1 manette
2 manette
pl. -
3 manette
4 manette
sfpl [ma'nette] -
5 manette
сущ.общ. кандалы, наручники -
6 manette
f pl handcuffs -
7 manètte
f pl белезници. -
8 manette
9 manette sfpl
[ma'nette] -
10 manette d'oro
11 mettere le manette a qualcuno
mettere le manette a qualcunojemandem Handschellen anlegenDizionario italiano-tedesco > mettere le manette a qualcuno
12 manetta
"hand lever;Knebelgriff;manopla curta"* * *manetta s.f.1 pl. handcuffs, manacles: gli misero le manette, they handcuffed him; entrò in aula con le manette ai polsi, he entered the court handcuffed2 (manopola) handle; throttle: la manetta del gas, gas throttle // a tutta manetta, at full throttle (o at full speed).* * *[ma'netta] 1.sostantivo femminile tecn. lever2.sostantivo femminile plurale manette handcuffs, cuffs colloq.mettere le -e a qcn. — to put the handcuffs on sb., to handcuff sb., to cuff sb. colloq.
* * *manetta/ma'netta/I sostantivo f.tecn. lever; manetta del gas gas throttleII manette f.pl.handcuffs, cuffs colloq.; mettere le -e a qcn. to put the handcuffs on sb., to handcuff sb., to cuff sb. colloq.13 manetta
14 manetta
15 tagliare
cutalbero cut downlegna choptagliare i capelli have one's hair cutfig tagliare la strada a qualcuno cut in front of someoneinformation technology cut (out)* * *tagliare v.tr.1 to cut*: tagliare qlco. in due, in tre ecc., to cut sthg. in two, in three etc.; tagliare a fette un dolce, to slice a cake; tagliare qlco. a pezzi, to cut sthg. in (to) pieces; tagliare la legna, to chop wood; tagliare un albero, to cut down (o to fell) a tree; tagliare rami da un albero, to lop branches off a tree; tagliare una siepe, to clip a hedge; tagliare il prato, to mow the meadow; tagliare il grano, to cut corn // tagliare via qlco., to cut sthg. off; tagliare la testa a qlcu., to cut s.o.'s head off (o to behead s.o.); tagliare la gola a qlcu., to cut (o to slit) s.o.'s throat; tagliarsi le unghie, to cut one's nails; tagliarsi, farsi tagliare i capelli, to have one's hair cut // c'è una nebbia da tagliare con il coltello, there's a fog you could cut with a knife // un vento che taglia la faccia, a biting wind // questo vino taglia le gambe, this wine leaves you unsteady on your legs // tagliare i panni addosso a qlcu., to pull s.o. to pieces // tagliare un vestito, to cut out a dress // tagliare un diamante, to cut a diamond // tagliare il traguardo, to breast (o to break) the tape // (inform.) taglia e incolla, cut and paste3 ( attraversare) to cut* across, to cross, to intersect: una linea che ne taglia un'altra, a line that intersects another; sentiero che taglia una strada, path that cuts across a road; tagliare la strada a qlcu., ( in automobile) to cut in (o to cut across s.o.'s path); (fig.) to get in s.o.'s way4 ( interrompere) to cut* off; to interrupt; to stop: tagliare la ritirata al nemico, to cut off the enemy's retreat; tagliare i viveri a qlcu., to cut off (o to stop) s.o.'s supplies; ha tagliato i viveri alla figlia, he refused to support his daughter any longer // era tagliato fuori dalla società, he was cut off from society; i produttori cercano di tagliare fuori gli intermediari, producers try to freeze out middlemen5 ( togliere) to cut* out: hanno tagliato alcuni paragrafi, they have cut out a few paragraphs; la censura ha tagliato molte sequenze del film, the censors have cut a lot of sequences from the film6 ( ridurre) to cut* down: tagliare le spese, to cut down on expenses; tagliare un articolo, to cut down an article7 ( vini) to blend8 ( a carte) to cut*◆ v. intr.1 ( essere tagliente) to cut*: queste forbici non tagliano, these scissors don't cut; il coltello taglia bene, poco, the knife cuts well, doesn't cut well2 ( prendere una scorciatoia) to cut*: poiché eravamo in ritardo tagliammo per il bosco, as we were late we cut across the wood // tagliare corto, to cut short.◘ tagliarsi v.intr.pron. to cut*, to get* cut: la seta si taglia facilmente nelle pieghe, silk cuts easily in the folds◆ v.rifl. to cut* oneself, to get* cut: si è tagliato con un coltello, he cut himself with a knife.* * *[taʎ'ʎare]1. vt1) (gen) to cut, (torta, salame) to cut, slice, (arrosto) to carve, (siepe) to trim, (fieno, prato) to mow, (grano) to reap, (albero) to fell, cut downtagliare qc in due/in più parti — to cut sth in two/into several pieces
tagliare la gola a qn — to cut o slit sb's throat
tagliare il capo o la testa a qn — to behead sb, cut sb's head off
taglia e incolla Inform — cut and paste
2) (articolo, scritto, scena) to cut, (acqua, telefono, gas) to cut off3) (intersecare: sogg: strada) to cut acrosstagliare la strada a qn — (in macchina) to cut in on sb, (a piedi) to cut across in front of sb
5) (carte) to cut7)tagliare la corda — to sneak offtagliare le gambe a qn fig — to make it impossible for sb to act, tie sb's hands
tagliare i panni addosso a qn — (sparlare) to tear sb to pieces
2. vi* * *[taʎ'ʎare] 1.verbo transitivo1) (dividere in pezzi) to cut* [carta, tessuto, pane]; to cut*, to chop [legna, verdura, carne]tagliare qcs. con le forbici — to scissor o snip sth.
tagliare (a fette) una torta — to slice a cake, to cut a cake into slices
tagliare qcs. a pezzi — to cut sth. into pieces o bits
tagliare qcs. a cubetti o dadini — to dice o cube sth., to chop sth. into cubes
2) (fare un taglio in) to cut*, to slit* [ gola]; to slash [ gomme]; (ferire) [manette, forbici] to cut*3) (staccare) to cut* off [ramo, fiore, testa, dito, arto]; (abbattere) to cut* down, to chop (down) [ albero]4) (interrompere l'erogazione di) to cut* off [luce, telefono]tagliare i viveri a qcn. — to cut off sb.'s lifeline o supplies (anche fig.)
5) (accorciare) to cut* [ capelli]; to cut*, to clip [ unghie]; to clip, to prune [cespuglio, siepe]; to cut*, to mow*, to trim [erba, prato](farsi) tagliare i capelli — to have one's hair cut o a haircut
6)7) sart. to cut* out8) cinem. to cut* (out)9) fig. (ridurre) to cut* (down), to shorten [discorso, testo]; to cut*, to reduce [spese, sovvenzioni, budget]10) (intersecare) [strada, ferrovia] to cut*, to intersect [ strada]; mat. to intersectil camion mi ha tagliato la strada — the lorry cut across my path o cut me off
11) (mescolare) to cut* [droga, vino]13) gioc. to cut* [ mazzo]2.1) (essere affilato) to cut*attenzione, taglia! — be careful, it's sharp!
2)3.tagliare per i campi — to cut through o strike across the fields
verbo pronominale tagliarsi1) (ferirsi) to cut* oneself- rsi le vene — to slash one's wrists; (amputarsi)
- rsi i capelli — to cut one's hair; (farsi tagliare) to have one's hair cut o a haircut
- rsi le unghie — to cut o clip one's nails
3) (strapparsi) [cuoio, tessuto] to split*••tagliare corto — to cut short, to make it short and sweet
tagliare la corda — to flake off, to clear off BE, to scarper BE
quel vino mi ha tagliato le gambe — that wine made me really drowsy o laid me out
* * *tagliare/taλ'λare/ [1]1 (dividere in pezzi) to cut* [carta, tessuto, pane]; to cut*, to chop [legna, verdura, carne]; tagliare qcs. con le forbici to scissor o snip sth.; tagliare (a fette) una torta to slice a cake, to cut a cake into slices; tagliare qcs. a pezzi to cut sth. into pieces o bits; tagliare qcs. a cubetti o dadini to dice o cube sth., to chop sth. into cubes2 (fare un taglio in) to cut*, to slit* [ gola]; to slash [ gomme]; (ferire) [manette, forbici] to cut*3 (staccare) to cut* off [ramo, fiore, testa, dito, arto]; (abbattere) to cut* down, to chop (down) [ albero]4 (interrompere l'erogazione di) to cut* off [luce, telefono]; tagliare i viveri a qcn. to cut off sb.'s lifeline o supplies (anche fig.)5 (accorciare) to cut* [ capelli]; to cut*, to clip [ unghie]; to clip, to prune [cespuglio, siepe]; to cut*, to mow*, to trim [erba, prato]; (farsi) tagliare i capelli to have one's hair cut o a haircut6 tagliare una curva to cut a corner7 sart. to cut* out8 cinem. to cut* (out)9 fig. (ridurre) to cut* (down), to shorten [discorso, testo]; to cut*, to reduce [spese, sovvenzioni, budget]10 (intersecare) [strada, ferrovia] to cut*, to intersect [ strada]; mat. to intersect; il camion mi ha tagliato la strada the lorry cut across my path o cut me off11 (mescolare) to cut* [droga, vino]13 gioc. to cut* [ mazzo](aus. avere)1 (essere affilato) to cut*; attenzione, taglia! be careful, it's sharp! questo coltello taglia bene this knife cuts well2 tagliare per i campi to cut through o strike across the fields; tagliare per una via laterale to cut down a side streetIII tagliarsi verbo pronominale1 (ferirsi) to cut* oneself; si è tagliato il labbro he cut his lip; - rsi le vene to slash one's wrists; (amputarsi) - rsi un dito to cut off one's finger2 (accorciarsi) - rsi i capelli to cut one's hair; (farsi tagliare) to have one's hair cut o a haircut; - rsi le unghie to cut o clip one's nails; tagliare la barba to shave one's beard off3 (strapparsi) [cuoio, tessuto] to split*tagliare corto to cut short, to make it short and sweet; tagliare la corda to flake off, to clear off BE, to scarper BE; tagliare fuori to cut off; quel vino mi ha tagliato le gambe that wine made me really drowsy o laid me out.16 manetta
17 ceppo
mrestare lì come un ceppo перен. — остолбенеть от удивленияrompere i ceppi — разбить оковы5) биол. штамм6) (также festa del ceppo, Pasqua di ceppo) Рождествоceppo (di Natale) — 1) рождественский праздник 2) рождественские подаркиfare il ceppo — праздновать Рождество7) (Ceppo) Дед Мороз, рождественский дед•Syn:Ant:18 ferro
m1) железоferro in lamiere — листовое железо; листовая стальferro a T / I / H — двутавровая сталь, двутавровый профильferro dolce — мягкая / низкоуглеродная стальferro piatto — плоский прокатferro fuso — 1) стальной расплав 2) литая стальcava di ferro — железорудный карьер / разрезminiera di ferro — железная копь, железный рудникmemoria di ferro перен. — железная памятьtesta di ferro перен. — упрямецbattere il ferro — ковать железоferri di bottega / del mestiere — орудия труда (также перен.)andare sotto i ferri перен. — ложиться под ножferri da ricci — щипцы для завивки волосdare un colpo di ferro a qc разг. — подгладить / подутюжить что-либоferro di cavallo — 1) подкова 2) подковонос ( летучая мышь)a ferro di cavallo — подковообразный; в форме / в виде подковыferro di lancia — 1) наконечник копья зоол. 2) бушмейстер, сурукуку ( змея) 3) кайсака, лабария ( змея)4) поэт. оружие ( режущее и колющее)venire ai ferri — 1) взяться за оружие 2) прийти к заключениюincrociare i ferri — скрестить шпаги, драться на шпагахmettere a ferro e fuoco — предать огню и мечуessere ai ferri corti con qd — быть на ножах с кем-либо5) редко якорьgettare il ferro — бросить якорьmettere ai ferri — заковать в кандалыcondannare ai ferri — приговорить к каторге7) тех. арматурный стержень / пруток8) кул.ai / sui ferri — на решётке•Syn:••essere in una botte di ferro: — см. bottetoccare ferro — постучать по дереву ( чтоб не сглазить)tocca ferro! разг. — тьфу-тьфу - ( чтобы) не сглазить!aguzzare i ferri — очень постараться, приложить все усилияbatti il ferro finché è caldo prov — куй железо, пока горячо19 наручники
ж. мн.20 polso
m anatomy wristdi camicia cuffpulsazione pulsetastare il polso a qualcuno take s.o.'s pulse* * *polso s.m.1 (anat.) wrist: polso sottile, tozzo, thin, thick wrist; la legò ai polsi, he tied her wrists; mi prese per i polsi, he caught me by the wrists; mettere le manette ai polsi a qlcu., to handcuff s.o.2 ( pulsazione) pulse: polso irregolare, frequente, irregular, quick (o rapid) pulse; polso febbrile, febrile pulse; il malato ha il polso debole, the patient's pulse is weak (o low); sentire, tastare il polso a qlcu., to feel (o to take) s.o.'s pulse; (fig.) to sound s.o.'s intentions3 ( polsino) cuff: i polsi della camicia, the shirt-cuffs; un cappotto coi polsi di pelliccia, an overcoat with fur cuffs4 (fig.) energy, vigour, firmness: un uomo di polso, an energetic (o a determined) man; ha molto polso coi suoi figli, he is very firm with his children; essere di polso, to have backbone; essere privo di polso, to be slack (o to lack backbone); governare con polso fermo, to govern with a firm hand.* * *['polso]sostantivo maschile1) anat. wrist2) abbigl. cuff3) med. pulse (rate)prendere, tastare il polso a qcn. — to take, feel sb.'s pulse
4) fig. (fermezza)avere polso — to have an iron grip, to command respect
un uomo di polso — a strong o firm man
con polso fermo — [ dirigere] with a firm o sure hand
* * *polso/'polso/ ⇒ 4sostantivo m.1 anat. wrist; orologio da polso wristwatch2 abbigl. cuff3 med. pulse (rate); aveva il polso accelerato his pulse raced; prendere, tastare il polso a qcn. to take, feel sb.'s pulse4 fig. (fermezza) avere polso to have an iron grip, to command respect; un uomo di polso a strong o firm man; con polso fermo [ dirigere] with a firm o sure hand.Страницы- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
manette — [ manɛt ] n. f. • 1803; mainette « petite main » XIIIe; dimin. de main ♦ Clé, levier, poignée que l on manœuvre à la main pour commander un mécanisme. Baisser, tourner une manette. Manette de réglage. Manette d un percolateur. Manette des gaz d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Manette — may refer to: People: A. Manette Ansay (born 1964), an American author, born in Lapeer, Michigan Alexandre Manette, a character in Charles Dickens novel, A Tale of Two Cities Lucie Manette, a character in Charles Dickens novel, A Tale of Two… … Wikipedia
Manette — Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Manette », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Une manette est une poignée allongée, souvent en métal ou en plastique rigide, qui sert à actionner certains organes mécaniques. Elle… … Wikipédia en Français
manette — (ma nè t ) s. f. 1° Poignée en fer, fixée sur le haut de la barre de la bauche ou planche du maçon piseur. 2° Terme d agriculture. Instrument propre à arracher les plants avec leur motte, et à faire des trous pour les recevoir : on s en sert… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
manette — , manillon . La partie d un vase ou d un instrument que l on prend à la main; dites, anse , s. f. Manette signifioit autrefois main pleine . Manillon se dit mal à propos d un trousseau de clefs … Dictionnaire grammatical du mauvais langage
manette — rankenėlė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. grip; handle; knob vok. Drehknopf, m; Handgriff, m; Knopf, m rus. ручка, f pranc. bouton, m; manette, f; poignée, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
manette — rankena statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. grip; haft; handle vok. Handkurbel, m; Kurbel, m rus. рукоятка, f pranc. levier, m; manche, m; manette, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Manette De Jeu — Manette de la NES (1986) … Wikipédia en Français
Manette de jeu — Manette de la NES (1986). Man … Wikipédia en Français
Manette Bridge — Crosses Port Washington Narrows Locale Bremerton, Washington, USA Maintained by … Wikipedia
Manette, Washington — is a community in Kitsap County, Washington, United States. It was established as a town on April 20, 1891, but was later made part of Bremerton, Washington. Manette is located on Point Herron, commonly known as the Manette Peninsula, in the body … Wikipedia
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