1 mandatory redemption
Экономика: обязательное погашение, обязательное погашение эмитентом части выпущенных ценных бумаг до срока их погашения -
2 mandatory redemption
3 mandatory redemption
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > mandatory redemption
4 mandatory redemption
обязательное погашение эмитентом части выпущенных ценных бумаг до срока их погашенияEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > mandatory redemption
5 mandatory redemption
обязательное погашение эмитентом части выпущенных ценных бумаг до срока их погашенияEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > mandatory redemption
6 mandatory redemption schedule
Инвестиции: график обязательного погашенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > mandatory redemption schedule
7 Mandatory redemption schedule
. График, согласно которому должны производиться выплаты фонда погашения задолженности . Инвестиционная деятельность .Англо-русский экономический словарь > Mandatory redemption schedule
8 redemption
1) выкуп; погашение (ценных бумаг)2) возврат, выплата (долга)• -
9 redemption
n1) выкуп; погашение (ценных бумаг)2) возвращение, получение обратно3) возврат, выплата (долга)
- bond redemption
- capital redemption
- credit redemption
- debt redemption
- gross yield redemption
- loan redemption
- mandatory redemption
- mortgage redemption
- principal redemption
- prior redemption
- scheduled redemption
- redemption before the date
- redemption from pawn
- redemption in gold
- redemption of annuity
- redemption of banknotes
- redemption of bonds
- redemption of credit
- redemption of a debt
- redemption of documents
- redemption of a loan
- redemption of a mortgage
- redemption of mortgaged land
- redemption of a pledge
- redemption of shares
- redemption of stockEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > redemption
10 redemption
1) выкуп, погашение; возвращение2) изъятие из обращения -
11 mandatory corporate action
CORP корпоративное действие, не требующее каких-либо действий со стороны акционеров (напр., консолидация/дробление акций (consolidation/ stock split), конвертация ценных бумаг (conversion), погашение ценных бумаг (redemption)ANT:Англо-русский словарь терминов по депозитарному хранению и клирингу > mandatory corporate action
12 preferred equity redemption cumulative stock
сокр. PERCS фин. кумулятивные привилегированные акции с погашением обыкновенными акциями* (разновидность конвертируемых привилегированных акций, по которым выплачивается повышенный дивиденд в обмен на предоставление эмитенту права потребовать в любой момент по своему усмотрению обмена данных акций на обыкновенные по заранее установленному коэффициенту обмена; для таких акций также устанавливается срок, по истечении которого, если эмитент не воспользуется своим правом потребовать конвертации, они должны быть обязательно обменяны на обыкновенные акции; разработаны банком "Морган Стэнли" (Morgan Stanley))See:
* * *
abbrev.: PERCS preferred equity redemption cumulative stock "перкс" (буквально, по созвучию: привилегии, дополнительные преимущества): привилегированные кумулятивные облигации, погашаемые акциями; разновидность квазиакций, которые продаются по цене простых акций, с обязательной конверсией через 3 года, более высоким дивидендом, но обыкновенно с ограничением прибыли от прироста капитала (впервые введены банком "Морган Стэнли").Англо-русский экономический словарь > preferred equity redemption cumulative stock
13 preferred equity redemption cumulative stock
сокр. PERCS фин. кумулятивные привилегированные акции с погашением обыкновенными акциями* (разновидность конвертируемых привилегированных акций, по которым выплачивается повышенный дивиденд в обмен на предоставление эмитенту права потребовать в любой момент по своему усмотрению обмена данных акций на обыкновенные по заранее установленному коэффициенту обмена; для таких акций также устанавливается срок, по истечении которого (если эмитент не воспользуется своим правом потребовать конвертации) они должны быть обязательно обменяны на обыкновенные акции; разработаны банком "Морган Стэнли" (Morgan Stanley))See:preference share, convertible securities, mandatory convertible securitiesThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > preferred equity redemption cumulative stock
14 redeemable
прил.1)а) фин. погашаемый, выкупаемый, подлежащий погашению [выкупу\] ( о ценных бумагах)This is an Institute comment letter on a new rule proposed by the SEC regarding mandatory redemption fees for redeemable securities.
bonds redeemable in 5 years' time — облигации, подлежащие погашению через 5 лет
bonds redeemable at par value — облигации, подлежащие погашению по номиналу
See:б) эк. подлежащий обмену* ( о бумажных деньгах)2) общ. исправимый, небезнадежный (о недостатке и т. п.)Ant:See:
* * *
возвращаемый, погашаемый, выкупаемый; см. callable.* * ** * *Подлежащие погашению, погашаемые. Ценные бумаги, подлежащие погашению по условиям соглашения об эмиссии . Инвестиционная деятельность . -
15 reserve
1.1) откладывать, запасать2) бронировать, резервировать, заказывать заранее2.1) запас, резерв2) фин. резервный фонд3) оговорка• -
16 insurance
n1) страхование2) страховая премия; страховой взнос
- accident insurance
- acual cost insurance
- additional insurance
- aircraft insurance
- all-in insurance
- all-loss insurance
- all-risk insurance
- annuity insurance
- automobile insurance
- automobile liability insurance
- aviation insurance
- bad debts insurance
- baggage insurance
- blanket insurance
- block insurance
- burglary insurance
- business insurance
- business interruption insurance
- capital insurance
- car insurance
- cargo insurance
- casualty insurance
- catastrophe insurance
- children's endowment insurance
- child's insurance
- civil commotion insurance
- collateral insurance
- collective insurance
- combination policy insurance
- comprehensive insurance
- compulsory insurance
- compulsory insurance against third party risks
- concurrent insurance
- construction risks insurance
- contingency insurance
- contract guarantee insurance
- cooperative insurance
- credit insurance
- credit disability insurance
- credit life insurance
- credit-related insurance
- credit risk insurance
- currency risk insurance
- current insurance
- cut-through insurance
- deposit insurance
- disability insurance
- disablement insurance
- disbursements insurance
- double insurance
- employer's liability insurance
- employment insurance
- endowment insurance
- excess insurance
- export insurance
- export credit insurance
- export risk insurance
- extended term insurance
- extra risk life insurance
- fidelity insurance
- fidelity guarantee insurance
- fire insurance
- first loss insurance
- fleet policy insurance
- floater policy insurance
- foreign investment insurance
- freight insurance
- full insurance
- full value insurance
- general insurance
- graded premium life insurance
- group insurance
- group creditor insurance
- group life insurance
- guarantee insurance
- hazard insurance
- health insurance
- home owner's policy insurance
- hospitalization insurance
- house insurance
- household insurance
- hull insurance
- index-linked insurance
- industrial insurance
- industrial life insurance
- inland transportation insurance
- inland waterways insurance
- investment insurance
- leasehold insurance
- liability insurance
- life insurance
- limited payment life insurance
- limited policy insurance
- livestock insurance
- loan insurance
- loss-on-exchange insurance
- luggage insurance
- lump-sum insurance
- maintenance insurance
- mandatory insurance
- marine insurance
- medical insurance
- mercantile open-stock burglary insurance
- miners' insurance
- money and securities insurance
- mortgage insurance
- mortgage redemption insurance
- motor insurance
- motor car insurance
- motor vehicle insurance
- motor vehicle passenger insurance
- mutual insurance
- national insurance
- obligatory insurance
- ocean insurance
- ocean marine insurance
- old age insurance
- old age and survivor insurance
- open insurance
- ordinary insurance
- ordinary life insurance
- overlapping insurance
- package insurance
- paid-up insurance
- partial insurance
- participating insurance
- partnership insurance
- personal insurance
- personal accident and sickness insurance
- personal liability insurance
- pluvial insurance
- private insurance
- private health insurance
- products guarantee insurance
- products liability insurance
- professional liability insurance
- property insurance
- property damage insurance
- provisional insurance
- public liability insurance
- real estate insurance
- reciprocal insurance
- renewable term insurance
- rent insurance
- replacement insurance
- residence contents insurance
- retirement income insurance
- riots insurance
- risk insurance
- robbery insurance
- sea insurance
- sea cargo insurance
- sickness insurance
- social insurance
- specific insurance
- state insurance
- stock insurance
- straight life insurance
- strike insurance
- subsequent insurance
- substandard insurance
- supplementary insurance
- technical risk insurance
- term insurance
- term life insurance
- theft insurance
- third party insurance
- third party liability insurance
- time insurance
- title insurance
- transit insurance
- transport insurance
- traveller's accident insurance
- unemployment insurance
- upset insurance
- voluntary insurance
- war insurance
- war risk insurance
- weather insurance
- whole life insurance
- workmen's compensation insurance
- insurance against all construction risks
- insurance against all risks
- insurance against breakage
- insurance against breakdown
- insurance against burglary and theft
- insurance against calamities
- insurance against commercial risks
- insurance against default
- insurance against depreciation
- insurance against hazards
- insurance against insolvency
- insurance against loss by redemption
- insurance against natural calamities
- insurance against natural hazards
- insurance against risk
- insurance against robbery
- insurance against third party liability
- insurance against total loss
- insurance against war risks
- insurance of building
- insurance of cargo
- insurance of credit
- insurance of freight
- insurance of goods
- insurance of merchandise
- insurance of movable property
- insurance of securities
- insurance of valuables
- insurance of a vessel
- insurance on a contingency basis
- insurance on full replacement value
- insurance on a premium basis
- insurance with limited premium
- insurance with participation in the profits
- insurance without participation in the profits
- insurance free of particular average
- accept for insurance
- arrange insurance
- back up insurance
- cancel insurance
- carry an insurance
- cover insurance
- effect insurance
- furnish insurance
- issue insurance
- make insurance
- pay the insurance
- place an insurance
- provide insurance
- reinstate an insurance
- suspend insurance
- take out an insurance
- undertake insuranceEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > insurance
17 retirement
сущ.1)а) эк. тр. выход в отставку, выход [уход\] на пенсию; отход от делto go into [to take\] retirement — уйти [выйти\] на пенсию
I took early retirement from the company in 1976. — Я досрочно ушел из компании на пенсию в 1976 г.
She was forced to take disability retirement from her position. — Она была вынуждена оставить свою должность и уйти на пенсию по инвалидности. [Она была вынуждена уйти со своей должности на пенсию по инвалидности.\]
to force (smb.) into retirement; to force [to compel\] (smb.’s) retirement — вынуждать [заставлять\] (кого-л.) уйти на пенсию [выйти в отставку\]
Health problems force many older Americans into early retirement. — Проблемы со здоровьем вынуждают многих пожилых американцев досрочно выходить на пенсию.
Progressive illness cut short his career and forced his retirement in 2001. — Прогрессирующая болезнь оборвала его карьеру и вынудила его в 2001 г. уйти в отставку.
to defer [to delay, to postpone\] retirement — отсрочить [отложить\] выход на пенсию [в отставку\]
See:retirement adviser, retirement consultant, retirement market, retirement officer, retirement age, deferred retirement, early retirement, normal retirement, mandatory retirement, service retirement, disability retirement, phased retirement, semi-retirement, retirement account, individual retirement account, retirement benefit, retirement income, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, individual retirement account, registered retirement savings plan, Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, profit sharing retirement plan, Railroad Retirement Act, Railroad Retirement Board, retirement city, retirement officer, post-retirement, pre-retirementб) эк. тр., демогр. пенсия; отставка; пенсионный возраст (период в жизни человека, начинающийся после достижения им определенного возраста и отхода от активной трудовой деятельности)We wish you a long and happy retirement. — Мы желаем вам долгих и счастливых лет жизни на пенсии.
During his retirement, he wrote two unpublished works. — Находясь на пенсии, он написал две неопубликованные работы.
to come out of [to step out of\] retirement — вернуться с пенсии [из отставки\]
The 79-year-old dentist came out of retirement last year to treat HIV-infected people who need dental care. — Семидесятидевятилетний дантист в прошлом году вернулся с пенсии для оказания медицинской помощи ВИЧ-инфицированным лицам, нуждающимся в зубоврачебных услугах.
She retired in 1986, but agreed to step out of retirement in 1990. — Она вышла в отставку в 1986 г., но в 1990 г. согласилась временно вернуться из отставки.
to bring (smb.) out of retirement — отозвать (кого-л.) с пенсии [из отставки\]
They had to bring a foreman bricklayer out of retirement to supervise the work. — Они были вынуждены отозвать старшего каменщика с пенсии для осуществления надзора за работой.
2)а) фин. изъятие из обращения; выкуп; погашение ( ценных бумаг в результате их выкупа)See:б) эк. оплата, выплата, погашение (напр., задолженности)debt retirement — выплата [погашение\] долга
3) учет выбытие (изъятие капитального актива из баланса предприятия в результате его продажи или истечения срока полезной службы)retirement of assets, asset retirement — выбытие активов
4)б) юр. (период, в течение которого присяжные совещаются и подготавливают вердикт)See:5)а) общ. уединение; уединенность; изолированность; уединенная жизньб) общ. уединенное место
* * *
1) погашение ценных бумаг (акций и облигаций), долговых обязательств в результате их выкупа; 2) изъятие капитального актива из баланса предприятия в результате его продажи или истечения срока полезной службы; 3) выход сотрудника на пенсию, т. е. увольнение по возрасту или другим законным основаниям, что может вести к началу действий пенсионных программ.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельностьпогашение ценных бумаг, долговых обязательств -
18 sale
n1) продажа; сбыт2) торговля; торговая сделка3) продажа с аукциона, продажа с торгов
- account sales
- address sale
- advance sale
- annual sales
- anticipated sales
- assets sale
- auction sale
- autumn sale
- average sales
- back-to-school sale
- bargain sale
- bear sale
- blind sale
- block sale
- brisk sale
- bulk sale
- cash sale
- cash-and-carry sale
- cash on delivery sale
- cash-only sale
- catalogue sale
- charge-and-carry sale
- charge-and-delivery sale
- clearance sale
- clearing sale
- closing down sale
- commercial sale
- commission sale
- commodity sale
- competitive sales
- compulsory sale
- conditional sale
- consignment sale
- consumption sale
- credit sale
- cross sale
- cumulative sales
- daily sales
- day's sales
- deferred payment sale
- delayed sale
- direct sale
- discount sale
- distress sale
- domestic sales
- effective sale
- emergency sale
- end-of-season sale
- enforceable sale
- exchange sale
- exclusive sale
- execution sale
- executory sale
- expanding sales
- export sale
- faked sale
- firm sale
- first sale
- fixed sales
- fleet sales
- floor sale
- forced sale
- foreclosure sale
- foreign sale
- forward sale
- future sale
- going-out-of-business sale
- gross sales
- guaranteed sale
- hire-purchase sale
- illicit sale
- increased sales
- indirect sales
- individual sale
- installment sale
- intermediate sale
- jumble sale
- large volume sales
- liquidation sale
- loan sale
- mandatory sale
- mutual sales
- negotiated sale
- net sales
- off-the-floor sale
- opening sale
- order sales
- over-the-counter sale
- panic sale
- partial sale
- peak sales
- private sale
- proceeds sale
- projected sales
- prompt sale
- property sale
- public sale
- quick sale
- ready sale
- realization sale
- record sales
- remnant sale
- retail sale
- returned sales
- rummage sale
- seasonal sale
- security sales
- sheriff's sale
- short sale
- slow sale
- spot sale
- stocktaking sale
- street sale
- tax sale
- tied sale
- tie-in sale
- time sale
- total sales
- trade sale
- transportation sales
- tying-in sale
- underlying sales
- underreported sale
- under-the-counter sale
- volume sales
- voluntary sale
- wash sale
- white sale
- wholesale sale
- winding-up sale
- winter sale
- yearly sales
- sale at an auction
- sale at harvest time
- sale at a profit
- sale at reduced prices
- sale by auction
- sale by commission
- sale by description
- sale by lot
- sale by the piece
- sale by public outcry
- sale by sample
- sale by weight
- sale ex bond
- sale ex stand
- sale ex works
- sale for cash
- sale for forward delivery
- sale for future delivery
- sale for prompt delivery
- sale for the settlement
- sale from stock
- sale from a warehouse
- sale in market overt
- sale of engineering consultation services
- sale of equipment
- sale of exchange
- sale of exhibits off the floor
- sale of goods
- sale of an invention
- sale of a licence
- sale of a loan
- sale of a patent
- sale of a patent right
- sale of a pledge
- sale of securities
- sale of services
- sale of shares of a company
- sale of space
- sale of a stake
- sale on approval
- sale on arrival
- sale on commission
- sale on credit
- sale on an open account
- sale to arrive
- sale to final consumer
- sale with option of repurchase
- sale with reservation
- sale with reserve
- sale without reserve
- sale with rights of redemption
- sale and leaseback
- sale as is
- for sale
- not for sale
- of ready sale
- on sale
- out of sale
- subject to prior sale
- approve for sale
- be available for sale
- be dull of sale
- be on sale
- be slow of sale
- command a ready sale
- conclude a sale
- develop sales
- effect sales
- exhibit for sale
- expand sales
- expose for sale
- extend sales
- find no sales
- find a ready sale
- handle the sale
- have a dull sale
- have no sale
- have a ready sale
- increase sales
- keep for sale
- maintain sales
- make a sale
- meet with a good sale
- meet with a slow sale
- negotiate sales
- notify the sale by auction
- offer for sale
- promote sales
- put up for sale
- release for sale
- rescind a sale
- sell at a public sale
- specialize in the sale of smth
- stimulate sales
- suspend the sale
- undertake the sale -
19 loan
20 rate
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Mandatory Redemption Schedule — Specified dates when a bond issuer is required to redeem all or a portion of the outstanding issues of a bond prior to its maturity. The issuer might be required to redeem all or a portion of the bonds according to the call or prepayment… … Investment dictionary
Mandatory redemption schedule — Schedule according to which sinking fund payments must be made. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
mandatory redemption schedule — Schedule according to which bond sinking fund payments must be made. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Mandatory Convertible — A type of convertible bond that has a required conversion or redemption feature. Either on or before a contractual conversion date, the holder must convert the mandatory convertible into the underlying common stock. These securities provide… … Investment dictionary
mandatory convertible securities — Types of convertible bonds that have required conversion or redemption features. One type of mandatory convertible requires the holder to exchange the bonds for common stock at maturity. Often used by banks seeking to meet regulatory capital… … Financial and business terms
Preferred Equity Redemption Stock - PERC — Preferred stock with special provisions limiting the value of its convertible shares and the mandatory redemption value at maturity. PERCs generally offer a higher yield than common stocks. However, they can be called at any time, generally at a… … Investment dictionary
ThoughtWorks — Infobox Company company name = ThoughtWorks Inc. company type = Private foundation = 1993 company key people = Neville Roy Singham, Chairman Trevor Mather, CEO Graham Webster, CFO Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist industry = IT Consulting Management … Wikipedia
ZIONISM — This article is arranged according to the following outline: the word and its meaning forerunners ḤIBBAT ZION ROOTS OF ḤIBBAT ZION background to the emergence of the movement the beginnings of the movement PINSKER S AUTOEMANCIPATION settlement… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Salvation — For other uses, see Salvation (disambiguation). Part of a series on Salvation … Wikipedia
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period … Encyclopedia of Judaism