1 marker board
1) Общая лексика: маркёрная доска2) Авиация: маркёрный щит -
2 marker board
маркерный [указательный] щит -
3 marker board
4 marker board
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > marker board
5 magnetic marker board
Общая лексика: маркёрная магнитная доска -
6 marker
marker n1. маркерный маяк2. указатель aerodrome strip markerуказатель летной полосы аэродромаair markerаэронавигационный маркерboundary markerпограничный маркерdye markerцветовой сигнальный ориентирfan markerвеерный маркерfan marker beaconвеерный маркерный маякfield markerориентир летного поляheading markerуказатель курсаinner markerближний маркерinner marker beaconближний маякlocator markerрадиолокационный маркерmarker antennaантенна маркерного приемникаmarker beaconмаркерный маякmarker beacon passing lightсигнальная лампа пролета маркерных маяковmarker beamлуч маркераmarker boardмаркерный щитmarker receiverмаркерный приемникmiddle markerсредний маркерmiddle marker beaconсредний маркерouter markerдальний маркерouter marker beaconвнешний маякradar markerрадиолокационный маркерradio markerмаркерный радиомаякrange marker spacingмасштаб развертки на экране радиолокационной станцииreciprocal outer markerдальний маркер обратного направленияreflective markerотражающий маркерroute markerмаршрутный маркерrunway edge markerмаркер кромки ВППstopway edge markerбоковой маркер концевой полосы торможенияtaxiway edge markerмаркер бровки рулежной дорожкиtime markerотметчик времениunserviceability markerмаркер для обозначения запретаvisibility range markerуказатель дальности видимостиZ markerзонный маркер -
7 board
board nбортBoard nкомитетboarding vпосадкаAir Transportation BoardКомитет по воздушным перевозкамarrival boardдоска информации о прилетеboard an aircraftподниматься на борт воздушного суднаboarding areaместо загрузкиboarding bridgeтрап для посадкиboarding clerkдежурный по посадкеboarding rampвходной трапboarding timeвремя посадки пассажировboard installationбортовая установкаboard instrumentбортовой приборcargo boarding listгрузовая ведомость на рейсchart boardпланшетCivil Aeronautics BoardКомитет гражданской авиацииcontrol boardпульт управленияCreative Fares BoardКомитет по поощрительным тарифамcustoms boardтаможенное управлениеdash boardщитокdenied boardingотказ в перевозкеdenied boarding compensationкомпенсация за отказ в перевозкеdeparture boardдоска информации о вылетеdisplay boardинформационное таблоflight information boardдоска информации о рейсахflight progress boardпланшет хода полетаinstrument boardприборная доскаInternational Frequency Registration BoardМеждународный комитет регистрации частотJoint service Commodity Rates BoardСовместный комитет по специальным грузовым тарифамlee boardподветренный бортmarker boardмаркерный щитon boardна бортуpanel boardщитокpassenger boarding listпассажирская ведомостьprinted boardпечатная платаradio control boardпульт управления по радиоSafety Investigation BoardКомитет по безопасности полетовSpecific Commodity Rates BoardКомитет по специальным грузовым тарифам -
8 board
1. борт ( воздушного судна) || подниматься на борт || бортовой2. планшет; доска; пульт3. организация; управление— on the board -
9 board out
phr v столоваться и жить вне домаyour family is so large that three of the children will have to board out — ваша семья такая большая, что троих детей придётся устроить в интернат
10 board
1) панель, пульт2) коммутатор3) плата4) совет; комитет•- all-station signaling board
- auxiliary board
- backup communication board
- battery board
- bench board
- buzzer-inductor board
- calling device board
- call-signaling board
- capture board
- central battery board
- circuit board
- communication station board
- conference chief board
- control board
- control subscriber board
- cordless board
- counters board
- cross signaling board
- diagram board
- dial-service assistance board
- dispatcher control board
- display board
- distributing board
- distribution board
- DSA board
- echo board
- electronic bulletin board board
- enciphering board
- evaluation board
- expansion board
- explosion-proof board
- extension board
- frequency divider board
- group board
- information board
- input-output board
- instrument board
- junction board
- load-speaking communication board
- local battery board
- main board
- main control board
- marker's board
- mixer board
- monitor board
- operative communication board
- patch board
- pin board
- plug board
- plug-in board
- polarity changing relay board
- power distribution board
- primary board
- printed circuit board
- radio communication board
- railway radio station control board
- raw-signaling board
- relay board
- section A board
- section B board
- selective communication board
- sensor panel board
- signal board
- subscriber's board
- supply board
- switch point operative communication board
- system board
- terminal board
- terminal station board
- test board
- toll board
- trunk-line board
- video display board
- warning board
- wire board
- wire-circuit board
- wireless telephone boardEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > board
11 marker's board
Телекоммуникации: плата маркеров -
12 marker's board
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > marker's board
13 board marker
English-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry > board marker
14 boundary marker
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > boundary marker
15 fuse board
1. щит с плавкими предохранителямиinstrument board — распределительный щит; приборная доска
distributing board — распределительный щит; коммутатор
2. щиток с плавкими предохранителями3. панель с плавкими предохранителями -
16 instrument board
1. доска для приборов2. приборный щиток3. приборная панельEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > instrument board
17 bed and board
1. квартира и стол2. юр. стол и ложе, супружеские отношенияseparation from bed and board — отлучение от стола и ложа, разрыв супружеских отношений
Синонимический ряд:food (noun) bread; food; meal; meals; sustenance -
18 gauge board
1. щит с измерительными приборами2. щит с электроизмерительными приборамиThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > gauge board
19 flash board
n щит на гребне плотины -
20 sandwich board
См. также в других словарях:
Can't Stop (board game) — Infobox Game subject name = Can t Stop image link = image caption = Sample game in play players = 2 4 ages = 10 to adult designer = Sid Sackson setup time = < 1 minute playing time = 30 45 minutes complexity = medium strategy = medium random… … Wikipedia
Paintball marker — A paintball marker, also known as a paintball gun, is the central or main piece of equipment in the sport of paintball. Markers make use of an expanding gas such as carbon dioxide, compressed air or nitrogen dioxide to propel paintballs through… … Wikipedia
Bushmaster 2000 (paintball marker) — The Bushmaster 2000 is an electro pneumatic paintball marker produced by Indian Creek Designs, (ICD), a manufacturer based in Idaho. Technical specificationThe Bushmaster is designed with tournament style speedball in mind, being capable of… … Wikipedia
Ion (paintball marker) — paintball gun|Smart Parts Ion title= Smart Parts Ion caption= Smart Parts Ion marker type=Spool Valve Electropneumatic action=Semi Automatic, Rebound, Three Round Burst, Full Automatic barrel=12 inch ported bore= .689 rof=17 balls per second… … Wikipedia
Wallenstein (board game) — Infobox Game subject name=Wallenstein image link= image caption= designer=Dirk Henn publisher=Queen Games players=3 to 5 ages=12 years and up setup time=approx. 10 minutes playing time=90 120 minutes complexity=Medium strategy=High random… … Wikipedia
Printed circuit board — Part of a 1983 Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer board; a populated PCB, showing the conductive traces, vias (the through hole paths to the other surface), and some mounted electrical components A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to… … Wikipedia
TransAmerica (board game) — Infobox Game subject name=TransAmerica image link= image caption=TransAmerica designer=Franz Benno Delonge publisher=Rio Grande Games players= 2 ndash;6 ages= 8 and up setup time= 2 minutes playing time= 30 minutes complexity= Low strategy=… … Wikipedia
War of the Ring (board game) — War of the Ring is a strategy board game by Roberto Di Meglio, Marco Maggi and Francesco Nepitello, produced by Nexus Editrice (Italy). Since its first print run it has been produced in many languages: Fantasy Flight Games publishes the English… … Wikipedia
Fiduciary marker — A fiduciary marker or fiducial is an object used in the field of view of an imaging system which appears in the image produced, for use as a point of reference or a measure. It may be either something placed into or on the imaging subject, or a… … Wikipedia
Electropneumatic paintball marker — An electropneumatic paintball marker is any of a class of paintball markers that utilizes a pneumatic solenoid to actuate the hammer and/or bolt s movement.History and basic operationThe origin of the electropneumatic paintball marker is the… … Wikipedia
Tannhäuser (board game) — Publisher(s) Take On You (former) Fantasy Flight Games (current) Players 2 10 Playing time 1 to 2 hours … Wikipedia