1 manufacturing change control
Автоматика: контроль за изменениями в технологииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > manufacturing change control
2 manufacturing change control
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > manufacturing change control
3 control
1) управление; регулирование || управлять; регулировать2) контроль || контролировать3) управляющее устройство; устройство управления; регулятор4) профессиональное мастерство, квалификация, техническая квалификация5) pl органы управления•"in control" — "в поле допуска" ( о результатах измерения)
to control closed loop — управлять в замкнутой системе; регулировать в замкнутой системе
- 2-handed controlsto control open loop — управлять в разомкнутой системе; регулировать в разомкнутой системе
- 32-bit CPU control
- acceptance control
- access control
- acknowledge control
- active process control
- adaptable control
- adaptive constraint control
- adaptive control for optimization
- adaptive control
- adaptive feed rate control
- adaptive quality control
- adjustable feed control
- adjustable rotary control
- adjustable speed control
- adjusting control
- adjustment control
- AI control
- air logic control
- analog data distribution and control
- analogical control
- analytical control
- application control
- arrows-on-curves control
- autodepth control
- autofeed control
- automated control of a document management system
- automated technical control
- automatic backlash control
- automatic control
- automatic editing control
- automatic gain control
- automatic gripper control
- automatic level control
- automatic process closed loop control
- automatic remote control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic sequence control
- automatic speed control
- automatic stability controls
- auxiliaries control
- balanced controls
- band width control
- bang-bang control
- bang-bang-off control
- basic CNC control
- batch control
- bibliographic control
- bin level control
- boost control
- built-in control
- button control
- cam control
- cam throttle control
- camshaft control
- carriage control
- Cartesian path control
- Cartesian space control
- cascade control
- C-axis spindle control
- cell control
- center control
- central control
- central supervisory control
- centralized control
- centralized electronic control
- central-station control
- changeover control
- chip control
- circumferential register control
- close control
- closed cycle control
- closed loop control
- closed loop machine control
- closed loop manual control
- closed loop numerical control
- closed loop position control
- clutch control
- CNC control
- CNC indexer control
- CNC programmable control
- CNC symbolic conversational control
- CNC/CRT control
- CNC/MDI control
- coarse control
- coded current control
- coded current remote control
- color control
- combination control
- command-line control
- compensatory control
- composition control
- compound control
- computed-current control
- computed-torque control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer process control
- computer-aided measurement and control
- computer-integrated manufacturing control
- computerized control
- computerized numerical control
- computerized process control
- constant surface speed control
- constant value control
- contactless control
- contact-sensing control
- contamination control
- continuous control
- continuous path control
- continuous process control
- contour profile control
- contouring control
- conventional hardware control
- conventional numerical control
- conventional tape control
- convergent control
- conversational control
- conversational MDI control
- coordinate positioning control
- coordinate programmable control
- copymill control
- counter control
- crossed controls
- current control
- cycle control
- dash control
- data link control
- data storage control
- deadman's handle controls
- depth control
- derivative control
- dial-in control
- differential control
- differential gaging control
- differential gain control
- differential temperature control
- digital brushless servo control
- digital control
- digital position control
- digital readout controls
- dimensional control
- direct computer control
- direct control
- direct digital control
- direct numerical control
- direction control
- directional control
- dirt control
- discontinuous control
- discrete control
- discrete event control
- discrete logic controls
- dispatching control
- displacement control
- distance control
- distant control
- distributed control
- distributed numerical control
- distributed zone control
- distribution control
- dog control
- drum control
- dual control
- dual-mode control
- duplex control
- dust control
- dynamic control
- eccentric control
- edge position control
- EDP control
- electrical control
- electrofluidic control
- electromagnetic control
- electronic control
- electronic level control
- electronic speed control
- electronic swivel control
- elevating control
- emergency control
- end-point control
- engineering change control
- engineering control
- entity control
- environmental control
- error control
- error plus error-rate control
- error-free control
- external beam control
- factory-floor control
- false control
- feed control
- feed drive controls
- feedback control
- feed-forward control
- field control
- fine control
- finger-tip control
- firm-wired numerical control
- fixed control
- fixed-feature control
- fixture-and-tool control
- flexible-body control
- floating control
- flow control
- fluid flow control
- follow-up control
- foot pedal control
- force adaptive control
- forecasting compensatory control
- fork control
- four quadrant control
- freely programmable CNC control
- frequency control
- FROG control
- full computer control
- full order control
- full spindle control
- gage measurement control
- gain control
- ganged control
- gap control
- gear control
- generative numerical control
- generic path control
- geometric adaptive control
- graphic numerical control
- group control
- grouped control
- guidance control
- hairbreath control
- hand control
- hand feed control
- hand wheel control
- hand-held controls
- handle-type control
- hand-operated controls
- hardened computer control
- hardwared control
- hardwared numerical control
- heating control
- heterarchical control
- hierarchical control
- high-integrity control
- high-level robot control
- high-low control
- high-low level control
- high-technology control
- horizontal directional control
- humidity control
- hybrid control
- hydraulic control
- I/O control
- immediate postprocess control
- inching control
- in-cycle control
- independent control
- indexer control
- indirect control
- individual control
- industrial processing control
- industrial-style controls
- infinite control
- infinite speed control
- in-process control
- in-process size control
- in-process size diameters control
- input/output control
- integral CNC control
- integral control
- integrated control
- intelligent control
- interacting control
- interconnected controls
- interlinking control
- inventory control
- job control
- jogging control
- joint control
- joystick control
- just-in-time control
- language-based control
- laser health hazards control
- latching control
- lead control
- learning control
- lever control
- lever-operated control
- line motion control
- linear control
- linear path control
- linearity control
- load control
- load-frequency control
- local control
- local-area control
- logic control
- lubricating oil level control
- machine control
- machine programming control
- machine shop control
- macro control
- magnetic control
- magnetic tape control
- main computer control
- malfunction control
- management control
- manual control
- manual data input control
- manual stop control
- manually actuatable controls
- manufacturing change control
- manufacturing control
- master control
- material flow control
- MDI control
- measured response control
- mechanical control
- memory NC control
- memory-type control
- metering control
- metrological control of production field
- microbased control
- microcomputer CNC control
- microcomputer numerical control
- microcomputer-based sequence control
- microprocessor control
- microprocessor numerical control
- microprogrammed control
- microprogramming control
- milling control
- model reference adaptive control
- model-based control
- moisture control
- motion control
- motor control
- motor speed control
- mouse-driven control
- movable control
- multicircuit control
- multidiameter control
- multilevel control
- multimachine tool control
- multiple control
- multiple-processor control
- multiposition control
- multistep control
- multivariable control
- narrow-band proportional control
- navigation control
- NC control
- neural network adaptive control
- noise control
- noncorresponding control
- noninteracting control
- noninterfacing control
- nonreversable control
- nonsimultaneous control
- numerical contouring control
- numerical control
- numerical program control
- odd control
- off-line control
- oligarchical control
- on-board control
- one-axis point-to-point control
- one-dimensional point-to-point control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open loop control
- open loop manual control
- open loop numerical control
- open-architecture control
- operating control
- operational control
- operator control
- optical pattern tracing control
- optimal control
- optimalizing control
- optimizing control
- oral numerical control
- organoleptic control
- overall control
- overheat control
- override control
- p. b. control
- palm control
- parameter adaptive control
- parameter adjustment control
- partial d.o.f. control
- path control
- pattern control
- pattern tracing control
- PC control
- PC-based control
- peg board control
- pendant control
- pendant-actuated control
- pendant-mounted control
- performance control
- photoelectric control
- physical alignment control
- PIC control
- PID control
- plugboard control
- plug-in control
- pneumatic control
- point-to-point control
- pose-to-pose control
- position/contouring numerical control
- position/force control
- positional control
- positioning control
- positive control
- postprocess quality control
- power adaptive control
- power control
- power feed control
- power-assisted control
- powered control
- power-operated control
- precision control
- predictor control
- preselective control
- preset control
- presetting control
- pressbutton control
- pressure control
- preview control
- process control
- process quality control
- production activity control
- production control
- production result control
- programmable adaptive control
- programmable cam control
- programmable control
- programmable logic adaptive control
- programmable logic control
- programmable machine control
- programmable microprocessor control
- programmable numerical control
- programmable sequence control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus floating control
- proportional plus integral control
- prototype control
- pulse control
- pulse duration control
- punched-tape control
- purpose-built control
- pushbutton control
- quality control
- radio remote control
- radium control
- rail-elevating control
- ram stroke control
- ram-positioning control
- rapid-traverse controls for the heads
- rate control
- ratio control
- reactive control
- real-time control
- reduced-order control
- register control
- registration control
- relay control
- relay-contactor control
- remote control
- remote program control
- remote switching control
- remote valve control
- remote-dispatch control
- resistance control
- resolved motion rate control
- retarded control
- reversal control
- revolution control
- rigid-body control
- robot control
- robot perimeter control
- robot teach control
- rod control
- safety control
- sampled-data control
- sampling control
- schedule control
- SCR's control
- second derivative control
- selective control
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-adaptive control
- self-adjusting control
- self-aligning control
- self-operated control
- self-optimizing control
- self-programming microprocessor control
- semi-automatic control
- sensitivity control
- sensor-based control
- sequence control
- sequence-type control
- sequential control
- series-parallel control
- servo control
- servo speed control
- servomotor control
- servo-operated control
- set value control
- shaft speed control
- shape control
- shift control
- shop control
- shower and high-pressure oil temperature control
- shut off control
- sight control
- sign control
- single variable control
- single-flank control
- single-lever control
- size control
- slide control
- smooth control
- software-based NC control
- softwared numerical control
- solid-state logic control
- space-follow-up control
- speed control
- stabilizing control
- stable control
- standalone control
- start controls
- static control
- station control
- statistical quality control
- steering control
- step-by-step control
- stepless control
- stepped control
- stick control
- stock control
- stop controls
- stop-point control
- storage assignment control
- straight cut control
- straight line control
- stroke control
- stroke length control
- supervisor production control
- supervisory control
- swarf control
- switch control
- symbolic control
- synchronous data link control
- table control
- tap-depth controls
- tape control
- tape loop control
- teach controls
- temperature control
- temperature-humidity air control
- template control
- tension control
- test control
- thermal control
- thermostatic control
- three-axis contouring control
- three-axis point-to-point control
- three-axis tape control
- three-mode control
- three-position control
- throttle control
- thumbwheel control
- time control
- time cycle control
- time optimal control
- time variable control
- time-critical control
- time-proportional control
- timing control
- token-passing access control
- tool life control
- tool run-time control
- torque control
- total quality control
- touch-panel NC control
- touch-screen control
- tracer control
- tracer numerical control
- trajectory control
- triac control
- trip-dog control
- TRS/rate control
- tuning control
- turnstile control
- two-axis contouring control
- two-axis point-to-point control
- two-dimension control
- two-hand controls
- two-position control
- two-position differential gap control
- two-step control
- undamped control
- user-adjustable override controls
- user-programmable NC control
- variable flow control
- variable speed control
- variety control
- varying voltage control
- velocity-based look-ahead control
- vise control
- vision responsive control
- visual control
- vocabulary control
- vocal CNC control
- vocal numerical control
- voltage control
- warehouse control
- washdown control
- water-supply control
- welding control
- wheel control
- wide-band control
- zero set control
- zoned track controlEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > control
1) Компьютерная техника: Minimum Of Rows And Columns2) Медицина: Совет медицинских исследований (Medical Research Council)3) Военный термин: Major Regional Conflict, Major Regional Contingencies, Map Reference Code, Materiel Release Confirmation, Medical Research Council, Medical Reserve Corps, Meteorological Research Committee, Militarized Reconfigurable Computer, Military Region Command, Military Representatives Committee, Military Revolutionary Council, Mississippi River Commission, Motorized Rifle Company, maintenance and repair cycle, maintenance requirement card, major regional commander, material redistribution center, material release confirmation, material requirements committee, military reform caucus, morning readiness check, movement report center4) Техника: maintenance repair card, maintenance repair code, manpower requirements change, mid remote control, mobile radio communications5) Химия: Monoid Ring Completion, Multi Resistant Coating6) Математика: Multi Resolution Curves, Центр математических исследований (Великобритания)7) Метеорология: Muddy Rain Conditions8) Бухгалтерия: Monthly Recurring Charge9) Страхование: Multiple Reporting Currencies10) Ветеринария: Meat Research Corporation (Australia)11) Оптика: minimum resolvable contrast12) Радио: Milwaukee Repeater Club13) Телекоммуникации: Monthly Recurring Charges14) Сокращение: Chamberlain MRC (manufacturer of USPS equipment), Mail Recovery Center (dead letter offices in St. Paul MN and Atlanta GA), Major Regional Conflict / Contingencies, Market Research Council, Mathematics Research Center, Message-based Reliable Channel, Microwave Radio Corp. (USA), major retail centre15) Университет: Mount Royal College16) Вычислительная техника: magneto resistive cluster17) Нефть: карточка-заявка на техническое обслуживание (maintenance requirement card), контроль надёжности в процессе производства (manufacturing reliability control)18) Иммунология: Mutant Research Centre19) Биохимия: Mouse Erythrocytes20) Космонавтика: Mekong River Commission (official title: Committee for Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin)21) Фирменный знак: Model Rectifier Corp, Model Rectifier Corporation22) СМИ: Media Resource Center23) Деловая лексика: Modern Rate Of Change24) Нефтепромысловый: (Maximum Reservoir Contact) максимальный контакт с резервуаром (концепция многозабойных скважин с широкоохватным воздействием на пласт)25) Сетевые технологии: mesh router components, компоненты маршрутизатора узлов сети26) Автоматика: manufacturing resource control27) Контроль качества: manufacturing reliability control28) Океанография: Marine Research Corporation29) Химическое оружие: multi-round container, multiple round container30) Расширение файла: Bibliographic data (Machine-Readable Cataloging records)31) Общественная организация: Medical Research Charities, Membership Renewal Credit32) Правительство: Municipal Regional County33) НАСА: Mid Roll Change -
5 system
1) система; способ; метод2) устройство; строй3) классификация4) учение5) сеть (дорог) -
1. maintenance repair card - ремонтная карточка текущего ремонта;2. maintenance repair code - код текущего ремонта;3. maintenance requirement card - карточка-заявка на техническое обслуживание;4. manpower requirements change - изменение потребности в рабочей силе;5. manufacturing reliability control - контроль надёжности в процессе производства;6. mathematics research center - математический исследовательский центр;7. Medical Research Council - Совет по медицинским исследованиям (Великобритания);8. mesh router components - компоненты маршрутизатора узлов сети;9. mid remote control - телеуправление на средних дальностях;10. militarized reconfigurable computer - специализированная ЭВМ военного назначения;11. mobile radio communications - подвижная радиостанция;12. movement report center - центр сбора донесений о перевозках -
7 system
1) система2) установка; устройство•- 2D design system
- 2-D draughting system
- 2D milling CAM system
- 3 nonsimultaneous axes control system
- 3D CAD system
- 3D design system
- 3D milling CAM system
- 3-D surface-modeling system
- 3-D system
- abrasive waterjet cutting system
- absolute control system
- absolute dimension measuring system
- accident-protection system
- accountancy system
- accounting data system
- ACO system
- acoustic feedback control system
- acquisition system
- active enclosure system
- adaptable system
- adaptive CNC system
- adaptive control constraint system
- adaptive control system
- adaptive pulsing system
- adaptive robot system
- add-on NC programming system
- administrative information data system
- administrative information system
- ADR system
- advanced command data system
- advanced data analysis system
- advanced data display system
- advanced display system
- advanced integrated data system
- advanced interactive debugging system
- advanced management information system
- advisory system
- AGV system
- air flotation system
- air-bearing system
- air-cooling system
- air-delivery system
- air-gaging system
- airlock system
- air-oil mist lubrication system
- air-plasma arc-profiling system
- air-purge system
- alarm system
- all-enveloping guard system
- analog computing system
- analog recording system
- angstrom-positioning system
- antideflection system
- antilock brake system
- antisag system
- application-specific system
- APT generating expert system
- Archimedes system
- array system
- AS/RS system
- assembly management system
- assembly system
- attitude display system
- autolube system
- automated communications and messages processing system
- automated design and optimization of control system
- automated design system
- automated digital design system
- automated industrial management system
- automated information data system
- automated information dissemination system
- automated information retrieval system
- automated inventory distribution system
- automated machining system
- automated management information system
- automated management system
- automated measuring system
- automated parts input-output system
- automated reliability and maintenance management system
- automated storage control system
- automatic alignment-and-centering system
- automatic call distribution system
- automatic CAM system
- automatic chuck-changing system
- automatic data acquisition system
- automatic data distribution system
- automatic data system
- automatic diagnostic-and-recovery system
- automatic display plotting system
- automatic distributive numerical control system
- automatic fixturing system
- automatic gaging-and-compensating system
- automatic measurement-and-compensation system
- automatic message accounting system
- automatic message distribution system
- automatic pallet storage/retrieval system
- automatic program transfer system
- automatic record evaluation system
- automatic telemetry system
- automatic test analysis system
- automatic test system
- automatic testing, evaluating and reporting system
- automatic tool cassette changer system
- automatic tool retraction system
- automatic tool retraction/correction/reentry system
- automatic tool wear/tool broken sensing system
- automatically taught system
- automation system
- autonomous system
- autopatch system
- AWS system
- axis drive system
- axis motor system
- axis-stopping system
- backlash-free friction system
- back-to-back system
- balance system
- balanced system of forces
- balanced system
- bar feed system
- bar pulling system
- bar pusher system
- barring coding system
- base coordinate system
- base data system
- base file system
- base operating information system
- basic disk operating system
- basic hole system
- basic input/output system
- basic NC system
- basic programming system
- basic shaft system
- batching system
- batch-machining system
- battery system
- BCC management information system
- beam delivery system
- belt turnover system
- belt twist system
- binary system
- binary vision system
- biped robotic system
- block-tool system
- block-type tool change system
- bonded stores system
- boring system
- bought-in control system
- brake system
- branch information system
- breakaway system
- breathing system
- broad system of ordering
- BTA deep-hole-drilling system
- BTA-style deep-hole-drilling system
- bug-free system
- building block system
- bulk system
- business information system
- buy-and-plug-in system
- C/C system
- cable and hose carrying system
- CAD access system
- CAD system
- CAD/CAM system
- CAD/CAM/CAE and product data management system
- CAD/CAM/CAE system
- CAD/CAPP/CAM system
- CADAR system
- CAD-integrating system
- CAD-only system
- CAE system
- CAE/CAD/CAM system
- CAG system
- CAM system
- cam-and-lever system
- capacitance-based measuring system
- CAPP system
- capture system
- carrierband system
- cart/pallet transfer system
- Cartesian coordinate system
- cassette jaw-change system
- cell control system
- cell management system
- cell-type system
- cellular manufacturing system
- central analog data distributing and controlling system
- central automatic message accounting system
- central storage system
- centralized control system
- centralized coolant and extractor system
- centralized swarf conveying system
- centralized swarf removal system
- chain conveyor system
- check system
- checking system
- checkout system
- chiller system
- chip conveyor system
- chip guard system
- chip-evacuation system
- chuck/chuck jaw changing system
- chucking system
- chuck-jaw system
- chuck-loading system
- CIM system
- circular monitoring system
- circular part-processing system
- circulating lubrication system
- circulating oil system
- circulation system
- clamping system
- closed cooling system
- closed loop control system
- closed loop machine control system
- closed loop size control system
- closed loop system
- closed-proprietary system
- CM system
- CNC hardware system
- CNC machine tool system
- CNC programming system
- CNC system
- CNC transfer system
- CNC-ACC system
- CNC-control system
- coherent system of units
- collecting system
- collet pad top jaw system
- combined cooling system
- combined production system
- command-line NC system
- commercial vision system
- communication system
- companion system
- comprehensive power measurement system
- computer analysis and design system
- computer automation real-time operating system
- computer data communication system
- computer NC system
- computer system
- computer vision system
- computer-aided design support system
- computer-aided dispatch system
- computer-aided gaging system
- computer-aided programming system
- computer-aided telemetry system
- computer-aided test system
- computer-assisted command system
- computer-assisted message processing system
- computer-assisted microfilm retrieval system
- computer-assisted operation sequence planning system
- computer-automated machine-tool system
- computer-automated test system
- computer-based management system
- computer-based message system
- computer-controlled materials-handling system
- computer-controlled system
- computer-coordinated measuring system
- computer-directed swing-arm tool-changing system
- computer-driven control system
- computer-hosted manufacturing system
- computer-integrated manufacturing system
- computer-integrated system
- computerized information retrieval system
- computerized machine control system
- computerized manufacturing system
- computerized numerical control system
- computerized production control system
- computerized shopfloor data collection system
- computer-oriented production management system
- computer-oriented system
- computing system
- concurrent force system
- conductor system
- conservative system
- constant delivery system
- constant volume system
- constant-contact scanning system
- constraint satisfaction system
- continuous feedback control system
- continuous flow system
- continuous-path CNC system
- continuous-path control system
- contouring control system
- contouring system
- controlled path system
- controlling system
- conventional ACC system
- conversational analysis and drafting system
- conveying system
- conveyor system
- conveyoring system
- conveyorized work-handling system
- coolant clarification system
- coolant laundering system
- coolant mist system
- coolant recirculating system
- coolant recovery system
- coolant recycling system
- coolant supply system
- coolant-circulating system
- coolant-thru-body system
- cooling system
- coordinate drive system
- coordinate system
- coprocessor board system
- copymill control system
- corporate information and office system
- coupling system
- CPS system
- CRT control system
- CRT system
- customer-oriented system
- customized FMS control system
- cut-piece transfer system
- cycloidal tooth system
- data base management system
- data communication system
- data control system
- data input management system
- data management system
- data origination system
- data processing system
- data retrieval system
- data transfer system
- datum system for geometrical tolerancing
- datum system
- DDM system
- decentralized DNC system
- decision enabling system
- decision support system
- dedicated production system
- deep-hole-drilling system
- defect-free machining system
- delivery system
- demand pull flexible system
- demand push flexible system
- departmental management system
- descaling system
- design coordinate system
- design support system
- design-automation system
- design-for-manufacturing system
- design-with-feature system
- desk-top publishing system
- deterministic system
- dexel-based system
- diagnostic communication control system
- diagnostic computer control system
- dialog system
- diamond-lapping system
- digital readout system
- digitizing system
- digitizing/data capture system
- dimensional verification system
- direct impingement starting system
- direct lubrication system
- direct NC system
- discrete-continuous system
- dispatcher system
- distributed computer system
- distributed mass-spring system
- distributed microprocessor system
- distributed processing system
- distributed quality system
- distributed system
- distributive numerical control system
- DNC flexible machining system
- DNC machine control system
- DNC machine tool control system
- DNC system
- DNC/FM system
- document processing system
- document retrieval system
- document search system
- domain-expert system
- Doppler system
- DOS CAM system
- double tube system
- dowel pin system
- DRO system
- drop-feed-lubrication system
- DTP system
- dual laser optical system
- dual laser referencing system
- dual system
- dual-beam LDDM system
- dual-pallet shuttle system
- dual-shaft electric propulsion system
- dynamic beam focusing laser system
- dynamic data system
- dynamic mapping system
- early warning system
- eddy current damper system
- edge-sensing system
- edge-type positioning system
- eight-station pallet system
- electrical contact tracing system
- electrofluidic control system
- emergency protection system
- enclosure system
- encoder checking system
- endpoint locating system
- energy-adaptive system
- energy-saving drive system
- engine starting system
- entry-level NC system
- environmental control system
- equivalent rigid link system
- equivalent systems of forces
- ESD system
- estimating system
- example-driven system
- expert control system
- expert process planning system
- expert system
- external box system
- extractor system
- fact retrieval system
- factory automation system
- fault detection system
- fault-signal system
- FBG system
- feasibility routing system
- feature-based CAM system
- feature-based system
- feed system
- feedback control system
- feedback gaging system
- feedback position control system
- feedback system
- feed-drive system
- feedforward compensatory control system
- feed-only AC system
- feed-overriding system
- FFS system
- file control system
- finite capacity scheduling system
- fixed coordinate system
- fixed-feature NC system
- fixed-rail system
- fixture design system
- fixture system
- fixturing system
- flanged pipe system
- flexible assembly system
- flexible automated manufacturing system
- flexible automation system
- flexible computer-controlled robotic system
- flexible fabricating system
- flexible fixturing system
- flexible handling system
- flexible laser optical system
- flexible laser system
- flexible lathe system
- flexible machine system
- flexible machining center system
- flexible machining system
- flexible manufacturing system
- flexible NC system
- flexible press system
- flexible tooling system
- flexible transfer system
- flexible turning system
- flood coolant system
- flow-line production system
- flow-type manufacturing system
- fluid management system
- fluid power system
- flush-type cooling system
- fly system
- FMS operating system
- FMS/CAD/CAM system
- FMS-type production system
- force measurement system
- force sensory system
- force system
- force-sensing system
- forecasting system
- four-station pallet system
- four-tier quality system
- FROG navigation system
- FROG system
- full-blown system
- fully specified system
- gage system
- gaging computer system
- gaging-and-compensating system
- gantry loading system
- gantry-based turning system
- gantry-style motion system
- gas-turbine starting system
- gating system
- gear roller system
- gear system
- gear testing system
- general information retrieval system
- generative planning system
- generic control system
- generic messaging system
- generic system
- glass fiber system
- glazing system
- goal-seeking system
- graphic numerical control system
- graphic processing system
- graphics system
- graphics-oriented system
- grating measuring system
- gravity oil system
- gray scale imaging system
- grinder vision system
- group control system
- guarding system
- guidance system
- guiding system
- handling system
- handwriting-input system
- hard-automated system
- hardware NC system
- hardware support system
- head change system
- head changer system
- head-changing flexible manufacturing system
- help system
- hierarchical coding system
- hierarchical control system
- hierarchical information control system
- high-noise-immunity system
- high-rise system
- high-speed positioning system
- high-speed-processor control system
- high-volume system
- Hirth gear-tooth system
- holding system
- holding tool system
- hole system
- holonomic system
- host computer-assisted programming system
- host distributive numerical control system
- hybrid computing system
- hydraulic oil system
- hydraulic system
- hydraulic-circuit system
- hypertext system
- ID system
- IDNC system
- illumination system
- image detection system
- image processing system
- imaging system
- IMC system
- immersion-washing system
- inconsistent system of equations
- incremental measuring system
- index system
- indirect lubrication system
- individual lubrication system
- inductive telemetry system
- inductively guided cart system
- industrial vision system
- in-feed system
- inference system
- in-floor chip-disposal system
- information infrastructure system
- information logical system
- information processing system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information system
- information-gathering system
- information-management system
- information-sharing system
- infrared imaging system
- infrared system
- in-house minicomputer system
- in-house system
- inlet control system
- in-process gaging system
- in-process sensing system
- in-process storage system
- insert-selection system
- instrumentation system
- insulating system
- integral movement monitoring system
- integrated CAD/CAPP/CAM system
- integrated CAM system
- integrated circuit numerical control system
- integrated computer system
- integrated information system
- integrated machine system
- integrated machining system
- integrated manufacturing and assembly system
- integrated manufacturing system
- integrated NC machine system
- integrated production system
- integrated sensor system
- intelligent control system
- interactive control system
- interactive graphics processing system
- interactive manufacturing control system
- interconnection system
- interdepartmental communication system
- interferometer measuring system
- interlocking system
- interrupt-driven system
- inventory-management system
- involute tooth system
- IR fault-signal system
- IR system
- ISO system of limits and tolerances
- isolated word recognition system
- jig boring measuring system
- job shop-type flexible system
- joint-actuation system
- just-in-time production system
- kanban pull system
- kinetic control system
- kitting system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based information system
- knowledge-based system
- krypton laser system
- labeling system
- labor-intensive system
- language-based NC system
- laser beam orientation system
- laser beam positioning system
- laser calibration system
- laser combination energy system
- laser digitizing system
- laser driving system
- laser full automated system
- laser inspection system
- laser interferometer measuring system
- laser machining system
- laser metalworking system
- laser micrometer system
- laser monitoring system
- laser mount system
- laser optical transformation system
- laser pulse power system
- laser pump system
- laser referencing system
- laser thread measurement system
- laser transducer system
- laser-cutting system
- laser-gaging system
- layered control system
- LDDM system
- lead screw drive system
- learning system
- library reference system
- library system
- light guide system
- light recognition system
- line motion control system
- line motion system
- line path system
- linear index system
- linear system of constant coefficients
- linear time invariant system
- linear time-varying system
- linear-encoder-equipped system
- LMFC system
- load/unload system
- loading robot system
- load-monitoring system
- local communications system
- logistics system
- look-up table system
- low-loss optical system
- low-volume lubricant delivery system
- lube system
- lubrication system with continuous delivery
- lubrication system with cyclic delivery
- lubrication system with performance control
- lubrication system without performance control
- lubrication system
- M system
- machine control system
- machine coordinate system
- machine health-monitoring system
- machine management system
- machine surveillance system
- machine tool capability-conditioning system
- machine tool system
- machine vision system
- machine/control system
- machine/tool/workpiece system
- machine-flexible system
- machine-zero reference system
- machining-cell system
- magnetic control system
- magnetic shaft suspension system
- main control system
- maintenance tracking system
- make-up system
- management control system
- management information system
- management system
- management-and-manufacturing system
- managerial reporting system
- man-computer system
- man-machine system
- man-plus-machine system
- manual data input system
- manual programming system
- manufacturing execution system
- manufacturing optimization system
- manufacturing software system
- manufacturing system
- many-degrees-of-freedom system
- many-variable system
- mass-elastic system
- master manufacturing control system
- master-slave control system
- material flow system
- material movement system
- material storage system
- materials-handling control system
- materials-handling system
- matrix array system
- matrix-type system
- MDI contouring control system
- MDI control system
- MDI NC system
- mean line system
- measurement/inspection system
- measuring coordinate system
- measuring system
- measuring/compensation system
- mechanical interface coordinate system
- memory NC system
- memory system
- menu drive system
- menu system
- menu-driven programming system
- metalforming production system with robots
- metalworking laser system
- metamorphic system
- metareasoning system
- metering system
- metrology system
- MIC system
- micro CAD/CAM programming system
- microadjustment system
- microchip-managed control system
- microdispensing system
- microintegrated system
- microload system
- micropackaged distributed system
- microprocessor based system
- microprocessor CNC system
- microprocessor system
- microprocessor-development system
- microstep control system
- microwave drill detection system
- milling CAM system
- milling system
- minicomputer-based numerical control system
- minicomputer-based system
- minicomputer-based test system
- miniload automated storage and retrieval system
- miniload system
- minimal constraint system
- minimum phase shift system
- mist-cooling system
- mixed forging-machining system
- mobility system
- model reference adaptive system
- moderately sized manufacturing system
- modular clamping system
- modular component tooling system
- modular fixture system
- modular holding system
- modular system
- modular tooling system
- modular work holding system
- monitoring system
- monorail material handling system
- motor position sensing system
- mounting system
- MPM system
- MRC system
- MRP system
- MS-DOS system
- multiaxis laser system
- multimachine system
- multimedia system
- multinetwork system
- multipallet system
- multiple computer system
- multiple laser technology system
- multiple pallet changer system
- multiple pallet handling system
- multiple parts feeding system
- multiple sensory system
- multiple spindle head handling-and-changing system
- multiple system of indexing
- multiple-gun spraying system
- multipoint lubrication system
- multipoint network control system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor NC system
- multiprocessor system
- multiproduct manufacturing system
- multiprofile tool system
- multiprogramming system
- multirobot system
- multisensor system
- multiserver queueing system
- multistage system
- multitasking control system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser system
- multivendor information system
- multiwindowing software system
- Nagare system
- narrowly defined expert system
- national information system
- navigation system
- NC contouring system
- NC machine system
- NC part-programming system
- NC system
- NC tooling system
- NC/TP system
- nesting system
- network computer system
- network switching system
- network system
- noise diagnostic system
- noncircular copy-turning system
- noncompensated system
- noncontact laser marking system
- noncontact microwave system
- nonexpert system
- non-NC system
- numerical computer control system
- numerical contour control system
- numerical control system
- numerically controlled tool point system
- object-oriented system
- office system
- office-based programming system
- off-line adviser-type expert system
- off-line programming system
- off-line system
- off-the-shelf system
- oil mist system
- oil scavenge system
- oil system
- oil wash system
- oil-recirculating system
- oligarchical manufacturing system
- OLP system
- one man/one machine system
- one man-one operation-one job system
- one-machine flexible system
- one-piece tape spar-measuring system
- one-shot lubrication system
- on-line information system
- on-line process system
- on-line retrieval system
- on-line system
- on-line tool control system
- on-machine gaging system
- on-machine probing system
- on-off control system
- open architecture system
- open cooling system
- open system
- open-front system
- open-loop control system
- operating system
- operational system
- operator guidance system
- operator-controlled NC system
- optical detection system
- optical laser ranging system
- optical MAP system
- optical measurement/inspection system
- optical recognition system
- optical system for laser processing
- optical tracer backup system
- optical transmission system
- opti-feed system
- optimal-position control system
- order-driven system
- order-entry system
- order-picking system
- oscillating system
- oscillatory system
- out-feed system
- output collecting system
- overall system
- p.-t.-p. NC system
- package confinement system
- paging system
- pallet conveyor system
- pallet gripper system
- pallet ID system
- pallet storage system
- pallet storage/changer system
- pallet/platen transfer system
- pallet/robot flexible-machining system
- pallet-based materials handling system
- pallet-based system
- pallet-changer system
- pallet-coding system
- pallet-handling system
- palletized tool magazine system
- pallet-loading system
- pallet-moving system
- pallet-shuttle change system
- pallet-transfer system
- pallet-transport system
- paperless NC system
- parallel force system
- parallel lubrication system
- parametric CNC system
- part flow system
- part handling-and-storage system
- part program-editing system
- part queue system
- part-conveying system
- partial laser system
- part-programming system
- part-retrieval system
- passively mode-locked laser system
- path control system of a machine
- path control system
- pattern recognition system
- pattern tracing system
- pattern-directed system
- PC system
- PC-based CAD system
- PC-based vision system
- pendant-mounted CNC system
- perceptual system
- permanent electro system
- personal computer-based robotic vision system
- phase switching control system
- photogrammetric vision system
- photooptic tracing system
- photooptical tracing system
- piece rate system
- plane system of forces
- planner-oriented system
- plant-integration system
- platen system
- platform-independent CAM system
- playback system
- plugboard control system
- plugboard programming system
- point-to-point system
- popular laser system
- position control system
- positioning control system
- postprocess inspection system
- postprocess system
- postprocess-feedback gaging system
- potentiometer-setting system
- power generating system
- power system
- powered clamping system
- powered track system
- powerful robot system
- precision positioning system
- predictive machinability system
- predictive maintenance system
- pre-emptive system
- pregaging system
- preload system
- preset tooling system
- presetting system
- prismatic flexible manufacturing system
- prismatic machining system
- probe communication system
- problem-oriented information system
- process planning system
- process-flexible system
- production control system
- production expert system
- production-monitoring system
- productions system
- product-testing system
- programmable automation system
- programmable control system
- programmable logic control system
- programmable power monitoring system
- programmed sequence control system
- programming system
- proof-of-concept system
- proprietary NC system
- propulsion system
- propulsive system
- protection system
- prototype system
- prototyping system
- pull system of production
- pull system
- punch tape NC system
- purpose-made materials feeding system
- push system
- qualitative system
- quality control system
- quality system
- quantity produced systems
- question-and-answer system
- question-answering system
- queuing system
- quick-change system
- quick-change workpiece-fixturing system
- quick-change-cutter system
- rack system
- rack-picking system
- rail-borne robotic handling system
- rail-guided transport system
- random mission system
- random mix system
- random order system
- ranging system
- readout system
- ready-to-go system
- real-time vision system
- recirculation system
- rectangular coordinate system
- rectangular triordinate system
- reeving system
- reference retrieval system
- reference system
- reflecting high-power beam optical system
- register system
- registration system
- relay ladder logic system
- reporting system
- reprographic system
- resolver system
- restraint system
- RETIC system
- retrieval system
- retrofit system
- return spring system
- RGV pallet delivery system
- rigid track workpiece transport system
- rigid transfer system
- robot control system
- robot gantry storage-and-retrieval system
- robot learning system
- robot parts-handling system
- robot system
- robot teaching system
- robot tool changing system
- robot-based turning system
- robotic system
- robotic vision system
- robotics CAD system
- robotized metalforming system
- robot-like inspection system
- robot-measuring system
- rod memory system
- roller system
- roll-generating system
- rotary transfer system
- rotary-type tool-mounting system
- rotational system
- routing-flexible system
- rule-based expert system
- running fail-safe system
- running system
- run-time system
- safety actuation system
- safety system
- scale back system
- seam tracking laser processing system
- seam-tracking system
- security system
- selective assembly system
- selective control system
- self-adapting system
- self-contained starting system
- self-contained system
- self-monitoring measuring system
- self-optimizing adaptive control system
- self-programming NC system
- self-teaching system
- self-test system
- sensing system
- sensor system
- sensor-based system
- sensory control system
- sensory feedback system
- sensory interactive system
- sensory-processing system
- sentence recognition system
- sequencing control system
- sequential control system
- series lubrication system
- service system
- servo control system
- servo drive system
- servo positioning system
- servo transducer system
- servo-controlled blade-feed-pressure system
- setting system
- SFP system
- shaft system
- shared tools system
- shopfloor communication message system
- shopfloor part-programming system
- shopfloor programming system
- shopfloor-programming control system
- short-closed oil system
- shuttle car system
- shuttle system
- shuttle-type container system
- side-loading pallet system
- sign system
- signature-analysis system
- silhouetting system
- single system
- single-board computer system
- single-cell system
- single-line lubrication system
- single-point lubrication system
- single-stage system
- single-tube system
- single-unit machining system
- single-variable system
- sinking system
- six-station pallet system
- size-monitoring system
- skidless system
- skid-type system
- small knowledge system
- small scale system
- small-batch manufacturing system
- sociotechnical system
- software-based system
- software-operating system
- solid model CAD system
- solid modeling system
- solids-based system
- sonic digitizing system
- space-monitoring sensor system
- special-purpose CNC system
- special-purpose material handling system
- speech-understanding system
- spindle airblast system
- spindle-probe system
- splash lubrication system
- split-type of tooling system
- spray lubrication system
- sprocket-chain system
- stabilization system
- stabilizing system
- stacking system
- stand-alone system
- standard control system
- standard unit system
- starting system
- statistical process control system
- steady-state system
- stepping motor drive system
- stocker system
- stocking system
- stop-bolt locking system
- storage system
- storage-and-retrieval system
- storage-retrieval system
- straight cut control system
- straight-line control system
- stress calculations infinite element system
- structurally stable system
- structurally unstable system
- stub-tooth system
- subloop system
- supervision system
- supervisory computer control system
- supervisory control system
- surface-measurement system
- surveillance system
- suspension system
- swarf conveyance system
- swarf-management system
- swarf-removal system
- switching system
- synthetic vision system
- system of dimensioning
- system of forces
- system of limits and fits
- system of quantities
- system of the machine retaining devices
- system of units
- tactile sensing system
- tailored NC system
- tailor-made system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- teach system
- teachable-logic control system
- teaching system
- teach-mode programming system
- technology-intensive system
- telecommunication system
- telemetry gage system
- telemetry system
- teleoperated system
- telepresence system
- telerobotic system
- ten-station pallet system
- term system
- test system
- testing system
- text organizing system
- thermal control system
- thermal enclosure system
- thermal propulsion system
- thread measurement system
- thread measuring system
- three-dimensional CAM system
- three-dimensional coordinate system
- three-wire thread measuring system
- through feed system
- through-the-tool system
- time control system
- time cycle system
- time-shared system
- time-sharing NC programming system
- time-sharing system
- tool animation system
- tool breakage prevention system
- tool change system
- tool condition monitoring system
- tool coolant system
- tool deflection calibration system
- tool identification tag system
- tool life control system
- tool life management system
- tool magazine exchanger system
- tool management system
- tool position-compensating system
- tool shank cleaning system
- tool storage and transport system
- tool storage/management system
- tool-associated system
- tool-clamp system
- tool-holder-work system
- tool-ID system
- tooling AGV system
- tooling system
- tool-in-hand system
- tool-in-use system
- tool-machine system
- tool-monitoring system
- tool-mounting system
- tool-presetting system
- tool-probing system
- tool-to-turret connection system
- tool-transfer system
- torque-monitoring system
- total system
- total-loss lubrication system
- touch-probe digitizer system
- touch-probe digitizing system
- touch-probe system
- towline cart system
- towline conveyor system
- towline handling system
- towline material handling system
- towline transfer system
- tracer control system
- tracing system
- track system
- tracking/scheduling system
- track-monitoring system
- transfer system
- translating system
- transmission system
- transporter system
- traverse-metering system
- tray-type transfer system
- triangulation system
- tribomechanical system
- tri-level stocker system
- triordinate system
- trolley control system
- trouble-free control system
- T-slot system
- tuned system
- turning system
- turning-and-chucking system
- turnkey computer control system
- turnkey system
- turret probing system
- turret tooling system
- two-line lubrication system
- two-machine system
- two-pallet exchange system
- two-shift system
- two-tier inspection system
- unattended machining system
- unattended production system
- uncertain system
- unified system
- unit bore system
- unit system
- unit-build system
- unit-load automated storage and retrieval system
- unit-load system
- UNIX-based 32-bit computer system
- unmonitored control system
- unstable system
- user identification system
- user's CAD system
- V coding system
- vacuum system
- variable pallet system
- variable-coefficient system
- variable-gain ACC system
- variable-mission system
- versatile data acquisition system
- vertical carousel system
- vertical rotating warehouse system
- vibration system
- vibratory system
- video measuring system
- video-based measurement system
- viewing system
- virtual design system
- virtual storage system
- vision guidance system
- vision metrology system
- vision optical system
- vision sensor system
- vision system
- vision tool-presetting system
- vision-based inspection system
- vision-based system
- visual computing system
- visual inspection system
- VME-based system
- voice data entry system
- voice system
- voice-input system
- volume-flexible system
- volume-metric lubrication system
- voluntary standards system
- warehousing system
- warning protection system
- warning system
- wash system
- waste material treatment system
- watchdog system
- waterjet system
- way-lubrication system
- wedge-locked tool clamping system
- wheelhead-measuring system
- windowing system
- wire-cut system
- wire-frame CAD system
- wire-guided transport system
- wire-guided trolley routing system
- word recognition system
- work infeed system
- work transfer system
- work transport system
- workhandling system
- work-holding system
- workpiece-cleaning system
- workstation-oriented CNC system
- zero error position systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > system
8 machine
станок; машина || обрабатывать на станкеto machine all over — обрабатывать ( изделие) кругом
to CNC machine — обрабатывать на станке с ЧПУ, обрабатывать на станке с ЧПУ типа CNC, обрабатывать изделие на станке с ЧПУ, обрабатывать изделие на станке с ЧПУ типа CNC
to fix a machine — налаживать станок; ремонтировать станок
to machine off — срезать; отрезать
to machine the feature — обрабатывать элемент, обрабатывать элемент изделия
to program the machine — программировать ( обработку) на станке
machine with sliding frame — станок с подвижной рамой, станок с перемещающейся рамой
- 2 m3 machinemachine with traveling table for shaping — станок с подвижным столом для раскроя по формату, станок с перемещающимся столом для раскроя по формату
- 3-axis NC machine
- 50-taper machine
- 630-mm-class machine
- 90º plate shearing machine
- 90º sheet shearing machine
- above resonance-balancing machine
- abrasion testing machine
- abrasive belt head machine
- abrasive belt-grinding machine
- abrasive cold-sawing machine
- abrasive cutting-off machine
- abrasive disk machine
- abrasive electrochemical machine
- abrasive metal-cutting machine
- abrasive wear-testing machine
- AC machine
- accounting machine
- acyclic machine
- adapting machine
- adaptive control machine
- adaptive controlled machine
- adding machine
- adjustable multiple-spindle drilling machine
- adjustable rail machine
- adjustable rail milling machine
- advanced technology machine
- air-drying machine
- airspace profiling machine
- align boring machine
- all-electric machine
- all-geared machine
- all-hydraulic machine
- all-purpose machine
- all-steel machine
- alterating impact testing machine
- alterating stress testing machine
- aluminum machine
- analog machine
- ancillary inspection machine
- angle straightening machine
- angle-bending machine
- angle-iron bending machine
- angle-iron shearing machine
- anthropomorphic machine
- arm tapping machine
- armoring machine
- articulating arm tapping machine
- artificial intelligence-driven machine
- AS/R machine
- aspheric diamond turning machine
- assembling machine
- assembly machine
- ATC machine
- ATC-equipped machine
- atomic X-ray machine
- attrition testing machine
- autochucking machine
- automatic arc welding machine
- automatic assembly machine
- automatic bar machine
- automatic buffing machine
- automatic chucking machine
- automatic chucking-and-turning machine
- automatic continuous drum milling machine
- automatic data processing machine
- automatic drill fluting machine
- automatic forging machine
- automatic gas-cutting machine
- automatic gas-welding machine
- automatic machine
- automatic metal forming machine
- automatic polishing machine
- automatic punching machine
- automatic screw machine
- automatic straightening and cutting machine
- automatic strip-straightening machine
- automatic tapping machine
- automatic toolchanger machine
- automatic toolchanging machine
- automatic turret machine
- axial fatigue machine
- axis-controlled machine
- axle turning machine
- balancing machine
- baling machine
- ball race grinding machine
- ball screw machine
- ball-grinding machine
- ball-hardness testing machine
- balling machine
- band cutoff machine
- band machine
- band metal shearing machine
- band-filing machine
- band-grinding machine
- banding machine
- band-polishing machine
- bandsaw blade grinding machine
- bandsaw machine
- bandsaw welding machine
- bandsaw-brazing machine
- bandsawing machine
- bandsaw-sharpening machine
- bar automatic turning machine
- bar feed machine
- bar feed turning machine
- bar machine
- bar-and-chucking machine
- bar-and-chucking turning machine
- bar-and-tube straightening machine
- bar-bending machine
- bar-chamfering machine
- bar-cutting machine
- bar-pointing machine
- bar-polishing machine
- barreling machine
- bar-shearing machine
- bar-skimming machine
- bar-straightening machine
- bar-tagging machine
- bar-type boring machine
- base-type milling machine
- basic machine
- batch-produced machine
- battery spot-welding machine
- beading machine
- bearing roller lapping machine
- bed-type configuration machine
- bed-type drilling machine
- bed-type machine
- bed-type milling machine
- below resonance balancing machine
- belt-driven machine
- belt-grinding machine
- belt-polishing machine
- bench-grinding machine
- bench-mounted machine
- bench-top machine
- bench-type machine
- bending and forming machine
- bending machine
- between-centers turning machine
- bevel gear hobbing machine for spiral bevel gears
- bevel gear hobbing machine for straight gears
- bevel gear lapping machine
- bevel gear making machine
- bevel gear testing machine
- bevel grinding machine
- beveling machine
- bidirectional broaching machine
- binding machine
- bipedal walking machine
- bitting machine
- blade-edging machine
- blade-grinding machine
- blanking machine
- blending machine
- blind spline broach machine
- blind spline broaching machine
- block-and-head broaching machine
- blocked machine
- blower machine
- blowing machine
- blow-ramming molding machine
- blue-print machine
- blue-printing machine
- bobbin machine
- bolt head forging machine
- bolting machine
- bolt-maker machine
- bolt-making machine
- bolt-pointing machine
- bolt-screwing machine
- bolt-threading machine
- bolt-upsetting machine
- bonded machine
- bore centerless grinding machine
- bore-sizing machine
- bore-slotting machine
- boring and milling machine
- boring machine
- boring/facing machine
- boring, drilling and milling machine
- boring, milling and drilling machine
- bottleneck machine
- box-column drilling machine
- bracket-drilling machine
- bracket-milling machine
- braiding machine
- brazing machine
- breaking machine
- bridge machine
- Bridgeport milling machine
- bridge-type milling machine
- Brinell's machine
- broach pulldown machine
- broach-and-center machine
- broach-grinding machine
- broaching tool sharpening machine
- broach-sharpening machine
- brushing machine
- buffing machine
- built-from-scratch machine
- bunching machine
- burn machine
- burning machine
- burnishing machine
- burr-cutting machine
- burring machine
- busy machine
- butt-seam welding machine
- butt-welding machine
- by-level broaching machine
- cabinet-based machine
- cable tension testing machine
- cable-making machine
- cable-stranding machine
- cam automatic screw machine
- cam machine
- cam-controlled machine
- cam-controlled screw machine
- cam-cutting machine
- cam-driven machine
- cam-driven screw machine
- cam-grinding machine
- cam-measuring machine
- cammed screw machine
- cam-milling machine
- cam-operated screw machine
- camshaft-grinding machine
- capable machine
- capacitor discharge spot-welding machine
- capacitor spot-welding machine
- capstan drive machine
- car wheel grinding machine
- carbide tool grinding machine
- carbide tool lapping machine
- carousel machine
- cast iron machine
- cast machine
- casting cleaning machine
- casting machine
- casting washing machine
- cavity sinking EDM machine
- cell machine
- center column rotary index machine
- center column rotary indexing machine
- center hole grinding machine
- center hole lapping machine
- center-drilling machine
- centerdrive machine
- centering and end facing machine
- centering and facing machine
- centering machine
- centerless bar turning machine
- centerless cylindrical grinding machine
- centerless grinding machine
- centerless lapping machine
- centerless polishing machine
- centerless turning machine
- center-type machine
- center-type turning machine
- centrifugal babbiting machine
- centrifugal casting machine
- centrifugal machine
- centrifugal sand-throwing machine
- ceramic-cutting machine
- chain broaching machine
- chain making machine
- chain shotblasting machine
- chain tension testing machine
- chain testing machine
- chain-operated broaching machine
- chamfering machine
- charge-discharge machine
- Charpy impact machine
- Charpy machine
- charting machine
- check balancing machine
- checking machine
- chip-making machine
- chip-producing machine
- chucker machine
- chucker-and-bar machine
- chucking machine
- circle cutting machine
- circuit board drilling machine
- circular cold sawing machine
- circular continuous milling machine
- circular cutoff machine
- circular dividing machine
- circular graduating machine
- circular grinding machine
- circular hot sawing machine
- circular saw blade grinding machine
- circular saw sharpening machine
- circular sawing machine
- circular seam-welding machine
- circumferential seam-welding machine
- cleaning machine
- closing machine
- CNC high-speed routing machine
- CNC machine
- CNC screw machine
- CNC Swiss-type screw machine
- CNC/CMM machine
- CNC-manual machine
- CNC-operated machine
- CNC-retrofitted machine
- CO2 laser cutting machine
- coil banding machine
- coil downending machine
- coiling machine
- coil-processing machine
- coil-strapping machine
- coil-stripping machine
- coil-winding machine
- coil-wrapping machine
- cold saw-cutting-off machine
- cold thread rolling machine
- cold upsetting machine
- cold-chamber die-casting machine
- cold-forging machine
- cold-forming machine
- cold-heading machine
- cold-sawing machine
- collecting machine
- column drilling machine
- column-and-knee-type machine
- column-and-knee-type milling machine
- combination jarring squeezing molding machine
- combined boring-and-honing machine
- combined curve-cutting and nibbling machine
- combined gear hobbing and gear shaping machine
- combined machine
- combined milling-turning machine
- combined planing-and-milling machine
- combined shearing machine
- combined surface planing and thicknessing machine
- combined vertical and horizontal broaching machine
- commercial machine
- commutator machine
- complementary machines
- component cleaning machine
- component insertion machine
- composite boring-and-honing machine
- compound machine
- compound table machine
- compound universal milling machine
- compressed air driven machine
- compressed gas machine
- compression-testing machine
- compression-type machine
- computer-controlled industrial machine
- computer-controlled machine
- computerized machine
- computing machine
- condenser spot-welding machine
- cone pulley machine
- conical rotor machine
- constant cycling machine
- container erecting-and-forming machine
- container-cleaning machine
- container-washing machine
- continuous chain broaching machine
- continuous drum milling machine
- continuous motion machine
- continuous motion orienting-and-tapping machine
- continuous path NC machine
- continuous path tape controlled machine
- continuous roll-forming machine
- continuous rotary milling machine
- continuous tapping machine
- continuous wire EDM machine
- continuous wire machine
- continuous-casting machine with bending discharge
- continuous-casting machine
- continuously running machine
- contour band machine
- contour production machine
- contour squeeze molding machine
- contouring band machine
- contouring machine
- contour-milling machine
- contour-shaping machine
- controlling machine
- conventional machine
- conventional manually-operated machine
- conventionally operated machine
- converted lathe-and-milling machine
- converted machine
- convertible planing machine
- conveying machine
- cooling machine
- coordinate boring machine
- coordinate boring-and-milling machine
- coordinate drilling machine
- coordinate drilling-boring-and-milling machine
- coordinate inspection machine
- coordinate measuring machine
- coping machine
- copy control machine
- copy grinding machine
- copying machine
- copy-milling machine
- copy-piercing machine
- copy-planing machine
- core blowing machine
- core jarring machine
- core shooting machine
- core wire straightening machine
- core-making machine
- corrosion-fatigue testing machine
- corrugating machine
- countersink machine
- countersinking machine
- coupling machine
- crack detection machine
- crankpin-turning machine
- crankshaft-balancing machine
- crankshaft-grinding machine
- crankshaft-lapping machine
- crankshaft-milling machine
- crankshaft-regrinding machine
- crank-shaping machine
- crank-slotting machine
- creasing machine
- creep feed grinding machine
- creep testing machine
- crimping machine
- crocodile shearing machine
- cropping machine
- cross roll-forging machine
- cross-wire welding machine
- crosswise veneer splicing machine
- crushing machine
- cupping machine
- curling machine
- curtain coating machine
- curve-cutting machine
- curved tooth bevel gear cutting machine
- curve-milling machine
- curvilinear slotting machine
- curving machine
- custom metalcutting machine
- custom-assembled machine
- custom-build machine
- customized machine
- cutoff band machine
- cutoff machine
- cutter inspection machine
- cutter-checking machine
- cutter-grinding machine
- cutter-relieving machine
- cutting machine with coordinate drive
- cutting machine
- cutting-off machine
- cylinder-boring machine
- cylinder-grinding machine
- cylinder-honing machine
- cylindrical coordinate-measuring machine
- cylindrical external grinding machine
- cylindrical gear hobbing machine
- cylindrical gear shaping machine
- cylindrical rotor machine
- cylindrical turning machine
- cylindrical-die thread-rolling machine
- data processing machine
- database machine
- DCC coordinate measuring machine
- De Levaud casting machine
- deburring machine
- decoiling machine
- dedicated proving machine
- dedicated special machine
- deencapsulation machine
- deep drawing machine
- deep hole boring machine
- deep hole drilling machine
- deep hole drilling/boring machine
- deep rolling machine
- defective machine
- degreasing machine
- descaling machine
- deseaming machine
- desktop machine
- destination machine
- detangling machine
- detwisting machine
- development machine
- dial machine
- dial-index machine
- dial-indexing machine
- dial-type machine
- dial-type transfer machine
- diamond die polishing machine
- diamond machine
- diamond pyramid hardness machine
- diamond-boring machine
- diamond-contouring machine
- diamond-honing machine
- diamond-impregnated wire cutting machine
- diamond-turning machine
- die head chaser grinding machine
- die-and-mold grinding machine
- die-casting machine
- die-filing machine
- die-grinding machine
- die-milling machine
- die-polishing machine
- die-ripping machine
- die-shaping machine
- die-sinking and hole-contouring machine
- die-sinking machine
- die-sinking milling machine
- die-sinking spark erosion machine
- die-stamping machine
- digging machine
- digitizing and scanning machine
- digitizing machine
- digitizing/cutting machine
- digitizing-metalcutting machine
- dimensional gaging machine
- direct computer controlled machine
- direct current commutator machine
- direct stress machine
- direct stress testing machine
- direct-drive machine
- discharge machine
- disk machine
- disk sanding machine
- disk-cutting machine
- disk-grinding machine
- disk-resurfacing machine
- dividing machine
- DMM machine
- DNC-controlled machine
- DNC-like machine
- DNC-supported machine
- double duplex milling machine
- double portal cutting machine
- double wheel lapping machine
- double-cantilever cutting machine
- double-column milling machine
- double-column planing machine
- double-column slideway grinding machine
- double-disk grinding machine
- double-end facing-and-centering machine
- double-end fine boring machine
- double-end grinding machine
- double-end machine
- double-end mill-and-centering machine
- double-end milling machine
- double-ended centering and end-facing machine
- double-ended centering machine
- double-ended drilling machine
- double-ended machine
- double-ended milling machine
- double-faced mill-and-centering machine
- double-fed asynchronous machine
- double-gantry milling machine
- double-head machine
- double-housing machine
- double-housing milling machine
- double-lap lapping and polishing machine
- double-punching machine
- double-ram vertical broaching machine
- double-roll forming machine
- double-shaping machine
- double-slide vertical broaching machine
- double-strand pig machine
- dovetailing machine
- dowel-insert machine
- down machine
- downstroking machine
- drafting machine
- draw machine
- drawing machine
- dream machine
- dressing machine
- drill and tap machine
- drill fluting machine
- drill machine
- drill press machine
- drill/tap machine
- drill-grinding machine
- drillhead-changing machine
- drilling machine
- drilling, milling and boring machine
- drilling-and-boring machine
- drilling-and-counterboring machine
- drilling-and-milling machine
- drilling-and-routing machine
- drilling-and-tapping machine
- drilling-and-threading machine
- drilling-tapping machine
- drill-layout machine
- drooping-characteristic machine
- drop-testing machine
- drum-type continuous milling machine
- drum-type milling machine
- dry cutting machine
- dry-floor machine
- drying machine
- dual co-axial spindle and subspindle turning machine
- dual controlled manual/CNC machine
- dual machine
- dual planing-and-milling machine
- dual-gantry machine
- dual-head machine
- dual-pallet machine
- dual-purpose machine
- dual-ram surface-broaching machine
- dual-station machine
- ductility testing machine
- dummy machine
- dumping molding machine
- duplex machine for rail ends
- duplex machine
- duplex multiple spindle machine
- duplex vertical broaching machine
- duplex-head milling machine
- duplex-manufacturing bed-type milling machine
- duplex-type of surface broaching machine
- duplicating machine
- duplicating milling machine
- dynamic balancing machine
- eager-beaver pulldown broaching machine
- earth-moving machine
- EB welding machine
- ECM machine
- economically priced machine
- ED grinding machine
- ED wire cutting machine
- ED-copying machine
- ED-cutting-off machine
- eddy current machine
- eddy current test machine
- edge-beveling machine
- edge-chamfering machine
- edge-cutting machine
- edge-knurling machine
- edge-milling machine
- edge-planing machine
- edge-trimming machine
- edging machine
- EDM diesinking machine
- EDM machine
- EDM texturing machine
- EDM wire machine
- EDM wire-cut machine
- ED-sinking machine
- educational machine
- efficiency testing machine
- eight-axis NC machine
- electric drive machine
- electric machine
- electric molding machine
- electrical discharge die-sinking and hole-contouring machine
- electrical discharge machine
- electrical discharge outcutting machine
- electrical discharge profiling machine
- electrically-operated machine
- electric-spark cutting machine
- electrochemical grinding machine
- electrode feeding machine
- electro-discharge drilling machine
- electro-discharge grinding machine
- electrolytic grinding machine
- electrolytic machine
- electrolytic tinning machine
- electrolytically assisted cutting-off machine
- electrolytically assisted machine
- electromagnetic molding machine
- electron beam drilling machine
- electron beam machine
- electron beam welding machine
- electronic data processing machine
- electroplating machine
- electrostatic stored-energy machine
- elevating beam boring machine
- elevating head milling machine
- elevating machine
- elevating rail machine
- elevator machine
- embossing machine
- encapsulating machine
- end preparation machine
- end-finishing machine
- end-finishing-centering machine
- end-grinding machine
- ending-and-centering machine
- end-turning machine
- endurance testing machine for repeated torsion
- endurance testing machine
- end-working machine
- energy machine
- energy transforming machine
- energy-intensive machine
- engraving form duplicating machine
- engraving machine
- engraving-type form duplicating machine
- Erichsen cupping machine
- Erichsen ductility machine
- eroding machine
- erosion machine
- etch machine
- etching machine
- exhibited machine
- expanding machine
- explosive force molding machine
- extended-travel machine
- extension machine
- external angular plunge grinding machine
- external broaching machine
- external cylindrical centerless grinding machine
- external grinding machine
- external honing machine
- extracting machine
- extruding machine
- extrusion machine
- face-grinding machine
- face-milling machine
- facing machine
- facing-and-centering machine
- facsimile machine
- failed machine
- falling weight testing machine
- fastener tapping-and-orienting machine
- fatigue bending machine
- fatigue testing machine for alternating torsion
- fatigue testing machine
- fault detection machine
- fax machine
- feedback machine
- field-tested machine
- file-cutting machine
- file-testing machine
- filing machine
- filing-and-sawing machine
- filling machine
- fine boring machine
- fine countersinking machine
- fine-blanking machine
- finish boring machine
- finishing machine
- finite memory machine
- finite state machine
- first-off machine
- fir-tree broachinng machine
- fir-tree milling machine
- five-side machine
- five-sided machine
- fixed beam machine
- fixed bed milling machine
- fixed bed-type milling machine
- fixed cycle machine
- fixed machine
- fixed post machine
- fixed sequence machine
- fixed weighing machine
- fixed-column machine
- fixed-table machine
- flame-cutting machine
- flame-profiling machine
- flanging machine
- flash butt-welding machine
- flat die thread-rolling machine
- flattening machine
- flexible assembly machine
- flexible machine
- flexible shaft filing machine
- flexible transfer machine
- flexing machine
- floor charging machine
- floor horizontal boring machine
- floor machine
- floor-type horizontal boring machine
- floor-type machine
- floor-type stripper machine
- flotation machine
- Floturn machine
- flowturning machine
- FLS machine
- fluid-actuated machine
- fluid-feed machine
- flute-grinding machine
- flute-milling machine
- fluting machine
- flying cutoff machine
- FM machine
- FMS machine
- FMS-capable machine
- foil butt-seam welding machine
- folding machine
- foot-operated welding machine
- forge rolling machine
- forging machine
- form cutter milling machine
- form-duplicating machine
- form-grinding machine
- forming machine
- form-milling machine
- form-testing machine
- foundry machine
- four-ball machine
- four-pallet machine
- four-roll bending machine
- four-roll forming machine
- four-roll sheet bending machine
- four-strand continuous casting machine
- friction disk sawing machine
- front-loading turning machine
- front-operated turning machine
- full-automatic turret screw machine
- furnace hoisting machine
- furnace-threading machine
- fusion cutting-off machine
- gaging machine
- gag-straightening machine
- galvanizing machine
- gang drilling machine
- gang slitting machine
- ganghead replaceable-type machine
- gangspindle drilling machine
- gang-tooled machine
- gang-type drilling machine
- gantry cutting machine
- gantry-loaded machine
- gantry-type machine
- gantry-type milling machine
- gantry-type plano-milling machine
- gas-cutting machine
- gear cutter grinding machine
- gear fine processing machine
- gear grinding and polishing machine
- gear lapping and polishing machine
- gear machine
- gear profile grinding machine
- gear tooth chamfering machine
- gear tooth grinding machine
- gear tooth inspection machine
- gear tooth rounding machine
- gear-burnishing machine
- gear-chamfering machine
- gear-checking machine
- gear-cutting machine
- gear-deburring machine
- geared head machine
- gear-finishing machine
- gear-grinding machine
- gear-hardening machine
- gear-hobbing machine for spur gears
- gear-hobbing machine
- gear-honing machine
- gear-lapping machine
- gear-making machine
- gear-manufacturing machine
- gear-measuring machine
- gear-milling machine
- gear-polishing machine
- gear-producing machine
- gear-rolling machine
- gear-shaping machine
- gear-shaving machine
- gear-sizing machine
- gear-testing machine
- general-purpose flat surface broaching machine
- general-purpose machine
- generating machine
- gilding machine
- gimbals head rolling machine
- gold rolling machine
- grading machine
- grinder-milling machine
- grinding machine for drill bits
- grinding machine with rotating column
- grinding machine
- grinding-and-lapping machine
- grinding-and-polishing machine
- grooving machine
- G-Tech machine
- Guillotine knife grinding machine for long knives
- Guillotine knife grinding machine
- gun-boring machine
- gun-drill machine
- gun-drilling machine
- gun-rifling machine
- gun-welding machine
- hacksawing machine
- half-NC machine
- hammer impact machine
- hammering machine
- hand-driven cutting machine
- hand-fed machine
- hand-held machine
- hand-load machine
- hand-milling machine
- hand-operated molding machine
- hand-operated press-molding machine
- hand-operated squeezing machine
- hard bearing balancing machine
- hard X-ray machine
- hardening machine
- hardness-testing machine
- hardwired NC machine
- Hazellet continuous strip casting machine
- head-changer machine
- head-changing machine
- heading machine
- headstock moving-type automatic screw machine
- head-to-head machines
- heating machine
- heavy machine
- heavy-duty machine
- heavy-hogging machine
- hexapod machine
- high-accuracy machine
- high-energy-rate forging machine
- high-energy-rate machine
- high-frequency ac welding machine
- high-frequency hardening machine
- highly accurate machine
- highly productive machine
- high-performance machine
- high-precision machine
- high-production machine
- high-productivity machine
- high-specification machine
- high-speed drafting machine
- high-speed machine
- high-speed spindle machine
- high-technology machine
- high-temperature fatigue testing machine
- high-velocity ram machine
- high-volume machine
- hinged roll-over machine
- hitch-feed cut-off machine
- HNC machine
- hob back-off machine
- hob tooth profile grinding machine
- hobbing machine
- hob-grinding machine
- hob-sharpening machine
- hoisting machine
- hole milling-and-reaming machine
- hole-making machine
- hole-punching machine
- hone machine
- honing machine
- honing-and-lapping machine
- horizontal arm measuring machine
- horizontal band machine
- horizontal bar machine
- horizontal boring machine
- horizontal broaching machine
- horizontal casting machine
- horizontal continuous broaching machine
- horizontal continuous drilling machine
- horizontal forging machine
- horizontal indexing machine
- horizontal internal broaching machine
- horizontal machine
- horizontal milling machine
- horizontal plate-bending machine
- horizontal punching machine
- horizontal ram machine
- horizontal shaping machine
- horizontal slotting machine
- horizontal spindle surface grinding machine
- horizontal square T-planer type milling machine
- horizontal-type machine
- horizontal-vertical milling machine
- hose-type sandblast tank machine
- host machine
- hot plate straightening machine
- hot-box core-making machine
- hot-chamber die-casting machine
- hot-heading machine
- hot-metal sawing machine
- hsc machine
- hybrid machine
- hydraulic axis machine
- hydraulic balancing machine
- hydraulic bloom shearing machine
- hydraulic core knockout machine
- hydraulic machine
- hydraulic molding machine
- hydraulic pipe testing machine
- hydraulic riveting machine
- hydraulic shearing machine
- hydraulic squeeze machine
- hydraulically-assisted machine
- hydraulically-driven machine
- hydraulically-powered machine
- hydraulic-assisted machine
- hydraulic-driven machine
- hydraulic-electric machine
- hydraulic-powered machine
- hydro-copying machine
- hydrostatic machine
- hydrostatic-extrusion machine
- imitation machine
- impact machine
- impact pendulum-type testing machine
- impact tension machine
- impact-test machine
- impact-testing machine
- impulse-cutting machine
- impulse-forming machine
- impulsive machine
- inclined tapping machine
- indentation machine
- index machine
- index milling machine
- indexer machine
- indexing chuck machine
- indexing drum milling machine
- indexing head machine
- indexing machine
- indexing turret machine
- induction hardening machine
- induction softening machine
- industrial machine
- informational machine
- ingot stripper machine
- ingot-planing machine
- ingot-scalping machine
- ingot-slicing machine
- injection-molding machine
- in-line machine
- in-line synchronous machine
- in-line transfer machine
- innovative machine
- inspection and measuring machine
- inspection machine
- integrated turning/milling machine
- intelligent machine
- intermittently manned machine
- internal broaching machine
- internal grinding machine
- internal grooving machine
- internal keyseating machine
- internal lapping machine
- internal planetary-type grinding machine
- internal thread grinding machine
- internal-and-external broaching machine
- internal-external inspection machine
- internal-part-transfer vertical broaching machine
- inverted vertical turning machine
- involute profile measuring machine
- ion beam machine
- iron shearing machine
- jar molding machine
- jar ramming machine
- jar ramming roll-over molding machine
- jarring machine
- jig milling machine
- jig-borer-class machine
- jig-boring machine
- jig-drilling machine
- jig-grinding machine
- jigless machine
- job-dedicated machine
- joggling machine
- jointed arm drilling machine
- jolt core-making machine
- jolt molding machine
- jolt pattern-draw molding machine
- jolt roll-over pattern-draw molding machine
- jolt squeeze molding machine
- journal-milling machine
- journal-turning machine
- Kenyon machine
- key machine
- key-and-slot milling machine
- key-bitting machine
- key-cutting machine
- key-duplicating machine
- keyseating and slot milling machine
- keyseating machine
- keyseating milling machine
- keyway-cutting machine
- keyway-milling machine
- keyway-seating machine
- keyway-slotting machine
- kneading machine
- knee-and-column machine
- knee-and-column milling machine
- knee-and-column-type milling machine
- kneeless-type milling machine
- knee-type machine
- knee-type milling machine
- knife-grinding machine
- knitting machine
- knurling machine
- labeling machine
- lamination segments blanking machine
- lapping and polishing machine
- lapping machine
- large-dimensioned machine
- large-scale machine
- large-size machine
- laser beam cutting machine
- laser beam machine
- laser die-sinking machine
- laser etch machine
- laser etching machine
- laser-assisted machine
- laser-controlled machine
- laser-cutting machine
- laser-hardening machine
- laser-scribing machine
- lathe machine
- laying-out machine
- lay-out machine
- lead screw tapping machine
- lead screw testing machine
- leakage-testing machine
- lens-grinding machine
- letter and paper cup machine
- leveling machine
- lever punching machine
- lever testing machine
- leverage proportioned tracing milling machine
- lever-type Brinell machine
- lifting machine
- light machine
- light production machine
- light-duty machine
- lightly manned machine
- light-weight machine
- limited-interference machine
- linear path-controlled machine
- linear station machine
- line-boring machine
- line-controlled machine
- live spindle machine
- lock-seaming machine
- long travel machine
- long-feed cut-off machine
- longitudinal circular cold sawing machine
- longitudinal dividing machine
- longitudinal grinding machine
- longitudinal seam-welding machine
- long-lasting machine
- long-running machine
- long-stroke broaching machine
- long-stroke machine
- long-term strength testing machine
- low-pressure die-casting machine
- machine of compact construction
- machine of dieing design
- machine of the state of the art
- machining machine
- magazine bar feed machine
- magnetic cobbing machine
- magnetic force welding machine
- magnetic forming machine
- maintenance-free machine
- manual machine
- manual-CNC machine
- manual-CNC turning machine
- manually controlled machine
- manually jogged machine
- manually tended machine
- manual-toolchange machine
- manufacturing bed-type milling machine
- manufacturing machine
- manufacturing milling machine
- manufacturing-oriented machine
- manufacturing-type machine
- marking machine
- marking-off machine
- marking-out machine
- mass centering machine
- mass-production machine
- master machine
- match-plate molding machine
- material testing machine
- material-cutting machine
- MDI-controlled machine
- measurement machine
- measuring machine
- mechanical drive machine
- mechanically driven machine
- medium duty machine
- medium travel machine
- mesh-welding machine
- metal slitting machine
- metal testing machine
- metal-cutting machine
- metal-folding machine
- metal-forming machine
- metal-planing machine
- metal-removing machine
- metal-sawing machine
- metal-working machine
- metamorphic machine
- metrology machine
- microcomputer-based NC machine
- microdrilling machine
- microfinishing machine
- micromilling machine
- microscopic drilling machine
- mill/turn machine
- mill-drill-bore machine
- milling cutter grinding machine
- milling machine with table of fixed height and with vertical spindle
- milling machine with table of variable height and with horizontal spindle
- milling machine with table of variable height
- milling machine
- milling/drilling machine
- milling/turning machine
- milling-and-boring machine
- milling-and-centering machine
- minicomputer-controlled machine
- minicoordinate boring machine
- minicoordinate drilling machine
- miter saw machine
- miter-cutting machine
- mitering saw machine
- mixing machine
- mobile gantry-type machine
- mobile weighing machine
- mock-up machine
- model engineers milling machine
- modular industrial machine
- modular machine
- modular-type machine
- molding machine
- mortising machine
- motor-driven welding machine
- movable bridge machine
- movable column machine
- movable saddle machine
- moving bridge machine
- moving column/fixed table machine
- moving machine
- moving table machine
- multiaxis machine
- multidie machine
- multidisciplinary machine
- multidrilling machine
- multifunction machine
- multihead automatic arc-welding machine
- multihead changer machine
- multihead machine
- multihead milling machine
- multiloaded machine
- multioperation machine
- multioperational machine
- multipallet machine
- multiple machines
- multiple secondary-operation machine
- multiple second-operation machine
- multiple-beam flame planing machine
- multiple-blowpipe machine
- multiple-broach broaching machine
- multiple-burner machine
- multiple-diameter grinding machine
- multiple-diameter turning machine
- multiple-head broaching machine
- multiple-head drilling machine
- multiple-operation machine
- multiple-purpose machine
- multiple-roll machine
- multiple-spindle automatic machine
- multiple-spindle bar machine
- multiple-spindle machine
- multiple-spot welding machine
- multiple-station machine
- multiple-station transfer machine
- multiple-table milling machine
- multiple-torch machine
- multiple-transformer machine
- multiple-transformer spot-welding machine
- multiproduct machine
- multipurpose broaching machine
- multipurpose shearing machine
- multireduction wire-drawing machine
- multiroll bar straightening machine
- multiroller machine
- multisensor coordinate machine
- multispecimen testing machine
- multispindle automatic screw machine
- multispindle bar machine
- multispindle head machine
- multispindle head-changing machine
- multispindle screw machine
- multispot machine
- multistation indexing transfer machine
- multistation machine
- multisurface machine
- multitool turning machine
- multiunit drilling machine
- multiuniversal machine
- multiway drilling machine
- nail-making machine
- narrow belt sanding machine
- NC machine
- needle die grinding machine
- needle die polishing machine
- nibbling machine
- nibbling, milling and punching machine
- nipple-threading machine
- No.40-taper-tool machine
- No.50-taper machine
- noncantilevered machine
- nonferrous sawing machine
- non-NC machine
- nonstock machine
- nonsystem machine
- normal accuracy machine
- normal manned NC machine
- notching machine
- numbering machine
- nut-castellating machine
- nut-chamfering machine
- nut-deburring machine
- nut-facing machine
- nut-making machine
- nut-running machine
- nut-setting machine
- nut-shaping machine
- nut-tapping machine
- nut-threading machine
- OD grinding machine
- OD machine
- off-line machine
- offset milling machine
- off-site machine
- oil hydraulic machine
- oil roll machine
- oil-grooving machine
- oiling machine
- omnimil versatile machine
- one-axis machine
- one-head automatic arc-welding machine
- one-hit machine
- one-meter machine
- one-off machine
- one-operator machine
- on-line machine
- open-side milling machine
- open-side planing machine
- open-side plano-milling machine
- open-sided milling machine
- operator-independent machine
- operator-initiated machine
- operator-positionable machine
- operator-programmed machine
- opposed spindle machine
- optical jig boring machine
- optical pattern tracing machine
- optical profile grinding machine
- optical reading machine
- original equipment CNC machine
- orthodox machine
- orthogonally movable machine
- oscillating bandsaw machine
- other machines
- outfacing machine
- outmoded machine
- out-of-alignment machine
- overdesigned machine
- overhead gantry machine
- overhead grinding machine
- overhead recessing machine
- overhead traveling drilling machine
- overwrapping machine
- own-use machine
- oxyacetylene-cutting machine
- oxyfuel burn machine
- packaging machine
- pack-checking machine
- packing machine
- paddle blade-type mixing machine
- paint machine
- pallet pool machine
- pallet shuttle machine
- pallet transfer machine
- pallet-change machine
- palletized machine
- pallet-loading machine
- pallet-type transfer machine
- pantograph-engraving machine
- pantographic engraving machine
- pantograph-type milling machine
- paper-cutting machine
- parting machine
- part-transfer vertical broaching machine
- pattern draw machine
- pattern milling machine
- pattern-controlled machine
- pattern-tracing machine
- PCB machine
- PCB-drilling machine
- PC-equipped machine
- PC-governed machine
- pedal-operated welding machine
- pedal-triggered machine
- pedestal spot-welding machine
- pedestal-drilling machine
- pedestal-grinding machine
- peeling machine
- peening machine
- pendant controlled machine
- pendulum impact testing machine
- percussion-welding machine
- perforating machine
- periodic machine
- physico-chemical machine
- pick-and-place machine
- pickling machine
- piercing machine
- pig casting machine
- pillar-drilling machine
- pilot machine
- pincer spot-welding machine
- pinion-generating machine
- pin-lift molding machine
- pin-making machine
- pin-on-disk wear test machine
- pipe cut-off machine
- pipe-bending machine
- pipe-beveling machine
- pipe-beveling/cutting machine
- pipe-chamfering machine
- pipe-cropping machine
- pipe-crushing machine
- pipe-cutting machine
- pipe-expanding machine
- pipe-facing machine
- pipe-flanging machine
- pipe-flaring machine
- pipe-swabbing machine
- pipe-testing machine
- pipe-threading machine
- pipe-welding machine
- piston contouring machine
- piston ring grinding machine
- piston-turning machine
- pit planing machine
- pit-based broaching machine
- pit-type planing machine
- pivot-head machine
- placing machine
- plain grinding machine
- plain horizontal knee-type milling machine
- plain-way machine
- planer-type boring machine
- planer-type machine
- planer-type milling machine
- planer-type surface grinding machine
- planetary grinding machine
- planetary milling machine
- planetary-type thread milling machine
- planing machine
- planing-and-milling machine
- planomilling machine
- plano-type boring-and-milling machine
- plano-type surface grinding machine
- plasma arc machine
- plasma-cutting machine
- plastics extrusion machine
- plate-bending machine
- plate-cutting machine
- plate-edge beveling machine
- plate-edge planing machine
- plate-fabricating machine
- plate-flanging machine
- plate-flattening machine
- plate-leveling machine
- platen TL machine
- platen-tooled machine
- plate-punching machine
- plate-shearing machine
- plate-straightening machine
- plate-working machine
- platform weighing machine
- plating machine
- plier spot-welding machine
- plugboard/capstan machine
- plugboard-control machine
- plugboard-controlled machine
- plug-ramming machine
- plunge-grinding machine
- plunger core machine
- plunger-type pickling machine
- pneumatic hand machine
- pneumatic machine
- pneumatic molding machine
- pointing machine
- pointing rolling machine
- point-to-point NC machine
- polishing machine
- polygonal turning machine
- polyvalent machine
- portable facing machine
- portable machine
- portable milling machine
- portable valve grinding machine
- portal cutting machine
- portal machine
- portal-frame machine
- portal-type machine
- portal-type plano-milling machine with variable height cross rail
- position control machine
- positive-displacement hydraulic machine
- positive-displacement pneumatic machine
- pot-broach vertical broaching machine
- pot-broaching machine
- powder metal compacting machine
- power machine
- power-driven machine
- power-operated molding machine
- precision boring machine
- precision-controlled machine
- precision-drawing machine
- preparatory NC machine
- preset machine
- presetting machine
- press-molding machine
- press-type machine
- pressure die-casting machine
- press-welding machine
- primary turning machine
- printing machine
- prior art machine
- prior art-type machine
- prismatic coordinate inspection machine
- prismatic machine
- prismatic-type indexing machine
- process machines
- processing machine
- process-specialized machine
- production machine
- product-oriented machine
- profile measurement machine
- profile-cutting machine
- profile-grinding machine
- profile-iron bending machine
- profile-milling machine
- profiler machine
- profiling machine
- profiling milling machine
- program sequence controlled machine
- programmable machine
- programmable-controlled machine
- progressive broach machine
- projection form grinding machine
- projection welding machine
- prototype machine
- proving machine
- pull test machine
- pull-broaching machine
- pull-down broaching machine
- pulling-in machine
- pull-type broaching machine
- pull-type machine
- pull-up broaching machine
- punch machine
- punching and shearing machine
- punching machine
- purpose-built machine
- purpose-designed machine
- push-broaching machine
- push-cut shaping machine
- push-down broaching machine
- push-pull fatigue-testing machine
- push-up broaching machine
- qualifying machine
- quenching machine
- rack milling machine
- rack-and-pinion machine
- rack-and-pinion-operated machine
- radial arm-drilling machine
- radial arm-sawing machine
- radial articulated-arm cutting machine
- radial drilling machine
- radial-and-pillar drilling machine
- radiusing machine
- rail end milling machine
- rail-bending machine
- rail-cambering machine
- rail-drilling machine
- rail-straightening machine
- railway axle grinding machine
- ram impact machine
- ram milling machine
- ram-boring machine
- ram-head milling machine
- ramming molding machine
- ram-type boring and horizontal milling machine
- ram-type EDM machine
- ram-type milling machine
- ram-type tooling machine
- ratio cutting machine
- raw component measuring machine
- reading machine
- reaming machine
- reaming-and-facing machine
- recessing machine
- reciprocating cutoff machine
- reciprocating grinding machine
- reciprocating machine
- reciprocating-die machine
- reciprocating-table surface grinding machine
- recognizing machine
- recoiling machine
- rectifier-type welding machine
- redesigned machine
- reference machine
- refrigerating machine
- regrinding machine
- reinforcing bar bending machine
- reinforcing rod cropping machine
- relieving machine
- remote-control machine
- remote-controlled machine
- renewed machine
- repetitive milling machine
- replaceable gang head machine
- replacement machine
- reproducing pattern milling machine
- research-oriented machine
- resistance welding machine
- resonance-balancing machine
- resonant vibration machine
- resurfacing machine
- retapping machine
- reverse torsion fatigue testing machine
- reverse torsion machine
- rewinding machine
- rifling machine
- rigid production machine
- rigid-bed milling machine
- rigid-capable machine
- rise and fall tank machine
- rising blade machine
- rising table broaching machine
- rivet machine
- riveting machine
- robot machine
- robot-assisted machine
- robot-controlled machine
- robot-fed machine
- robotic machine
- robotically-fed machine
- robot-loaded machine
- robot-operated machine
- rock-crushing machine
- rocker-arm spot-welding machine
- rocker-type pickling machine
- Rockwell hardness machine
- Rockwell hardness-testing machine
- roll machine
- roll sheet bending machine
- roll-bending machine
- roll-end milling machine
- roller finishing machine
- roller profiling machine
- roller section-machinestraightening machine
- roller shape-machinestraightening machine
- roller spot-and-seam welding machine
- roller straightening machine
- roller-stretcher machine
- roll-fluting machine
- roll-forging machine
- roll-forming machine
- roll-grinding machine
- rolling dividing machine
- rolling machine
- rolling-and-bending machine
- rolling-on machine
- rolling-quench machine
- roll-over molding machine
- roll-over pattern-draw machine
- roll-seam welding machine
- roll-straightening machine
- roll-threading machine
- roll-turning machine
- rotary assembly machine
- rotary broaching machine
- rotary compression-type machine
- rotary continuous drum-type milling machine
- rotary continuous milling machine
- rotary dial machine
- rotary dial-index machine
- rotary disk filing machine
- rotary drum broaching machine
- rotary drum fixture milling machine
- rotary flame planing machine
- rotary head machine
- rotary indexing drum machine
- rotary indexing machine
- rotary indexing pallet machine
- rotary indexing table machine
- rotary knife cutting machine
- rotary machine
- rotary milling machine with horizontal workholder
- rotary pallet machine
- rotary planetary machine
- rotary planetary-die machine
- rotary stamping machine
- rotary surface grinding machine
- rotary table machine
- rotary tooled machine
- rotary transfer machine
- rotary welding machine
- rotary-drive machine
- rotary-driven machine
- rotary-table broaching machine
- rotary-table index machine
- rotary-table indexing machine
- rotary-table milling machine
- rotary-table surface grinding machine
- rotary-table transfer machine
- rotary-type milling machine
- rotating machine
- rotating-beam fatigue machine
- rotating-beam fatigue testing machine
- rotation machine
- rotor milling machine
- rotor slot milling machine
- rough boring machine
- rough facing machine
- rough grinding machine
- rough milling machine
- rough turning machine
- roughing machine
- round column drilling machine
- rounding machine
- roundness measuring machine
- routing milling machine
- RP machine
- rundown machine
- running balance indicating machine
- S/R machine
- saddle-type machine
- sample preparation machine
- sampling machine
- sandblast cleaning machine
- sandblast machine with stationary nozzle
- sandblast machine
- sandblast sprocket-table machine
- sand-throwing machine
- saw machine
- saw-brazing machine
- saw-cutting machine
- saw-grinding machine
- sawing machine
- saw-setting machine
- saw-sharpening machine
- saw-toothing machine
- scalping machine
- scissors-type horizontal band machine
- scissors-type horizontal machine
- scrap shearing machine
- scraping machine
- scratchbrush machine
- screening machine
- screw machine
- screw thread grinding machine
- screw thread milling machine
- screw thread rolling machine
- screw thread whirling machine
- screw-cutting machine
- screw-driving machine
- screw-head slotting machine
- screwing machine
- screw-nicking machine
- screw-shaving machine
- scribing machine
- scrubbing machine
- scrubbing-and-drying machine
- sculpturing machine
- seam-welding machine
- secondary machine
- second-operation machine
- section bending machine
- section shearing machine
- section-iron bending machine
- section-iron shearing machine
- section-straightening machine
- section-stretching machine
- segmented transfer machine
- self-controlling machine
- self-correcting machine
- semiautomatic arc welding machine
- semiautomatic gas-cutting machine
- semiautomatic grinding machine
- semiautomatic machine
- semiautomatic welding machine
- semiproduction machine
- sensitive drilling machine
- sensitive tapping machine
- separately excited machine
- sequence-controlled machine
- sequential transfer machines
- series-produced machines
- servo indexer machine
- servo slide machine
- sets-of-parts operated machine
- shaft machine
- shape-cutting machine
- shaper machine
- shape-straightening machine
- shaping machine
- sharpening machine
- shaving cutter grinding machine
- shear machine
- shearing machine
- shear-speed machine
- sheet and plate bending machine
- sheet bending machine
- sheet metal bending machine
- sheet metal cutting machine
- sheet metal folding machine
- sheet metal leveling machine
- sheet metal shearing machine
- sheet metal stamping machine
- sheet metal working machine
- sheet straightening and polishing machine
- sheet working machine
- sheet-leveling machine
- sheet-straightening machine
- shell core blowing machine
- shell molding machine
- ship propeller milling machine
- shock-and-vibration machine
- shockless jolting machine
- shopfloor machine
- shopworn machine
- show machine
- shredding machine for wood wool production
- shredding machine
- side hole drilling machine
- side-milling machine
- side-planing machine
- sieving machine
- simple-to-operate automatic machine
- simple-to-operate machine
- simplex milling machine
- simplex multiple-spindle machine
- simulation machine
- simultaneous 5-axis machine
- single wheel lapping machine
- single-address machine
- single-axis machine
- single-blade sawing machine
- single-end boring machine
- single-end centering and end-facing machine
- single-end machine
- single-end tenoning machine
- single-ended boring machine
- single-ended machine
- single-function machine
- single-gantry machine
- single-head machine
- single-hitb machine
- single-operation transfer machine
- single-piece machine
- single-point cutting-off machine
- single-position metal forming machine
- single-purpose machine
- single-shift machine
- single-shifted machine
- single-slide bed-type machine
- single-spindle machine
- single-station machine
- single-task machine
- single-upright machine
- singlex machine
- sinking machine
- six-axis NC machine
- sizing machine
- skin-milling machine
- skiving machine
- slabbing machine
- slab-milling machine
- slant-carriage machine
- slant-slide machine
- slave machine
- slicing machine
- slideway-grinding machine
- sliding bush machine
- sliding head machine
- sliding head milling machine
- sliding head/fixed spindle machine
- sliding headstock bar machine
- sliding headstock machine
- slinger molding machine
- slitting machine
- slot and keyway milling machine
- slot-drilling machine
- slot-milling machine
- slotting machine
- small capacity machine
- small-chuck machine
- small-envelope machine
- small-footprint machine
- small-parts machine
- smooth planing machine
- snagging grinding machine
- soft bearing balancing machine
- software-controlled machine
- software-oriented machine
- soldering machine
- solid bed-type milling machine
- sorting machine
- spar milling machine
- spark erosion machine
- spark machine
- special design machine
- special unit machine
- special way-type machine
- specialist machine
- specialized machine
- special-purpose machine
- specialty machine
- speed reduction machine
- spherical grinding machine
- spindle turning machine
- spinning machine
- spiral drive planing machine
- spline cold rolling machine
- spline shaft grinding machine
- spline shaft hobbing machine
- spline-broaching machine
- spline-grinding machine
- spline-hobbing machine
- spline-milling machine
- splining machine
- spring end grinding machine
- spring forming machine
- spring manufacturing machine
- spring testing machine
- spring-coiling machine
- spring-making machine
- spring-winding machine
- spur-and-helical grinding machine
- square milling machine
- squeeze core-making machine
- squeeze molding machine
- squeezing machine
- squirrel cage balancing machine
- SR machine
- stack-routing machine
- stamping machine
- standalone machine
- standard configuration machine
- standard design machine
- standard machine
- standard-unit-type machine
- static balancing machine
- station-type machine
- storage retrieval machine
- straight line milling machine
- straightening machine
- strength testing machine
- stress-relieving machine
- stress-rupture testing machine
- stretch straightening machine
- strip leveling machine
- stud thread rolling machine
- studding machine
- subspindle turning machine
- subspindle-equipped turning machine
- subspindle-type machine
- super-accurate machine
- supercharged laser cutting machine
- superfinishing machine for centerless plunge-cut
- superfinishing machine for centerless throughfeed
- superfinishing machine
- surface and profile grinding machine
- surface-broaching machine
- surface-grinding machine with long table
- surface-grinding machine with two columns
- surface-grinding machine
- surface-milling machine
- surface-treatment machine
- swage machine
- swaging machine
- swing frame grinding machine
- Swiss bar machine
- Swiss screw machine
- Swiss sliding headstock machine
- Swiss-style sliding-headstock machine
- Swiss-style sliding-headstock-type machine
- Swiss-type cam automatic screw machine
- Swiss-type machine
- Swiss-type movable headstock automatic screw machine
- Swiss-type stationary headstock automatic screw machine
- swivel head milling machine
- swivel head slotting machine
- synchronous transfer machine
- synchronous-feed machine
- system machine
- system-ready machine
- systems-compatible machine
- tabletop machine
- table-type machine
- table-uo broaching machine
- tabulating machine
- tailored machine
- tandem table machine
- tap flute milling machine
- tap fluting machine
- tap-drill machine
- tape finishing machine
- tape machine
- tape preparation machine
- tape-controlled machine
- tape-handling machine
- taper strip milling machine
- tap-grinding machine
- tapping machine
- tap-sharpening machine
- targeted machine
- teaching machine
- TEM machine
- template-controlled machine
- tenoning machine
- tensile strength testing machine
- tensile testing machine
- tension testing machine
- test machine
- test sieving machine
- testing machine
- texturing machine
- thermal cutting machine
- thermal deburrting machine
- thermally symmetric machine
- thermally symmetrical machine
- thermoelectric machine
- thread chaser grinding machine
- thread-cutting machine
- threaded wheel grinding machine
- thread-generating machine
- thread-grinding machine
- threading machine
- thread-milling machine
- thread-producing machine
- thread-rolling machine with roller and segmented die
- thread-rolling machine
- thread-tapping machine
- thread-turning machine
- thread-whirling machine
- three-axis checking machine
- three-axis digital read-out inspection machine
- three-axis NC machine
- three-axis-controlled machine
- three-dimensional forming machine
- three-dimensional NC machine
- three-dimensional profiling machine
- three-roll bending machine
- three-roll forming machine
- three-roll sheet bending machine
- three-shift machine
- three-shifted machine
- three-way machine
- tiering machine
- tilt frame machine
- tilting body slotting machine
- tilting column machine
- tilting spindle grinding machine
- tilting spindle machine
- time-tested machine
- TL machine
- TNC-milling machine
- tool and diemaker's milling machine
- tool changer machine
- tool presetting and inspection machine
- tool presetting machine
- tool-and-cutter grinding machine
- tool-grinding machine
- toolroom machine
- toolroom-milling machine
- tool-setting machine
- tooth generating machine
- tooth rounding-and-chamfering machine
- top-of-the-line machine
- torsion testing machine
- totally automated machine
- totally enclosed machine
- touch-trigger machine
- T-planer type machine
- tracer controlled machine
- tracer milling machine
- tracer-controlled electrical discharge profiling machine
- tracer-controlled milling machine
- tracer-guided machine
- tracer-guided milling machine
- tracing machine
- transfer-line-ready machine
- transfer-segmented machine
- transfer-type machine
- transport machine
- transverse planing machine
- traveling bar-type boring machine
- traveling bridge-type plano-milling machine
- traveling column machine
- traveling column-type machine
- traveling gantry machine
- traveling head shaping machine
- traveling portal milling machine
- traveling table machine
- traveling table-type machine
- traveling wire electrical discharge machine
- traveling-head boring machine
- traveling-head surface grinding machine
- traverse grinding machine
- traversing head shaping machine
- trimming machine
- trip dog-controlled machine
- triplex milling machine
- trunnion machine
- trunnion-style machine
- trunnion-type machine
- T-slot milling machine
- tube cutoff machine
- tube grinding-and-polishing machine
- tube-bending machine
- tube-boring machine
- tube-chamfering machine
- tube-drawing machine
- tube-enlarging machine
- tube-forming machine
- tube-sawing machine
- tube-straightening machine
- tube-welding machine
- tumbling machine
- turbine shot-blasting machine
- turbine slot milling machine
- turn/mill machine
- turn, bore and cut-off machine
- turn-broaching machine
- turning machine
- turning, milling and boring machine
- turning-and-boring machine
- turn-mill machine
- turn-peeling machine
- turret hole punching machine
- turret machine
- turret press machine
- turret ram milling machine
- turret screw machine
- turret-chucking machine
- turret-drilling machine
- turret-milling machine
- turret-punching machine
- turret-type drilling machine
- twin pallet machine
- twin screw knee-type machine
- twin six-station turret machine
- twin-head machine
- twin-head shaping machine
- twin-opposed spindle turning machine
- twin-overarm milling machine
- twin-spindle machine
- twin-turret machine
- twist drill flute grinding machine
- twist drill fluting machine
- twist drill grinding machine
- twist drill milling machine
- twist drill point grinding machine
- twist test machine
- two-address machine
- two-axis NC machine
- two-axis-controlled machine
- two-dimensional engraving machine
- two-plane balancing machine
- two-roll sheet bending machine
- two-shift machine
- two-shifted machine
- two-tool machine
- two-way broaching machine
- two-way drilling machine
- two-way machine
- tybe-reducing machine
- typical machine
- ultra precision machine
- ultra-high precision machine
- ultra-high speed machine
- ultrasonic cleaning and degreasing machine
- ultrasonic cleaning machine
- ultrasonic copy-piercing machine
- ultrasonic drilling machine
- ultrasonic hole-contouring machine
- undedicated machine
- underdesigned machine
- underutilized machine
- unit construction machine
- unit-built machine
- unit-changeable machine
- unit-type machine
- universal boring machine
- universal cutter and tool grinding machine
- universal head milling machine
- universal horizontal milling machine
- universal knee-type milling machine
- universal milling machine
- universal rotaty table grinding machine
- universal table grinding machine
- universal testing machine
- universal tool and die milling machine
- universal tool milling and boring machine
- universal toolroom milling machine
- universal-spindle machine
- unmanned machine
- unmanned measuring machine
- unmanned turning machine
- upgradable machine
- uprated machine
- upright boring machine
- upright drilling machine
- upright drilling-and-boring machine
- upsetting machine
- used machine
- user-friendly machine
- utrasonic lapping machine
- valve seat lapping machine
- valve seat milling machine
- vehicle-mounted machine
- vending machine
- veneer slicing machine
- versatile machine
- vertical arm measuring machine
- vertical band machine
- vertical band-saw machine
- vertical band-sawing machine
- vertical bed machine
- vertical boring machine
- vertical broaching machine
- vertical chucking machine
- vertical double-ram broaching machine
- vertical double-slide broaching machine
- vertical drilling machine
- vertical machine
- vertical milling machine
- vertical planing machine
- vertical plano-milling machine
- vertical pull-up broaching machine
- vertical push-broaching machine
- vertical ram machine
- vertical slotting machine
- vertical spindle surface-grinding machine
- vertical turning machine
- vertical turning-and-boring machine
- vertical/horizontal machine
- vertically oriented drilling machine
- vertical-type machine
- vibration fatigue testing machine
- vibration machine
- vibratory finishing machine
- vibrofinishing machine
- Vickers hardness machine
- Vickers pyramid hardness machine
- vision-controlled machine
- volume production machine
- walking machine
- wall machine
- washing drying machine
- washing machine
- watch-case making machine
- watch-gear hobbing machine
- watch-gear making machine
- water jet cutting machine
- water-jet machine
- way-type machine
- way-type unit head machine
- weathering machine
- weighing machine
- welding machine
- well-developed machine
- wet-cutting machine
- wet-grinding machine
- wheel turning machine
- whirling machine
- wide belt sending machine
- wire bonding machine
- wire brush deburring machine
- wire coiling and winding machine
- wire cutting-off machine
- wire drawing machine
- wire EDM machine
- wire erosion machine
- wire netting and weaving machine
- wire-cut EDM machine
- wire-cut electrical discharge machine
- wire-cut machine
- wire-cutting machine
- wire-cutting spark erosion machine
- wire-eroding machine
- wire-forming machine
- wire-making machine
- wire-polishing machine
- wire-straightening machine
- woodsawing machine
- woodworking machine
- workpiece moving-type machine
- worm grinding machine
- worm milling machine
- wrist-pin boring machine
- xerox machine
- X-ray machineEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > machine
9 time
время; период; продолжительность || устанавливать время; распределять время; рассчитывать по времени; согласовывать во времени; синхронизироватьtime in use — время использования; время работы (напр. инструмента)
time on machine — время пребывания ( обрабатываемой детали) на станке
- acceleration timeto cut time — сокращать время (напр. обработки)
- access time
- activation time
- active maintenance time
- active repair time
- activity time
- actual in-cut time
- addition time
- additional time
- adjustable laser ramp-up time
- administrative time
- aggregate travel time
- air-cutting time
- arcing time of pole
- assembly time
- assessed mean time to failure
- ATC time
- attended running time
- attenuation time
- auxiliary time
- available machine time
- available machining time
- available time
- average access time
- average time
- base cycle time
- batch change time
- batch lead time
- batch run time
- block execution time
- block processing time
- bounce time
- braking time to standstill
- braking time
- break time
- breakdown time
- bridging time
- build time
- build-up time
- cam idle time
- cell production time
- changeover cut-to-cut time
- changeover time
- characteristic time
- charge time
- chip-cutting time
- chip-making time
- chip-to-chip toolchange time
- clock cycle time
- closing time
- combined travel/load time
- commissioning time
- component cycle time
- component inspection time
- component time
- computed machine time
- computing time
- control flow time
- control time
- conversion time
- correction time
- corrective maintenance time
- c-percentile storageability time
- c-percentile time to failure
- cumulative cutting time
- cure time
- current fall time
- current rise time
- cut time
- cutting time
- cut-to-cut time
- cycle time
- dead cycle time
- dead time
- debugging time
- delay time
- delivery time
- depalletizing time
- derivative action time
- derricking time
- detection time
- direct manufacture time
- disengaging time
- division time
- door-to-door time
- double-stroke time
- down time
- dry-cycle time
- dwell time
- effective cutting time
- effective dead time
- empty running time
- end-of-job time
- equispaced times
- equivalent running time for wear
- eroding time
- erosion time
- estimation time
- execution time
- exposure time
- fall time
- fast response time
- finishing time
- first-off machining time
- fitting time
- fixture lead time
- floor-to-floor time
- flow time
- forward recovery time
- frame time
- full brazing time
- full operating time
- full soldering time
- gate controlled turn-off delay time
- gate controlled turn-off fall time
- gate controlled turn-off time
- grinding time
- gripper-changing time
- head-changing time
- hobbing time
- holding time
- idle time
- index time
- indexing time
- innovation time
- in-process time
- integral action time
- interarrival time
- interoperation time
- interpolation delay time
- jaw-adjusting time
- job completion time
- job finish time
- laser interaction time
- laser shutter opening time
- laser weld tempering time
- laser-beam dwell time
- laser-beam interaction time
- lead time
- learning time
- loading time
- machine down time
- machine repair time
- machine run time
- machine slack time
- machine wait time
- machine-setting time
- machine-setup time
- machining floor-to-floor time
- machining time
- machining-cycle time
- maintenance down time
- maintenance time
- make time
- manual machining time
- manufacturing cycle time
- manufacturing lead time
- material to end product lead time
- maximum resetting time
- mean time between failures
- mean time to failure
- mean time to repair
- measuring run time
- metal-to-metal time
- minimum accelerating time
- minimum braking time
- move time
- moving time
- multiplication time
- NC machining time
- NC program debug time
- no-failure operating time
- noncut time
- noncutting time
- nonmachining time
- nonproductive machine time
- nonrequired time
- numerical processing time
- observed mean time to failure
- off-machine process time
- off-shift machine down time
- off-shift slack time
- opening time
- operate time
- operating spindle time
- operating time
- operation cycle time
- operation time
- operator's attention time
- operator's reaction time
- operator's time
- optimized contact time
- out-of-cut machine time
- out-of-cut time
- output cycle time
- overall cycle time
- overall lead time
- pallet change time
- pallet processing time
- pallet shuttle time
- parasitic time
- part turnaround time
- partial operating time
- part-waiting time
- payback time
- periodic time
- pickup time
- piece sequence time
- piece time
- planned loading time
- planning lead time
- planning time
- predicted mean time to failure
- preparatory time
- preset operating time before corrective adjustment
- preset operating time
- preset time
- probing time
- process response time
- process time
- processing time
- product development lead time
- product flow time
- product lead time
- production lead time
- production time per piece
- production time per unit
- production time
- productive time
- profiling time
- programming time
- prorated time
- protective power time
- pulse decay time
- pulse response time
- pulse rise time
- pulse time
- queue time
- queueing time
- rapid response time
- reading time
- readout time
- real time
- rechucking time
- recognition time
- recovery time
- release time
- releasing time
- remaining life time
- repair/down cost time
- required time
- reset time
- residence time of materials
- response time
- restoration time
- return time
- reverse recovery current fall time
- reverse recovery current rise time
- reverse recovery time
- rise time
- robot down time
- roughing time
- run time
- running time
- running-in time
- safety lead time
- sampling time
- scan time
- schedule time
- scheduled time
- sensing time
- series machining time
- service time of the tool
- servicing time
- servo update time
- setter time
- setting time
- settling time
- setup time
- ship time
- slack time
- soaking time
- software execution time
- specified no-failure operating time
- specified operating time
- specified time
- spindle cutting time
- spindle run time
- stabilization time
- stand time
- standard handling time
- standard piece time
- starting time
- start-up time
- station time
- station-to-station time
- step response time
- stopping time
- storage cycle time
- storage time
- storageability time
- switching time
- switch-over time
- system time
- table-indexing time
- tape-preparation time
- tape-turnaround time
- target build time
- target time
- teach time
- throughput time
- time of starting
- tool change time
- tool exchange time
- tool index time
- tool life time
- tool-cutting time
- tool-in-cut time
- tooling-response time
- tool-setup time
- tool-to-tool changing time
- total access time
- total changeover time
- total equivalent running time for strength
- total equivalent running time for wear
- total manufacturing cycle time
- total running time
- total sequence time
- to-the-minute time
- transfer time
- transient time
- transit time
- transition time
- traveling time
- turnaround time
- turn-off time
- turn-on time
- undetected failure time
- unit cycle time
- unit production time
- unit time
- up time
- update time
- updating time
- vehicle time per hour
- vehicle-use time
- waiting time
- wakeup time
- warm-up time
- wasted time
- work-change time
- work-cycle time
- work-in-process time
- wrench time
- zero ATC timeEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > time
10 AMC
1) Компьютерная техника: Advanced Mezzanine Card, auto-manual center2) Авиация: приемлемое средство наблюдения (Acceptable Means of Compliance), Aerodynamic Mean Chord, Authorised Maintenance Center3) Медицина: arthrogryposis multiplex congenita4) Спорт: Academic Mastery Center5) Военный термин: Acquisition Method Code, Air Materiel Command, Airspace Management and Control, Army Medical Center, Army Medical Corps, Army Missile Command, Army Mobility Command, Army Munitions Command, U S Air Force Air Mobility Command, advanced message center, advanced monopulse countermeasures, air mail center, air mission commander, air-launched missile change, airship, metal-clad, alarm monitor computer, armament material change, armored car, armored mortar carrier, automatic mission control, automatic monitoring circuit, average monthly consumption, aviation maintenance costs, Army Materiel Command (Formerly DARCOM), Armoured Multirole Carrier, At My Command6) Техника: aeromedical monitor console, angular motion compensator, associative memory computer, asymmetric mode confinement, automatic message counting, automatic modulation control, Годовой договор на техническое обслуживание7) Сельское хозяйство: available moisture capacity8) Шутливое выражение: A Major Cost, A Morons Car, A Mutated Car, Alas More Commercials, All Makes Combined, Another Major Catastrophe9) Метеорология: Army Materiel Command10) Железнодорожный термин: Arkansas Louisiana and Mississippi Railroad Company11) Биржевой термин: After Market Closes, Asset Management Company12) Грубое выражение: American Movie Crap, The Association Of Migrant Cocksuckers13) Сокращение: Acceptable Means of Compliance, Advanced Micro-Electronics Converter, Air Material Command, Air Mobility Command (USAF), Air Mounting Centre, Aircraft Management Computer, Aircraft Manufacturers Council, Aircraft Modification Center (USA), Airport Mail Center, Airport Mail Centre (UK, Hong Kong), Albany Medical College, American Mining Congress, American Motors Corporation, Appalachian Mountain Club, Armoured Mortar Carrier (Turkish Army), Army Materiel Command (USA), Association of Management Consultants, Automated Manufacturing Cell, The Armstrong Monitoring Corp. (Canada), automatic mixture control14) Электроника: Airborne molecular contamination15) Вычислительная техника: American Motors Corporation (?, Corporate name)16) Банковское дело: Корпорация сельскохозяйственного ипотечного кредита (Великобритания; Agricultural Mortgage Corporation)17) Транспорт: Air Mobility Command18) Фирменный знак: Accident Management Company, Ltd., American Music Center, Associated Merchandising Corporation, Australian Magnesium Corporation, Limited19) Экология: альтернативное сырье, которое не содержит карбонаты для производства клинкера ( в печах по обжигу цемента) (Alternative raw materials that do not contain carbonates for clinker production - Kyoto Protocol)21) Образование: Active Mindful Caring22) Инвестиции: Agricultural Mortgage Corporation23) Сетевые технологии: Answering Machine Checker24) Программирование: Archives And Manuscripts Collections25) Контроль качества: average manufacturing cost26) Океанография: Atlantic Marine Center27) Фантастика Anti Matter Coins28) Аэропорты: All Monster Comics29) НАСА: Active Mission Control, Advanced Mission Computer30) AMEX. American Mortgage Acceptance Corporation -
11 amc
1) Компьютерная техника: Advanced Mezzanine Card, auto-manual center2) Авиация: приемлемое средство наблюдения (Acceptable Means of Compliance), Aerodynamic Mean Chord, Authorised Maintenance Center3) Медицина: arthrogryposis multiplex congenita4) Спорт: Academic Mastery Center5) Военный термин: Acquisition Method Code, Air Materiel Command, Airspace Management and Control, Army Medical Center, Army Medical Corps, Army Missile Command, Army Mobility Command, Army Munitions Command, U S Air Force Air Mobility Command, advanced message center, advanced monopulse countermeasures, air mail center, air mission commander, air-launched missile change, airship, metal-clad, alarm monitor computer, armament material change, armored car, armored mortar carrier, automatic mission control, automatic monitoring circuit, average monthly consumption, aviation maintenance costs, Army Materiel Command (Formerly DARCOM), Armoured Multirole Carrier, At My Command6) Техника: aeromedical monitor console, angular motion compensator, associative memory computer, asymmetric mode confinement, automatic message counting, automatic modulation control, Годовой договор на техническое обслуживание7) Сельское хозяйство: available moisture capacity8) Шутливое выражение: A Major Cost, A Morons Car, A Mutated Car, Alas More Commercials, All Makes Combined, Another Major Catastrophe9) Метеорология: Army Materiel Command10) Железнодорожный термин: Arkansas Louisiana and Mississippi Railroad Company11) Биржевой термин: After Market Closes, Asset Management Company12) Грубое выражение: American Movie Crap, The Association Of Migrant Cocksuckers13) Сокращение: Acceptable Means of Compliance, Advanced Micro-Electronics Converter, Air Material Command, Air Mobility Command (USAF), Air Mounting Centre, Aircraft Management Computer, Aircraft Manufacturers Council, Aircraft Modification Center (USA), Airport Mail Center, Airport Mail Centre (UK, Hong Kong), Albany Medical College, American Mining Congress, American Motors Corporation, Appalachian Mountain Club, Armoured Mortar Carrier (Turkish Army), Army Materiel Command (USA), Association of Management Consultants, Automated Manufacturing Cell, The Armstrong Monitoring Corp. (Canada), automatic mixture control14) Электроника: Airborne molecular contamination15) Вычислительная техника: American Motors Corporation (?, Corporate name)16) Банковское дело: Корпорация сельскохозяйственного ипотечного кредита (Великобритания; Agricultural Mortgage Corporation)17) Транспорт: Air Mobility Command18) Фирменный знак: Accident Management Company, Ltd., American Music Center, Associated Merchandising Corporation, Australian Magnesium Corporation, Limited19) Экология: альтернативное сырье, которое не содержит карбонаты для производства клинкера ( в печах по обжигу цемента) (Alternative raw materials that do not contain carbonates for clinker production - Kyoto Protocol)21) Образование: Active Mindful Caring22) Инвестиции: Agricultural Mortgage Corporation23) Сетевые технологии: Answering Machine Checker24) Программирование: Archives And Manuscripts Collections25) Контроль качества: average manufacturing cost26) Океанография: Atlantic Marine Center27) Фантастика Anti Matter Coins28) Аэропорты: All Monster Comics29) НАСА: Active Mission Control, Advanced Mission Computer30) AMEX. American Mortgage Acceptance Corporation -
12 rate
1) скорость; частота; интенсивность2) степень3) масштаб4) размер || измерять5) отношение; пропорция6) производительность; объём выпуска7) расход8) сорт; разряд; класс || классифицировать9) норма; тариф; расценка || нормировать10) оценка || оценивать11) режим работы12) сила тока, величина тока (напр. в батарее)•- accident rate
- adaptive feed rate
- approach rate
- assessed failure rate
- average rate
- band rate
- breakdown rate
- broaching rate
- build rate
- burden rate
- capacity rate
- charge rate
- closely controlled feed rate
- communications rate
- compression rate
- conservative feed rate
- control rate
- controlled rate
- copying rate
- count rate
- coverage rate
- cradle roll rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise
- cross travel rate
- cutter wear rate
- cutting feed rate
- cutting rate
- cycle rate
- data processing rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deceleration rate
- delivery rate
- departure rate
- discharge rate
- downtime rate
- drilling rate
- drive feed rate
- energy fluence rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- fast axis traverse rate
- fast metal-removal rate
- fast traverse rate
- fatality rate
- feed rate
- feed-up rate
- fine feed rate
- fingertip control feed rate
- finish feed rate
- fixed-time production rate
- flow delivery rate
- flow rate
- fluence rate
- foot per minute rate
- FPR rate
- gear reduction rate
- given rate
- grinding rate
- hardening rate
- heat rate
- heat transfer rate
- high-power beam cladding rate
- hour rate
- hourly machine rate
- hourly manufacturing rate
- hourly rate
- incorrect infeed rate
- infeed rate
- information rate
- input flow rate
- integral action rate
- inventory turnover rate
- job rate
- joint rate
- labor rates
- load rate
- machine hour rate per annum
- machine tool utilization rate
- machine utilization rate
- machining feed rate
- machining rate
- man-hour per piece rate
- man-hour rate
- manufacturing rate
- material removal rate
- maximum average-output-torque stepping rate
- maximum pulse rate
- maximum-stepping rate
- measurement rate
- medium feed rate
- memory rate
- metal-removal rate
- metering rate
- milling rate
- net working rate
- operation rate
- optimal feed rate
- output rate
- perforation rate
- performance rate
- picking rate
- piece-work rate
- plunge rate
- positioning rate
- predicted failure rate
- probability rate
- probing feed rate
- process rate
- processing rate
- production rate
- productivity rate of return
- productivity rate
- programmed feed rate
- proper feed rate
- pulse rate
- pulse repetition rate
- pump delivery rate
- pumping rate
- quench rate
- quenching rate
- ramp-down rate
- ramp-up rate
- rapid air cut feed rate
- rapid approach rate
- rapid return rate
- rate of action
- rate of beam alloying
- rate of change of temperature
- rate of change
- rate of equipment use
- rate of flow of electrons
- rate of flushing the gap
- rate of inherent regulation
- rate of rise of on-state current
- rate of rise
- rate of rotation
- rate of self-regulation
- rate of speed
- rate of travel
- rate of turn
- rate of work
- reading rate
- reaming rate
- recovery rate
- recurrence rate
- reduction rate
- refresh rate
- reject rate
- removal rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- return rate
- revolution rate
- rework rate
- rigid production rate
- sample rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- sawing rate
- scrap rate
- self-regulation rate
- servo update rate
- slew rate
- slow rate of wear
- specific metal removal rate
- specific removal rate
- spindle axis feed rate
- spring rate
- standard production rate
- stated cutting rate
- stock removal rate
- stock turnover rate
- strain rate
- taper rate
- tapping rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of change
- time-varying rate
- tool feed rate
- tool wear rate
- tool-to-tool change rate
- top feed rate
- traverse feed rate
- traverse rate
- turning rate
- turnover rate
- update rate
- utilization rate
- volume flow rate
- volumetric flow rate
- voluntary production rate
- wear rate
- wetting rate
- wheel removal rate
- work rate
- working rate
- X-axis feed rate
- yield rateEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > rate
13 unit
1) сборочная единица; узел; блок2) установка; агрегат3) единица, единица измерения || единичный; удельный4) часть; секция || секционный•as a unit — 1) в сборе 2) как единая сборочная единица; как единый узел
unit under test — 1) объект контроля 2) объект диагностирования, объект технического диагностирования
- AC unit- actuating unit
- adapter plate unit
- adaptive control unit
- address and data interface unit
- address unit
- adjusting unit
- air-aspirating unit
- answer-back unit
- arithmetic unit
- arithmetic/logic unit
- arithmetical unit
- ASC unit
- assembly unit of N-order
- assembly unit
- audio response unit
- autoloading unit
- automatic calling unit
- auxiliary data translator unit
- availability control unit
- axis unit
- axis-processing unit
- balancer unit
- banking unit
- bar feed unit
- base assembly unit
- base unit
- basic information unit
- basic length unit
- basic logic unit
- batch control unit
- bearing unit
- behind-the-tape reader unit
- belt shuttle unit
- belt-driven shuttle unit
- bench-testing unit
- blemished unit
- bolt-on unit
- booster unit
- boring spindle unit
- boring unit
- boring-and-milling unit
- brake unit
- broach retriever unit
- broach-handling unit
- broken tool sensing unit
- buffer unit
- building-block machining unit
- bulk transfer unit
- business unit
- card punching unit
- carousel loading unit
- carousel unit
- carrier unit
- cartridge unit
- cellular unit
- center unit for machine frame
- central processing unit
- central processor unit
- chain storage unit
- changer unit
- changing unit
- check unit
- chiller unit
- chip disposal unit
- clamping unit
- claw unit
- CNC machining unit
- CNC standard unit
- CNC unit
- coating application unit
- coating removal unit
- coherent unit
- column unit
- combination valve unit
- command unit
- communications central processing unit
- complementary unit
- computerized numerical control unit
- condensing unit
- cone variable-speed friction drive unit
- console unit
- constant coefficient unit
- constant delay unit
- construction unit
- control unit
- controlling unit
- conveying unit
- conveyor unit
- coolant management unit
- coolant recovery unit
- coolant unit
- cooler unit
- cooling unit
- coordinate preprogramming unit
- copying unit
- correction unit
- cover unit
- CPC handling unit
- cross tapping unit
- cross-slide unit
- cutoff unit
- cutting unit
- D unit
- damping unit
- data preparation unit
- data transmission control unit
- deep hole boring unit
- delay unit
- derived unit
- detecting unit
- detection unit
- developing unit
- digital display unit
- digital readout unit
- digital unit
- dimension readout unit
- diode array unit
- disk-type variable-speed friction drive unit
- displacement unit
- display unit
- distance-keeping unit
- double-acting unit
- double-notching unit
- double-pump and combination unit
- double-pump unit
- double-reduction gear unit
- double-reduction right-angle reduction gear unit
- double-reduction twin gear unit
- double-reduction twin unit
- double-reduction wormgear unit
- double-spindle unit
- down-hole internal deburrer unit
- dresser unit
- dressing unit
- drill unit
- drilling and milling unit
- drilling spindle unit
- drilling unit
- drilling/tapping unit
- drive unit
- drive/feed unit
- DRO unit
- dual work pallet shuttle unit
- dual-head laser beam unit
- dust-collecting unit
- dust-removing unit
- dynamic unit
- EDM unit
- electrical machining units
- electromagnetic unit
- electron-beam unit
- entry level dedicated unit
- environmental compensation unit
- exchanger unit
- fabricated unit
- facing unit
- fan coil unit
- feed box unit
- feed change unit
- feed drive cartridge unit
- feed unit
- feedback unit
- feed-in boring unit
- feed-out boring unit
- fetch-and-carry unit
- filtration unit
- fine boring unit
- flexible spindle units
- flexible tray unit
- floor unit
- focusing unit
- free-standing unit
- free-wheel unit
- free-wheeling unit
- frontal variable-speed friction drive unit
- functional unit
- fundamental unit
- gage control unit
- gage indicating unit
- gage unit
- gaging unit
- gas turbine starter auxiliary power unit
- gear unit
- gearbox unit
- gear-reversing unit
- grasping unit
- grinding spindle unit
- gripper unit
- guide unit
- handling unit
- hardware/software add-on unit
- harmonic drive unit
- head unit
- headstock-type workpiece holding unit
- hoisting unit
- horizontal power unit
- horizontal way unit
- hydraulic clamping unit
- hydraulic feed unit
- hydraulic power unit
- hydraulic testing unit
- hydraulic unit
- hydrostatic bearing unit
- ICAM manufacturing unit
- ICAM unit
- icon-driven control unit
- indexer/fourth axis unit
- indexing head unit
- indexing platen unit
- indexing table unit
- indexing unit
- in-die tapping unit
- information retrieval unit
- information unit
- input batch control unit
- input unit
- input-output unit
- in-system unit
- integral unit
- interface unit
- intermediate storage unit
- interpolating unit
- inverting unit
- keyboard unit
- knee-type unit
- lapping and superfinishing unit
- laser beam composition unit
- laser beam unit
- laser processing unit
- laser unit
- laser-calibration unit
- laser-source unit
- lead screw tap unit
- lexical unit
- lift unit
- lift-and-carry unit
- light unit
- linear ball bearing unit
- linear drive unit
- linear screw unit
- linear slide roller bearing unit
- linear unit
- live storage unit
- load/unload unit
- loading unit
- loading-and-unloading unit
- logic unit
- logical unit
- lubricating pump unit
- machine control unit
- machine tool control unit
- machine tooling unit
- machine unit
- machine-dedicated unit
- machining center unit
- machining head unit
- machining unit
- magnetic pickup unit
- magnetic tape unit
- manned flexible unit
- marking unit
- master unit
- material-handling unit
- MDI unit
- measurement unit
- measuring unit
- memory unit
- message display unit
- microdispensing unit
- microprocessor correction unit
- microprocessor NC unit
- microprocessor unit
- microprocessor-based unit
- microprocessor-type NC unit
- middle-level 3-D representation unit
- milling spindle unit
- minicomputer control unit
- miniload AS/RS unit
- mist coolant unit
- miter saw unit
- mobile unit
- mobile work storage unit
- modular cell unit
- modular loading unit
- modular unit
- motor unit
- motor-reduction unit
- multichannel analyzer unit
- multidrill unit
- multiple screw-driving unit
- multiple-power path gear unit
- multiple-reduction gear unit
- multiple-reduction unit
- multiple-spindle torque unit
- multipurpose machining unit
- multispindle boring unit
- multitap unit
- NC data creation unit
- NC unit
- nested gear unit
- notching unit
- nutating unit
- off-machine unit
- off-system unit
- oil coalescer unit
- oil-filled feed unit
- one stage gear unit
- one stage unit
- on-machine unit
- operation unit
- operational unit
- operator-friendly program unit
- orientation transfer unit
- output batch control unit
- output unit
- overhead gantry unit
- overhead spindle unit
- pack unit
- pallet change unit
- pallet exchange unit
- pallet shuttle unit
- pallet-pool unit
- parallel-shaft reduction gear unit
- PC expansion board unit
- PC-based CAD unit
- pendant control unit
- pendant pushbutton control unit
- pendant unit
- peripheral control unit
- peripheral processing unit
- photo-eye tracing unit
- pick-and-place unit
- pickup unit
- piece-holding unit
- pilot unit
- placement unit
- planetary gear unit
- planetary reduction gearing unit
- plant unit
- plasma-arc unit
- plasmarc unit
- platen unit
- PLC unit
- plugboard input unit
- plugboard unit
- plug-in unit
- pneumatic unit
- portable unit
- power feed unit
- power supply unit
- power train unit
- power unit
- power-generating unit
- power-tooling unit
- practical correction unit
- practical unit
- presetting unit
- pressurized air bearing unit
- primary storage unit
- probe unit
- processing unit
- production unit
- program unit
- programming unit
- propulsion unit
- pulling unit
- pump unit
- pumping unit
- pump-motor unit
- quill feed cam unit
- quill spindle unit
- quill unit
- raster unit
- readout unit
- reducing unit
- reduction gear unit
- reduction gearing unit
- reduction unit
- reed make contact unit
- regulating unit
- remote display unit
- replacement unit
- retriever unit
- right-angle milling unit
- right-angled milling unit
- robot power unit
- robot unit
- robot-transfer unit
- roller bearing unit
- roller unit
- roller-marking unit
- rotary unit
- rotating seal unit
- S unit
- scanning unit
- scheduling unit
- screen projection unit
- screwing unit
- sealed reed contact unit
- self-contained NC unit
- self-contained unit
- sensing unit
- sensor unit
- servo unit
- shankless boring unit
- sheet metal stamping automatic unit
- shop replaceable unit
- shuttle unit
- shuttle-and-lift unit
- side unit
- single-acting unit
- single-light unit
- single-reduction gear unit
- single-reduction unit
- sizing unit
- slant bed unit
- slave unit
- slide unit
- sliding table unit
- smallest replaceable unit
- spare unit
- speeder unit
- speed-increase unit
- speed-up spindle unit
- speed-up unit
- spindle box unit
- spindle cartridge unit
- spindle drive unit
- spindle unit
- stabilizing unit
- stand-alone unit
- standard build units
- starter auxiliary power unit
- static tooling unit
- steam generating unit
- stock feed unit
- storage unit
- stylus unit
- sub-multiple unit
- swing arm-mounted control unit
- tangent unit
- tapping unit
- teach control unit
- terminal control unit
- test unit
- testing unit
- thermal detecting unit
- tilting unit
- tolerance unit
- tool storage unit
- tool-presetting unit
- tool-spindle unit
- toroidal variable-speed friction drive unit
- track and store unit
- transfer unit
- transmission control unit
- transmission unit
- transmitter/receiver unit
- transport unit
- triple-reduction gear unit
- triple-reduction unit
- tuning unit
- turnaround unit
- turning spindle unit
- turnround unit
- turret unit
- twin gear unit
- twin saw unit
- twin-drive unit
- twin-screen unit
- unit of displacement
- unit of measure
- unit of measurement
- unit of physical quantity
- unit of product
- unit of work per unit of time
- unmanned machining unit
- vacuum unit
- variable coefficient unit
- variable delay unit
- variable preload bearing unit
- variable ratio unit
- variable speed unit
- variable-speed friction drive unit
- V-axis grinding unit
- V-belt variable-speed drive unit
- V-drive unit
- vertical way unit
- vibratory feed unit
- vise unit
- visual display unit
- vocal output unit
- VTL unit
- waveform gear reduction unit
- wheel-dressing unit
- wheel-head unit
- wing unit
- wing-base unit
- work storage unit
- work-holding headstock unit
- workshop video unit
- work-testing unit
- worm reduction unit
- writing unit
- yet-to-be-assembled unitEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > unit
14 CIM
1) Общая лексика: Chartered Institute of Marketing2) Компьютерная техника: Communication Interface Modules, Compaq Insight Management, Computer Input by Microfilm, машинный микрофильм (computer input microfilm), устройство ввода в вычислительную машину с микрофильма (computer input microfilm), комплексное автоматизированное производство (computer-integrated manufacturing)3) Авиация: continuous image microfilm4) Военный термин: Center for Information Management, Commercial Information Management, Component Information Management, coffin intercept missile, combination influence mine, communications improvement memorandum, computer integrated manufacturing, computer interface module6) Математика: изменение среднего (change in mean)7) Железнодорожный термин: ЦИМ (международная форма железнодорожной грузовой накладной), Конвенция по товарному сообщению8) Грубое выражение: Consider It Manana, Copy Isolate And Manipulate9) Оптика: computer input from microfilm10) Сокращение: Canadian Institute of Management, Component Item Manager (Internet), Computer-Input Microfilm, Computer-Integrated Manufacture, Contract Interpretation Manual (USPS-NPMHU)11) Университет: Canadian Institute Of Mining, Cleveland Institute Of Music12) Вычислительная техника: Common Information Model, Cisco Interactive Mentor (Cisco), Common Information Model (DMTF, XML, DMI, SAN), ввод данных в компьютер с микрофильма, микрофильм с непрерывным изображением13) Экология: Cooperative Investigation of the Mediterranean14) Деловая лексика: Customer Interaction Management, автоматизированное производство (computer-integrated manufacturing)15) Сетевые технологии: CompuServe Information Manager, Control Interface Module, Corporate Information Management, computer-integrated manufacturing16) Программирование: (Common Information Model) общая информационная модель (см. Common Information Model)17) Автоматика: computer integrated management, компьютерно-интегрированное производство18) Контроль качества: change in mean19) Расширение файла: Game data (SimCity 2000), C Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw)20) Электротехника: crystal impedance meter21) Должность: Certificate Of Initial Mastery, Certified Inventory Manager22) Чат: Cooked In Marseille23) Программное обеспечение: Compaq Insight Manager24) Международные перевозки: International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Goods by Railway -
15 MCR
1) Общая лексика: Magnetical Character Recognition, Middle Common Room2) Компьютерная техника: Mirror Consistence Recovery3) Авиация: max cruise rating, Maximum Cruise4) Морской термин: мощность энергетической установки5) Медицина: меланокортиновые рецепторы6) Американизм: Middle Combination Room7) Военный термин: Marine Corps reserve, Mediterranean communications region, Message Completion Rate, Military Command Region, maintenance control report, manpower control report, maximum combat readiness, military compact reactor, mine clearing roller, mobile control room, movement control regiment, multichannel receiver8) Техника: Maximum Continuous Rating, максимальная продолжительная мощность, material certification report, material control record, mean conversion ratio9) Шутливое выражение: My Chemical Romance10) Химия: Magic Carpet Ride11) Телевидение: Master Control Room, АЦ, центральная аппаратная12) Телекоммуникации: Minimum Cell Rate (ATM)13) Сокращение: Magnetic Character Recognition, Manufacturing Capability Requirements, Mission Capable Rate, Mobile Cellular Radio, Mobile Communication Radio, Multi-Channel Recorder, manual change request, master change record, Monitor Console Routine14) Вычислительная техника: Minimum Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, PCR, ABR)15) Нефть: Microcarbon residue16) Энергетика: Modular Capacity Regulator17) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion record, Monthly Cost Report18) Нефтегазовая техника ГДП (Main Control Room - Главный диспетчерский пульт управления), Главный диспетчерский пульт управления19) Образование: Modified Compliance Review20) Полимеры: maximum continuous rating21) Сахалин Ю: main control room22) Расширение файла: Master Control Routine, Modem Control Register23) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: maximum continuous rating (максимально допустимая непрерывная нагрузка)24) Карачаганак: operations management center (also main control center / room MCC)25) Правительство: Michigan Court Rules26) NYSE. M F S Charter Income Trust Fund -
16 mcr
1) Общая лексика: Magnetical Character Recognition, Middle Common Room2) Компьютерная техника: Mirror Consistence Recovery3) Авиация: max cruise rating, Maximum Cruise4) Морской термин: мощность энергетической установки5) Медицина: меланокортиновые рецепторы6) Американизм: Middle Combination Room7) Военный термин: Marine Corps reserve, Mediterranean communications region, Message Completion Rate, Military Command Region, maintenance control report, manpower control report, maximum combat readiness, military compact reactor, mine clearing roller, mobile control room, movement control regiment, multichannel receiver8) Техника: Maximum Continuous Rating, максимальная продолжительная мощность, material certification report, material control record, mean conversion ratio9) Шутливое выражение: My Chemical Romance10) Химия: Magic Carpet Ride11) Телевидение: Master Control Room, АЦ, центральная аппаратная12) Телекоммуникации: Minimum Cell Rate (ATM)13) Сокращение: Magnetic Character Recognition, Manufacturing Capability Requirements, Mission Capable Rate, Mobile Cellular Radio, Mobile Communication Radio, Multi-Channel Recorder, manual change request, master change record, Monitor Console Routine14) Вычислительная техника: Minimum Cell Rate (UNI, ATM, PCR, ABR)15) Нефть: Microcarbon residue16) Энергетика: Modular Capacity Regulator17) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion record, Monthly Cost Report18) Нефтегазовая техника ГДП (Main Control Room - Главный диспетчерский пульт управления), Главный диспетчерский пульт управления19) Образование: Modified Compliance Review20) Полимеры: maximum continuous rating21) Сахалин Ю: main control room22) Расширение файла: Master Control Routine, Modem Control Register23) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: maximum continuous rating (максимально допустимая непрерывная нагрузка)24) Карачаганак: operations management center (also main control center / room MCC)25) Правительство: Michigan Court Rules26) NYSE. M F S Charter Income Trust Fund -
17 DMC
1) Компьютерная техника: Direct Mapped Cache, Dump Memory Contents2) Авиация: Data Management Computer(Aids), Demand Measuring Computer, Design Modification Committee, Display Management Computer (eis)3) Медицина: Detroit Medical Center, (Data Monitoring Committee) Независимый комитет по мониторингу данных4) Спорт: Drugs Make Champions5) Военный термин: Dedicated Medical Corps, Defense Management Center, Defense Manpower Commission, Defense Materiel Council, Deputy Chairman, Military Committee, degraded mission capability, direct maintenance cost, direct manufacturing cost6) Техника: DSIF monitor and control subsystem, Dual Molded Crossline, data management channel, data management computer, data management console, digital monitor computer, dimethylcarbinol, dip-chlorophenylmethylcarbinol, direct multiplex control, discrete memoryless channel, disk memory controller, dynamic memory cell7) Шутливое выражение: Dark Ministry Clan, Donate More Cash8) Химия: Dough Moulding Compounds9) Юридический термин: Deranged Mental Condition10) Сокращение: Defence Manufacturers Council (Australia), Digital Magnetic Compass, Distributed Master Control, Digital Media Controller11) Театр: Dance Music Community12) Университет: Dubai Men's College13) Физиология: Diagnose Manage Cure14) Электроника: Dual Matrix Coupling, Dual Mode Circuit15) Вычислительная техника: Desktop Multimedia Conferencing, digital microcircuit16) Нефть: demercaptanisation17) Иммунология: Direct Microscopic Count18) Онкология: Data Monitoring Commitee19) Связь: Disaster Monitoring Constellation20) Транспорт: Defense Movement Coordinator21) Фирменный знак: Daniels Manufacturing Corporation, Destination Management Company, Digital Music Center, Disco Mixing Club23) Деловая лексика: Direct Mail Consulting, Drawings Must Change24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: демеркаптанизация25) Сетевые технологии: direct multiplexed control, прямое управление с мультиплексированием26) Полимеры: dough molding composition27) Автоматика: dedicated machining cell, digital motion controller28) Сахалин Ю: demercaptanization, demercaptanization unit, demercaptanizing unit29) Химическое оружие: Data Management Center30) Маркетология: Direct Marketing Communications31) Имена и фамилии: Dave Mc Cann33) Правительство: Dark Mouse Cove34) AMEX. Dairy Mart Convenience Stores35) Клинические исследования: Комитет по мониторингу данных, Data Monitoring Committee -
18 DmC
1) Компьютерная техника: Direct Mapped Cache, Dump Memory Contents2) Авиация: Data Management Computer(Aids), Demand Measuring Computer, Design Modification Committee, Display Management Computer (eis)3) Медицина: Detroit Medical Center, (Data Monitoring Committee) Независимый комитет по мониторингу данных4) Спорт: Drugs Make Champions5) Военный термин: Dedicated Medical Corps, Defense Management Center, Defense Manpower Commission, Defense Materiel Council, Deputy Chairman, Military Committee, degraded mission capability, direct maintenance cost, direct manufacturing cost6) Техника: DSIF monitor and control subsystem, Dual Molded Crossline, data management channel, data management computer, data management console, digital monitor computer, dimethylcarbinol, dip-chlorophenylmethylcarbinol, direct multiplex control, discrete memoryless channel, disk memory controller, dynamic memory cell7) Шутливое выражение: Dark Ministry Clan, Donate More Cash8) Химия: Dough Moulding Compounds9) Юридический термин: Deranged Mental Condition10) Сокращение: Defence Manufacturers Council (Australia), Digital Magnetic Compass, Distributed Master Control, Digital Media Controller11) Театр: Dance Music Community12) Университет: Dubai Men's College13) Физиология: Diagnose Manage Cure14) Электроника: Dual Matrix Coupling, Dual Mode Circuit15) Вычислительная техника: Desktop Multimedia Conferencing, digital microcircuit16) Нефть: demercaptanisation17) Иммунология: Direct Microscopic Count18) Онкология: Data Monitoring Commitee19) Связь: Disaster Monitoring Constellation20) Транспорт: Defense Movement Coordinator21) Фирменный знак: Daniels Manufacturing Corporation, Destination Management Company, Digital Music Center, Disco Mixing Club23) Деловая лексика: Direct Mail Consulting, Drawings Must Change24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: демеркаптанизация25) Сетевые технологии: direct multiplexed control, прямое управление с мультиплексированием26) Полимеры: dough molding composition27) Автоматика: dedicated machining cell, digital motion controller28) Сахалин Ю: demercaptanization, demercaptanization unit, demercaptanizing unit29) Химическое оружие: Data Management Center30) Маркетология: Direct Marketing Communications31) Имена и фамилии: Dave Mc Cann33) Правительство: Dark Mouse Cove34) AMEX. Dairy Mart Convenience Stores35) Клинические исследования: Комитет по мониторингу данных, Data Monitoring Committee -
19 system
system of axes3-component LDV system3-D LDV system4-D system4-D flight-management system4-D guidance systemAC electrical systemactuation systemaerial delivery systemaerostat systemAEW systemafterburning control systemAI-based expert systemaileron-to-rudder systemair bleed offtake systemair cushion systemair cycle systemair data systemair defence systemair induction systemair refueling systemair traffic control systemair-combat advisory systemair-conditioning systemair-path axis systemair-turbine starting systemairborne early warning systemaircooling systemaircraft reference axis systemaircraft weight-and-balance measuring systemaircraft-autopilot systemaircraft-based systemaircraft-bifilar-pendulum systemaircraft-carried earth axis systemaircraft-carried normal earth axis systemaircrew escape systemairfield lighting control systemairframe/rotor systemairspeed systemalcohol-wash systemalignment control systemall-electronic systemall-weather mission systemaltitude loss warning systemangle-of-attack command systemanti-collision systemanti-g systemantitorque systemanti-icing systemantiskid systemarea-navigation systemARI systemartificial feel systemartificial intelligence-based expert systemartificially augmented flight control systemATC systemattitude and heading reference systemaudio systemaudiovisual systemauto-diagnosis systemauto-hover systemautolanding systemautomatic cambering systemautomatic trim systemautostabilization systemautotrim systemaxis systemB systembalance-fixed coordinate systembase-excited systembasic axis systembeam-foundation systembifilar pendulum suspension systembladder systemblowing systemblowing boundary layer control systemblown flap systembody axis systembody axis coordinate systembody-fitted coordinate systembody-fixed reference systemboom systemboosted flight control systembraking systembreathing systembuddy-buddy refuelling systemcabin pressurization systemcable-mount systemCAD systemcanopy's jettison systemcardiovascular systemcargo loading systemcargo-handling systemcarrier catapult systemcartesian axis systemCat III systemcentral nervous systemCGI systemcirculating oil systemclosed cooling systemclosed-loop systemcockpit systemcockpit management systemcollision avoidance systemcombined cooling systemcommand-by-voice systemcommand/vehicle systemcommercial air transportation systemcompensatory systemcomputer-aided design systemcomputer-assisted systemcomputer-generated image systemcomputer-generated visual systemconcentrated-mass systemconflict-alert systemconservative systemconstant bandwidth systemconstant gain systemconsultative expert systemcontrol systemcontrol augmented systemcontrol loader systemcooling systemcoordinate systemcounterstealth systemcoupled systemcoupled fire and flight-control systemcovert mission systemcrew systemscueing systemcurvilinear coordinate systemdamped systemdata systemdata acquisition systemdata handling systemdata transfer systemdata-gathering systemDC electrical systemdecision support systemdefensive avionics systemdeicing systemdemisting systemdeparture prevention systemdeterministic systemdual-dual redundant system4-D navigation system6-DOF motion systemdiagnosable systemdial-a-flap systemdirect impingement starting systemdisplacement control systemdisplay systemdisplay-augmented systemdivergent systemDLC systemdogfight systemdoor-to-door systemDoppler ground velocity systemdouble-balance systemdrive systemdrive train/rotor systemdry air refueling systemdual-field-of-view systemdual-wing systemdynamic systemearly-warning systemEarth-centered coordinate systemearth-fixed axis systemearth/sky/horizon projector systemejection systemejection display systemejection seat escape systemejection sequence systemejector exhaust systemejector lift systemelection safety systemelectric starting systemelectro-expulsive deicing systemelectro-impulse deicing systemelectro-vibratory deicing systemelectronic flight instrumentation systemElint systememergency power systememitter locator systemEMP-protected systemengine monitoring systemengine-propeller systemengine-related systemenhanced lift systemenvelope-limiting systemenvironmental control systemescape systemexcessive pitch attitude warning systemexhaust systemFADEC systemfault-tolerant systemFBW systemfeathering systemfeedback systemfeel systemfin axis systemfire detection systemfire suppression systemfire-extinguishing systemfire-protection systemfive-point restraint systemfixed-structure control systemflap systemflap/slat systemflash-protection systemflexible manufacturing systemflight control systemflight control actuation systemflight director systemflight inspection systemflight management systemflight path systemflight path axis systemflight test systemflight-test instrumentation systemflotation systemfluid anti-icing systemflutter control systemflutter margin augmentation systemflutter suppression systemfluttering systemfly-by-light systemfly-by-light control systemfly-by-wire systemfly-by-wire/power-by-wire control systemfoolproof systemforce-excited systemforce-feel systemforward vision augmentation systemfuel conservative guidance systemfuel management systemfuel transfer systemfull-vectoring systemfull-authority digital engine control systemfull-motion systemfull-state systemfull-time systemfully articulated rotor systemfuselage axis systemg-command systemg-cueing systemg-limiting systemgas generator control systemgas turbine starting systemglobal positioning systemgoverning systemground collision avoidance systemground proximity warning systemground-axes systemground-fixed coordinate systemground-referenced navigation systemgust alleviation systemgust control systemgyroscopic systemgyroscopically coupled systemhalon fire-extinguishing systemhalon gas fire-fighting systemhands-off systemhead-aimed systemheadup guidance systemhelmet pointing systemhelmet-mounted visual systemhierarchical systemhigh-damping systemhigh-authority systemhigh-lift systemhigh-order systemhigh-pay-off systemhigh-resolution systemhigher harmonic control systemhose-reel systemhot-gas anti-icing systemhub plane axis systemhub plane reference axis systemhub-fixed coordinate systemhydraulic systemhydraulic starting systemhydropneumatic systemhydrostatic motion systemhysteretic systemice-protection systemicing cloud spray systemicing-protection systemidentification friend or foe systemimage generator systemin-flight entertainment systemincidence limiting systeminert gas generating systeminertial coordinate systeminertial navigation systeminertial reference systeminfinite-dimensional systeminformation management systeminlet boundary layer control systeminlet control systeminput systeminstruction systeminstrument landing systeminstrumentation systemintelligence systemintelligent systeminterconnection systemintermediate axis systemintrusion alarm systemintrusion detection systeminverted fuel systemlanding guidance systemlarge-travel motion systemlaser-based visual systemlateral attitude control systemlateral control systemlateral feel systemlateral seat restraint systemlateral-directional stability and command augmentation systemlead compensated systemleft-handed coordinate systemleg restraint systemlife support systemliferaft deployment systemlift-distribution control systemlighter-than-air systemlightly damped systemlightning protection systemlightning sensor systemlightning warning systemlimited-envelope flight control systemlinear vibrating systemliquid oxygen systemload control systemload indication systemlocal-horizon systemloom systemlow-damping systemlow-order systemLQG controlled systemlubrication systemlumped parameter systemMach number systemmain transmission systemmaintenance diagnostic systemmaintenance record systemman-in-the-loop systemman-machine systemmaneuver demand systemmaneuvering attack systemmass-spring-dashpot systemmass-spring-damper systemmast-mounted sight systemmechanical-hydraulic flight control systemmicrowave landing systemMIMO systemmine-sweeping systemmissile systemmissile-fixed systemmission-planning systemmobile aircraft arresting systemmodal cancellation systemmodal suppression systemmode-decoupling systemmodel reference systemmodel-based visual systemmodel-following systemmodelboard systemmolecular sieve oxygen generation systemmonopulse systemmotion systemmotion generation systemmulti-input single-output systemmulti-input, multi-output systemmultimode systemmultibody systemmultidegree-of-freedom systemmultiloop systemmultiple-input single output systemmultiple-input, multiple-output systemmultiple-loop systemmultiple-redundant systemmultiply supported systemmultishock systemmultivariable systemnavigation management systemnavigation/attack systemnavigation/bomb systemNDT systemneuromuscular systemnight/dusk visual systemportable aircraft arresting systemnitrogen inerting systemno-tail-rotor systemnonminimum phase systemnonoscillatory systemnonconservative systemnormal earth-fixed axis systemNotar systemnozzle control systemnuclear-hardened systemobserver-based systemobstacle warning systemoil systemon-board inert gas generation systemon-board maintenance systemon-board oxygen generating systemon-off systemone degree of freedom systemone-shot lubrication systemopen cooling systemopen seat escape systemopen-loop systemoperability systemoptic-based control systemoptimally controlled systemorthogonal axis systemoxygen generation systemparachute systempartial vectoring systempartial vibrating systemperformance-seeking systemperturbed systempilot reveille systempilot vision systempilot-aircraft systempilot-aircraft-task systempilot-in-the-loop systempilot-manipulator systempilot-plus-airplane systempilot-vehicle-task systempilot-warning systempilot/vehicle systempitch change systempitch compensation systempitch stability and command augmentation systempitch rate systempitch rate command systempitch rate flight control systempneumatic deicing systempneumatic ice-protection systempneumodynamic systemposition hold systempower systempower-assisted systempower-boosted systempowered high-lift systempowered-lift systemprecognitive systempressurization systempreview systemprobabilistically diagnosable systemprobe refuelling systempronated escape systempropeller-fixed coordinate systempropulsive lift systemproximity warning systempursuit systempush-rod control systemquantized systemrandom systemrating systemreconfigurable systemrectangular coordinate systemreduced-gain systemreference axis systemrefuelling systemremote augmentor lift systemremote combustion systemresponse-feedback systemrestart systemrestraint systemrestructurable control systemretraction systemride-control systemride-quality systemride-quality augmentation systemride-smoothing systemright-handed axis systemright-handed coordinate systemrigid body systemrobotic refueling systemrod-mass systemroll augmentation systemroll rate command systemrotating systemrotor systemrotor isolation systemrotor-body systemrotor-wing lift systemroute planner systemrudder trim systemrudder-augmentation systemsampled-data systemscheduling systemschlieren systemsea-based systemseat restraint systemseatback video systemself-adjoint systemself-contained starting systemself-diagnosable systemself-excited systemself-repairing systemself-sealing fuel systemself-tuning systemshadow-mask systemshadowgraph systemship-fixed coordinate systemshock systemshort-closed oil systemsighting systemsimulation systemsimulator-based learning systemsingle degree of freedom systemsingle-input multiple-output systemsingularly perturbed systemsituational awareness systemsix-axis motion systemsix-degree-of-freedom motion systemsix-puck brake systemski-and-wheel systemskid-to-turn systemsnapping systemsoft mounting systemsoft ride systemsound systemspeed-stability systemspherical coordinate systemspin recovery systemspin-prevention systemspring-mass-dashpot systemstability and control augmentation systemstability augmentation systemstability axis coordinate systemstability enhancement systemstall detection systemstall inhibitor systemstall protection systemstall warning systemstarting systemstealth systemstochastic systemstorage and retrieval systemstore alignment systemstores management systemstrap-down inertial systemstructural systemstructural-mode compensation systemstructural-mode control systemstructural-mode suppression systemSTT systemsuppression systemsuspension systemtactile sensory systemtail clearance control systemtail warning systemtask-tailored systemterrain-aided navigation systemterrain-referencing systemtest systemthermal control systemthermal protection systemthreat-warning systemthree-axis augmentation systemthree-body tethered systemthree-control systemthree-gyro systemthrough-the-canopy escape systemthrust modulation systemthrust-vectoring systemtilt-fold-rotor systemtime-invariant systemtime-varying systemtip-path-plane coordinate systemtorque command/limiting systemtractor rocket systemtrailing cone static pressure systemtraining systemtrajectory guidance systemtranslation rate command systemtranslational acceleration control systemtrim systemtrim tank systemtriple-load-path systemtutoring systemtwin-dome systemtwo degree of freedom systemtwo-body systemtwo-input systemtwo-input two-output systemtwo-pod systemtwo-shock systemtwo-step shock absorber systemunpowered flap systemunpowered high-lift systemutility services management systemvapor cycle cooling systemvariable feel systemvariable stability systemvariable structure systemvestibular sensory systemvibrating systemvibration isolation systemvibration-control systemvibration-damping systemvideo-disc-based visual systemvisor projection systemvisual systemvisual display systemvisual flying rules systemvisual sensory systemvisual simulation systemvisually coupled systemvoice-activated systemvortex systemvortex attenuating systemVTOL control systemwake-imaging systemwarning systemwater injection cooling systemwater-mist systemwater-mist spray systemweather systemwheel steering systemwide angle visual systemwind coordinate systemwind shear systemwind-axes systemwind-axes coordinate systemwind-fixed coordinate systemwing axis systemwing flap systemwing sweep systemwing-load-alleviation systemwing-mounted systemwing/propulsion systemwiring systemyaw vane system -
20 modular data center
модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)
[Интент]Параллельные тексты EN-RU
[ http://dcnt.ru/?p=9299#more-9299]
Data Centers are a hot topic these days. No matter where you look, this once obscure aspect of infrastructure is getting a lot of attention. For years, there have been cost pressures on IT operations and this, when the need for modern capacity is greater than ever, has thrust data centers into the spotlight. Server and rack density continues to rise, placing DC professionals and businesses in tighter and tougher situations while they struggle to manage their IT environments. And now hyper-scale cloud infrastructure is taking traditional technologies to limits never explored before and focusing the imagination of the IT industry on new possibilities.
В настоящее время центры обработки данных являются широко обсуждаемой темой. Куда ни посмотришь, этот некогда малоизвестный аспект инфраструктуры привлекает все больше внимания. Годами ИТ-отделы испытывали нехватку средств и это выдвинуло ЦОДы в центр внимания, в то время, когда необходимость в современных ЦОДах стала как никогда высокой. Плотность серверов и стоек продолжают расти, все больше усложняя ситуацию для специалистов в области охлаждения и организаций в их попытках управлять своими ИТ-средами. И теперь гипермасштабируемая облачная инфраструктура подвергает традиционные технологии невиданным ранее нагрузкам, и заставляет ИТ-индустрию искать новые возможности.
At Microsoft, we have focused a lot of thought and research around how to best operate and maintain our global infrastructure and we want to share those learnings. While obviously there are some aspects that we keep to ourselves, we have shared how we operate facilities daily, our technologies and methodologies, and, most importantly, how we monitor and manage our facilities. Whether it’s speaking at industry events, inviting customers to our “Microsoft data center conferences” held in our data centers, or through other media like blogging and white papers, we believe sharing best practices is paramount and will drive the industry forward. So in that vein, we have some interesting news to share.
В компании MicroSoft уделяют большое внимание изучению наилучших методов эксплуатации и технического обслуживания своей глобальной инфраструктуры и делятся результатами своих исследований. И хотя мы, конечно, не раскрываем некоторые аспекты своих исследований, мы делимся повседневным опытом эксплуатации дата-центров, своими технологиями и методологиями и, что важнее всего, методами контроля и управления своими объектами. Будь то доклады на отраслевых событиях, приглашение клиентов на наши конференции, которые посвящены центрам обработки данных MicroSoft, и проводятся в этих самых дата-центрах, или использование других средств, например, блоги и спецификации, мы уверены, что обмен передовым опытом имеет первостепенное значение и будет продвигать отрасль вперед.
Today we are sharing our Generation 4 Modular Data Center plan. This is our vision and will be the foundation of our cloud data center infrastructure in the next five years. We believe it is one of the most revolutionary changes to happen to data centers in the last 30 years. Joining me, in writing this blog are Daniel Costello, my director of Data Center Research and Engineering and Christian Belady, principal power and cooling architect. I feel their voices will add significant value to driving understanding around the many benefits included in this new design paradigm.
Сейчас мы хотим поделиться своим планом модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения. Это наше видение и оно будет основанием для инфраструктуры наших облачных дата-центров в ближайшие пять лет. Мы считаем, что это одно из самых революционных изменений в дата-центрах за последние 30 лет. Вместе со мной в написании этого блога участвовали Дэниел Костелло, директор по исследованиям и инжинирингу дата-центров, и Кристиан Белади, главный архитектор систем энергоснабжения и охлаждения. Мне кажется, что их авторитет придаст больше веса большому количеству преимуществ, включенных в эту новую парадигму проектирования.
Our “Gen 4” modular data centers will take the flexibility of containerized servers—like those in our Chicago data center—and apply it across the entire facility. So what do we mean by modular? Think of it like “building blocks”, where the data center will be composed of modular units of prefabricated mechanical, electrical, security components, etc., in addition to containerized servers.
Was there a key driver for the Generation 4 Data Center?Наши модульные дата-центры “Gen 4” будут гибкими с контейнерами серверов – как серверы в нашем чикагском дата-центре. И гибкость будет применяться ко всему ЦОД. Итак, что мы подразумеваем под модульностью? Мы думаем о ней как о “строительных блоках”, где дата-центр будет состоять из модульных блоков изготовленных в заводских условиях электрических систем и систем охлаждения, а также систем безопасности и т.п., в дополнение к контейнеризованным серверам.
Был ли ключевой стимул для разработки дата-центра четвертого поколения?
If we were to summarize the promise of our Gen 4 design into a single sentence it would be something like this: “A highly modular, scalable, efficient, just-in-time data center capacity program that can be delivered anywhere in the world very quickly and cheaply, while allowing for continued growth as required.” Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, keep in mind that these concepts have been in initial development and prototyping for over a year and are based on cumulative knowledge of previous facility generations and the advances we have made since we began our investments in earnest on this new design.Если бы нам нужно было обобщить достоинства нашего проекта Gen 4 в одном предложении, это выглядело бы следующим образом: “Центр обработки данных с высоким уровнем модульности, расширяемости, и энергетической эффективности, а также возможностью постоянного расширения, в случае необходимости, который можно очень быстро и дешево развертывать в любом месте мира”. Звучит слишком хорошо для того чтобы быть правдой, не так ли? Ну, не забывайте, что эти концепции находились в процессе начальной разработки и создания опытного образца в течение более одного года и основываются на опыте, накопленном в ходе развития предыдущих поколений ЦОД, а также успехах, сделанных нами со времени, когда мы начали вкладывать серьезные средства в этот новый проект.
One of the biggest challenges we’ve had at Microsoft is something Mike likes to call the ‘Goldilock’s Problem’. In a nutshell, the problem can be stated as:
The worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is not have enough capacity online, thus limiting the growth of our products and services.Одну из самых больших проблем, с которыми приходилось сталкиваться Майкрософт, Майк любит называть ‘Проблемой Лютика’. Вкратце, эту проблему можно выразить следующим образом:
Самое худшее, что может быть при строительстве ЦОД для бизнеса, это не располагать достаточными производственными мощностями, и тем самым ограничивать рост наших продуктов и сервисов.The second worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is to have too much capacity online.
А вторым самым худшим моментом в этой сфере может слишком большое количество производственных мощностей.
This has led to a focus on smart, intelligent growth for the business — refining our overall demand picture. It can’t be too hot. It can’t be too cold. It has to be ‘Just Right!’ The capital dollars of investment are too large to make without long term planning. As we struggled to master these interesting challenges, we had to ensure that our technological plan also included solutions for the business and operational challenges we faced as well.
So let’s take a high level look at our Generation 4 designЭто заставило нас сосредоточиваться на интеллектуальном росте для бизнеса — refining our overall demand picture. Это не должно быть слишком горячим. И это не должно быть слишком холодным. Это должно быть ‘как раз, таким как надо!’ Нельзя делать такие большие капиталовложения без долгосрочного планирования. Пока мы старались решить эти интересные проблемы, мы должны были гарантировать, что наш технологический план будет также включать решения для коммерческих и эксплуатационных проблем, с которыми нам также приходилось сталкиваться.
Давайте рассмотрим наш проект дата-центра четвертого поколенияAre you ready for some great visuals? Check out this video at Soapbox. Click here for the Microsoft 4th Gen Video.
It’s a concept video that came out of my Data Center Research and Engineering team, under Daniel Costello, that will give you a view into what we think is the future.
From a configuration, construct-ability and time to market perspective, our primary goals and objectives are to modularize the whole data center. Not just the server side (like the Chicago facility), but the mechanical and electrical space as well. This means using the same kind of parts in pre-manufactured modules, the ability to use containers, skids, or rack-based deployments and the ability to tailor the Redundancy and Reliability requirements to the application at a very specific level.
Посмотрите это видео, перейдите по ссылке для просмотра видео о Microsoft 4th Gen:
Это концептуальное видео, созданное командой отдела Data Center Research and Engineering, возглавляемого Дэниелом Костелло, которое даст вам наше представление о будущем.
С точки зрения конфигурации, строительной технологичности и времени вывода на рынок, нашими главными целями и задачами агрегатирование всего дата-центра. Не только серверную часть, как дата-центр в Чикаго, но также системы охлаждения и электрические системы. Это означает применение деталей одного типа в сборных модулях, возможность использования контейнеров, салазок, или стоечных систем, а также возможность подстраивать требования избыточности и надежности для данного приложения на очень специфичном уровне.Our goals from a cost perspective were simple in concept but tough to deliver. First and foremost, we had to reduce the capital cost per critical Mega Watt by the class of use. Some applications can run with N-level redundancy in the infrastructure, others require a little more infrastructure for support. These different classes of infrastructure requirements meant that optimizing for all cost classes was paramount. At Microsoft, we are not a one trick pony and have many Online products and services (240+) that require different levels of operational support. We understand that and ensured that we addressed it in our design which will allow us to reduce capital costs by 20%-40% or greater depending upon class.
Нашими целями в области затрат были концептуально простыми, но трудно реализуемыми. В первую очередь мы должны были снизить капитальные затраты в пересчете на один мегаватт, в зависимости от класса резервирования. Некоторые приложения могут вполне работать на базе инфраструктуры с резервированием на уровне N, то есть без резервирования, а для работы других приложений требуется больше инфраструктуры. Эти разные классы требований инфраструктуры подразумевали, что оптимизация всех классов затрат имеет преобладающее значение. В Майкрософт мы не ограничиваемся одним решением и располагаем большим количеством интерактивных продуктов и сервисов (240+), которым требуются разные уровни эксплуатационной поддержки. Мы понимаем это, и учитываем это в своем проекте, который позволит нам сокращать капитальные затраты на 20%-40% или более в зависимости от класса.For example, non-critical or geo redundant applications have low hardware reliability requirements on a location basis. As a result, Gen 4 can be configured to provide stripped down, low-cost infrastructure with little or no redundancy and/or temperature control. Let’s say an Online service team decides that due to the dramatically lower cost, they will simply use uncontrolled outside air with temperatures ranging 10-35 C and 20-80% RH. The reality is we are already spec-ing this for all of our servers today and working with server vendors to broaden that range even further as Gen 4 becomes a reality. For this class of infrastructure, we eliminate generators, chillers, UPSs, and possibly lower costs relative to traditional infrastructure.
Например, некритичные или гео-избыточные системы имеют низкие требования к аппаратной надежности на основе местоположения. В результате этого, Gen 4 можно конфигурировать для упрощенной, недорогой инфраструктуры с низким уровнем (или вообще без резервирования) резервирования и / или температурного контроля. Скажем, команда интерактивного сервиса решает, что, в связи с намного меньшими затратами, они будут просто использовать некондиционированный наружный воздух с температурой 10-35°C и влажностью 20-80% RH. В реальности мы уже сегодня предъявляем эти требования к своим серверам и работаем с поставщиками серверов над еще большим расширением диапазона температур, так как наш модуль и подход Gen 4 становится реальностью. Для подобного класса инфраструктуры мы удаляем генераторы, чиллеры, ИБП, и, возможно, будем предлагать более низкие затраты, по сравнению с традиционной инфраструктурой.
Applications that demand higher level of redundancy or temperature control will use configurations of Gen 4 to meet those needs, however, they will also cost more (but still less than traditional data centers). We see this cost difference driving engineering behavioral change in that we predict more applications will drive towards Geo redundancy to lower costs.
Системы, которым требуется более высокий уровень резервирования или температурного контроля, будут использовать конфигурации Gen 4, отвечающие этим требованиям, однако, они будут также стоить больше. Но все равно они будут стоить меньше, чем традиционные дата-центры. Мы предвидим, что эти различия в затратах будут вызывать изменения в методах инжиниринга, и по нашим прогнозам, это будет выражаться в переходе все большего числа систем на гео-избыточность и меньшие затраты.
Another cool thing about Gen 4 is that it allows us to deploy capacity when our demand dictates it. Once finalized, we will no longer need to make large upfront investments. Imagine driving capital costs more closely in-line with actual demand, thus greatly reducing time-to-market and adding the capacity Online inherent in the design. Also reduced is the amount of construction labor required to put these “building blocks” together. Since the entire platform requires pre-manufacture of its core components, on-site construction costs are lowered. This allows us to maximize our return on invested capital.
Еще одно достоинство Gen 4 состоит в том, что он позволяет нам разворачивать дополнительные мощности, когда нам это необходимо. Как только мы закончим проект, нам больше не нужно будет делать большие начальные капиталовложения. Представьте себе возможность более точного согласования капитальных затрат с реальными требованиями, и тем самым значительного снижения времени вывода на рынок и интерактивного добавления мощностей, предусматриваемого проектом. Также снижен объем строительных работ, требуемых для сборки этих “строительных блоков”. Поскольку вся платформа требует предварительного изготовления ее базовых компонентов, затраты на сборку также снижены. Это позволит нам увеличить до максимума окупаемость своих капиталовложений.
Мы все подвергаем сомнениюIn our design process, we questioned everything. You may notice there is no roof and some might be uncomfortable with this. We explored the need of one and throughout our research we got some surprising (positive) results that showed one wasn’t needed.
В своем процессе проектирования мы все подвергаем сомнению. Вы, наверное, обратили внимание на отсутствие крыши, и некоторым специалистам это могло не понравиться. Мы изучили необходимость в крыше и в ходе своих исследований получили удивительные результаты, которые показали, что крыша не нужна.
Серийное производство дата центров
In short, we are striving to bring Henry Ford’s Model T factory to the data center. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford#Model_T. Gen 4 will move data centers from a custom design and build model to a commoditized manufacturing approach. We intend to have our components built in factories and then assemble them in one location (the data center site) very quickly. Think about how a computer, car or plane is built today. Components are manufactured by different companies all over the world to a predefined spec and then integrated in one location based on demands and feature requirements. And just like Henry Ford’s assembly line drove the cost of building and the time-to-market down dramatically for the automobile industry, we expect Gen 4 to do the same for data centers. Everything will be pre-manufactured and assembled on the pad.Мы хотим применить модель автомобильной фабрики Генри Форда к дата-центру. Проект Gen 4 будет способствовать переходу от модели специализированного проектирования и строительства к товарно-производственному, серийному подходу. Мы намерены изготавливать свои компоненты на заводах, а затем очень быстро собирать их в одном месте, в месте строительства дата-центра. Подумайте о том, как сегодня изготавливается компьютер, автомобиль или самолет. Компоненты изготавливаются по заранее определенным спецификациям разными компаниями во всем мире, затем собираются в одном месте на основе спроса и требуемых характеристик. И точно так же как сборочный конвейер Генри Форда привел к значительному уменьшению затрат на производство и времени вывода на рынок в автомобильной промышленности, мы надеемся, что Gen 4 сделает то же самое для дата-центров. Все будет предварительно изготавливаться и собираться на месте.
Невероятно энергоэффективный ЦОД
And did we mention that this platform will be, overall, incredibly energy efficient? From a total energy perspective not only will we have remarkable PUE values, but the total cost of energy going into the facility will be greatly reduced as well. How much energy goes into making concrete? Will we need as much of it? How much energy goes into the fuel of the construction vehicles? This will also be greatly reduced! A key driver is our goal to achieve an average PUE at or below 1.125 by 2012 across our data centers. More than that, we are on a mission to reduce the overall amount of copper and water used in these facilities. We believe these will be the next areas of industry attention when and if the energy problem is solved. So we are asking today…“how can we build a data center with less building”?А мы упоминали, что эта платформа будет, в общем, невероятно энергоэффективной? С точки зрения общей энергии, мы получим не только поразительные значения PUE, но общая стоимость энергии, затраченной на объект будет также значительно снижена. Сколько энергии идет на производство бетона? Нам нужно будет столько энергии? Сколько энергии идет на питание инженерных строительных машин? Это тоже будет значительно снижено! Главным стимулом является достижение среднего PUE не больше 1.125 для всех наших дата-центров к 2012 году. Более того, у нас есть задача сокращения общего количества меди и воды в дата-центрах. Мы думаем, что эти задачи станут следующей заботой отрасли после того как будет решена энергетическая проблема. Итак, сегодня мы спрашиваем себя…“как можно построить дата-центр с меньшим объемом строительных работ”?
Строительство дата центров без чиллеровWe have talked openly and publicly about building chiller-less data centers and running our facilities using aggressive outside economization. Our sincerest hope is that Gen 4 will completely eliminate the use of water. Today’s data centers use massive amounts of water and we see water as the next scarce resource and have decided to take a proactive stance on making water conservation part of our plan.
Мы открыто и публично говорили о строительстве дата-центров без чиллеров и активном использовании в наших центрах обработки данных технологий свободного охлаждения или фрикулинга. Мы искренне надеемся, что Gen 4 позволит полностью отказаться от использования воды. Современные дата-центры расходуют большие объемы воды и так как мы считаем воду следующим редким ресурсом, мы решили принять упреждающие меры и включить экономию воды в свой план.
By sharing this with the industry, we believe everyone can benefit from our methodology. While this concept and approach may be intimidating (or downright frightening) to some in the industry, disclosure ultimately is better for all of us.
Делясь этим опытом с отраслью, мы считаем, что каждый сможет извлечь выгоду из нашей методологией. Хотя эта концепция и подход могут показаться пугающими (или откровенно страшными) для некоторых отраслевых специалистов, раскрывая свои планы мы, в конечном счете, делаем лучше для всех нас.
Gen 4 design (even more than just containers), could reduce the ‘religious’ debates in our industry. With the central spine infrastructure in place, containers or pre-manufactured server halls can be either AC or DC, air-side economized or water-side economized, or not economized at all (though the sanity of that might be questioned). Gen 4 will allow us to decommission, repair and upgrade quickly because everything is modular. No longer will we be governed by the initial decisions made when constructing the facility. We will have almost unlimited use and re-use of the facility and site. We will also be able to use power in an ultra-fluid fashion moving load from critical to non-critical as use and capacity requirements dictate.
Проект Gen 4 позволит уменьшить ‘религиозные’ споры в нашей отрасли. Располагая базовой инфраструктурой, контейнеры или сборные серверные могут оборудоваться системами переменного или постоянного тока, воздушными или водяными экономайзерами, или вообще не использовать экономайзеры. Хотя можно подвергать сомнению разумность такого решения. Gen 4 позволит нам быстро выполнять работы по выводу из эксплуатации, ремонту и модернизации, поскольку все будет модульным. Мы больше не будем руководствоваться начальными решениями, принятыми во время строительства дата-центра. Мы сможем использовать этот дата-центр и инфраструктуру в течение почти неограниченного периода времени. Мы также сможем применять сверхгибкие методы использования электрической энергии, переводя оборудование в режимы критической или некритической нагрузки в соответствии с требуемой мощностью.
Gen 4 – это стандартная платформаFinally, we believe this is a big game changer. Gen 4 will provide a standard platform that our industry can innovate around. For example, all modules in our Gen 4 will have common interfaces clearly defined by our specs and any vendor that meets these specifications will be able to plug into our infrastructure. Whether you are a computer vendor, UPS vendor, generator vendor, etc., you will be able to plug and play into our infrastructure. This means we can also source anyone, anywhere on the globe to minimize costs and maximize performance. We want to help motivate the industry to further innovate—with innovations from which everyone can reap the benefits.
Наконец, мы уверены, что это будет фактором, который значительно изменит ситуацию. Gen 4 будет представлять собой стандартную платформу, которую отрасль сможет обновлять. Например, все модули в нашем Gen 4 будут иметь общепринятые интерфейсы, четко определяемые нашими спецификациями, и оборудование любого поставщика, которое отвечает этим спецификациям можно будет включать в нашу инфраструктуру. Независимо от того производите вы компьютеры, ИБП, генераторы и т.п., вы сможете включать свое оборудование нашу инфраструктуру. Это означает, что мы также сможем обеспечивать всех, в любом месте земного шара, тем самым сводя до минимума затраты и максимальной увеличивая производительность. Мы хотим создать в отрасли мотивацию для дальнейших инноваций – инноваций, от которых каждый сможет получать выгоду.
Главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen4To summarize, the key characteristics of our Generation 4 data centers are:
Plug-and-play spine infrastructure
Factory pre-assembled: Pre-Assembled Containers (PACs) & Pre-Manufactured Buildings (PMBs)
Rapid deployment
Reduce TTM
Reduced construction
Sustainable measuresНиже приведены главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen 4:
Готовая к использованию базовая инфраструктура;
Изготовление в заводских условиях: сборные контейнеры (PAC) и сборные здания (PMB);
Быстрота развертывания;
Возможность демонтажа;
Снижение времени вывода на рынок (TTM);
Сокращение сроков строительства;
Экологичность;Map applications to DC Class
We hope you join us on this incredible journey of change and innovation!
Long hours of research and engineering time are invested into this process. There are still some long days and nights ahead, but the vision is clear. Rest assured however, that we as refine Generation 4, the team will soon be looking to Generation 5 (even if it is a bit farther out). There is always room to get better.
Использование систем электропитания постоянного тока.
Мы надеемся, что вы присоединитесь к нам в этом невероятном путешествии по миру изменений и инноваций!
На этот проект уже потрачены долгие часы исследований и проектирования. И еще предстоит потратить много дней и ночей, но мы имеем четкое представление о конечной цели. Однако будьте уверены, что как только мы доведем до конца проект модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения, мы вскоре начнем думать о проекте дата-центра пятого поколения. Всегда есть возможность для улучшений.So if you happen to come across Goldilocks in the forest, and you are curious as to why she is smiling you will know that she feels very good about getting very close to ‘JUST RIGHT’.
Generations of Evolution – some background on our data center designsТак что, если вы встретите в лесу девочку по имени Лютик, и вам станет любопытно, почему она улыбается, вы будете знать, что она очень довольна тем, что очень близко подошла к ‘ОПИМАЛЬНОМУ РЕШЕНИЮ’.
Поколения эволюции – история развития наших дата-центровWe thought you might be interested in understanding what happened in the first three generations of our data center designs. When Ray Ozzie wrote his Software plus Services memo it posed a very interesting challenge to us. The winds of change were at ‘tornado’ proportions. That “plus Services” tag had some significant (and unstated) challenges inherent to it. The first was that Microsoft was going to evolve even further into an operations company. While we had been running large scale Internet services since 1995, this development lead us to an entirely new level. Additionally, these “services” would span across both Internet and Enterprise businesses. To those of you who have to operate “stuff”, you know that these are two very different worlds in operational models and challenges. It also meant that, to achieve the same level of reliability and performance required our infrastructure was going to have to scale globally and in a significant way.
Мы подумали, что может быть вам будет интересно узнать историю первых трех поколений наших центров обработки данных. Когда Рэй Оззи написал свою памятную записку Software plus Services, он поставил перед нами очень интересную задачу. Ветра перемен двигались с ураганной скоростью. Это окончание “plus Services” скрывало в себе какие-то значительные и неопределенные задачи. Первая заключалась в том, что Майкрософт собиралась в еще большей степени стать операционной компанией. Несмотря на то, что мы управляли большими интернет-сервисами, начиная с 1995 г., эта разработка подняла нас на абсолютно новый уровень. Кроме того, эти “сервисы” охватывали интернет-компании и корпорации. Тем, кому приходится всем этим управлять, известно, что есть два очень разных мира в области операционных моделей и задач. Это также означало, что для достижения такого же уровня надежности и производительности требовалось, чтобы наша инфраструктура располагала значительными возможностями расширения в глобальных масштабах.
It was that intense atmosphere of change that we first started re-evaluating data center technology and processes in general and our ideas began to reach farther than what was accepted by the industry at large. This was the era of Generation 1. As we look at where most of the world’s data centers are today (and where our facilities were), it represented all the known learning and design requirements that had been in place since IBM built the first purpose-built computer room. These facilities focused more around uptime, reliability and redundancy. Big infrastructure was held accountable to solve all potential environmental shortfalls. This is where the majority of infrastructure in the industry still is today.
Именно в этой атмосфере серьезных изменений мы впервые начали переоценку ЦОД-технологий и технологий вообще, и наши идеи начали выходить за пределы общепринятых в отрасли представлений. Это была эпоха ЦОД первого поколения. Когда мы узнали, где сегодня располагается большинство мировых дата-центров и где находятся наши предприятия, это представляло весь опыт и навыки проектирования, накопленные со времени, когда IBM построила первую серверную. В этих ЦОД больше внимания уделялось бесперебойной работе, надежности и резервированию. Большая инфраструктура была призвана решать все потенциальные экологические проблемы. Сегодня большая часть инфраструктуры все еще находится на этом этапе своего развития.
We soon realized that traditional data centers were quickly becoming outdated. They were not keeping up with the demands of what was happening technologically and environmentally. That’s when we kicked off our Generation 2 design. Gen 2 facilities started taking into account sustainability, energy efficiency, and really looking at the total cost of energy and operations.
Очень быстро мы поняли, что стандартные дата-центры очень быстро становятся устаревшими. Они не поспевали за темпами изменений технологических и экологических требований. Именно тогда мы стали разрабатывать ЦОД второго поколения. В этих дата-центрах Gen 2 стали принимать во внимание такие факторы как устойчивое развитие, энергетическая эффективность, а также общие энергетические и эксплуатационные.
No longer did we view data centers just for the upfront capital costs, but we took a hard look at the facility over the course of its life. Our Quincy, Washington and San Antonio, Texas facilities are examples of our Gen 2 data centers where we explored and implemented new ways to lessen the impact on the environment. These facilities are considered two leading industry examples, based on their energy efficiency and ability to run and operate at new levels of scale and performance by leveraging clean hydro power (Quincy) and recycled waste water (San Antonio) to cool the facility during peak cooling months.
Мы больше не рассматривали дата-центры только с точки зрения начальных капитальных затрат, а внимательно следили за работой ЦОД на протяжении его срока службы. Наши объекты в Куинси, Вашингтоне, и Сан-Антонио, Техас, являются образцами наших ЦОД второго поколения, в которых мы изучали и применяли на практике новые способы снижения воздействия на окружающую среду. Эти объекты считаются двумя ведущими отраслевыми примерами, исходя из их энергетической эффективности и способности работать на новых уровнях производительности, основанных на использовании чистой энергии воды (Куинси) и рециклирования отработанной воды (Сан-Антонио) для охлаждения объекта в самых жарких месяцах.
As we were delivering our Gen 2 facilities into steel and concrete, our Generation 3 facilities were rapidly driving the evolution of the program. The key concepts for our Gen 3 design are increased modularity and greater concentration around energy efficiency and scale. The Gen 3 facility will be best represented by the Chicago, Illinois facility currently under construction. This facility will seem very foreign compared to the traditional data center concepts most of the industry is comfortable with. In fact, if you ever sit around in our container hanger in Chicago it will look incredibly different from a traditional raised-floor data center. We anticipate this modularization will drive huge efficiencies in terms of cost and operations for our business. We will also introduce significant changes in the environmental systems used to run our facilities. These concepts and processes (where applicable) will help us gain even greater efficiencies in our existing footprint, allowing us to further maximize infrastructure investments.
Так как наши ЦОД второго поколения строились из стали и бетона, наши центры обработки данных третьего поколения начали их быстро вытеснять. Главными концептуальными особенностями ЦОД третьего поколения Gen 3 являются повышенная модульность и большее внимание к энергетической эффективности и масштабированию. Дата-центры третьего поколения лучше всего представлены объектом, который в настоящее время строится в Чикаго, Иллинойс. Этот ЦОД будет выглядеть очень необычно, по сравнению с общепринятыми в отрасли представлениями о дата-центре. Действительно, если вам когда-либо удастся побывать в нашем контейнерном ангаре в Чикаго, он покажется вам совершенно непохожим на обычный дата-центр с фальшполом. Мы предполагаем, что этот модульный подход будет способствовать значительному повышению эффективности нашего бизнеса в отношении затрат и операций. Мы также внесем существенные изменения в климатические системы, используемые в наших ЦОД. Эти концепции и технологии, если применимо, позволят нам добиться еще большей эффективности наших существующих дата-центров, и тем самым еще больше увеличивать капиталовложения в инфраструктуру.
This is definitely a journey, not a destination industry. In fact, our Generation 4 design has been under heavy engineering for viability and cost for over a year. While the demand of our commercial growth required us to make investments as we grew, we treated each step in the learning as a process for further innovation in data centers. The design for our future Gen 4 facilities enabled us to make visionary advances that addressed the challenges of building, running, and operating facilities all in one concerted effort.
Это определенно путешествие, а не конечный пункт назначения. На самом деле, наш проект ЦОД четвертого поколения подвергался серьезным испытаниям на жизнеспособность и затраты на протяжении целого года. Хотя необходимость в коммерческом росте требовала от нас постоянных капиталовложений, мы рассматривали каждый этап своего развития как шаг к будущим инновациям в области дата-центров. Проект наших будущих ЦОД четвертого поколения Gen 4 позволил нам делать фантастические предположения, которые касались задач строительства, управления и эксплуатации объектов как единого упорядоченного процесса.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > modular data center
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