1 manned station
обслуживаемая станция
обслуживаемый усилительный пункт
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > manned station
2 manned station
3 manned station
1. метро обитаемая станция, станция с персоналом
2. неавтоматизированный [ручной] станок;
неавтоматизированная производственная установкаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > manned station
4 manned station
2) неавтоматизированный [ручной\] станок; неавтоматизированная производственная установка -
5 manned station
1) Техника: неавтоматизированная производственная установка, неавтоматизированный станок, обслуживаемая станция, ручной станок, станция с персоналом2) Метеорология: обитаемая станция3) Железнодорожный термин: станция с ручным управлением -
6 manned station
7 manned station
неавтоматизированный станок, ручной станок; неавтоматизированная производственная установкаEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > manned station
8 manned station
9 manned station
10 manned station
метрол.обслуживаемая [обитаемая] станция -
11 manned station
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > manned station
12 intermittently manned station
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > intermittently manned station
13 intermittent manned station
Автоматика: станция( напр. загрузки-разгрузки) с периодическим обслуживаниемУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > intermittent manned station
14 intermittently manned station
Механика: станция с периодическим ожиданиемУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > intermittently manned station
15 intermittently manned station
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > intermittently manned station
16 intermittent manned station
станция (напр. загрузки - разгрузки) с периодическим обслуживаниемEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > intermittent manned station
17 station
1) станция; пункт3) геофиз. пункт наблюдений5) устройство; блок7) горн. околоствольный двор8) ж.-д. станционные сооружения11) мор. точка пересечения шпангоута с основной линией12) устанавливать, ставить13) экол. ареал•station on stream — работающая ( насосная или компрессорная) станция на трубопроводе-
aboveground power station
aboveground station
accepting station
accumulator station
actinometric station
aerobraked OTV-serviced space station
aerodynamic broadcast station
aeronautical meteorological station
affiliated station
air monitoring station
airborne early-warning station
alighting station
anchor station
AOTV-serviced space station
array station
arrival station
assembly station
assembly work station
astronaut tended space station
astronaut-inhabited space station
atomic power station
attended station
automatic unified orbital station
automatic water-stage recording station
automatic welding station
auxiliary power station
avalanche station
backhaul station
back-to-back high-voltage direct-current converter station
bagging station
base compressor station
base pumping station
base station
baseline station
base-load power station
beacon station
beet pulp drying station
beet receiving station
beet washing station
benchmark station
block-signal station
boarding station
boiling station
booster station
broadcasting station
broadcast station
bulk flour station
buoy-based station
captain's station
captain station
car inspection station
cathodic protection station
central electric station
central heat supply station
charging station
check station
circle station
circulating pumping station
civilian-manned space station
clean work station
climatological station
coal-fired power station
coast station
coastal direction finding station
coke-screening station
communication relay station
compressor station
concrete coating station
connecting station
conning station
conservated space station
control radio station
control station
converter station
co-orbiting space stations
coordinate inspection station
cream station
crusher station
cube station
current-meter gaging station
current-meter station
customs station
data return capsule-carried space station
data station
dead station
deburring station
deconservated space station
dedicated milling station
deorbited space station
design station
destination station
diesel power station
diffusion station
direction and guidance radar station
direction-finding station
discharge station
dispatch station
dispatching control station
display station
distribution station
diversion power station
diversion station
docking station
drainage station
drift station
drive station
dry station
dual-keel space station
dual-purpose station
dumping station
early-warning radar station
earth station
earthquake-detection station
electric power station
electric station
electrode building station
engine changing station
engineered work station
engineman's station
enlarged space station
entry station
evaporation station
exposure station
extended duration space station
feed station
filling station
film take-up station
fish rearing station
fixed ship station
fixed station
fixturing station
flexible machining station
flexible space station
flight engineer station
floating diesel station
floating power station
floating station
floating weather station
fossil-fueled power station
free-standing pallet station
frontier station
fuel station
gaging station
gas engine compressor station
gas gathering station
gas station
gas-compressor station
gas-distributing station
gas-lift compressor station
gas-turbine power station
generating station
GEO space station
geothermal power station
grain-collecting station
greasing station
grid-connected photovoltaic station
ground station
group pumping station
growth station
guidance station
half-open-air hydroelectric station
hammer station
head-end station
heat-electric generating station
high altitude space station
high-latitude station
high-level station
high-lift pump station
high-power station
holding station
home station
homing station
horizontal designed space station
hot-metal station
hydraulic experimental station
hydroelectric power station
hydroelectric pumped storage power station
hydrological station
hydrometric station
ice lookout station
ice pilot station
ice-based station
impact station
inhabited space station
inland station
in-machine station
inquiry station
insertion station
inspection station
integrated sewing station
interchange station
interlocking station
intermediate station
international space station
interplanetary station
inverter station
irrigation pumping station
island station
issuing station
junction station
knitting station
knocking-out station
ladle bricking station
ladle preparation station
land station
landing direction-finding station
large-size power station
large power station
LEO space station
lightning direction-finding station
lightship station
line booster pump station
liquefied natural gas station
load station
load/unload station
loading station
local station
localizer station
logic programming station
long-functioning space station
long-term space station
long-term station
loop station
low-altitude space station
low-latitude station
low-lift pump station
lubrication station
machine tool station
machining work station
machining station
magazine station
magnetic station
magnetotelluric station
main pumping station
manned station
manual part control station
man-visited space station
master station
material handling work station
measuring station
medium-size power station
medium power station
medium-head hydroelectric station
melt station
mesonet station
microwave relay station
milk collecting station
mine-mouth power station
mixed pumped-storage station
mobile electric power station
mobile power station
mobile ship station
mobile station
mobile television station
mold lubricating station
monitoring station
moonbounce station
multiband station
multimodule space station
multiparameter station
multiple docking ports-equipped space station
multiple modules-docked space station
multiple pressurized modules space station
multipurpose space station
multisolar-panels-consisted station
NC control station
newsroom station
node station
nuclear heat-only station
nuclear power station
nuclear steam station
observational station
observation station
ocean weather station
off-line station
oil-burning power station
oil-fired power station
oil-gathering station
oil-marketing station
OMV-equipped space station
on-orbit power generation station
open-air hydroelectric station
orbital laser power station
orbital station
origin station
oxy-gas cutoff station
ozonometry station
package power station
packing station
pan station
partial-record station
passenger station
passing station
passive seismic station
payoff station
peak-load power station
pendent control station
periodically tended space station
permanent seismograph station
permanent space station
photovoltaic pumping station
pier-type hydroelectric station
pilot solar power station
pipe welding station
pipeline-up station
pluviometric station
pole-mounted station
postprocess gaging station
power station
precipitation station
primary station
principal station
probe station
public service power station
public utility power station
pumped-storage station
pumping station
punch station
purely civilian-manned space station
push-button pipeline pumping station
rack-mounted station
radar station
radio station
radio-beacon station
radio-compass station
radio-positioning station
radio-range station
radio-relay station
radiosonde station
rating station
rawinsonde receiving station
rawinsonde station
read station
receiving station
reclamation station
reconservated space station
recording station
rectifier station
reference station
reforwarding station
refrigerating station
refuge station
relay pump station
relay station
relift station
remote methane measurement station
remote monitoring station
remote station
remote tool transfer station
repeater station
representative station
repressuring station
rescue station
reservoired power station
resupply space station
river station
robot station
robot weather station
roll-welding station
run-of-river power station
run-of-river station
sample station
satellite solar power station
scrubbing station
secondary station
seismic station
seismograph station
seismological station
self-service station
sending station
sewage pumping station
shaft station
ship station
shipboard power station
ship-handling station
shore collection station
shore station
short-lived station
short-term space station
short-term station
skimming station
slave station
small-size power station
small power station
solar power station
solar radio station
solar station
solar-diesel hybrid power station
solar-powered service station
solid-fuel power station
source pump station
space station
space tug-equipped orbital station
space-based laser station
stage station
stationary relay station
steering station
storage power station
stream-gaging station
stuffing station
stunning station
subscriber heat supply station
subscriber station
suburban station
surface synoptic station
surveillance radar station
switching station
synoptic station
tank oil filling station
tapping station
telemetering station
telemetry station
television transmitting station
temperature-regulating station
terminal pump station
terminal station
terrestrial station
test station
tethered space station
thermal power station
thermal station
tidal power station
toll station
tool adjustment station
tool change station
tool measuring-and-adjustment station
tool presetting station
tool station
torch-cutting station
total energy power station
totally autonomous manned space station
tracker station
transfer pumping station
transfer station
transforming station
transit station
transmitting station
transport station
transportable earth station
transportable station
trigeneration power station
trim station
two docking ports-equipped space station
underground power station
underground station
unload station
unmanned pumping station
unmanned station
upper-air station
user station
vacuum-compressor station
variable-head station
versatile space station
visited space station
wall-mounted station
washing station
water injection pumping station
water monitoring station
water power station
water rating station
water station
water treatment station
water-balance station
water-pumping station
water-purification floating station
wayside station
weather station
weighing station
weir station
well test station
wind power station
windup station
working station
work station
workpiece preparatory station -
18 station
1) станция; производственная установка2) позиция; положение4) ставить на место; помещать•- assembly station
- assembly/disassembly station
- attaching station
- automatic terminal station
- back-turning station
- back-working station
- bin-picking station
- boxing station
- buffer station
- burning station
- cabling station
- CAD/CAM design station
- call station
- carrier station
- cart-loading station
- centering station
- charge station
- charging station
- check station
- checking station
- chip removal station
- clamping station
- cleaning station
- component-to-fixture loading station
- consecutive working station
- control station
- controlling power station
- conveyor-fed station
- coolant pump station
- coordinate inspection station
- CRT control station
- cycle-independent station
- data-captured station
- dead station
- deburring station
- dedicated milling station
- delivery station
- deposit station
- detaching station
- die-forging station
- discharge station
- dispatch station
- display station
- docking station
- double flank inspection station
- downstream station
- drive station
- drop-off station
- dry station
- end-working station
- filling station
- fixed filling station
- fixed lubricating station
- fixed work station
- fixture setup station
- fixturing station
- flexible machining station
- floor-mounted pallet station
- forming station
- free-standing pallet station
- gaging station
- grind station
- grinding station
- helix spacing station
- hold station
- hone station
- hydraulic power station
- identification-reading station
- idle station
- independent floor-mounted work station
- in-machine station
- input station
- inspection station
- intermediate tool holding station
- intermittent manned station
- involute station
- issue/withdraw station
- kitting station
- laser station
- load station
- load/unload station
- lubricating station
- lubrication station
- machine tool station
- machine-manager station
- machine-queueing station
- machine-siding station
- machining station
- magazine station
- main supervisory control station
- management station
- manned station
- manual load-and-centering station
- manual part control station
- marking station
- MDI station
- measurement station
- measuring and presetting station
- mobile lubrication station
- multiaxis station
- multiout filling station
- multitool station
- NC station
- off-line station
- off-loading station
- operating station
- operational station
- orientation station
- pallet delivery station
- pallet discharge station
- pallet loading/unloading station
- pallet number check station
- pallet storage station
- pallet transfer station
- palletized postprocess gaging station
- pallet-loading station
- pallet-park station
- park station
- part load station
- part/pallet load-and-unload station
- parts-carrier loading station
- part-washing station
- PC-based desk-top design station
- PC-controlled station
- pendant control station
- pickup station
- pickup-and-drop-off station
- platen charge station
- postprocess measuring station
- power station
- power-drive station
- powered tool station
- presetting station
- presolder inspection station
- printing station
- probing station
- processing station
- pump-and-accumulator station
- pumping station
- pushbutton station
- QA station
- qualifier/load station
- queue station
- read station
- reading station
- ready station
- receiving station
- recharging station
- refixturing station
- release station
- reload station
- remote computer-aided programming station
- remote control station
- remote station
- remote tool transfer station
- rest station
- reversing station
- rework station
- rotary transfer machining stations
- screwing station
- setting station
- setup station
- single-line lubricating station
- single-outlet filling station
- slave station
- SPC gaging station
- stop station
- storage station
- store station
- stress relief station
- subscriber station
- supervisory control station
- take-off station
- test station
- testing station
- tool adjustment station
- tool change station
- tool issue/withdraw station
- tool measuring-and-adjustment station
- tool station
- tool transfer station
- tool-presetting station
- tool-recovery station
- tool-setting station
- transfer station
- transfer-line machining station
- transfer-line station
- transportable laser ranging station
- turnaround station
- turnover station
- turntable load/unload station
- two-line lubricating station
- two-stand load station
- unload station
- upstream station
- varied work station
- videoinspection station
- visual inspection station
- waiting station
- walk-up measurement station
- washing station
- welding station
- work attaching-and-detaching station
- work changer station
- work exchanging station
- work station
- working station
- workpiece handling station
- workpiece load/unload station
- workpiece preparatory station
- worksetting stationEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > station
19 manned
1. a с ручным управлением2. a управляемый, пилотируемыйmanned balloon — управляемый воздушный шар, аэростат
3. a с человеком или экипажем на борту4. a обитаемый -
20 station
место; пост; станция; пункт; точка измерений; остановка; база; рабочее место ( члена экипажа) ; место самолёта ( в строю) ; радиостанция; Бр. авиационная база; размещать; базировать; давать назначениеair droppable weather station — метеостанция, сбрасываемая с ЛА
central launch control station — ркт. командный пункт стартового комплекса
См. также в других словарях:
Manned Orbiting Laboratory — A 1967 conceptual drawing of the Gemini B reentry capsule separating from the MOL at the end of a mission Station statistics Crew … Wikipedia
Manned Orbital Development System — was created by the US Air Force Space System Division (SSD) in June 1962. It was to begin working on plans to use Gemini hardware as the first step in a new US Air Force man in space program called MODS (Manned Orbital Development System), a type … Wikipedia
manned post — station with an employee working there … English contemporary dictionary
Manned mission to Mars — Concept for NASA Design Reference Mission Architecture 5.0 (2009) A manned mission to Mars has been the subject of science fiction, engineering, and scientific proposals throughout the 20th century and into the 21st century. The plans comprise… … Wikipedia
Manned Space Flight Network — The Manned Space Flight Network (abbreviated MSFN, pronounced misfin ) was a set of tracking stations built to support the American space efforts of Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Skylab. There were two other space communication networks at this… … Wikipedia
Manned Orbital Laboratory — Infobox Space station station = Manned Orbital Laboratory station station image size = 350 station image caption = MOL test launch Nov. 3, 1966 from Cape Canaveral, FL. (USAF) crew = 2 status = Cancelled mass = 14,476 kg length = 21.92 m diameter … Wikipedia
Manned Orbital Laboratory — Dessin d artiste du MOL avec une capsule Gemini Lancement test du MOL, le 3 novembre … Wikipédia en Français
Manned Maneuvering Unit — U.S. astronaut Bruce McCandless uses a manned maneuvering unit The Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) is an astronaut propulsion unit which was used by NASA on three space shuttle missions in 1984. The MMU allowed the astronauts to perform untethered… … Wikipedia
Manned Maneuvering Unit — L astronaute américain Bruce McCandless utilisant le MMU en 1984. Le Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) est un système de propulsion développé par la NASA pour permettre aux astronautes de se déplacer de manière autonome dans le vide au cours de leurs … Wikipédia en Français
Station spatiale internationale — Pour les articles homonymes, voir ISS. Station spatiale internationale Assemblage … Wikipédia en Français
Station spatiale — La Station spatiale internationale en novembre 2009. Une station spatiale, dans le domaine de l astronautique, est une installation spatiale en orbite ou déposée sur un astre, ne disposant pas de moyens de propulsion autonomes ou ne disposant que … Wikipédia en Français