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  • 1 MARK

    (in writing) tehta (sign, diacritic) (In LotR:1155, this word is applied to the supralinear vowel-signs of Fëanorian writing, and pl tehtar is attested.) sarat (pl. sarati is attested), originally [MET] a word used of "a 'letter' or any individual significant mark", but after the invention of the Tengwar primarily used of the Rúmilian letters. TINY MARK tixë (dot, point) –TEK/VT39:17, TIK, WJ:396

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MARK


    tehta (mark [in writing], sign) (In LotR:1155, the word is applied to the supralinear vowel-marks of Fëanorian writing, and pl. tehtar is attested.) –TEK, LotR:1155

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DIACRITIC

  • 3 DOT

    pica (small spot), tixë (tiny mark, point), amatixë (point over the line of writing; variant amatexë in VT46:19), unutixë (point under the line of writing; the initial element unu- was misread as "nun-" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, see VT46:19) –PIK, TIK/VT46:19

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DOT

  • 4 LETTER

    tengwa (pl. tengwar is attested; this word was used primarily of the Fëanorian letters. However, the term "Tengwar of Rúmil" occurring in LotR:1151 seems to indicate that the word tengwa can indeed be used of a letter of any kind, not only the Fëanorian letters. In non-technical use tengwa may also be translated "consonant" [q.v.]. It is uncertain whether tengwa "letter" can be used in the sense mail, text sent in the post; the primary meaning is clearly "character, a single symbol in writing".) The noun tengwa is also the source of the verb tengwa- “read”. – Another word for “letter” is sarat (pl. sarati is attested) – an older [MET] word Tolkien notes was used of "a 'letter' or any individual significant mark", used of the Rúmilian letters after the invention of the Fëanorian Tengwar (but cf. the term "Tengwar of Rúmil" mentioned above). –TEK, WJ:396, VT49:48, LotR:1151

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LETTER

  • 5 LONG

    (adj) anda, sóra (trailing); LONG AGO andanéya, anda né; LONG AND THIN lenwa (straight, narrow); LONG (adverb, of time:) andavë; LONG YEAR (144 solar years, an Elvish "century") yén (pl. yéni is attested) LONG-MARK andatehta –ÁNAD, LT2:344, 341, VT49:31, LotR:989, Nam/LotR:1141/YEN, TEK

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LONG

  • 6 MASTER

    (noun) heru (pl. \#heruvi, gen.pl. \#heruion) (lord), \#tur (cf. Fëanturi "Masters of Spirits", a name of the Valar Mandos and Irmo). MASTER OF DOOM Turambar, MASTER OF DESIRE Irmo (lit. "Desirer", the name of a Vala); MASTERY túrë (victory, strength, might); MASTERED \#turúna (only the form turún`, with the final *-a elided, is attested. Silm:269 has turun instead of turún` – the accent and he elision mark seem to have been omitted.) –KHER, TUR/UT:438, Silm:261/269/423, 405, UT:138

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MASTER

  • 7 POINT

    (verb): The phrase tentanë numenna, translated “pointed westward”, would indicate that the verb glossed DIRECT TOWARD (q.v.) can also be translated “point”. Tentanes formenna “it pointed northwards” –VT49:23, 26 (noun) mentë (end), tixë (dot, tiny mark), tildë (horn), variant tillë (tip) (also used of fingers and toes, VT47:10, 26; see UP-POINT, UNDER-POINT), amatixë (point/dot over the line of writing, variant amatexë in VT46:20), unutixë (point/dot under the line of writing; the initial element unu- was misread as "nun-" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, see VT46:19). SPEAR-POINT nasta (spear-head, gore, triangle). –MET, TIK/VT46:19, TIL/VT47:10, 26, SNAS/VT46:14

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > POINT

  • 8 SIGN

    tanna, tanwa, \#taina; tengwë (indication, token, writing; tengwë is also used for what we should call a phoneme – pl tengwi is attested), tehta (mark [in writing], diacritic) (In LotR:1155, this word is applied to the supralinear vowel-signs of Fëanorian writing, and pl tehtar is attested.) SYSTEM OR CODE OF SIGNS tengwesta (grammar). For various linguistic terms, see FULL SIGN, LACKING/INADEQUATE SIGN, STRIPPED/DEPRIVED SIGN. –PE17:186. MR:385, WJ:394, 395, TEK

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SIGN

  • 9 STROKE

    (verb) palta- means to "pass the sensitive palm over a surface: feel with the hand, stroke etc." –VT47:8-9 (noun) ("of pen of brush [´] when not used as long mark") tecco. Cf. also QUICK STROKE rincë (stem *rinci-) (flourish) –TEK, RIK/VT46:11 (VT indicating that the proper reading is "quick stroke", not "quick shake" as in the Etymologies as printed in LR)

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > STROKE

См. также в других словарях:

  • mark — mark …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • mark v — mark up n …   English expressions

  • Mark V — female im Historischem Museum in Charkiw Der Mark V war ein britischer Panzer des Ersten Weltkrieges und eine Weiterentwicklung des Mark IV. Es existierten mindestens drei verschiedene Ausführungen, die jedoch nicht genau klassifiziert waren.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mark — bezeichnet: Mark (Name), englische Form des Vornamens Markus Mark (Währung), diverse Währungen Mark (Gewicht), ein historisches Maß der Masse Mark (Einheit), ein dänisches Flächenmaß Mark (Botanik), eine weiche Substanz im Kernbereich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mark IX — gepanzertes Mannschaftstransportfahrzeug Mark IX Allgemeine Eigenschaften Besatzung F …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • mark — mark1 [märk] n. [ME < OE mearc, orig., boundary, hence boundary sign, hence sign, akin to Ger mark, boundary, boundary mark, marke, a token, mark < Gmc * marka < IE base * mereĝ , edge, boundary > L margo, MARGIN, OIr mruig,… …   English World dictionary

  • Mark II — or Mark 2 often refers to the second version of a product, frequently military hardware. Mark , meaning model or variant , can be abbreviated Mk. Mark II or Mark 2 can specifically refer to: Contents 1 In technology 1.1 In military and weapo …   Wikipedia

  • Mark A — Kavalleriepanzer Allgemeine Eigenschaften Besatzung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • mark — [ mark ] n. m. • 1872; mot all., frq. °marka → 1. marc ♦ Unité monétaire allemande qui vaut cent pfennigs. Quinze marks. ♢ Unité monétaire de la Finlande. ⊗ HOM. Marque. ● mark nom masculin (allemand Mark, du francique marka) Autrefois, unité… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Mark I — often refers to the first version of a weapon or military vehicle, and is sometimes used in a similar fashion in civilian product development. In some instances, the Arabic numeral 1 is substituted for the Roman numeral I . Mark , meaning model… …   Wikipedia

  • Mark IV — or Mark 4 often refers to the fourth version of a product, frequently military hardware. Mark , meaning model or variant , can be abbreviated Mk. Mark IV or Mark 4 can specifically refer to: Contents 1 In technology 1.1 In military and weapon …   Wikipedia

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