an exceptionally good flow of steam. While Porter went to England and tried to interest manufacturers there, Allen remained in America and continued work on the engine. Within a few years he invented an inclined watertube boiler, but he seemed incapable of furthering his inventions once they had been placed on the market. Although he mortgaged his own house in order to help finance the factory for building the steam engine, in the early 1870s he left Porter and built a workshop of his own at Mott Haven. There he invented important systems for riveting by pneumatic machines through both percussion and pressure which led into the production of air compressors and riveting machines.
    Further Reading
    Obituaries appeared in engineering journals at the time of his death.
    Dictionary of American Biography, 1928, Vol. I, New York: C.Scribner's Sons. C.T.Porter, 1908, Engineering Reminiscences, New York: J.Wiley \& Sons, reprint 1985, Bradley, Ill.: Lindsay Publications (provides details of Allen's valve design).
    R.L.Hills, 1989, Power from Steam. A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Cambridge University Press (covers the development of the Porter-Allen engine).

    Biographical history of technology > Allen, John F.

  • 76 Evans, Oliver

    b. 13 September 1755 Newport, Delaware, USA
    d. 15 April 1819 New York, USA
    American millwright and inventor of the first automatic corn mill.
    He was the fifth child of Charles and Ann Stalcrop Evans, and by the age of 15 he had four sisters and seven brothers. Nothing is known of his schooling, but at the age of 17 he was apprenticed to a Newport wheelwright and wagon-maker. At 19 he was enrolled in a Delaware Militia Company in the Revolutionary War but did not see active service. About this time he invented a machine for bending and cutting off the wires in textile carding combs. In July 1782, with his younger brother, Joseph, he moved to Tuckahoe on the eastern shore of the Delaware River, where he had the basic idea of the automatic flour mill. In July 1782, with his elder brothers John and Theophilus, he bought part of his father's Newport farm, on Red Clay Creek, and planned to build a mill there. In 1793 he married Sarah Tomlinson, daughter of a Delaware farmer, and joined his brothers at Red Clay Creek. He worked there for some seven years on his automatic mill, from about 1783 to 1790.
    His system for the automatic flour mill consisted of bucket elevators to raise the grain, a horizontal screw conveyor, other conveying devices and a "hopper boy" to cool and dry the meal before gathering it into a hopper feeding the bolting cylinder. Together these components formed the automatic process, from incoming wheat to outgoing flour packed in barrels. At that time the idea of such automation had not been applied to any manufacturing process in America. The mill opened, on a non-automatic cycle, in 1785. In January 1786 Evans applied to the Delaware legislature for a twenty-five-year patent, which was granted on 30 January 1787 although there was much opposition from the Quaker millers of Wilmington and elsewhere. He also applied for patents in Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Hampshire. In May 1789 he went to see the mill of the four Ellicot brothers, near Baltimore, where he was impressed by the design of a horizontal screw conveyor by Jonathan Ellicot and exchanged the rights to his own elevator for those of this machine. After six years' work on his automatic mill, it was completed in 1790. In the autumn of that year a miller in Brandywine ordered a set of Evans's machinery, which set the trend toward its general adoption. A model of it was shown in the Market Street shop window of Robert Leslie, a watch-and clockmaker in Philadelphia, who also took it to England but was unsuccessful in selling the idea there.
    In 1790 the Federal Plant Laws were passed; Evans's patent was the third to come within the new legislation. A detailed description with a plate was published in a Philadelphia newspaper in January 1791, the first of a proposed series, but the paper closed and the series came to nothing. His brother Joseph went on a series of sales trips, with the result that some machinery of Evans's design was adopted. By 1792 over one hundred mills had been equipped with Evans's machinery, the millers paying a royalty of $40 for each pair of millstones in use. The series of articles that had been cut short formed the basis of Evans's The Young Millwright and Miller's Guide, published first in 1795 after Evans had moved to Philadelphia to set up a store selling milling supplies; it was 440 pages long and ran to fifteen editions between 1795 and 1860.
    Evans was fairly successful as a merchant. He patented a method of making millstones as well as a means of packing flour in barrels, the latter having a disc pressed down by a toggle-joint arrangement. In 1801 he started to build a steam carriage. He rejected the idea of a steam wheel and of a low-pressure or atmospheric engine. By 1803 his first engine was running at his store, driving a screw-mill working on plaster of Paris for making millstones. The engine had a 6 in. (15 cm) diameter cylinder with a stroke of 18 in. (45 cm) and also drove twelve saws mounted in a frame and cutting marble slabs at a rate of 100 ft (30 m) in twelve hours. He was granted a patent in the spring of 1804. He became involved in a number of lawsuits following the extension of his patent, particularly as he increased the licence fee, sometimes as much as sixfold. The case of Evans v. Samuel Robinson, which Evans won, became famous and was one of these. Patent Right Oppression Exposed, or Knavery Detected, a 200-page book with poems and prose included, was published soon after this case and was probably written by Oliver Evans. The steam engine patent was also extended for a further seven years, but in this case the licence fee was to remain at a fixed level. Evans anticipated Edison in his proposal for an "Experimental Company" or "Mechanical Bureau" with a capital of thirty shares of $100 each. It came to nothing, however, as there were no takers. His first wife, Sarah, died in 1816 and he remarried, to Hetty Ward, the daughter of a New York innkeeper. He was buried in the Bowery, on Lower Manhattan; the church was sold in 1854 and again in 1890, and when no relative claimed his body he was reburied in an unmarked grave in Trinity Cemetery, 57th Street, Broadway.
    Further Reading
    E.S.Ferguson, 1980, Oliver Evans: Inventive Genius of the American Industrial Revolution, Hagley Museum.
    G.Bathe and D.Bathe, 1935, Oliver Evans: Chronicle of Early American Engineering, Philadelphia, Pa.

    Biographical history of technology > Evans, Oliver

  • 77 Johnson, Eldridge Reeves

    SUBJECT AREA: Recording
    b. 18 February 1867 Wilmington, Delaware, USA
    d. 14 November 1945 Moorestown, New Jersey, USA
    American industrialist, founder and owner of the Victor Talking Machine Company; developer of many basic constructions in mechanical sound recording and the reproduction and manufacture of gramophone records.
    He graduated from the Dover Academy (Delaware) in 1882 and was apprenticed in a machine-repair firm in Philadelphia and studied in evening classes at the Spring Garden Institute. In 1888 he took employment in a small Philadelphia machine shop owned by Andrew Scull, specializing in repair and bookbinding machinery. After travels in the western part of the US, in 1891 he became a partner in Scull \& Johnson, Manufacturing Machinists, and established a further company, the New Jersey Wire Stitching Machine Company. He bought out Andrew Scull's interest in October 1894 (the last instalment being paid in 1897) and became an independent general machinist. In 1896 he had perfected a spring motor for the Berliner flat-disc gramophone, and he started experimenting with a more direct method of recording in a spiral groove: that of cutting in wax. Co-operation with Berliner eventually led to the incorporation of the Victor Talking Machine Company in 1901. The innumerable court cases stemming from the fact that so many patents for various elements in sound recording and reproduction were in very many hands were brought to an end in 1903 when Johnson was material in establishing cross-licencing agreements between Victor, Columbia Graphophone and Edison to create what is known as a patent pool. Early on, Johnson had a thorough experience in all matters concerning the development and manufacture of both gramophones and records. He made and patented many major contributions in all these fields, and his approach was very business-like in that the contribution to cost of each part or process was always a decisive factor in his designs. This attitude was material in his consulting work for the sister company, the Gramophone Company, in London before it set up its own factories in 1910. He had quickly learned the advantages of advertising and of providing customers with durable equipment and records. This motivation was so strong that Johnson set up a research programme for determining the cause of wear in records. It turned out to depend on groove profile, and from 1911 one particular profile was adhered to and processes for transforming the grooves of valuable earlier records were developed. Without precise measuring instruments, he used the durability as the determining factor. Johnson withdrew more and more to the role of manager, and the Victor Talking Machine Company gained such a position in the market that the US anti-trust legislation was used against it. However, a generation change in the Board of Directors and certain erroneous decisions as to product line started a decline, and in February 1926 Johnson withdrew on extended sick leave: these changes led to the eventual sale of Victor. However, Victor survived due to the advent of radio and the electrification of replay equipment and became a part of Radio Corporation of America. In retirement Johnson took up various activities in the arts and sciences and financially supported several projects; his private yacht was used in 1933 in work with the Smithsonian Institution on a deep-sea hydrographie and fauna-collecting expedition near Puerto Rico.
    Johnson's patents were many, and some were fundamental to the development of the gramophone, such as: US patent no. 650,843 (in particular a recording lathe); US patent nos. 655,556, 655,556 and 679,896 (soundboxes); US patent no. 681,918 (making the original conductive for electroplating); US patent no. 739,318 (shellac record with paper label).
    Further Reading
    Mrs E.R.Johnson, 1913, "Eldridge Reeves Johnson (1867–1945): Industrial pioneer", manuscript (an account of his early experience).
    E.Hutto, Jr, "Emile Berliner, Eldridge Johnson, and the Victor Talking Machine Company", Journal of AES 25(10/11):666–73 (a good but brief account based on company information).
    E.R.Fenimore Johnson, 1974, His Master's Voice was Eldridge R.Johnson, Milford, Del.
    (a very personal biography by his only son).

    Biographical history of technology > Johnson, Eldridge Reeves

  • 78 McCoy, Elijah

    b. 1843 Colchester, Ontario, Canada
    d. 1929 Detroit, Michigan (?), USA
    African-American inventor of steam-engine lubricators.
    McCoy was born into a community of escaped African-American slaves. As a youth he went to Scotland and served an apprenticeship in Edinburgh in mechanical engineering. He returned to North America and ended up in Ypsilanti, Michigan, seeking employment at the headquarters of the Michigan Central Railroad Company. In spite of his training, the only job McCoy could obtain was that of locomotive fireman. Still, that enabled him to study at close quarters the problem of lubricating adequately the moving parts of a steam locomotive. Inefficient lubrication led to overheating, delays and even damage. In 1872 McCoy patented the first of his lubricating devices, applicable particularly to stationary engines. He assigned his patent rights to W. and S.C.Hamlin of Ypsilanti, from which he derived enough financial resources to develop his invention. A year later he patented an improved hydrostatic lubricator, which could be used for both stationary and locomotive engines, and went on to make further improvements. McCoy's lubricators were widely taken up by other railroads and his employers promoted him from the footplate to the task of giving instruction in the use of his lubricating equipment. Many others had been attempting to achieve the same result and many rival products were on the market, but none was superior to McCoy's, which came to be known as "the Real McCoy", a term that has since acquired a wider application than to engine lubricators. McCoy moved to Detroit, Michigan, as a patent consultant in the railroad business. Altogether, he took out over fifty patents for various inventions, so that he became one of the most prolific of nineteenth-century black inventors, whose activities had been so greatly stimulated by the freedoms they acquired after the American Civil War. His more valuable patents were assigned to investors, who formed the Elijah McCoy Manufacturing Company. McCoy himself, however, was not a major shareholder, so he seems not to have derived the benefit that was due to him.
    Further Reading
    P.P.James, 1989, The Real McCoy: African-American Invention and Innovation 1619– 1930, Washington: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 73–5.

    Biographical history of technology > McCoy, Elijah

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