1 market participants
участники рынка
Покупатели и продавцы на рынке активов или обязательств — независимые от отчитывающейся (оцениваемой) организации, информированные, способные заключать сделки и желающие заключать сделки (а не принуждаемые к ним).
[ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > market participants
2 market participants
фр. acteurs sur le marché; opérateurs sur le marché; intervenants sur le marché; participants sur le marché
исп. participantes en el mercado; operadores
участники рынка; фигуранты рынка; действующие лица рынка
Лица и корпорации, действующие на рынке.
3 National Association of Securities Market Participants
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > National Association of Securities Market Participants
4 National Securities Market Participants
Общая лексика: НАУФОРУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > National Securities Market Participants
5 The National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR, Национальная ассоциация участников фондового рынка)
Экономика: НАУФОРУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > The National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR, Национальная ассоциация участников фондового рынка)
6 quoting market participants
Финансы: котирующий участник рынкаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > quoting market participants
7 The National Association of Stock Market Participants
Экономика: (NAUFOR, Национальная ассоциация участников фондового рынка) НАУФОРУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > The National Association of Stock Market Participants
8 activity of professional market participants
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > activity of professional market participants
9 activity of stock market participants
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > activity of stock market participants
10 appraisal of professional securities market participants
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > appraisal of professional securities market participants
11 control over compliance with laws by market participants
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > control over compliance with laws by market participants
12 licensing of activity of professional securities market participants licensing
лицензирование деятельности профессиональных участников рынка ценных бумагEnglish_Russian capital issues dictionary > licensing of activity of professional securities market participants licensing
13 observance of laws by market participants
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > observance of laws by market participants
14 to mislead securities market participants
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > to mislead securities market participants
15 market rules
правила рынка электроэнергии
Документ, содержащий правила функционирования открытого рынка электроэнергии. Как правило, разрабатывается комитетом, представляющим интересы различных участников рынка, и утверждается органам регулирования (независимыми агентствами, министерствами или и теми, и другими), представляющими правительства всех стран, в которых действует рынок электроэнергии. Если рынок электроэнергии существует только в одной стране, тогда этот документ утверждается только одним органом регулирования.
[Англо-русский глосcарий энергетических терминов ERRA]EN
market rules
A document containing rules for the operation of an open electricity market. This document must be prepared by a committee representing the interests of different market participants, and must be approved by the regulatory bodies (independent regulatory agency or ministries or both) representing the governments of all of the countries in which the electricity market is located. If the electricity market exists in only one country then it is approved by only one regulatory body.
[Англо-русский глосcарий энергетических терминов ERRA]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > market rules
16 participants in the wholesale market
Общая лексика: субъекты оптового рынкаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > participants in the wholesale market
17 professional participants of the securities market
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > professional participants of the securities market
18 association of Participants of the Bill Market
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > association of Participants of the Bill Market
19 control over operations of participants in the securities market
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > control over operations of participants in the securities market
20 information on professional participants of the share market
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > information on professional participants of the share market
См. также в других словарях:
market participants — rinkos dalyviai statusas T sritis turto vertinimas apibrėžtis Tam tikro turto sandoriuose dalyvaujantys ar svarstantys galimybę dalyvauti privatūs asmenys, bendrovės ir kiti verslo subjektai. atitikmenys: angl. market participants šaltinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Financial market participants — Col … Wikipedia
Market Intelligence — (often contracted to MARKINT) is a relatively new intelligence discipline that exploits open source information gathered from global markets. It relies solely on publicly available information such as market prices and ancillary economic and… … Wikipedia
Market capitalization — (often market cap) is a measurement of the value of the ownership interest that shareholders hold in a business enterprise. It is equal to the share price times the number of shares outstanding (shares that have been authorized, issued, and… … Wikipedia
Market logic — is the discursive logic of messages formulated by a group of individuals sharing common values based on which reasoning satisfies or not the criteria of consistency and completeness. While research methods on pricing efficiency are typically… … Wikipedia
Market engineering — comprises the structured, systematic and theoretically founded procedure of analyzing, designing, introducing and also quality assuring of electronic market platforms as well as their legal framework regarding simultaneously their market… … Wikipedia
Market microstructure — is a branch of finance concerned with the details of how exchange occurs in markets. While the theory of market microstructure applies to the exchange of real or financial assets, more evidence is available on the microstructure of financial… … Wikipedia
Market power — Competition law Basic concepts History of competition law Monopoly Coercive monopoly Natural monopoly … Wikipedia
Market depth — In finance, market depth is the size of an order needed to move the market a given amount. If the market is deep, a large order is needed to change the price. Market depth closely relates to the notion of liquidity, the ease to find a trading… … Wikipedia
Market trend — Statues of the two symbolic beasts of finance, the bear and the bull, in front of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. A market trend is a putative tendency of a financial market to move in a particular direction over time.[1] These trends are… … Wikipedia
Market distortion — In neoclassical economics, a market distortion is any event in which a market reaches a market clearing price for an item that is substantially different from the price that a market would achieve while operating under conditions of perfect… … Wikipedia