1 manufactured carbon
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > manufactured carbon
2 manufactured carbon
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > manufactured carbon
3 manufactured carbon
Техника: искусственный углерод -
4 carbon
1) углерод, С2) угольный электрод, уголь4) нагар; слой нагара ( в камере сгорания)5) сажа6) графит•-
absorbent carbon
activated carbon
active carbon
arc-lamp carbon
battery carbon
decolorizing carbon
diesel-fuel carbon
electrode carbon
fixed carbon
fluid carbon
free carbon
graphitized carbon
graphitizing carbon
loosened carbon
manufactured carbon
mineral carbon
motor carbon
nongraphitic carbon
pyrolyzed carbon
residual carbon
silicized carbon
soft carbon
solid carbon
soot carbon
suspended carbon
temper carbon -
5 искусственный углерод
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > искусственный углерод
6 искусственный углерод
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > искусственный углерод
7 products
продукция preserved milk products ≈ молочные консервы primary forest products ≈ груз лесной range of rolled products ≈ сортамент прокота semi-finished rolled products ≈ подкат structural clay products ≈ строительная керамика - bottom products - equivalent products - formed-carbon products - marketable products - merchant-mill products - range of products - refractory products - rolled products - theor of products Произведения products: aftersale ~ продукция для дополнительной продажи agricultural ~ сельскохозяйственная продукция assimilated ~ освоенная продукция consumer ~ потребительские товары differentiated ~ специализированные изделия finished ~ готовая продукция fish ~ рыбопродукты generically dangerous ~ продукты, опасные по происхождению heterogeneous ~ разнородная продукция industrial ~ промышленная продукция integrated ~ готовая продукция joint ~ сопутствующие изделия manufactured ~ промышленные товары manufactured ~ товары промышленного назначения oil ~ нефтепродукты products: aftersale ~ продукция для дополнительной продажи semifinished ~ полуфабрикаты surplus ~ избыток продукцииБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > products
8 gas
1. газ, газообразное вещество || выделять газ; наполнять газом, насыщать газом2. горючее; газолин; бензин || заправлять горючим— acid gas— dry gas— end gas— exit gas— fat gas— flue gas— free gas— fuel gas— lean gas— net gas— oil gas— rich gas— rock gas— sour gas— town gas— trip gas— wet gas
* * *
high altitude liquid petroleum gas — сжиженный нефтяной газ с повышенным содержанием бутана (для применения в условиях пониженного атмосферного давления)
— dry gas— foul gas— lean gas— lift gas— oil gas— rich gas— rock gas— sour gas— tank gas— wet gas
* * *
1. газ2. горючее, бензин
* * *
* * *
1) газ, газообразное вещество || выделять газ; наполнять газом, насыщать газом2) горючее; газолин; бензин || заправлять горючим•gas in place — запасы газа в коллекторе;
gas in reservoir — пластовой газ;
gas in-situ — газ в пластовых условиях;
gas in solution — растворённый газ;
no gas to surface — газ на поверхность не поступает;
gas originally in place — первоначальные запасы газа в коллекторе;
to boost gas along to its destination — повышать давление газа для доставки его к месту назначения;
to make the gas — выделять газ;
to sweeten gas — удалять из газа соединения серы;
- gas of radiation-chemical originto take-off casing-head gas — отбирать нефтяной газ на устье скважины;
- gas of stratal water
- absorbed gas
- accompanying gas
- acid gas
- active gas
- actual gas
- adsorbed gas
- aerogen gas
- air gas
- air-free gas
- air-producer gas
- alky gas
- all-weather liquefied petroleum gas
- ammonia synthesis gas
- annular gas
- artificial gas
- associated gas
- associated dissolved gas
- associated petroleum gas
- aviation gas
- background gas
- biochemical natural gas
- blanket gas
- blowdown gas
- blue gas
- bottled gas
- Braden head gas
- burned gas
- burning gas
- butane-enriched water gas
- butane-propane gas
- by-product gas
- cap gas
- carbon-dioxide gas
- carbureted gas
- carbureted hydrogen gas
- carbureted water gas
- carrier gas
- casing-head gas
- city gas
- coercible gas
- coke oven gas
- combination gas
- combustible gas
- combustion gas
- commercial gas
- commercial rock gas
- compressed gas
- compressed natural gas
- condensed gas
- condensed natural gas
- conditioned gas
- consumer gas
- conventional gas
- converted gas
- corrosive gas
- crude gas
- cumulative gas injected
- cushion gas
- cylinder gas
- dehydrated petroleum gas
- diluted gas
- dispersed gas
- dissolved gas
- distillation gas
- domestic gas
- drive gas
- dry gas
- dry petroleum gas
- dump gas
- end gas
- enriched gas
- entrained gas
- escaping gas
- exhaust gas
- exit gas
- expansion gas
- extraneous gas
- extremely dry gas
- fat gas
- filtered flue gas
- fire gas
- fixed gas
- flammable gas
- flare gas
- flash gas
- flue gas
- fluorocarbon gas
- flush gas
- formation gas
- formation water gas
- foul gas
- free gas
- fuel gas
- full-stream gas
- fume-laden gas
- furnace gas
- gaslift gas
- gas-well gas
- green gas
- heating gas
- helium-bearing natural gas
- high gas
- high-altitude liquid petroleum gas
- high-BTU gas
- high-calorific gas
- high-line gas
- highly corrosive gas
- high-pressure gas
- high-purity gas
- household fuel gas
- humid gas
- hydrocarbon gas
- ideal gas
- illuminating gas
- immobile gas
- imperfect gas
- imported gas
- inactive gas
- included gas
- incoming gas
- indifferent gas
- industrial gas
- inert gas
- inflammable gas
- initial gas in reservoir
- injected gas
- in-place petroleum gas
- ionized gas
- kerosene gas
- kiln gas
- lean gas
- lean petroleum gas
- liberated gas
- lift gas
- lighting gas
- liquefied gas
- liquefied hydrocarbon gas
- liquefied natural gas
- liquefied petroleum gas
- liquid gas
- liquid natural gas
- liquid petroleum gas
- live gas
- low-boiling gas
- low-calorific gas
- low-pressure petroleum gas
- low-thermal-value fuel gas
- makeup gas
- manufactured gas
- manure gas
- marsh gas
- medium-energy coal-derived gas
- metamorphic natural gas
- methane-rich gas
- mixed gas
- mud gas
- naphtha gas
- native gas
- natural gas
- net gas
- noble gas
- nonassociated gas
- nonassociated natural gas
- noncondensable gas
- noncorrosive gas
- nonhydrocarbon gas
- nonpurified gas
- nonrecoverable gas
- nonstripped petroleum gas
- noxious gas
- occluded gas
- off gas
- oil gas
- oil-dissolved gas
- oil-water gas
- oil-well gas
- olefiant gas
- onboard-stored gas
- oxyhydrogen gas
- paraffin gas
- peat gas
- perfect gas
- petroleum gas
- pipeline gas
- poor gas
- power gas
- processed gas
- produced gas
- producer gas
- product gas
- purchased gas
- purge gas
- radiogenic gas
- purifield gas
- quenching gas
- radioactive gas
- radon gas
- raw natural gas
- reactivation gas
- receiver gas
- recirculated gas
- recoverable gas
- recoverable petroleum gas
- refinery gas
- regeneration gas
- residual gas
- residue gas
- retained gas
- rich gas
- rich petroleum gas
- rock gas
- sales gas
- sedimentary natural gas
- separator gas
- shale gas
- shallow gas
- shocked gas
- sludge gas
- solute gas
- solution gas
- sour gas
- sour petroleum gas
- spent gas
- stabilizer gas
- stack gas
- stillage gas
- stripped gas
- stripped petroleum gas
- stripper gas
- substitute natural gas
- sulfur dioxide gas
- sulfurous gas
- sweet gas
- synthetic gas
- tail gas
- tank gas
- town gas
- toxic gas
- transborder gas
- transcontinental gas
- transported gas
- trapped gas
- treated gas
- trip gas
- unassociated gas
- underground storage gas
- undissolved gas
- unstripped gas
- vadose gas
- washed gas
- waste gas
- water gas
- water-dissolved gas
- well head gas
- wet gas
- wet field gas
- wet petroleum gas
- zero-hydrogen-index gas* * * -
9 material
1) материал; вещество2) ткань, материал3) мн. ч. детали ( для обработки)•to calibrate a material — (точно) определять свойства материала-
ablative material
abrasive material
absorbent material
acceptor material
acoustical material
acoustic material
active laser material
active material
adding material
advanced material
air-equivalent material
air-wall material
amorphous magnetic material
anisotropic material
anodic material
antiferroelectric material
antiferromagnetic material
antifriction material
antihalation material
antirot material
antislip material
antisun material
asbestos-cement material
atmospheric reentry material
attached foreign material
backfilling material
backfill material
backing material
barrier material
base material
basic material
batch material
bed material
bimetallic conductor material
binding material
bituminous material
black-and-white material
blanket material
bonding material
borrow material
bottoming material
bred material
breeder material
brittle material
bubble material
building material
bulk material
bulk semiconductor material
burden material
carbon electrical material
carrier material
case material
cast stone material
caved material
cementing material
ceramic foam material
ceramic material
charge material
charging material
clad dielectric material
clad material
coal-tar raw material
coating material
coherent material
cohesionless material
cohesive material
coiled material
cold-charged material
color material
combustible material
combustion materials
compact material
composite material
compounding material
concrete materials
conducting material
conductor material
constant bandgap material
constructional material
contact conductor material
core material
corrosion-resistance material
cover material
covering material
crib material
crucible material
crystalline material
cushioning material
damping material
degenerative semiconductor material
diamagnetic material
dielectric material
difficult-to-cut material
diffusion transfer material
direct bandgap material
discrete material
disordered material
dolomite-based material
dopant material
doping material
dredged material
ductile material
dye bleach material
earthy raw materials
elastic material
electret material
electric contact material
electric insulating material
electrochromic material
electrode material
electroluminescent material
electronic-grade material
electronic material
electrooptical material
electrooptic material
electrostrictive material
electrotechnical material
ENG/EFP tape material
engineering material
epitaxial material
evaporated material
evaporation material
excavated material
excessive uncut material
expanded material
explosive material
extraneous material
extraterrestrial material
extrinsic material
fabric-filled molding material
facing material
feed material
ferrimagnetic material
ferroelectric material
ferromagnetic material
ferrous material
fertile material
fettling material
fiber glass material
fiber-filled molding material
fiber-forming material
fiber-reinforced material
fibrous material
filling material
finished material
finishing material
fireclay material
fired material
fireproof material
fire-resistant material
fissile material
fissionable material
fission material
flammable material
float material
fluxing material
foam material
foam-type refractory material
food raw material
foreign material
foundation material
frost-resistant material
fuel material
fungicidal packaging material
gaseous fissionable material
gasket material
glass-bonded reinforced dielectric material
glass-bonded dielectric material
glass-ceramic material
glass-fiber material
glass-forming material
graded bandgap material
granular material
greasy material
grinding material
gunned material
half-finished material
hard material
hard-magnetic material
hard-to-machine material
heat-insulating material
heat-resistant material
heat-resisting conductor material
heat-resisting material
heat-softenable material
heat-transfer material
high-alloy material
high-coercivity material
high-conductivity material
high-definition material
high-expansion material
high-performance material
high-resistivity material
high-resolution material
high-Z material
honeycombed material
honeycomb material
host material
hot material
hydraulic insulating material
hydrocarbon material
hyperconductor material
ideal granular material
imaging material
incombustible material
inedible raw material
inedible material
inert material
inflammable material
in-process material
insulating material
intergranular material
intermediate material
intrinsic material
isotropic material
jointing material
joint-sealing material
laminated material
large-gap material
laser material
lasing material
library material
light-sensitive material
linearly elastic material
lining material
liquid fissionable material
loading material
loose material
lossy material
lost circulation material
low-bandgap material
low-gap material
low-coercitivity material
low-expansion material
low-loss material
low-mobility photovoltaic material
low-resistivity material
lump material
magnetic material
magnetically hard material
magnetically soft material
magnetodielectric material
magnetooptic material
magnetostrictive material
man-made material
materials of construction
metallic conductor material
metallic material
mine-run material
minus material
molding material
monocrystalline material
multicorrugating material
multilayer conductor material
multilayer material
narrow-bandgap material
natural material
negative electron affinity material
negative material
negative-image material
nonabrasive material
noncoherent material
noncombustible material
nonconductivity material
nonfired material
nonflammable material
nonfood raw material
nonmagnetic material
nonretentive material
nonsilver material
nonterrestrial material
n-type material
nuclear material
oil-resistant material
optical material
oversize material
oxide-metal material
packaging material
packing material
paintwork material
paramagnetic material
parent material
patching material
pavement material
paving material
phosphor material
photochromic material
photoconductive material
photographic material
photoresponsive material
photosensitive material
phototropic material
photovoltaic material
piezoelectric material
plastic material
polycrystalline material
poromeric material
positive electron affinity material
positive material
positive-image material
preformed material
pressure sensitive material
prestrained material
p-type material
pulp-making material
pyroelectric material
ramming material
random material
rapid-access photographic material
raw material
receiving material
recording material
recycled material
reference nuclear materials
refractory conductor material
refractory material
reject material
rejected material
resistance material
resistive material
retentive material
returned fissile material
reversal material
road-building material
roll material
roll-compacted powder material
rooting material
rough material
rubber-cord material
rubber-like material
rubber-reinforced material
rubbery material
sandwiched material
scrap material
sealing material
secondary hardening material
secondary raw materials
self-adhesive material
self-developing material
semiconducting material
semiconductive material
semisolid bituminous materials
sensitive material
sheet material
shielding material
silicate concrete material
silverless material
sintered material
sintered metal-powder material
slagging material
slip-cast material
soft material
soft-magnetic material
solar energy storage material
solid bituminous material
solid fissionable material
solid-foamed material
solvent-resistant material
sound-absorbing material
sound-insulating material
space-manufactured material
spalling-resistant material
special fissionable material
square-loop material
standard nuclear materials
starting material
stealth material
stemming material
stowing material
structural material
superconducting material
superconductive material
superrefractory material
surface-active material
surface-inactive material
tamping material
tar-dolomite material
tar-stabilized dolomite material
temperature sensitive material
termination material
textured material
thermographic material
thermomagnetic material
thermosetting material
thermost material
timber-based material
tool material
tree-length material
two-gap material
two-valley material
ultrarefractory material
unclad dielectric material
undersize material
upholstery material
vaporproof material
vesicular material
video material
vitrocrystalline material
wall-building material
washing material
waste material
waterproofing material
web material
weighting material
widebandgap material
widegap material
wood raw material
work material -
10 PMC
1) Авиация: УК (Управляющий коммитет)2) Медицина: псевдомембранный колит (Pseudomembranous Colitis), pseudomembranous colitis3) Американизм: Program Management Course at DSMC4) Спорт: Pan- Massachusetts Challenge5) Военный термин: Pennsylvania Military College, Poorly Manufactured Cartridges, President of the Mess Committee, Private Military Contractor, Procurement, Marine Corps, Prohibited Medical Condition, partial mission capable, performance management computer, personnel management center, post-maintenance check, preventive maintenance contract, procurement method coding, project management committee6) Техника: Pensky-Martens cup, Program Management Control, payload monitoring and control, phenyl-mercuric chloride, preventive maintenance cost, programmable machine controller, project management corporation, protective measures coordinator, Трансмиттер/датчик давления Cerabar с длительной (выходной) мощностью (Cerabar pressure transmitter with continuous output (из инструкции к трансмиттеру Cerabar))7) Шутливое выражение: Parrot Magic Cookie8) Химия: Percent Modern Carbon9) Грубое выражение: Poorly Made Crap10) Оптика: programmable motion controller11) Сокращение: Partially Mission-Capable, Permanently Manned Capability, Personnel Management Centre (UK), Postage and Mailing Center (field beta test as of 1992 NPF), Programme Manager's Course, Pensky Martens (Closed) Cup Закрытая чаша Пенски-Мартенс (метод определения точки вспышки горючих материалов), private military company12) Университет: Pacific Microelectronics Centre, Philadelphia Military College, Pine Manor College13) Физика: coal PMC, coal paramagnetic center, paramagnetic center, ПМЦ, парамагнитный центр, процентное содержание ( в образце) современного (1850 г. и позже) углерода14) Физиология: Pre Menstrual Cycle15) Фото: Princeton Microfilm Corporation16) Электроника: Process Module Controller17) Вычислительная техника: Pseudo-Machine Code, Permanently Manned Capability (Space)18) Пищевая промышленность: Parrot Meaty Chunk19) Фирменный знак: Professional Monitor Company, Professional Monitor Corporation, Project Management Consultancy20) СМИ: Palestine Media Center21) Деловая лексика: Production And Material Control, Production Machining Center22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Project Management Contract23) Полимеры: premix molding compound24) Автоматика: precision machining commercialization25) Сахалин Р: Project Management Contractor26) Океанография: Pacific Marine Center27) Авиационная медицина: private medical communication28) Безопасность: Pci Mezzanine Card29) Расширение файла: A4TECH Scanner Graphics, Performance Monitor Data30) Нефть и газ: project management consultant, project managing contractor31) МИД: Post-Ministerial Conference32) Фармация: postmarketing commitment33) Уголь: ПМЦ в угле, парамагнитный центр в угле34) Общественная организация: Pigeon Mountain Chapter35) Чат: Pick My Cotton36) Аэропорты: Puerto Montt, Chile37) Хобби: Precious Metal Clay38) AMEX. PMC Capital, Inc.
См. также в других словарях:
Carbon fiber — or carbon fibre [See American and British English spelling differences.] (alternately called graphite fiber, graphite fibre or carbon graphite) is a material consisting of extremely thin fibers about 0.0002–0.0004 inches (0.005–0.010 mm) in… … Wikipedia
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Carbon monoxide detector — connected to a North American power outlet A carbon monoxide detector or CO detector is a device that detects the presence of the carbon monoxide (CO) gas in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. CO is a colorless and odorless compound… … Wikipedia
Carbon fiber reinforced plastic — (CFRP or CRP), is a very strong, light and expensive composite material or fiber reinforced plastic. Similar to glass reinforced plastic, sometimes known by the genericised trademark fiberglass, the composite material is commonly referred to by… … Wikipedia
Carbon filtering — is a method of filtering that uses a piece of activated carbon to remove contaminants and impurities, utilizing chemical adsorption. Each piece of carbon is designed to provide a large section of surface area, in order to allow contaminants the… … Wikipedia
Carbon dioxide equivalent — (CDE) and Equivalent carbon dioxide (or CO2) are two related but distinct measures for describing how much global warming a given type and amount of greenhouse gas may cause, using the functionally equivalent amount or concentration of carbon… … Wikipedia
Carbon sink — A carbon sink is reservoir of carbon that accumulates and stores carbon for an indefinite period. The main natural sinks are: # Absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans # Photosynthesis by plants and algae The process by which carbon sinks… … Wikipedia
Carbon tax — Part of a series on Green economics Concepts … Wikipedia
Carbon offset — Part of a series on Green economics Concepts … Wikipedia
Carbon credit — This article deals with carbon credits for international trading. For carbon credits for individuals, see personal carbon trading. For voluntary schemes, see carbon offset. Part of a series on … Wikipedia